What Is the Zone Diet and Is It Healthy

The zone diet is popular among people due to its weight-loss effects. It does not make you starve, but you will lose weight as a result of trying this diet. The diet focuses on balancing the food intake between vital nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and fats. This balance of nutrients will provide your body with the fuel it needs to function properly. Remember, it is not a specific weight loss diet. But, when you follow this program, you will lose weight. Hence, overweight people trying to follow this diet can shed some pounds and increase their activity levels. Instead of considering it as a weight loss diet, the diet helps your body achieve peak efficiency. As a result, you will reduce the possibility of developing dangerous health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

When you follow this diet, you can eat a wide variety of healthy foods. But, it also comes with the drawback of eliminating foods essential for a healthy diet. Most experts consider eating grain-based products along with legumes can offer needed nutrition to your body. But, by following this diet, you eliminate such foods. Are you interested in knowing more about the diet? Then, read ahead.

Background Of Zone Diet

Dr. Barry Sears developed this diet more than three decades before. Dr. Sears is a biochemist who lost several family members to heart attacks. He explained the working of the diet in the book, The Zone, published in the year 1995. He developed this diet to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases causing fatal complications. You can reach the metabolic state by following this diet as your body and mind will start operating at peak efficiency. The idea of the diet arises from the research conducted by Dr. Sears into drug delivery technology. Following this diet will help you balance eicosanoids, the hormones. This hormone plays an important part in the different human body systems, including the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and the system governing the amount of fat stored in the body. It also affects inflammation levels.

When you enter the Zone, your body will function optimally. So, you will experience greater energy, freedom from hunger, and better physical performance. It also boosts your mental focus and enhances productivity. As a result of following this diet, your chances of suffering from infectious diseases such as cold and flu drops drastically. Also, the chances of developing serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease reduces.

Structure Of Zone Diet

To gain the benefits of the zone diet, you need to structure your meals. The meals must contain one-third part protein, two-thirds part carbohydrates, and a little fat. When you take food as per the recommendations, it will help you reduce inflammation and drop excess pounds. Most experts believe the diet has an overall balance. The drawback is the unfavorable food lists that contain some essential items needed for the body.

You have to consume a specific amount of protein each day depending on your body fat percentage as well as activity levels. Also, you need to consume a specified amount of carbohydrates-based foods. You need to favor certain fiber-rich fruits and vegetables instead of potatoes and grain-based food items (such as pasta and bread). This diet also calls for the inclusion of a certain amount of fat during each meal.

How Does Zone Diet Work?

This diet works on the fact that you need to consider food as a potent drug. It can have a powerful impact on the body and overall health. Food works as medicine with more effectiveness than any other drug prescribed by the doctor. So, every meal or snack you take must have the right balance of macronutrients for a favorable hormonal response in the body. The right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. To follow this diet, you need to determine the total protein requirement needed by the body. Then, you need to take the required amount spread evenly throughout the day. Hence, every meal you take must contain the same amount of protein. Also, the snack you eat must contain a smaller amount of protein.

Once you detect the protein needed, you have to balance it with the right amount of carbohydrates. Every meal you take must have carbohydrates to balance the protein. Experts have fixed the ratio around two-thirds carbohydrates for one-third protein. Also, you need to include fat in every meal. Skipping fat is not good as it tells your body that you feel full. When you feel full, you never feel like eating more food. This acts as an important building block for producing eicosanoid hormones. Zone diet focuses on promoting the boost of these hormones with specific amounts of carbs, protein, and fat.


In this diet, protein has the significance of a prescription drug. For the diet, you need to spread the protein intake. First, you need to determine the amount of protein required for the body based on the fat stored along with the activity level. You need to consume it to keep the levels even. You need to take it like medication throughout the day. There are different types of protein and each one affects the body differently. For example, when you take protein rich in saturated fats, it results in developing inflammation and insulin resistance in the body. Therefore, you need to limit the intake of foods like egg yolks, organ meat, and fatty red meat. Stick to low-fat options. You can consider including the following:

Foods Rich Protein

  • Turkey breast
  • Chicken
  • Egg whites
  • Fish
  • Tofu (the vegetarian protein source)


If you are trying this diet, then you need to include fat. Fat is essential to absorb the necessary nutrients needed for the body. Also, the fat in the body can help in creating eicosanoids. They are the helpful hormones in the body that you need to promote production. While you can get fat from meat. The fattier cut of meat is not ideal in this type of diet. Why? It is not the correct type of fat needed in the diet. Instead of focusing on bad fats, you need to include good fats.

Foods Rich In Good Fats

  • Macadamia nuts
  • Canola oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocados
  • Guacamole

You can also try eating mayonnaise and light mayonnaise made from monosaturated fats instead of the traditional method of using egg yolks to prepare them. According to Dr. Sears, you must never overdo the fat. Since this diet is low-fat, you must restrict the amount of fats.

