White Spots On Fingernails

White Spots On Fingernails – Causes And Treatment

White spots on fingernails or leukonychia can ruin the first impression you are trying to make. Many things are significant for an attractive visual appeal. Among them, the state of your nails can make others form an opinion about you. For example, unkempt or unfiled nails can make others question your basic hygiene.

Similarly, the dots on nails can make you feel embarrassed. Your confidence goes for a toss. In most cases, simple reasons like an injury or nutrient deficiency can result in the condition, serious problems can also result in the condition. Want to know how to deal with the problem? Read below:

About White Spots on Fingernails

Your nail can reveal a lot about your overall health. It reveals clues like a rosy tinge, white dots, bumps, or some rippling. These indicate the presence of underlying diseases that needs medical attention. The changes in your nail can indicate a problem with the heart, lungs, and liver. The fingernail consists of laminated layers of keratin (a type of protein). Your nails grow from the cuticle. When you are healthy, your fingernail appears smooth. It may not have grooves or pits. The nails have uniform colors as well as consistency. It is also free of any discoloration or spots. Never fear when you see vertical ridges on your nails (running from the cuticles to the tip of your nail) as they are harmless. These ridges become more prominent with age.

You can develop white lines or spots due to an injury. You finally get rid of the harmless condition when the nail grows out. White spots on fingernails also known as leukonychia is a condition where white dots starts to appear on your finger or toenails. In most cases, the condition is harmless. Most people see the dots appearing on their nails at some point in their lives. In the majority of people, injury to the nail bed is the most common cause of leukonychia. So, when you strike or pinch your nail, it results in the development of dots. Leukonychia can also occur due to frequent manicures and pedicures. The use of acrylic or gel nails also damages the nail beds.

Types Of Leukonychia

Leukonychia can appear as tiny dots spread across your nail or as large dots stretching across the nail. The dots may appear on one or several nails. Here are some of the types of the condition:

Total Leukonychia

As the name suggests, the condition affects the whole nail plate. So, the nail appears white.

Partial Leukonychia

The condition may not affect the entire nail. It only appears in certain parts of the nail. There are three types of partial leukonychia:

  • When you develop small white dots on the nails, it is known as punctuate leukonychia.
  • The white band appearing down the nail called longitudinal leukonychia.
  • The appearance of horizontal lines across the nails, which is parallel to lunula is known as transverse leukonychia or striate (It is also known as Mees lines).

But, other conditions like leukoderma can also provide the impression of partial leukonychia. The condition can cause patches of white skin.
You can further classify leukonychia into two other types. The classifications are:

True Leukonychia

When the damage of the nail results in the development of white spots on fingernails, then the condition is referred to as true leukonychia. In this type of leukonychia, when you put pressure on the spots, then the area remains unaffected. These areas grow out when your nail grows. So, you need to wait for some time.

Apparent Leukonychia

The condition occurs when the nail bed is affected. So, the spots or discoloration occurs due to the damage in the nail bed. Since the condition does not affect the nail itself, you can see the spots lessening or disappearing when you put pressure on the nails. So, the condition may not alleviate when the nail grows out.

The dots on the nails can affect any person irrespective of their age, sex, or ethnicity.

Causes Of White Spots On Fingernails

The white spots on fingernails are quite common problems. Several simple problems are linked to the conditions. But, when underlying health conditions result in the condition, then you can see other symptoms associated with it. The possible causes of the conditions include:

Allergic Reaction Causing White Spots On Fingernails

Some people suffer from allergies due to the use of nail gloss, polish, hardener, or removers. The use of such nail products can result in white dots. In some people, the use of gel or acrylic nails can result in damage.

Fungal Infection

Nail fungus can cause white or yellow spots under the tip of the toenail or fingernail. Without treating the infection, it can penetrate deep. So, the nail fungus can result in discoloration of your nail. Ultimately, the nails thicken, discolors, and crumbles at the edge. This infection affects several nails.

Nail Injury

Sustaining an injury to fingernail can result in the condition. When you suffer a hit or blow at the base of the fingernail can result in the condition. As it takes time for the nail to grow, by the time you see the dots, you may have forgotten about the injury. In some cases, the injuries may not show up for four weeks or more. The common sources of nail injuries are:

  • The door shuts on your finger
  • You strike the finger with a hammer
  • You hit the fingernails against the desk or counter

While manicures make your nail beautiful and appealing, it can result in the damage of the nails. So, frequent manicures can lead to white dots on the nails. It is because the pressure applied by the manicurist can affect the nail beds.

Mineral Deficiency

Deficiency of certain minerals or vitamins can result in the development of dots or spots on the fingernails. The common deficiencies causing the issue are:

  • Calcium deficiency
  • Zinc deficiency

Additional Causes

Some other causes can also result in getting white spots on fingernails. But, they are less common and always accompanied by other symptoms. Here are some of them:

The above-mentioned causes are less likely to trigger the problem compared to others. In most cases, your doctor considers other conditions before moving on to serious issues.

