Ways To Heal A Jammed Finger , Causes And Symptoms

A jammed finger can occur anytime to anyone. This common occurrence can develop due to small accidents involving your finger during a football or basketball match. When the ball smashes into the tip of the finger instead of sailing smoothly, it can hurt your finger. This problem can also occur when you close the drawer accidentally with your finger against the edge. Any incidents causing a blunt impact on the finger can lead to the condition. Such incidents cause the tip of the finger to push back towards the hands. The momentum from the force of the impact tends to stretch or at times tear the ligaments in the finger. This can result in a sprain. You will feel pain and develop swelling of the finger. When you suffer from such an issue, you need treatment. Read ahead to learn more about it.

About Jammed Finger

A jammed finger means you have sprained the knuckle or joint of the finger. Actions affecting the ligaments, the tough connective tissue holding the bones together can also result in the condition. Depending on the severity of the impacting the fingers, you can suffer tendon damage or fracture the bone. Such injuries are common when you play sports such as volleyball, basketball, or baseball. The chances of receiving a hard impact on your fingertip increase with such sports. But, this type of injury can develop due to other accidents such as reaching out the arm to break the fall while the finger jabs into the hard surface or ground.

Minor injuries are easy to deal with at home. But, severe ones need medical assistance. With medical assistance, severe injuries can lead to permanent damage to the finger. While this injury may heal quickly when you have no fractures, you may feel pain for many months. So, you may experience pain with direct pressure on the finger. Determining the severity of the injury to the finger may become difficult sometimes. In such cases, you need to seek medical assistance for clarity. The doctor can diagnose the problem and offer the right suggestions.

Symptoms Of Jammed Finger

When you suffer trauma to the finger, it is natural to wonder if you have a jammed finger or you suffer from a fracture. Both the condition causes pain. But, they have signs that feel unique for each condition. You can differentiate between the two conditions with the following symptoms:

Jammed Finger Symptoms

  • You develop pain in the finger
  • It becomes difficult to hold anything
  • Develop redness and swelling in the affected area

Fractured Finger Symptoms

  • Develop severe pain in the finger
  • Trouble straightening or bending the finger
  • Swelling in the finger that may last for several hours or days

Causes Of Jammed Finger

You need to understand that an injury to the finger can occur when you play sports. It usually occurs when you try to catch a ball but it hits the finger. It can also develop when you jam the door or cupboard. Even simple chores such as pushing the sheets under your mattress can impact the finger. But, how does it develop into a jammed finger? Before you learn about it, you need to know more about your finger. It will help you understand what exactly happens when you develop trauma on the finger. Do you know the finger has three joints such as:

  • Metacarpal Phalangeal Joint (MCP) or Knuckle Joint that you can find between the hand and the base of the finger
  • Distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) found towards the tip of the finger
  • Proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP)

Smashing the finger against something can push the tip of the finger. Depending on the severity of the force, the tip of the finger is pushed towards the hands. This action causes the PIP joint present in the middle region of the finger to absorb the force of the impact. It results in your finger getting stretched. It results in the trauma or jamming of the finger. This trauma makes you feel uncomfortable. It is essential to treat the problem at home or go to a doctor.

Complications Linked To Jammed Finger

In most cases, the jammed finger may not cause any complications. But, you need proper care to deal with the condition. Without a proper home or medical care, you can suffer from certain complications such as:

  • Stiffness in the finger
  • Develop traumatic arthritis triggering pain and swelling in the affected finger joint
  • Weakness in the affected finger
  • The trouble with straightening the finger permanently
  • Develop deformity of the joint

Since such complications can develop, take care of mild cases of trauma to the hand at home. For severe cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Diagnosing A Jammed Finger

In normal cases, you can detect and treat a jammed finger at home with ease. But, severe cases can result in a lot of pain. Also, severe cases make it difficult to bend or straighten your finger. In such cases, it is advisable to get medical advice. See a doctor immediately or go to an emergency room for getting medical treatment. These signs may indicate a ruptured tendon or fractured bone. Here are some of the tests suggested by the doctor for a proper diagnosis:

Physical Assessment

The doctor will assess the symptoms. The doctor can ask you how you developed the injury and when. The doctor will check the finger for swelling by comparing the injured finger with the others and the severity of the pain. The medical professional can also check the range of motion in the finger.

Imaging Tests

The doctor can order imaging tests to detect the damage inside the finger or the presence of a fracture. Depending on the severity, the doctor can suggest an x-ray, CT scan, or MRI assesses the injury. Based on the assessment, the doctor can suggest the right treatment option.

