What Causes Static In Your Hair? How To Get Rid Of Static Hair?

Static in your hair is literally a hair-raising experience. While the condition may not affect your general health, you can feel embarrassed due to it. It can make your tame locks look unruly as they tend to fly away or stand on the edge. So, what exactly does the problem mean? Have you tried an experiment with your hair and a plastic ruler? When you rub the plastic ruler against your hair and place it near tiny bits of paper, you can see the paper sticking to the ruler. Here the ruler acts as a magnet. In simple terms, when you rub the ruler on your hair strands, the electrons accumulated are transferred from the hair strands to the ruler, which causes static electricity.

Accumulating excess charge in your hair strands can affect hair health. If you are worried about your looks, then you know that accumulating electric charge in your hair is not a trend or will never become one in the future. If annoying flyaway strands are annoying you, then this article offers you different solutions to get rid of the issue. You can understand the different steps to prevent the problem.

What Do You Mean By Static In Your Hair?

You may have read about atoms. All physical objects are made of atoms. An atom contains three major components like protons (positive charge), electrons (negative charge), and neutrons (no charge). All like particles repel while unlike particles attract each other. Therefore, the protons repel protons, electrons repel electrons, while protons and electrons attract each other. This concept comes into play when you use magnets. The magnet has one positive and one negative end. So, when the same charges repel, opposite charges stick together. In all physical objects, a balance of positive and negative charges occurs. So, it does not attract or repel other objects. But, static can result when extra charges start accumulating inside the object. Since the charges need to come out somehow, it can remain on the surface of the object.

You feel the static in the form a shock due to the inability of the electrical charge to release. One of the common examples to understand this phenomenon is the shock you feel when you rub your leather shoes against the carpet and touch it. The area of the shoe rubbed against the carpet can release electrical impulses. You can experience the same thing with your hair. Due to the accumulation of charges, you can observe static in your hair when the strands rub against each other. So, you can feel the electrical impulse when you touch the hair strands.

 What Causes Static In Your Hair?

So, what makes your hair to accumulate electric charges? Here are some of the main causes triggering the condition like:

Weather Conditions Causing Static In Your Hair

One of the main causes resulting in frizzy hair is the lack of humidity in the air. When you stay in a space with warm air for hours, it can cause dryness of the air and accumulation of electric charges. So, it is a common condition in winter when you stay inside the home with the heater on.  Why does it occur? It is because of the lack of humidity in the enclosed space with the heater on. Water can conduct electricity. As a result, a humid environment result in the lesser static buildup.

Another factor leading to the accumulation of electrical charges is the use of headgears like caps that you wear during the winter months. It can result in friction in your hair strands. So, you can experience the problem more during winter months.


Friction is another cause of the condition as it can result in the accumulation of electrical charge. One example of friction is when you rub a balloon to your head and hold it against a wall, it will stick to the wall surface without any help from the outside. This phenomenon occurs due to the balloon surface developing an electrical charge. It is the same case with your hair strands. When you use synthetic fibers or an object (like a brush), it can cause friction and result in the development of electric charges.

Complications Caused Due To Static In Your Hair

When you develop static in your hair, you suffer from shock and other hair problems. Here are some of the complications associated with the accumulation of electric charges in your hair strands:

Frizzy Hair

The buildup of electric charges makes your hair frizzy. It means your hair strands tend to repel each other. Due to the condition, it becomes extremely difficult to comb your hair or style it as your wish.

One Of The Complications Due To Static In Your Hair: Hair Damage

Accumulation of electric charges can occur due to dry hair. The lack of moisture can occur when dry air gets trapped in your hair follicles. So, it leads to electricity buildup and damages the hair. You can experience hair fall or hair breakage due to extreme dryness.

Brittle Hair

When your hair strands lack moisture, it makes them brittle. Brittle hair is prone to damage. So, you can see the problem affecting the hair follicles. It also leads to hair loss.

Entangled Hair

While knotted hair is common among people, it is severe in people with dry hair. Accumulation of electric charges makes your hair strands repel each other. So, you will find it difficult to comb your hair. If you leave the hair without combing for a long time, it gets all entangled. Detangling is a challenging task resulting in hair breakage.

How To Get Rid Of Static In Your Hair?

When you accumulate electric charges, it makes it difficult to tame your mane. Your hair seems to get stuck on your lipstick or lipgloss, making it difficult to maintain an attractive visual appeal. Now, you have learned about the different causes associated with the condition, you need to see the ways you can get rid of it. Do you know that your hair stands have a negative charge? So, cosmetic chemists have developed a way to overcome static by creating hair products with a positive charge. Using these products will neutralize each other. So, it creates harmony for your hair. Here are some of the methods you can achieve hair harmony:

Use An Ionic Hair Dryers

Source: Amazon
What Causes Static In Your Hair? How To Get Rid Of Static Hair? 1

Ionic hair dryers emit millions of negatively charged ions, which can break down the positive ions in the water. So, using the dryer helps faster evaporation of water particles. As the negative ions released from the dryer cling on the positive counterparts, you can see a neutralizing effect. So, it helps to balance the electrons in your hair. So, apart from drying your hair with minimal heat damage, it also avoids static. It also reduces friction, which is one of the reasons for accumulating electric charges in your hair.

Use Dehumidifier

As mentioned earlier, one of the main causes of static in your hair is the weather. People living in cold countries use radiators to warm their homes. This produces hot and dry air. It makes your hair dry and brittle. The outer layer of your hair produces oil that hydrates and offers shine to your hair. Dry air can strip off the oil. It results in brittle hair. So, to avoid such issues, you need to get a dehumidifier. It makes the air humid, which will avoid the building of electric charges in your hair.

Handle Hair With Care

You need to handle your hair with care. Never brush or comb your hair vigorously. It results in a buildup of electric charges and damages your hair. Instead, you need to use a gentle stroke while combing your hair. Detangle your hair with patience and then use a comb to avoid vigorous brushing.

Oil Your Hair To Avoid Static In Your Hair

Since dry and brittle hair is more prone to static, you need to add moisture to your mane. Oiling your hair is the best remedy to overcome the problem. While choosing oil for your hair, try to choose ones offering moisturizing effects like:

  • Argan oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Almond oil
  • Olive oil
  • Jojoba oil

Take a few drops of the oil and apply it to your hair to see the magic. Use it on the dry ends of your hair and brush gently. Before you blow-dry or style your hair.

Use Dryer Sheets For Your Pillow

After a good night’s sleep, if you find hair strands on the pillows as well as sheets, then it indicates static buildup on its surface. To avoid such issues when you sleep, you can use dryer sheets. The product acts as a guard against the buildup of electrical charges in most fabrics. You can rub the dryer sheet on the pillow, bedsheet, and comforter. It will help avoid the problem. You can also swipe dryer sheets on your hairbrush or comb before combing the hair. Since it is effective, you can keep a pack of dryer sheets with you in different areas of your home like a closet, bedroom, dressing room, or handbag for a quick fix of the problem.

Massage your Scalp Regularly

Your scalp contains sebum, the natural oil secreted by the glands present in the scalp. It keeps your hair moisturized. Massaging your hair increases the blood circulation and prevents the static buildup. So, your hair strands are free of the problems. Apart from preventing frizz, oil massage also has other benefits. It offers relaxation from stress and promotes hair regrowth. Oil massage also keeps your hair shiny and sleek.

Hair Styles To Avoid Static In Your Hair

If you have hair prone to accumulating electrical charges, then braiding your hair is the perfect solution. Leaving your hair untied can only make it prone to static. So, you can try some effective hairstyles to avoid the problem. You can simply braid your hair or slick it back into a bun. Simple yet elegant hairstyles make you look good, but also keep your wild hair in place. You can braid your hair before going to sleep to avoid your hair looking frizzy when you wake up. It also avoids building up charges when you sleep.

