Water Retention: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies + Diet Tips

Water retention is one of the common problems men and women face. But, without care and treatment, it becomes a recurrent occurrence. So, you will feel distressed due to the condition. So, what causes the problem? Several underlying reasons can result in the problem. But, without intervention, it poses a greater risk to your health in the long run. The condition also known as edema can cause swelling in different parts of your body. It causes great inconvenience as you cannot move or perform tasks as quickly as possible. Read ahead to know about the condition

About Water Retention

The human body consists of more than 60% of water. Your body requires water for normal functioning. Water presence is found everywhere, including your blood, muscles, bones, and organs. You require water to dissolve the nutrients for an easy absorption. It is also necessary to flush off waste from the body. When your body fails to eliminate the excess water, then it starts retaining it in the different parts. So, it leads to edema. While most people retain fluids temporarily, others suffer from underlying diseases that need treatment. Temporary problems are easy to treat. People who experience the condition for more than a week, then you need to consult with the physician. Diagnosing the underlying problem is essential to rule out the severe condition.

Symptoms Of Water Retention

How do you know if your body is not flushing out excess fluids? You need to observe the changes in your body closely. Here are some of the symptoms indicating water retention:

  • Suffer from bloating, especially in your abdominal region
  • Swelling in different parts of the body like ankles, feet, and legs
  • Puffiness of the hips, face, and abdomen
  • Stiffness in joints
  • Fluctuations in body weight
  • See indentation on your skin (It is similar to the indentations appearing on your fingers when you are taking a shower or bath for a long time)
  • Discomfort in the areas with excess fluid accumulation
  • Feeling stiff in the morning
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Headaches
  • Worsening of premenstrual syndrome

Types Of Water Retention

You can classify the retention of fluid in the body into different types. It is classified based on the swelling you develop due to the condition. Here are the extensive types:

Generalized Oedema

When you suffer from this type of fluid accumulation, you can see swelling developing all over the body.

Localized Oedema

As the name suggests, this affects particular parts of your body. So, you can develop the condition commonly in the feet and legs. The condition also affects the arms, hands, and face.


It is the sub-type of localized edema developing due to fluid buildup in your arm or leg due to the obstruction occurring in your body’s secondary circulatory system also known as the lymphatic system. You can inherit the condition or develop it as a result of suffering from an injury in the lymphatic vessels. When you suffer from this type of water retention, you can suffer from the following symptoms:

  • Discoloration of skin
  • Severe fatigue
  • Deformity of the affected area
  • Heavy swollen limb

Causes Of Water Retention

The body is made up of water. You need to maintain the water balance in your body. Else, your body tends to hang on to the water. It results in edema. When you have excess fluid accumulated in the body, you tend to feel heavier. It also affects your energy levels and makes you feel nimble or less active. But, what are the main causes of the condition? Here are some of the factors resulting in the condition:

Flying In An Airplane

When you are traveling on a flight for a long time, then you can develop edema. It is because of the changes in the pressure. Also, sitting for a long time without any leg movement can cause the body to hold on to water.

Sitting/Standing For Long

People who have to stand or sit for a long time while they work can face this issue. It is because gravity pulls fluids down to your legs. So, you need to improve the blood circulation by moving around. People with a sedentary job need to make time to get up and walk around.

Premenstrual Symptoms

Premenstrual symptoms can trigger distress in women. It occurs due to hormone fluctuations. Due to the change in hormones, women experience symptoms like bloating or puffiness a day or two before their monthly cycle starts.

Diet High In Sodium

When you consume a diet high in sodium, then you will retain water in the extremities. So, a diet high in processed foods, table salt, and soft drinks can put you at risk of edema.

Taking Certain Medications

Some medications can cause the accumulation of fluids as a side effect. So, people taking the following can result in edema:

  • OTC (Over-the-counter) medications
  • Chemotherapy treatments
  • Antidepressants
  • Blood pressure medications

Heart Problems

When you have a weak heart due to congestive heart failure, it results in edema. