Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Vaginal yeast infection is a problem plaguing women. It is a common problem in girls and women. The problem also known as candidiasis can affect 75% of all female population around the world. So, women can suffer from the type of infection at some point in their life. The infection may not cause life-threatening complications. But, it can bother you with its uncomfortable signs. Pregnant women need to take extra care about the infection. If left untreated, the problem can affect the fetus adversely. It is not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). So, women with absent sex life can also suffer from the issue. Women with active sex life need to pay more attention to the problem. It is due to the fact that sexual contact can spread the disease.

A woman’s vagina has bacteria as well as yeast cells. The right balance of bacteria and yeast cells keeps the vagina healthy. But, certain problems can cause imbalance. So, it results in the yeast cells to multiply. It can lead to irritation, itching, and swelling. You need to get treatment for a vaginal infection as soon as possible. With proper treatment, candidiasis can heal within a few severe cases, it can take up to two weeks to manage the problem completely. Women who have suffered from such type of infection can suffer from the infection again in the future. Therefore, you need to take action at the right time to manage the infection.

What Is Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection refers to the fungal infection occurring in your vagina. It can result in intense itching of your vagina as well as the tissues surrounding the vaginal opening (vulva). The problem also referred to as vaginal candidiasis affects at least three out of four women. So, the common problem can affect women at some point in their entire life. In many cases, women can face more than one episode of the infection. It is different from sexually transmitted infections. But, women having regular sex need to maintain caution. You have an increased risk of getting affected by the infection for the first time of your regular intimate experience. People who have regular oral-genital sex (mouth to genital contact) can face the risk of such type of infection.

Women need to seek effective treatment for the infection. Ignoring the problem can cause severe discomfort. If you suffer from a recurring yeast infection (for example, more than four episodes per year), then you need an effective treatment plan. See your doctor for developing an effective treatment and maintenance plan to prevent the problem from affecting your life. Getting treatment as per your doctor’s suggestion can help manage the infection and associated symptoms effectively.

Symptoms Triggered By Yeast Infection

When you suffer from vaginal candidiasis, you can suffer from different signs. It can range from mild to moderate. So, look out for the following signs that point towards the infection:

  • Itching sensation in the vaginal region
  • Irritation in the vagina as well as vulva
  • Burning sensation when you urinate to have sexual intercourse
  • Swelling of the vulva
  • Redness in the vaginal region
  • Soreness of vagina
  • Pain in the vaginal region
  • Rash in the vaginal area
  • Thick, odor-free, and white discharge from the vagina (it looks like cottage cheese)
  • Watery vaginal discharge

Signs Of Complicated Yeast Infection

Sometimes, women can suffer from a serious case of infection, which requires extra care. Complicated yeast infection needs a longer course of treatment. You also need a proper management plan to avoid recurring of the infection. You suffer from a complicated case of the infection if you suffer from the following signs:

  • Extensive redness in the vaginal region
  • Swelling of your vulva
  • Severe itching leading to sores, cracks, or tears
  • You suffer from four or more such infections in a year
  • Pregnant women
  • A less typical type of fungus triggering the infection
  • You suffer from uncontrolled diabetes (high sugar levels)
  • Weak immune system due to underlying diseases (like HIV) or certain medications

You need to consult a doctor when you see the signs. It is important to get the doctor’s advice as the problem can make you uncomfortable. So, seek an appointment with your gynecologist when you face the following:

  • You experience such infection for the first time in your life
  • You doubt if you have a vaginal yeast infection
  • The over-the-counter antifungal vaginal creams or suppositories offer you no relief from the symptoms
  • You develop other symptoms that can make you concerned

It is always better to get advice from your doctor. Professional assistance can help you identify the condition properly. So, you can get effective treatment to overcome the problem.

Causes Of Yeast Infection

Candida Albicans

Vaginal yeast infection occurs due to the overgrowth of fungus like candida. In the majority of the cases, the fungus Candida albicans can trigger the vaginal infections. A woman’s vagina consists of a healthy balance of yeast and bacteria. The bacteria like lactobacillus in the vagina help control the overgrowth of yeast. When the balance disrupts due to some reason, it can cause a problem. The bacteria becomes less and cannot control the overgrowth of candida. The overgrown candida or the deep penetration of the fungus into your vaginal layers can trigger several signs. It indicates the presence of yeast infection. The following factors can affect the vaginal balance and result in infection:

Hormonal Changes

The changes in hormone can result in the disruption of the vaginal balance (of yeast and bacteria). The following scenarios can result in hormonal changes:

  • Taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
  • Undergo estrogen therapy to increase estrogen levels in the body
  • Changes occurring during pregnancy or breast feeding
  • Women proceeding towards menopause
  • Taking oral contraceptives or hormone therapy that increase estrogen levels


Uncontrolled diabetes can put you at danger of yeast infection. The high levels of sugar in your blood can elevate the sugar in the mucous membranes. So, the moist lining of your vagina has high sugar levels. Yeast cells can grow and multiply in such an environment.


