Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods and Menstrual Pain

Women are checking out the yoga poses that will cure irregular periods and menstrual pain. It is the holistic option triggering no side effects. Most women feel discomfort during their monthly cycle. A good percentage of women also suffer from the irregular monthly cycle. When the period does arrive, they have to go through severe symptoms like unmanageable mood swings, severe cramps, and heavy bleeding. Every woman is different. So, the underlying causes of the severe menstrual problem vary. Irrespective of the reason, abdominal or pelvic cramps can affect your daily life. It is challenging task women have to go through each month. While most people turn to painkillers or hot water bottle, it only offers a relief for a short time. Gulping pills for a long time can take a toll on your health.

So, what is the solution? Practicing yoga before, during, and after the monthly cycle can offer great relief. Many people believe that doing yoga during the monthly cycle is not safe. It is a misconception with no scientific evidence to support the claim. You can include yoga regularly in your routine to manage the discomfort. But, you need to skin some yoga poses during the periods. You can try different yoga positions offering effective results.

About Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

A woman’s body is designed to carry a baby to the full term and give birth. A monthly cycle or period occurs due to the shedding of the uterus lining. Your uterus has the lining to facilitate the implantation of a fertilized embryo. A menstrual cycle is twenty-eight days long. But, it can range from twenty-one days to thirty-five days. Every month the lining sheds when you fail to get pregnant. Due to the shedding of the lining, you experience pain or cramping. It is a normal occurrence that you can deal with. But, some women experience severe discomfort resulting in missing work or school. It is not a normal occurrence. You suffer from an irregular menstrual cycle when you have not experienced a period for over thirty-five days or experience bleeding within twenty-one days.

It is normal to experience an irregular period when a girl experiences, their monthly cycle for the first time. Women going through menopause can also experience irregular periods for some time. But, going through an irregular period is a medical condition requiring medical attention.

Factors Contributing To Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

Different underlying reasons are causing irregular periods and menstrual pain. It may range from simple issues to severe ones. Here are the prominent issues:

Stress And Lifestyle Factors

Stress and several life factors can influence your monthly cycle. Simple things like gaining or losing a significant amount of weight, changes in your exercise routines, dieting, illness, travel, or other disruptions in the daily routine can have an impact on your monthly cycle.

Use Of Birth Control Pills

The birth control pills suggested by the doctor to women contain a combination of two hormones, estrogen, and progestin (some birth control pills may contain only one hormone, progestin). Taking these pills prevents pregnancy by preventing the ovaries from releasing a matured egg. When you decide to go on or off birth control pills, it can affect the menstrual cycle. Some women have experienced missed or irregular periods for up to six months after stopping birth control pills. Women taking BC pills containing progestin only can suffer from bleeding between their periods. If you are planning to go on or off the birth control pills, talk with your gynecologist. Since planning for a pregnancy is an important decision, you need to follow the instructions from your doctor.

Uterine Fibroids/Polyps

Small benign, or noncancerous growths can develop in the lining of the uterus. This growth is referred to as uterine fibroids or polyps. Some women may develop several fibroids with sizes ranging from small (like an apple seed) to larger ones (size of a grapefruit). In the majority of cases, the tumors develop are benign, but they can trigger severe pain and heavy bleeding during periods. When you develop large fibroids in the wall of the uterus, it puts pressure on the bladder or rectum. Subsequently, you feel severe discomfort.


During your monthly cycle, the endometrial tissue lining the uterus breaks down. It is released along with the periods. Endometriosis refers to the condition developing when the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. In most cases, the endometrial tissue attaches to the Fallopian tubes or ovaries. But, in some cases, it grows in the intestines or other organs present in the lower digestive tract. It can also grow in the region between the rectum and uterus. Endometriosis is a condition triggering abnormal bleeding during your monthly cycle. You can also suffer from pain or cramps during the periods. The condition also affects your sexual life as you feel pain during intercourse.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