Good Diet For Healthy Hair

While overcoming static in your hair is necessary, you need to ensure your hair looks healthy. For achieving such mesmerizing locks, you need to consume a good diet rich in nutrients essential for your hair health. Apart from good hair care products, you need to work from inside to achieve a mirror-like shine. Include superfoods with nutrition to transform your dry and dull hair within a few weeks. Apart from transforming your lackluster mane, these foods also provide you strong nails, bright eyes, and glowing skin. So, include the following foods for effective results:


For lustrous hair, you can consume seafood. Include oily fish for a full, lustrous, and beautiful mane. You can include mackerel that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The essential nutrients improve your brain power along with improving the health of your hair. It also hydrates your scalp, strengthens the follicles, and prevents hair loss. You can also include salmon in your diet, which contains iron, fatty acids, and vitamin B12. It helps maintain the hair as well as skin health. Salmon also has a rich source of vitamin D and protein that improves the strength of your hair.

Eggs For Avoiding Static In Your Hair

Include eggs in your diet as it has hair-enhancing minerals. So, when you consume it, you can maintain the healthy look of your hair. Apart from containing several minerals as well as vitamins, it is also rich in biotin. Therefore, it adds shine and luster to your hair. If you look carefully, the ingredients in the best conditioner contain biotin.


Vegetarians who cannot consume eggs, meat, or seafood needs to make sure they eat a lot of lentils. Lentils contain essential protein as well as carbs. Apart from that, lentils are also rich in iron and folic acids. These are essential for transporting oxygen from the blood to hair follicles and scalp. With better blood circulation in the scalp, you can see stronger hair growth. With the faster cell renewal, you can see faster hair growth.


Include broccoli in your diet as it is considered as a hair hero. Broccoli is full of essential vitamins as well as minerals. It contains hair strengthening folic acid, calcium, and zinc. So, eating it regularly can improve hair growth and strength.

 Bananas To Avoid Static In Your Hair

If you are looking for a snack that also provides nutrients to your hair, then eat a banana. The lock-boosting snack has zinc and B-vitamins while low in calories. Snacking on bananas will help you achieve beautiful hair. The vitamins and minerals in bananas will keep your hair healthy.

Green Tea

A healthy scalp is essential for a great head of hair. So, you need to include green tea in your routine. Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants. The polyphenol-rich beverage strengthens your scalp and offers great benefits to your skin. So, you will look beautiful with the regular consumption or application. Apply it directly on your scalp or wash your hair with it to avoid scalp problems. It will help fix dandruff and offers great shine to your hair.

 Prevent Static In Your Hair

While the condition does not affect your health, it is annoying. So, you need to seek effective methods to prevent the issue. The key to avoiding the bothersome hair problem is by using haircare products adding positive charges to the hair. So, choose products containing amino acids as they are positively charged proteins. By using products with amino acids, you can add a positive charge to your hair. When it reacts with the negative charge in the hair, it prevents static electricity from building up in the hair. You can follow the tips suggested below to avoid the condition.

Choose Hydrating Shampoo And Conditioner

Dry hair is more prone to static. Therefore, you need to choose hair care products with hydrating effects. Choose shampoos and conditioners with hydrating effects. Check the ingredients list to see if it contains oils and butter to lock the moisture in your hair. When your hair is hydrated, it can fight issues like buildup of electrons, frizz, and other side effects associated with weather. When choosing a shampoo, ensure it not just cleans all the accumulated dirt and oils, but also free from harmful chemicals like silicones, sulfates parabens, and dyes. These chemicals are harsh on your hair and steal the shine as well as the softness of your hair.