Treatment For Jammed Finger

In usual cases, the jammed finger may seem mild. But, depending on the severity of the injury, you need medical attention. For mild cases, you can try some home remedies to speed up healing.

Home Remedies To Heal Jammed Finger

If you feel the problem is mild, then you can try some home remedies to ease the pain and discomfort triggered due to a jammed finger. These natural remedies will ease discomfort and make healing faster.

Use Epsom Salt To Heal Jammed Finger

Epsom salt contains magnesium. The anti-inflammatory properties of magnesium can aid in soothing pain, inflammation, and swelling linked to the condition. To try this method, you need one teaspoon of Epsom salt. Take a large bowl or basin full of warm water. Now, add one tablespoon of Epsom salt to the water and mix well. You need to soak the affected finger in this water mixture for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. You can try this at least once a day to see effective results.

Apply Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel has so many properties for healing your skin. It can also promote healing of the affected finger due to the anti-inflammatory properties. For people suffering from pain and inflammation, applying aloe gel can offer relief. To try this natural method for healing injury to the finger, you need one or two teaspoons of aloe gel. You can extract fresh gel from the plant for better results. Apply it to your affected finger. Leave the gel on the finger for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. You can rinse off the gel after the specified time. You can try this method multiple times a day for desired results.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

While you have no scientific evidence to determine what makes apple cider vinegar effective for injuries of the finger, anecdotal evidence points to the anti-inflammatory effects of ACV. This property can offer effective results in treating inflammatory signs caused due to finger trauma such as pain and swelling. You need water, apple cider vinegar, and a cotton ball to try this method. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one tablespoon of water. Mix it well and dip the cotton ball in the mixture. You can apply it to the affected finger. Leave it for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. You can do this two to three times a day for seeing results.

Apply Turmeric To Heal Jammed Finger

Applying turmeric is good for your skin. It is effective in managing several skin problems. But, do you know turmeric can also ease discomfort triggered due to jammed fingers? Turmeric contains curcumin as the main component. It is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can promote healing. Using turmeric on the finger can ease pain, redness, and swelling linked to trauma. You need turmeric powder for trying this home remedy. You have to make a paste of turmeric powder by combining it with few drops of water. Apply this thick paste to your finger. Leave the turmeric paste for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash it off after the suggested time. You need to try this method at least one to two times a day for effective results.

See A Doctor To Heal A Jammed Finger

If left untreated or unattended, a jammed finger can lead to other complications, such as difficulty in straightening the affected finger or prolonged stiffness. Hence, it is best if you seek medical attention while following these tips and remedies to prevent further damage to the injured finger. In case of serious injuries to the finger, you need prompt medical attention. Some conditions like torn tendons or ligaments may need an invasive procedure to manage the problem. Surgery also becomes necessary with a bone fracture. The doctor can suggest the following options to ease pain and speed the healing process.

Try PRICE Method

Normally, the doctors follow the PRICE approach to ease pain and discomfort caused by strain, trauma, or sprain. It means Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Let’s see how this approach works.

Protect The Injured Area

The first step in the PRICE approach is to protect the injured area to avoid any further injury that can obstruct the healing process. Protecting the area will also avoid pain triggered due to the trauma. Some people may feel the finger has come out of its joint. In such cases, instead of doing something like pulling it, you need to see a doctor. The doctor can protect the traumatized area using a splint. It can keep your finger in place.

So, what is a splint? It is the piece of foam of metal used to wrap around the finger to keep it in the right place. Using a splint to keep the finger still will avoid further injuries to it. Buddy strapping is another method to immobilize the injured finger. With the buddy strap, the injured finger is tapped to the neighboring finger. See a doctor for getting a splint or buddy strap.

Resting The Jammed Finger

The next approach to heal injured fingers is to take a rest. You need to avoid all activities causing swelling, pain, or discomfort. It does not mean you need to avoid physical activities. Instead, you need to avoid activities using the fingers. For example, when you suffer from an ankle sprain, you can try other exercises working on muscles to avoid deconditioning. So, you can try an exercise bicycle that works on both arms along with the uninjured leg while the uninjured ankle rests on the footrest peg. Such actions will help you exercise while keeping the injured region safe.

 Ice The Affected Region

Before seeking medical help, place ice on the injured finger immediately. Irrespective of the severity of the injury, you need to place an ice pack on the affected region. Using a slush bath with ice and water can also offer relief. You need to use the ice on the affected area for at least fifteen to twenty minutes at a time to get relief. Repeat the steps every two to three hours when you are awake. Placing ice packs the first few days immediately after suffering from the injury can reduce the complications. Wondering why?