PID or pelvic inflammatory disease is a bacterial infection affecting the female reproductive system. The bacteria enter the vagina through sexual contact. It spreads to the uterus and the genital tract. It is also possible for the bacteria to enter the reproductive tract via childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, or gynecological procedures. When you suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease, you can observe irregular periods. The other symptoms associated with the condition are:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain in the lower abdominal region
  • Heavy vaginal discharge with a foul odor
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a condition affecting women of childbearing age. Due to suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome, the woman’s ovaries start making androgen in large quantities. Androgen refers to the male hormone. Due to the excess male hormones, you develop cysts (small-fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries. They appear clearly when the doctor performs an ultrasound. Due to the changes in hormones, the eggs in the ovaries never mature. So, the release of a mature egg (ovulation) does not take place. The condition causes a woman to suffer from irregular periods or never get a period. While the exact cause of the condition remains unclear, it can trigger other conditions such as:

  • Infertility
  • Obesity
  • Hirsutism (Excessive hair growth and development of acne)

In most women, a hormonal imbalance results in the condition. To treat the problem, the doctor checks the desire of the woman to get pregnant. Medications like Metformin (diabetic medication used to sensitize insulin), birth control pills or others can help deal with the condition. But, do you know yoga can help deal with the condition? Doing yoga regularly can help relieve the symptoms of the conditions.

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

It is a condition affecting women under the age of forty with malfunctioned ovaries. Due to the condition, the menstrual cycle stops. The condition is similar to menopause. It usually occurs in women who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy to treat cancer. Women with a history of premature ovarian insufficiency can suffer from irregular periods. Certain chromosomal abnormalities can trigger the condition. In such cases, see a physician.

Why Try Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain?

You may think you can ease the pain occurring due to menstrual pain by popping some pills. Birth control pills are also suggested for women to regulate their periods and ease pain. But, popping these pills does not offer you a permanent solution. It suppresses the pain you feel temporarily. When you use painkillers or birth control pills for a long time, your body gets used to it. As time passes, the low dose may not offer effective results. So, you need to increase the dose. It will invite further problems. To deal with pain triggered during the menstrual cycle, you have other natural options like using a hot compress on your abdomen. But, its use is not always feasible.

Following a healthy diet consisting of wholesome and nutritious foods will ease the pain triggered due to the menstrual cycle. But, combining yoga with it can offer relief from pain and regulate your periods at the same time. Yoga is a natural and time-tested remedy that offers effective results without triggering any side effects. It is one of the rare adverse effect-free options to regulate your period and eliminate pain. Practicing yoga will strengthen your body and calms your mind. Practicing yoga empowers you and aids in putting up a stronger resistance against giving in to the distress triggered by menstrual pain.

Reason Why You Need To Try Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

Yoga is a holistic approach leading you to a healthy lifestyle. It enhances your mental and physical health. Practicing it regularly for some time can offer positive results for your body. But, it does not it heals all diseases. If you are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before giving them up. Including yoga can help you reach the goal of a pain-free menstrual cycle. But, never use it as the only medium to reach the goal. Yoga helps understand the body better. Respect your body and understand its limitations. With patience, you can overcome the limitations. But, never expect miracles overnight as you can expect results gradually. After some time, you can feel your menstrual cycle becoming regular with no pain. In the meanwhile, enjoy your life and overpower your period cramps with a smile.

Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

Yoga poses offer effective results to heal several problems without causing any side effects. Do you know some yoga poses will cure irregular periods and menstrual pain? It has almost no side effects. Apart from yoga poses, meditation can cure mental issues. Mediation is effective in resolving physical and emotional signs linked to PMS. So, women who suffer from severe PMS can try yoga poses or pranayama to see the difference.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose: One Of The Effective Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

The downward-facing dog, also known as adho mukha svanasana can help manage symptoms associated with irregular periods and cramps. You need to practice it every day to get effective results. It is an easy-to-try yoga pose that even beginners can try without any confusion.

How To Do One Of The Effective Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain?

For trying the yoga pose, you need to place your arms and feet flat on the ground. Now, lift your body in such a manner to form a ninety-degree angle when you face down. You need to hold the pose for a minute.

Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This yoga pose is effective in relieving different types of headaches, including migraines. But, it offers relief from irregular periods and cramps associated with the monthly cycle. Also, it is effective in controlling menopause symptoms.

How To Do The Yoga Asana?

You need to start with the support by placing it at least five to six inches away from the wall. You can sit sideways on the right end of the support. Make sure your right side stays against the wall. While you exhale, swing up the leg onto the wall in one swift movement. Your head and shoulders must remain down on the floor. If you feel the cervical spine is flat, then you can place a small roll made from a towel under the neck. Now, open the shoulder blades away from your spine. Keep your palms up while releasing the hands and arms out to the sides. You can stay in the pose for five to fifteen minutes. But, try not to twist off your support while coming out from the pose. Instead, you can slide the support onto the floor before you turn to the side.

One Of The Best Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain: Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

You can stretch the abdominal region by doing the camel pose. With the yoga pose, you can pull in the stomach signals. So, you can observe relief from menstrual cramps. The yoga pose also stretches your spine and alleviates lower back pain.

How To Do One Of The Best Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain?

To start the pose, you need to kneel on the floor. After that, arch your back slowly. Try to touch your heels with the hands. Hold the pose for at least thirty to sixty seconds.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

If you want to try yoga poses benefitting your reproductive system, then the bow pose is the right option. It is the best yoga posture offering relief from menstrual pain and reduces the severity of symptoms of the next monthly cycle.

How To Do The Yoga Pose?

To do this yoga pose, you need to lie face down. Next, lift your hands and feet. You need to join the hands and feet above the body. Hold the pose for thirty seconds and repeat it.

One Of The Best Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain: Seated Forward Bend Pose

Also, known as Paschimottanasana, the seated forward bend pose calms your brain. It helps relieve stress and mild depression that can occur due to PMS. Doing the yoga pose regularly can offer relief from symptoms developing due to menopause and other menstrual discomforts.

How To Do One Of The Best Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

You have to sit with the feet straight in front of you. While stretching the body towards your feet, exhale. Now, hug your feet with both of your hands. You need to hold the position for a minute.

Dophin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)

This yoga pose is effective in relieving menstrual discomfort and headaches. The pose stretches your arches, calves, hamstrings, and shoulders. To get better results, you need to ensure good support for your head.

How To Do Dolphin Pose?

You need to come down on all fours. Support your weight using your forearms. Keep your elbows shoulder-width apart and spread your fingers wide. You have to lift your hips up and back by tucking the toes on an inhale. The pose must mimic the Downward-facing dog yoga pose. Make sure to hand your head above the floor. Next, lift your upper body away from the floor using your forearms. Press your heel down towards the yoga mat to get a good hamstring stretch. You can stay in the position for thirty seconds to one minute. You can release the knees to the floor by exhaling.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge pose can sculpt your butt. The yoga pose also keeps your back healthy to avoid pain. So, including the yoga pose can eliminate cramps and pain triggered due to your monthly cycle. You can place a block or rolled towel under the tailbone region (sacrum) for added support. The support can minimize severe back pain while completing the yoga pose.

How To Do The Yoga Pose?

For this yoga pose, you need to lay on the floor facing up. Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the yoga mat or floor. Now, raise your hips in such a manner that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to the knees. Hold the position for a few seconds and lower your body to the starting position.

One Of The Best Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain: Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

It is an intermediate yoga pose that comes under the category of Virasana. It is the reclining variation of the Virasana offering assistance to regulate your menstrual flow. Doing the yoga pose helps stretch your abdomen. It is highly effective to regulate your monthly cycle and get relief from pain.

How To Do One Of The Best Yoga Poses That Will Cure Irregular Periods And Menstrual Pain

To try this yoga pose, you need to place the palms on the floor beside the buttocks. Now, bend back slowly by placing the right forearm and your elbow on the ground. Then, place them to the left. While arching your back, bring the back of your head to the ground. Place the hands on your thighs. To avoid over-straining of the muscles or your legs, you can separate the knees. Now, inhale while raising the head above the ground with the support of elbows and arms. Then, shift your body weight on the left elbow and arm by sliding the body. Slowly, you can come back to the starting position.

