Weight Watchers Points Allowance Calculator

Points allowance calculator is the tool offered by Weight Watchers to know the point plus you can receive each day. It is the part of the weight loss plan that helps you limit your calorie intake and reach your goal. The results offered are based on the different factors you plug into the calculator. The members of the weight loss plan are given the daily and weekly allowance. So, you can develop a diet that does not exceed the suggested points. The points can change depending on your weight fluctuations. So, you need to get the points using the calculation. Several members have seen positive results using the points allowance calculator. So, if you wish to see changes in your body, then try the calculator.

Why Do You Need To Use Points Allowance Calculator?

Obesity or overweight is a common problem today. The hectic lifestyle leads to taking fast foods that contain high fat and elevated sodium levels. It also increases your risk of developing the following problems:

Apart from the physical problems, you can also develop, mental issues like depression due to obesity. People may comment negatively about your appearance, leading you to lose self-confidence. It can result in self-esteem issues. So, you need to lose weight to prevent such complications. But, trying out a different diet with no results can make you frustrated.

Here is where WW offers assistance. WW or Weight Watchers offers weight loss plans. You can access effective tools like point allowance calculator to lose weight healthily. As losing at least 5% of the overall weight can change your health and prevent diseases, you can try the plan to get results. You feel encouraged to stick to the diet plan as the points system can help you make positive changes in your life. So, by losing excess weight, you can feel good and improve your self-confidence. It also improves blood circulation that can improve your blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels.

Points Allowance Calculator And Daily Allowance Points

If you want to lose weight, then you can become a member of WW. You can access weight-loss programs that can help you in shedding the extra pounds. The program uses a point system, which calculates the number of points allowed daily. Each food item has a point associated with it and you can calculate the total value using the points allowance calculator. Based on the value derived, you can modify your diet. The calculator takes into account your personal information like gender, age, weight, and height to determine the daily allowance points. Want to know more about it? Then, read ahead to get valuable information.

Tracking Your Daily Allowance Using Points Allowance Calculator

Using a points allowance calculator to calculate the daily points allowed. It will help you track the food you consume and make you understand where you stand each day. The calculator provided to the members of the WW group aids in watching the points. So, you need to record the food you consume each day. You can make a note of your food consumption in a dairy or use online tools to keep the record. You can also download the spreadsheet available to keep track of the points, activity points, daily as well as weekly allowance points. Using a spreadsheet you can track your food points for seven days of the week, you get tools online with an inbuilt calculator that offers calculation to get the daily and weekly allowance. You just need to enter the details along with the activity points you have earned for the day.

It is an effective tool for weight loss. But, to reach your goal, you need to stay within the daily and weekly allowance allowed by the points allowance calculator. Most of you may panic when you see the calculation associated with the daily allowance. But, you never have to worry as you just need to stick to your diet plan with free fruits, vegetable and other foods in the mix. You can use the points to eat your favorite foods, stay within the allowance, and lose weight.

Weekly Points Using Points Allowance Calculator

Before going into the complicated formula of finding the daily allowance, you need to detect the weekly points allowed by the weight loss program. You need to understand that all members of WW have the same allowance for the week. The points allowed weekly as per the calculator is 49. You can utilize the points as per your likes. So, it is entirely up to you to decide how you spend the points. But, following it will help you stick to healthy eating. It is not compulsory to use all the points. If you cannot use these points by the end of the week, then it is not a problem. Members can sometimes have a cheat day, where they tend to use all the points for the day and some more. In such cases, you can dip into the weekly points allowance.

The only rule applied to the points is that you cannot roll over the weekly points into the next week. So, you have to start fresh each week with the allotted 49 points. You have no permission to add from the leftover points from the prior week. Weekly allowance calculated by the points allowance calculator is easy to understand.

Overview Of Daily Allowance Using Points Allowance Calculator

You have to remain aware of the changes in the daily allowance in the original points plans and the plus method. The Point Plus calculator has a higher value for many of the food items. So, you may fear that it may not fill your stomach and leave you hungry. But, you never have to fret because of the higher food value. The new system offers a change in the daily allowance. So, you are allowed a minimum allowance of 26 and a maximum value of 71 by the points allowance calculator. Calculating the daily allowance is long and convoluted. So, you need an explanation to grasp the concept. The daily allowance calculated is influenced by age, gender, weight, and height. It is not simple like the old method that allows you to add the points based on your age, weight, and height.