The use of antibiotics can kill the good bacteria living in the vagina. It is more common among women who take antibiotics for common cold or flu.

Douches And Vaginal Sprays

The douches and vaginal sprays are used by women to keep the vagina fresh. But, it only creates an imbalance in your vagina. The natural cleansing system present in the vagina can make it clean and healthy. So, you never have to use such products.

Weak Immune System

People with a weak immune system due to diseases like HIV or other immune system disorders can experience the infection. The yeast can grow uncontrolled due to the lack of immunity.


Vaginal yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted infection. But, people having an active sex life can face the risk of getting the infection through sexual contact.

In most common cases, candida albicans triggers the infection. It is the common fungus leading to the infection in your vagina. Other types of candida fungus can cause infection. But, it becomes difficult to treat such infections. You need aggressive therapies to eliminate the symptoms associated with it.

Risk Factors Associated With Yeast Infection

Most women can develop an infection. But, some have more chances of developing it compared to others. So, the factors playing a part in increasing your chances of developing yeast infection are:

Use Of Antibiotics

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can kill a wide range of bacteria. It can also eliminate the good bacteria in your vagina. It can disrupt the balance, leading to overgrowth of yeast. So, women who tend to take antibiotics need to maintain caution.

Elevated Estrogen Levels

Estrogen is the hormone found in women. But, the high levels of the hormone can promote the overgrowth of yeast cells. So, women with high estrogen levels can face the risk of the infection. The following women need to monitor for the signs of infection and get medical assistance:

Uncontrolled Diabetes

High sugar levels can offer a favorable environment for the yeast to grow and multiply. So, women with uncontrolled diabetes can face the risk of the infection compared to women with well-controlled diabetes.

Impaired Immune System

Women with a weak immune system due to disease or undergoing therapy like corticosteroid therapy can face the risk of infection.

Diagnosing Yeast Infection

When you observe signs associated with infection, you need to take care of it. In some cases, home remedies can offer relief. But, complex infections need medical treatment. So, you need to see a gynecologist to get a proper diagnosis. Your doctor can suggest the following techniques for detecting the problem:

Know Medical History

Your doctor can ask about prior infections. The information gathered about sexually transmitted infections, past vaginal infection or other medical issues. It provides an idea about the actual problem troubling you.

Perform Pelvic Examination

Your doctor performs a physical assessment. The external genital region gets assessed for signs of infection. The doctor checks the vagina and cervix (the lower part of the uterus) by placing a special instrument (speculum) into the vagina. It can hold the vaginal walls open. The test can detect the presence of infection or abnormalities.

Test Vaginal Secretions

Your doctor suggests the test when it becomes difficult to determine the exact types of infection. A sample of vaginal fluid is sent to a laboratory for testing. The test can reveal the type of fungus triggering the infection. The detection of the type of fungus can help your doctor prescribe an effective treatment for yeast infection.

Depending on the diagnosis, your doctor can come to a conclusion on the severity of the infection. Based on the results, you get an effective treatment option to manage the condition.

Treatment For Alleviating Yeast Infection

The treatment for vaginal yeast infection depends on the severity of the problem and the frequency of your infection. Depending upon the diagnosis, your doctor can decide the right treatment to offer you relief.

Treatment Options For Mild To Moderate Symptoms Of Yeast Infections

If you suffer from the infection infrequently and have mild symptoms, then your doctor can offer a light dose of treatment. Your doctor can suggest the following treatment options:

Short-Course Vaginal Therapy

Your doctor prescribes an antifungal medication. You need to take the medication for three to seven days. It will help eliminate infections. You can opt from the antifungal medications available in the suppositories, cream, ointment or tablet form. Depending on the severity, your doctor can suggest a prescription-only or over-the-counter medication. So, you can get medication that can contain one of the following:

  • Miconazole
  • Terconazole

Single-Dose Medication

At times, your doctor can prescribe medication that you need to take just one time. So, you need to take a single dose of fluconazole orally. It is not the ideal option for pregnant women suffering from vaginal infection. For severe cases, you need to take two single doses of the medication some days (mostly three days) apart.

Remember to see your doctor again if the medication does not alleviate your symptoms. It is also advised to see your doctor when you suffer from the same symptoms again after two months.

Treatment For Severe Symptoms Of Yeast Infection

For recurrent infections or severe symptoms, you need a different treatment option. Your doctor can recommend the following options:

Long-Course Vaginal Therapy

You need to take antifungal medication for a longer period of time (for more than two weeks). After completing the two weeks, you need to take the medication once a week for the next six months to manage severe vaginal yeast infection.

Multidose Oral Medication

You need to take two or three doses of the prescribed antifungal medication orally. The type of treatment is not advised for pregnant women.