Symptoms Associated With White Spots On Fingernails

Discoloration can make your nails look bad. The degree of discoloration depends on the underlying cause of the problem. When you see discoloration or appearance of dots, it may appear in different ways. These dots usually appears commonly on the fingernails compared to toenails. Leukonychia looks like:

  • Tiny dots (size of pen-point)
  • Larger lines appearing across your nail
  • Larger dots appearing individually

The underlying cause of the dots is responsible for how they appear on the nail. A nail injury results in the appearance on a large dot appearing in the middle of the nail, while allergic reactions can result in several dots all over your nail. Even for the same underlying cause, the dots can appear differently on each nail. You suffer from additional signs and symptoms based on the exact underlying cause of the condition.

Diagnosis Of White Spots On Fingernails

White spots on fingernails are not serious in the majority of the cases. The infrequent appearance of dots on the nail may relate to a recent injury. You need no specific treatment for the problem. You need to take precautions to avoid injury in the future. If a certain behavior is putting you at risk of these dots, then you need to stop it. Observe your nails every day. If the dots appear to become worse or are persistent, then get medical assistance. In some cases, the dots appear on your nails due to underlying health conditions. So, make an appointment with the doctor to rule out the presence of serious conditions:

Physical Assessment

During the physical assessment, your doctor asks about the symptoms and your medical history. They also inspect the nails on your hands and feet. Based on the observation, your doctor can suggest a treatment plan or further tests to detect the problem conclusively.

Laboratory Testing

When the doctor is unsure about the diagnosis, then further lab testing is suggested to eliminate the possible causes. It is needed when the doctor suspects mineral or vitamin deficiency as the possible cause of developing dots on the nails.

Treatment For White Spots On Fingernails

As mentioned earlier, the white spots on fingernails go away without any specific treatment. But, for dots that do not go away, you need to see a doctor. The treatment for the condition depends on the underlying cause. So, based on the diagnosis, your doctor can suggest the following treatments.

Treatment For Allergic Reaction

Skin experts have warned people regarding the side effects of using nail polish, gloss, or acrylic nails. They contain chemicals like methacrylate triggering itching and other symptoms. If you have experienced the problem due to using such nail products, then you need to stop using the products causing the allergic reaction. But, if you still suffer from the symptoms of allergic reactions after stopping the use of such products, then consult your doctor to get proper treatment.

Treating White Spots On Fingernails Caused By Fungi

When you see the dots due to fungal infection, then your doctor can suggest the following options to overcome the condition:

Use Oral Antifungal Medication

It is the most common treatment suggested alleviating the problem. Apart from oral antifungal medications, doctors also suggest topical antifungal treatment. But, you need to wait to see results. It takes around three months (twelve weeks). You need to follow the instructions of the doctor and continue it through the prescribed period. Else, you will not relief from the problem completely.

Medicated Nail Polish

Your doctor can also prescribe antifungal nail polish (for example, ciclopirox). You can paint the infected nail polish with the medicated nail polish. You can also apply the product to the surrounding skin. Apply the medicated nail polish at least once a day for seven days. It is important to follow the right technique to get proper results. First, you need to wipe the nail with alcohol to clean. Then, you can begin applying the fresh application. It takes at least a year to see results.

Medicated Nail Cream

Antifungal nail cream is prescribed to alleviate the problem. You need to rub the cream on the infected nail. But, before application, you need to soak the nails. You need to thin the nails before applying the cream as it absorbs the cream better. So, it can fight off the underlying fungus.

Nail Injuries

Nail injuries require no specific treatment. It just requires time to heal. So, as your nail grows, the damaged area moves up the nail bed. As time progresses, the white dots appearing on your nails will disappear.

Cosmetic Treatments For White Spots On Fingernails

Women who develop dots on the nails can feel embarrassed. It can make them feel self-conscious. So, the discoloration of the nails feels troublesome. So, you can seek a cosmetic way to cover them. Using a nail polish can help cover the dots. You can use a skin tone colored nail polish to cover dots. The natural coat will hide the spots. But, you need to use the skin polish in the right way to make it fun a method to overcome the problem. The polish will offer personality and make you look appealing.

Manage Underlying Problem

Certain health conditions can result in dots on the nails. So, diagnosing and managing the health problem will ensure the spots will go away.

Home Remedies To Overcome White Spots On Fingernails

If you have no underlying health problems triggering the white spots on fingernails, then you can try some home remedies to get rid of these dots. These simple tips are easy to try at home and you can easily remove the dots on your fingernails or toenails. In some simple steps, you can overcome this bothersome issue without hassles:

Apply Orange Oil

Orange oil is effective in treating fungal infection. So, if these dots appear due to such infections, then you can apply it to the nails to see results. The strong anti-fungal properties also aid in fading these dots that mar the beauty of your nail. You need to fix six drops of orange oil in any carrier oil and apply the mixture on your fingernails. Leave the oil in the nail for at least fifteen to twenty minutes and rinse off with water. You need to follow this method at least once a day for a week to see effective results.

Use Garlic To Eliminate White Spots On Fingernails

Garlic is not just a great addition to your cuisines as it also works as an effective home remedy for several health problems. Apart from providing flavor, garlic has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. So, if you have developed leukonychia due to an injury or fungal infection, then using garlic on your nails offers effective results. Apply some minced garlic on your fingernails. To avoid minced garlic from spreading to other surfaces, you need to cover the nails with a clean cloth. When the paste dries, you can remove the cloth. Finally, rinse off the paste with lukewarm water. Following this technique at least once every alternate day can offer effective results.

Soak Your Fingers In Yogurt

Do you know that yogurt has antifungal properties? The naturally occurring microbes are effective in treating the dots appearing on your nails. So, if fungal infections are the cause of the dots, then you can soak your fingers in a bowl of unflavored yogurt. Soak it for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse your hands with water. You can try this method once a day for at least a few days.

Use Essential Oils

You can try applying essential oils like tea tree oil or lavender on your nails to see the difference. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that can help overcome fungal infections causing the dots. You can also try using lavender oil on your nails as it has strong antifungal properties. So, it is effective in treating persistent dots caused due to fungal infections. It is also effective when these dots appear as a result of an injury. Lavender oil contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it eases pain and heals dots on your nail.

So how to use it to make your nails look beautiful? You can mix a few drops of the essential oil in any carrier oil (for example, coconut oil or olive oil). You can apply this mixture on your nails and wait for at least fifteen minutes. Then, wash it off with water. You can try this method once or twice a day until you see improvement.

Soak Hands In Vinegar Mixture

Do you know that vinegar has de-staining properties? Vinegar also has antifungal properties. So, it is effective in getting rid of any patches appearing on your nails. So, you can try the vinegar soak in your home to get rid of the white spots on fingernails. Mix a half cup of white vinegar in 1/4th cup of warm water. To make it easier to soak, you need to transfer the mixture to a large bowl. Soak your hands in the mixture for at least fifteen minutes. You can soak your fingers in the mixture for at least thrice a week. You will see a difference after a few days.

These home remedies can help you eliminate the dots appearing on your nails. Try it along with the treatments suggested by the doctor to see changes.

Prevention Tips To Avoid White Spots On Fingernails

While you can try the remedies suggested above to see the desired results, you need to take some steps to prevent the problem. So, follow the tips to prevent white spots on fingernail like:

Avoid Direct Contact With Irritants

When your nail comes in direct contact with irritants, it can result in leukonychia. So, if you are at risk of coming in contact with irritants, wear gloves.

Use Nail Polish Wisely

While you can use nail polish to cover leukonychia, using it for excessively can aggravate the problem. It is common among people who choose dark nail polish. Wearing it on your nails for a long time can cause discoloration or show the beginnings of a fungal infection. So, when you remove the nail polish, you can see discoloration.

File Nails

To avoid breakage of nails or injury, you need to keep them filed. Try to keep your nails clean and dry. When you are cutting or trimming the nails, use nail clippers after bathing. It is because your nails are soft after you take a bath. Never pull or tear your nails. Always use clipper or manicure scissors to trim the nails.

Moisturize Your Hands

After every wash, you need to keep your hands as well as nails moisturized. You need to choose the right lotion on your nails and cuticles. It will keep the nail as well as nail beds well hydrated.  Rubbing vitamin E oil or hand oil every night before you go to bed will offer nourishment. It also keeps the nails strong and healthy. So, it is effective in reducing the appearance of dots on the nails.

Avoid Picking/Biting Nails

You can damage the nails when you bite or pick your nails. People who are stressed or anxious often have bad habits of picking or biting their nails. So, if you have a habit of fiddling with your nails, then try to stop it. When you succeed in curbing the bad habit of picking or biting, you see a reduction in the dots appearing on the nails. If you find it difficult to ditch the bad habit, try wearing Band-Aids over the nails.

When you take care of your hands and nails, you can easily prevent the white spots on fingernails. Most people feel embarrassed due to the appearance of such dots on their nails. It tends to mar their confidence. You can try these prevention tips to avoid the problem from affecting your life.


In most of the cases, the white spots on fingernails are nothing but a cosmetic problem. It just affects how their hands look. But, at times, these dots indicate the presence of some underlying condition requiring immediate medical attention. So, you need to seek medical advice to rule the presence of any big health problem. Most of these dots will disappear without any specific treatment. If you have observed the dots, then you never have to worry. Make a quick visit to the doctor to clear your doubts. The medical professional can clear your doubts and provide an answer to your concerns. Leukonychia treatments are usually fast as well as effective. So, you can get rid of these dots for beautiful looking hands and nails.







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