Carbohydrates In Zone Diet

Once you have determined the proteins you need to eat daily in the diet, you can easily calculate the carbohydrates needed. For this diet, you need to consume nine grams of carbohydrates for every seven grams of protein. For this diet, you need to consume carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index. Including them will raise your blood sugar levels slowly instead of a quick spike.

Food Sources Of Carbohydrates For Zone Diet

The diet experts recommend fresh vegetables and fruits as the main carbohydrate sources. It includes the following:

  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Collard greens
  • Raw Vegetables
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Peppers
  • Lettuce
  • Cooked Vegetables
  • Onions
  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Fruits
  • Berries
  • Apples
  • Melon
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Grapefruits

Foods To Avoid In Zone Diet

There are some food items not recommended when you are following this diet. Here are some of the grain-based and starchy food you must stay away from:

  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Crackers
  • Cake
  • Cookies
  • Cereal
  • Winter squash
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Prunes
  • Raisins
  • Fruit juices (due to elevated sugar content)

Recommended Timing For Zone Diet

For getting successful while following zone diet, you need to follow the right time to consume food. The timing of daily food intake can only accomplish the goals of the diet. When you follow the correct timing, you can keep the body in the Zone. When you follow this diet, you will eat three meals a day. It includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can also include two snacks in between the meals. It is essential to space the meals evenly throughout the day. The diet recommends not skin meals. Also, you must refrain from loading up one meal and eat another lightly. It is essential to maintain the balance of your food intake. Maintaining a balance of protein, carbs, and fats as well as the time of food intake can ensure good results.

Four Pillars Of Zone Diet

Zone diet focuses on four pillars. These pillars work together to make sure you make a change in your life. It can make a big transformation.

Restrict Calories Without Going Hungry

The main principle of this diet is to restrict calories and not eating anything. So, it controls your calories without feeling hunger. Hence, it will avoid feeling exhausted or fatigue. It works on the fact that when you consume more calories than necessary for your normal functioning, the body converts the extra calories into fat. This accumulated fat triggers problems in the body. By following this diet, you minimize the chances of consuming high-calorie foods such as processed or junk foods.

Manage Inflammation In The Body

It is normal to develop inflammation for a short time. It is your body’s natural reaction as a part of the immune response. But, developing chronic inflammation can hurt health in many ways. Zone diet supports the need for some inflammation. It restricts the inflammation levels in the body for good health. The supporters of this diet usually take supplements to achieve the right levels of inflammation. A blood test is the easier method to detect inflammation levels in the body.

Activate Genes For Wellbeing

Use dietary polyphenols to activate genes to enhance wellbeing: This involves eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and possibly taking supplements.

Control Inflammation Developing Due To Gut Microbes

Zone diet can manage inflammation triggered due to the microbes in your gut. It is achieved by including foods containing omega-3, polyphenols, and fermentable fiber.

With the diet, you can balance these aspects. When you achieve it, it aids in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Instead of aiming it for a short period, individuals must think about a lifelong strategy. It will help with maintaining a healthy weight.

Modifications Of Zone Diet

Some people cannot follow a Zone diet due to certain dietary restrictions. So, people who follow a vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free diet may feel skeptical of following a new diet. Individuals with certain allergies like lactose intolerance or nut allergy also face such a dilemma. But, you can modify this diet to ensure it meets your demands. Here are some of the modifications:

Vegan/Vegetarian Zone Diet

It is a perfect diet for people who abstain from eating animal-based foods. You can try the diet as it includes several vegetable and vegan foods. But, some of the staple vegan and vegetarian foods such as beans and grains are off-limits in this diet. These food items contain high starch content, making them unsuitable to follow.

Gluten-Free Diet

People following a gluten-free lifestyle can easily follow the Zone diet. It eliminates all grain-based food items. So, it is perfect as many of them contain gluten. Individuals suffering from non-celiac gluten sensitivity or celiac disease can include it in their routine as it can fit well with the weight loss plans.

If you have diabetes, make sure to talk with your doctor before trying the Zone diet. The program is designed to help balance blood sugar, but people with diabetes could run into trouble by eliminating so many common foods at once.

Pros Of Zone Diet

Why is this diet so popular among people even after two decades? The diet offers several benefits to people who follow it. Here are some of the pros associated with it:

Offers General Nutrition

This diet usually follows nutritional guidance calling for the meal you consume must contain mostly carbohydrates. It must also include a small number of proteins along with a very small amount of fats. When you include protein, focus on lean proteins. It means you need to consume a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, you need to avoid certain food items like junk/processed food, sugary drinks, and baked goods from the diet. Hence, you can see the diet offers you good nutrition needed for your body.

It Is Flexible

The diet does not limit you to certain food items. So, you can try a wide variety of foods and never become bored. People who have dietary restrictions can follow this diet with ease. It is a relatively simple diet to adapt to. When you follow this diet, you need to eat three similarly-sized meals a day. Since most of us already eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it may not seem like a big change. Also, meal planning is not tricky like other diets. You can try different food combinations that will work with little or no cooking.