Cold can reduce swelling and inflammation developing in the injured connective tissues, joints, and muscles. Hence, you will feel less pain. Cold can also slow down bleeding when you suffer a tear in these regions. But, make sure to stop the treatment immediately when the iced area turns white. This sign indicates frostbite. People who suffer from underlying diseases such as decreased sensation or diabetes need medical assistance. Only doctors can suggest if applying ice can offer you relief or not.

How To Place Ice To Alleviate Pain Due To Jammed Finger?

To try this method, you need a cold compress or ice pack. Place this on the injured finger immediately after the injury. Leave the cold compress or ice pack as such on the finger for fifteen to twenty minutes. Remove this after the specified time. Repeat the same steps as your requirement. You can do this several times a day to see relief. By trying this method, you can alleviate pain triggered due to the trauma as it numbs the area. The anti-inflammatory effects of a cold compress can also alleviate inflammation and swelling.


Compressing the affected area can help stop the swelling. To compress the area, your doctor can suggest an elastic bandage. Use it until the swelling stops. If you are wrapping it by yourself, make sure the wrap is not tight. The tight wrap can hinder blood circulation. You need to loosen the wrap once the pain increases, the swelling occurs below the wrapped region, or the area becomes numb. Ask your doctor for the suggestion to compress the area without having any complications.


Elevate the area of the swelling. It will reduce swelling. Elevating the injured finger above the heart level will allow gravity to ease swelling. You need to elevate the area at night for better results.

Over-The-Counter Pain Medications

In some cases, you may feel extreme pain and discomfort due to a jammed finger. To ease pain and ensure healing, the doctor can suggest over-the-counter pain medication. Taking medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can offer relief from pain. But, this may not heal the injury. Hence, try to take in dosage as suggested by the doctor.

Special Doctor For Managing Severe Cases Of Jammed Finger

For finger injuries that seem severe or no home remedies offer relief, you need to see a specialized doctor such as an osteopath or chiropractor. These doctors can suggest tips and physical therapy for a full recovery. Irrespective of the severity of the injury, you need to see the doctor to rule out possible complications linked to a jammed finger. If you favor the injured finger, you may feel like using it even after the injury. Such actions can only create more problems in the future. Hence, the doctor can strap it to avoid its use. The specialist doctors can also check if your healing finger maintains proper circulation, movement, and range of motion.

When you suffer trauma to the finger, the majority of the time your finger heals without any problem. But, if you have suffered a fracture or dislocation, then handling it with medical assistance can offer better results.

Even with medical assistance, it may take several months for the injured finger to heal. Once your injury heals, the doctor suggests physical therapy or exercise. You need to diligently follow it to regain the full range of motion of the injured finger. Several finger exercises such as squeezing a ball, making a fist, or holding objects in the hand can help with regaining the lost motion. Follow the steps suggested by the doctor to get back the function of your finger after severe trauma.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Complications Due To Jammed Finger

Home remedies and medical treatment speed up the healing process. But, while healing, you need to maintain some caution. Certain actions can prevent speedy healing. It may delay the healing and cause pain. To prevent complications and further damage, you need to follow the steps:

Limit Usage

If you have suffered trauma to the finger, avoid using that finger until it recovers. You may observe that you tend to use the injured finger more after the injury. Try to limit the use to avoid worsening of the condition. Take a break from sports or other activities that can worsen the condition. Restrict the usage of the finger to ensure proper healing.

Keep The Finger Strapped

Keep the finger strapped or splinted until it has healed completely. Ask your doctor for assistance when you cannot strap it by yourself. Strapping the injured finger for at least two weeks will allow proper healing.

Physical Therapy

Once your finger has healed, you need to do physical therapy. Start with small exercises such as holding a tension ball and squeezing it. Such actions can help you regain the lost strength of your finger. Never think these small exercises are unnecessary. Without using the finger, you face the risk of losing it.

Never Overuse

While you make sure the jammed finger heals properly, try to use the finger normally. Overusing it or excess physical therapy can do more harm than good. Stick to the routine suggested by the doctor for the strength and ability of the finger to return as normal. Overusing the traumatized finger can result in losing strength or it may trigger imbalances in the other finger that increases the risk of suffering from injury.


With proper care, a jammed finger can get better without any need for medical treatment. But, you need to maintain caution with the finger for a week or two. Remember, even when the trauma heals, you can see swelling of the affected finger for a few months. The affected finger may also feel sensitive. Follow the prevention tips to ensure you avoid any complications. Use the affected as little as possible to reduce the risk of pain. If you feel severe pain, get medical assistance. Follow the treatment suggested by the doctor or physical therapist to avoid any long-term damage or complications. Getting medical assistance for the severe problem can ensure you get the right treatment. It will quicken the healing process and help you make use of the finger as normal.





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