While the new calculation uses all the factors like age, height, and weight. But, it is not as simple as the old method. The new method has a detailed formula. Another question is if you can use all the points in a single day. Well, it is not necessary to consume all the points allocated by WW. So, if you consume only 32 points from the allocated points of 35, then it is okay. You just need to make sure you never skip meals or go hungry. It is important to use the points allotted for you wisely to ensure you follow a good diet. You can use the calculator offered by the Weight Watchers to calculate the points with ease. But, the formula to calculate it is a bit difficult.

Using Point Allowance Calculator For TEE And ATEE

Here is the explanation to calculate the daily allowance. The point allowance calculator offers you values for the Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) and Adjusted TEE (ATEE). The detailed instruction offers an insight into how to calculate the values. Finding TEE and ATEE is the first step while calculating the total points allowance when you wish to lose weight. Do you wish to know the formulae behind the values? Here are the detailed instructions on how you can calculate the value.

Step 1: Calculating Total Energy Expenditure (TEE)

To complete the first step, you need to have the following values:

  • Weight in kilograms
  • Current age
  • Height in meters

The formula is different for men and women as the activity levels as well as the energy burned is different for them. So, the formula for calculating Total Energy Expenditure is:


TEE = 864 – (9.72 x your age) + (PA x ((14.2 x your weight) + (503 x your height))


TEE = 387 – (7.31 x your age) + (PA x ((10.9 x your weight) + (660.7 x your height))

In the formula, PA stands for the physical activity level and assuming the lowest levels, it is 1.12 for men and 1.14 for women.

For example, let’s consider a person 45 years of age who needs to know his points allowance. So, he has to first determine the weight and height. Assuming he weighs 245lbs and measures 5 feet 9 inches, we can use the formula to calculate the TEE. Since the weight is in pounds and height is in feet, you have to first convert it into kg and meters respectively.

1 pound =0.454

So, 245lb X 0.454-111.23 kg

Similarly for height, first convert it into inches, then meters

1 feet x 12= inches

1 inch= 0.0254 meters

Applying the formula, you get the following values:

5feet x 12 + 9inches = 69 inches

69 x  0.0254 = 1.75 meters

Now, you can place the values in the formula and calculate it. Remember the basic rule of completing the division steps first, then multiplications in a formula prior to addition and subtraction (DMAS). So, the calculation is as follows:

TEE = 864 – (9.72 x 45) + (1.12 x (14.2 x 111.23) + (503 x 1.75)

45= age

1.12= PA



So, by completing the calculation in parenthesis first, you get

TEE = 864 – 437.4 + 1.12 x (1579.47 + 880.25)

Further simplifying

TEE = 864 – 437.4 + 1.12 x 2459.72

First, complete the multiplication, then addition

TEE = 864 – 437.4 + 2754.89

TEE = 3181.49

So, you get the value for the above example as 3181.49.

You can now move to the next step of the calculation

Step 2: Calculating Adjusted Total Energy Expenditure (ATEE)

The TEE does not provide you with the daily points allowance. To identify the value, you now need to calculate the Adjusted Total Energy Expenditure (ATEE). The formula to calculate it is:

ATEE = TEE – (TEE x 0.10) + 200.

10% conversion cost is subtracted from the TEE irrespective of the number of nutrients consumed. Freebies vegetables and fruits contain energy content. But, it is given a zero energy content. To adjust the value, the formula uses 200 (as the values can fell within 150 to 250kg).

So, based on the above example, we can find the ATEE by placing the values in the formula.

ATEE = 3181.49 – (3181.49 x 0.10) + 200

Rounding off the value to nearest digit, you get the following:

ATEE = 3181.49 – 318.15 + 200

Perform the addition first and then subtraction to get the following values:

ATEE= 3063.34

Based on the example, the 45-year-old man has ATEE of 3062.34

So this man’s ATEE would be 3063.34. We are not done yet. Now it’s time for the next step and the next formula.

Target And Modified Target

The next steps for the points plus allowance calculation are finding the target and the modified target. You will use the information from the previous step, Adjusted Total Energy Expenditure (ATEE).

Step 3: Determine The Target

The points allowance calculator offered by WW can simplify the calculation. But, getting the value is a complicated process that can make you confused. Before going into the formula, you need to know the maximum and minimum points allowed in the daily points plus allowance. While the minimum points are 26, the maximum points are 71. The formula for calculating the target is:

Target = round ((minimum (maximum (ATEE – 1000, 1000), 2500) / 35)

The formula means that the ATEE-1000 must fall within the minimum range of 1000 kCal and the maximum range of 2500 kCal. So, if the value of ATEE-1000 falls below 1000, then it is set to 1000. While if it falls above 2500, then you need to set it to 2500. Still confusing? Here is an example that can make it clear:

If you have ATEE below 1000, then the formula can look like the following:

Target= round (1000/35), which can offer a result of 29 daily points

So, for someone outside 2500, i.e. the maximum range can have the target calculated as:

Target = round (2500 / 35), which offers 71 daily points plus allowance.

So, based on our example, we can put the values to determine the target. Our example yielded ATEE= 3063.34. The formula now looks like:

Target = round (3063.34 – 1000) / 35

As the result of ATEE-1000 is not above 2500 or below 1000, we can skip the worrying about the minimum and maximum portion of the formula. So, the target according to the example is calculated as:

Target = round 2063.34 / 35

Target = 59 points plus

So, based on our example, the target is 59. But, it is not the final daily allowance. We can determine the value in the next step:

For this example, Target is 59.

Step: 4 Modified Target

When you calculate the modified target, you get the daily points allowance suggested by the Weight Watchers. The points allowance calculator uses the following formula to calculate the value:

Modified Target = round (((ATEE – 1000, 1000) / 35) – 4 – 7, 26), 71)

Again, if you have an ATEE-1000 value less than 1000, then you need to use 1000 in the formula. If you have an ATEE-1000 value more than 1000, then use the actual value. For results above 71, you need to set it as 71 (it is the maximum value). Similarly, if you get a value less than 26, then set the points allowance as 26.

For example, if you have 3800 as your ATEE, then you need to use the formula as:

Modified Target= round ((3800 – 1000) / 35) – 4 – 7

Modified Target = 69 points

While the original target formula can result in 80 points, the modified target formula has only 69 points. It is due to taking into consideration the offset of 11 points.

Example Calculation

So, as per the example of the 45 years old man with 245lbs weight and height of 5 feet 9 inches, you can calculate the modified target as:

Modified Target= round ((3063.34-1000)/35)-4-7

3063.34=ATEE while TEE=3181.49 and Target=59 points

Modified Target = round (2063.34 / 35) – 4 – 7

Modified Target = 48 points plus allowance.

Now you may think why you cannot just take the value from the original target and subtract it by 11 to get the modified allowance. It is because the individual cases may differ from the provided example. Wondering how? Here are some cases, where taking the original value and reducing it by 11 may not work:

If a person’s target is calculated as 36 points, then according to the logic, subtracting 11 can give you a value of 25 points. It is below the minimum value suggested by the WW for the daily points allowance. So, you have to set it to 26 as the program does not allow values below 26.

Another example that facilitates the need for the formula when the target is 85. It is outside the maximum range. In such cases, if we just reduce 11 from the value, you get 74. The value is higher than the point allowance suggested by WW. Therefore, using the modified target formula can help you derive the daily points that come with the range suggested by WW.


When you access the Weight Watcher’s points allowance calculator, you tend to incorporate healthy eating and exercise. You can get the daily allowance points and gain a direction that will lead to weight loss. Since the weight loss plan focusses on your body’s tendency to process food, you can get more success, unlike the other programs. Using the calculator, you can make a list of foods you can consume and cannot eat. The daily points allowance limits your calorie intake based on your age, height, and weight. You can get updated points based on your current weight. So, it is an effective program for people who wish to shed the excess pounds and keep them away. With the updated points, you can continue with the diet and exercise to keep the stubborn fat from affecting you again.





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