Cons Linked To Zone Diet

While zone diet has several benefits, it also has some drawbacks. Before you plan to follow the diet, you need to know about them. So, read ahead to know the cons linked to the diet:

Absence Of Specific Nutrients And Fiber

Unfortunately, this diet eliminates several healthy food choices from the diet. You cannot include the following:

  • Cereal
  • Whole-grain bread
  • Beans
  • Pasta
  • Legumes
  • Some fruits

This will deprive you of some nutrients, especially fiber. You will not get the recommended fiber from this diet due to avoiding certain good fiber foods. It also lacks folic acid, vitamin C, and several minerals.

Complicated Tracking

Have you realized that most diets requiring tracking of certain things like fat grams, your steps, or calories? But, the Zone diet may seem tricky. It is because you need to track fat, protein, and carbs simultaneously. To ensure you follow the diet, you need to consume the right quantities of each nutrient.

Need Doctor’s Approval For Certain Health Conditions

Although the Zone diet is touted as one that can help you ward off serious chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, people who already have been diagnosed with those conditions should talk to their doctors about whether the food restrictions in the diet are best for them.

May Not Meet Dietary Recommendations

The zone diet encourages you to change the balance of the food. While it can restrict calories, it may not offer enough nutrients. You will lose weight because you get 30% of your calories needed from fat, the same percentage from protein, and the rest of 40% from carbohydrates. To ensure you follow the diet, you need to include fruits, vegetables, and beans. While other diets favor carbohydrates and reduce fat intake, this diet has a different principle. While protein amounts may seem similar to the ones suggested for daily nutrition, the diet restricts the intake of grain products. This diet matches closely with the suggested calorie intake, it mainly focuses on boosting your health. It may not have weight loss as the main goal, but you can reduce weight when you try this.

But, it forgoes calcium from the diet. Due to limiting milk and milk products from the diet, you may suffer from calcium deficiency. The breakdown of this diet is not suitable for all people. Some people may need a different nutritional balance to stay healthy and lose weight.  The inflexible dietary balance is not ideal for everyone.

Puts Pressure On Kidneys

This diet can put immense pressure on the kidneys. It is because the diet constitutes high amounts of protein. Processing proteins from the body can put stress on the kidneys. So, it is risky for people who are susceptible to kidney diseases.

High Price

To follow this diet, you need to spend a lot. To meet the requirements of the diet, you have to spend at least $80 per day. It is an exuberant amount for people who live on a budget.

Diet Similar To Zone Diet And Their Difference

Several weight-loss diets include attributes that are similar to those found in the Zone diet. However, no other diet brings these attributes together in quite the same way.

Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet also eliminates legumes and grains from the diet. Both diets are based on the idea that the human body cannot eat large quantities of starchy carbs. The diet programs feel the human body has not evolved to handle starchy carbs. Compared to Zone, Paleo gives more importance to protein. It does not discourage the consumption of red meat and allows more fat. The type of fat allowed is the same on both diet programs. You can only consume monounsaturated fats while on both diets.

Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean diet may seem similar to the Zone diet. It is natural to feel that way as both diets encourage you to consume a lot of fresh and colorful fruits as well as vegetables. The diets also urge people to include the following foods in their diets:

  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Healthy oils (Olive oil)

Unlike the Zone diet, the Mediterranean diet urges consumption of legumes and whole grain. Both food items are good sources of fiber.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The anti-inflammatory diet is another diet having similar features. A zone diet can combat inflammation just like an anti-inflammatory diet. Both are created to calm chronic inflammation in the body. The diets focus on including healthy fats and limit the consumption of sugar. It also eliminates bad food from the diet like processed meat and refined grains. Just lie Zone diet, the anti-inflammatory diet eliminates packed snacks, fatty meat, and wheat-based food. Lie Zone diet, an anti-inflammatory diet can become difficult to follow due to its complex rules, which may deter some people from trying it.

The Zone diet is not new, it is more than two decades old. But, the effectiveness of the diet aids in the diet having a devoted following. While the diet may have some drawbacks, the pros seem to weigh more. You can follow this diet to shed the excess pounds. What’s more, several sites publish recipes complying with the diet. So, you can design meals to meet the stringent nutrient requirement (carbs-protein-fat) of the diet with ease.


Zone diet will not make you hungry, but help you lose weight. While it is not a weight-loss diet, it is a perfect option for overweight people who want to get healthy. But, you may miss out on important nutrients like fiber when you follow this diet. Also, you may crave grain-based carbs and sweets. To overcome the issues, you need to include Zone-compliant high-fiber vegetables and fruits. Also, people suffering from health issues like heart problems or diabetes need to speak with their doctor before starting the diet.





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