Avoid Certain Yoga Poses During Your Menstrual Cycle

While you can try yoga poses that will cure irregular periods and menstrual pain during your monthly cycle, certain poses are a big no. In yoga practice, you have to refrain from practicing such poses as they can worsen the problem. You see heavy bleeding or severe discomfort during the monthly cycle when you practice the yoga poses. Want to the ones you have to avoid? Check ahead:

Try Not To Perform Inversions

Inversions are not the asanas you can perform during menstruation. Yogis believe while you practice inversions, a specific type of prana referred to as Apana is reversed. It usually flows in the downward direction from the naval center to the cervix. In normal cases, performing inversions will help increase the prana in your body. It awakens your kundalini. But, performing it during the periods can result in it going against the natural flow. So, it can disturb menstruation and trigger other reproductive problems later on.

Your uterus is pulled towards the head when you perform inversions. So, it causes the over-stretching of the broad ligaments. So, it results in the partial collapse of the veins, which can leave the open arteries to pump blood continuously. This scenario results in vascular congestion and increased bleeding during the periods. Earlier, people used to think that doing inversions will result in infections and endometriosis. But, that is a misconception and not true.

Refrain From Practicing Strong Poses

Avoid strong asanas putting immense stress on your body. So you need to refrain from including the following poses during your monthly cycle:

  • Strong backbends
  • Arm balances
  • Twists

Standing poses

Such poses can put a lot of stress on the pelvic and abdominal region. So, you need to avoid it during your period. It increases the discomfort. Wondering why? During your monthly cycle, the pelvic region suffers from spasms and pain. Adding more contraction and pressure to the region by following the exercise can make you feel more uncomfortable. Also, these poses need extra physical strength and exertion. During your period, you lack both.  Trying these poses can deplete your strength. Strong vinyasa and power yoga are two more yoga poses you need to avoid for the same reasons. So, what about Surya Namaskar? You can try it slowly and gently. But, avoid it during your periods if you suffer from a lot of pain or heavy bleeding.

Avoid Bandhas

You need to avoid bandhas. Unlike yoga poses that will cure irregular periods and menstrual pain, the bandhas can trigger severe pain or heavy bleeding. According to yogis, bandhas can move the Apana (the vayu active in your pelvic region and lower abdomen) instead of down. Apana governs the eliminative functions like menstruation, urination, and excretion along with the downward/outward flow of energy in your body. So, they can add more contraction to the abdomen area that already remains tight. Some asanas like Uddiyana Bandha (upward abdominal lock) increases the heat. It results in heavier bleeding.

Important Instructions

  • While you can try some poses during your menstrual cycle, stay from asanas causing discomfort. You need to incorporate the ones safe to try during your periods. You need to avoid some poses that you practice daily during the periods. It is all about listening closely to your body’s needs. Take some time to accept it. Introspecting what you need will help you create a good balance.
  • If you are not comfortable with trying these asanas during your periods, you can sit it out for those few days.
  • It is natural to feel fatigued when you perform yoga during the monthly cycle. But, never feel guilty about it. You can take a rest instead of pushing your body.
  • You need to practice these asanas throughout the month until you start your monthly cycle. Once you start the monthly cycle, you need to perform simple asanas like Shishuasana, Bandhakonasana, Yoga Nidra, and Natarajasana. You can also do pranayamas. Avoid any kind of leg lifts or rigorous physical and mental activity during your periods.


Yoga poses that will cure irregular periods and menstrual pain will prevent your life from going off-track. You can gain back control of your life with regular yoga practice. Including a healthy diet and staying positive will eliminate discomfort caused due to monthly cycle. Emotional stress can increase discomfort caused due to periods. Yoga poses will help you understand your body’s capabilities. You can unlock your body’s potential and uplift your mood. While your monthly cycle may not offer a pleasant experience. It is going to happen until you reach menopause. Depending on the woman experiencing it, the cycle and pain vary. Practice the suggested yoga positions to regulate your periods and get rid of other problems associated with your monthly cycle. The holistic approach will help you avoid discomfort without causing any side effects.


8 Yoga Exercises For Irregular Periods & Menstrual Pain

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