Azole Resident Therapy

The therapy requires inserting a boric acid capsule into your vagina. It is the treatment used only for treating candida fungus that does not respond to the other antifungal agents. You must never take the medication orally. It can result in fatal complications. Therefore, use it only as per guidelines offered by your doctor.

Natural Treatment Options Available To Manage Yeast Infection

Several natural home remedies can help you manage the infection effectively. It is right for people who never wish to take prescription medication to deal with the problem. The natural remedies can offer you relief. But, it is not as reliable as prescription medications. You can try the home remedies to reduce the severity associated with the infection. So, you can apply the following around the vaginal region to reduce the itching and swelling:

  • Tea tree oil cream
  • Coconut oil
  • Garlic
  • Plain yogurt inserted into the vagina or taken orally
  • Boric acid vaginal suppositories

Remember, you need to clean your hands thoroughly before applying any creams or oils to your vaginal region. Also, talk to your doctor before trying any natural remedies. Getting medical advice is important due to the following reasons:

  • If you suffer from other conditions other than a yeast infection, then you need to get appropriate treatment. A medical professional can diagnose the actual problem and get an appropriate solution.
  • In some cases, the natural herbs can interact with other medications you take for other ailments. So, you can suffer from unwanted side effects. In such cases, you need to consult your doctor before taking natural herbs.

Preventing Yeast Infection

It is impossible for all women to prevent the infection completely. You can suffer from such discomfort at some point in your life. But, you can take adequate steps to lower your odds of getting the infection. The following suggestions can help you avoid such infections:

Avoid Tight Fitting Underwear

You can prevent the risk of yeast infection by avoiding tight-fitting undergarments. When you buy underwear, opt for breathable fabrics. You can also wear underwear with a cotton crotch. It promotes moisture retention, which can result in the growth of yeast. It is important to wear an undergarment that does not fit too tightly.

Eat Well-Balanced Diet

Your bad food habits can contribute to the recurring infection. Yeast can grow when you consume food with excess sugar. So, you can avoid certain foods like the following to curb yeast growth:

  • Rice
  • White flour
  • Foods made of simple sugars
  • Drinks/food fermented with yeast

The above foods are also known as candida diet. It increases your risk of getting an infection. Since it is not possible to cut down the food group entirely, you can cut back small amounts. Instead, you can include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Take Probiotics

You get the infection when the balance of the natural bacteria in your body goes awry. So, you can consume probiotics to bring the balance of good bacteria in your body. You can include the following in your diet to ensure sufficient probiotics:

  • Yogurt containing live bacterial cultures
  • Supplements containing acidophilus or lactobacillus
  • Fermented foods like pickles, kefir, kimchi, etc.

Choose Natural Fibers

When you choose underwear, try to opt for natural fibers. The natural fibers like silk, linen or cotton can help reduce moisture retention in the vaginal region. So, it can prevent the growth of yeast.

Good Genital Hygiene

You need to maintain good genital hygiene. You need to use mild, unscented soap as well as water to keep the vaginal region clean. After using the toilet, wipe from front to back. The action can prevent the spread of bacteria or fungus between the vagina, urinary tract or anus. If possible, wash your underwear in hot water.

Change Pads/Tampons

When you have your periods, you need to change the pads or tampons at regular intervals. It eliminates the chance of fungal growth. It is important to replace the feminine products frequently to avoid a yeast infection.

Avoid Douching

Douching is a popular trend among women. Many say it removes the odor from the vaginal region and keep it fresh. But, the procedure also removes the normal bacteria in your vaginal region. So, it causes an imbalance in your vaginal PH. So, you become more prone to infection. It is also important to avoid using scented feminine products like pads, tampons or bubble bath.

Unnecessary Antibiotic Use

When you take antibiotics, it can destroy the good bacteria in your vagina. So, it alters the balance in your vagina resulting in the risk of infection. You can develop the infection during or after you take the antibiotics.  Therefore, when you take antibiotics to treat conditions like strep throat, colds or other viral infections, you face the risk of the yeast infection.

Avoid Staying In Wet Clothes

Yeast grows and flourished in wet and warm environments. So, when you stay in your wet swimsuits or sweat-drenched workout clothes, you face the risk of infection. The fungus can fester in the wet bottoms. So, it leads to the overgrowth of yeast cells in your vulva or vagina.


It is important to know your body well. It helps you understand what exactly caused the yeast infection the first time. You can use the experience to avoid such incidents again in the future. By recognizing the risk factors, you can prevent infections in the future. It is essential to seek medical assistance to manage the problem. With assistance from your doctor, you can get treatment as well as tips to avoid infections. You can also follow the guidelines to prevent the problem from occurring in your life. The vaginal infection due to yeast does not cause serious health complication. But, you can manage the problem with medical assistance.


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