Some shampoos offering good cleaning effect may contain surfactants. So, they can contribute to charge in the hair. In such cases, you can counteract by using conditioners designed to hydrate. Choose conditioners that will help seal the moisture and the hair cuticle. Look for a silicone-based product that can keep static away. The silicone creates a protective layer and provides shine to your hair. So, it improves the manageability and overall appeal of your hair. Never forget to check the ingredient list at the back of the bottle to ensure your shampoo has silicone in it.

Use Good Comb To Avoid Static In Your Hair

When you are buying a comb for your hair, you need to choose wisely. Select wooden or boar-bristle combs as they do not cause static. While plastic comb is a popular choice, it starts feeing static to the hair. Plastic brushes and combs are not a wise choice. You may remember the old trick when rubbing a plastic balloon makes your hair stand up. So, if you want to avoid static and frizz, then choose wooden combs. While metal combs are suggested on different platforms, it can damage your hair. These combs remove electrical particles from the hair to the comb. But, metal combs are harsh on the hair shaft. So, it can cause hair damage or breakage.

You have different options like anti-static combs available. These products eliminate static build-up. Investing in such combs can help you avoid the problems. But, make sure you select wide-tooth combs as they have no static effect.

Natural Fiber Headgear

If you are using a headgear, then opt for products made with natural fibers. Select headbands, hats, and scarves of silk, cotton, or wool. Unlike synthetic fibers, they never hold electrical charges. Try to avoid polyester and nylon as they contribute to the static in your hair by charging up quickly.

Deep Conditioning Treatment

To overcome dry or damaged hair, you can use a deep-conditioning treatment. For severely dry hair, using a conditioner alone may not help overcome the static in your hair. So, to keep the strands moisturized, you can use an avocado hair mask or a coconut hair mask. You can consider the deep conditioning mask treatment at least once a week to restore the softness and shine of your hair.

Avoid Frequent Shampooing

While you feel using the shampoo daily to remove the dirt and grime from your scalp, it strips the natural oils away from your hair. So, instead of washing your hair with shampoo every day, you can use it every alternate day. For people with greasy hair or who perform a physically intense workout, washing hair on alternate days may not offer an ideal solution. But, if static causes more trouble for you, then it is worth cutting back the number of times you wash your hair.

Avoid Excess Heat Styling

While you use heat styling to make you look appealing with stunning hairstyles, but prolonged use only damages your hair. The heat tools drain the moisture from the hair. So, to avoid drying or thinning of your hair, you need to limit your heat styling.

Stay Away From Drying Ingredients

You take good care of your body by reading the ingredient list of the food you consume. Apart from taking good care of health, you must also take care while using hair products. Always look at the ingredient list of the haircare products. Avoid ingredients that have drying effects as it can create frizz. One of the products causing dryness is alcohol. You can find alcohol in styling foams, gels, and dry shampoos. Certain forms of alcohol can have drying effects on your scalp as well as hair.

Invest In Static Guard

If you face issues with static during winter, then it is better to invest in a static guard. Buy a travel size bottle to spray on your clothes (while it is tempting to use it on your hair, never spray it on your head). You can spray the product inside and outside of your winter clothes and accessories to get protection from static in your hair.

Check What You Wear

If you want to prevent charge accumulation in your hair, then you need to take into consideration what you wear, including your shoes. Apart from choosing natural fibers, you must choose footwear with caution. Try to avoid shoes with rubber soles as walking with it on the carpet can cause electric charges into the hair. It results in static. Therefore, if you are prone to the condition, then avoid rubber soles.


While experiencing static in your hair may not cause any health complications, it can make you feel embarrassed in front of others. It makes you look like having a bad hair day. With more frequent episodes of a bad hair day, you feel self-conscious. So, get rid of the frustrating problem and tame those flyaway hair strands with ease. You need to choose the right hair products to maintain hydration in your hair and protect it from harm or damage. The specially designed products and a good diet will make your hair look smooth. You can also keep the static from building into your hair.







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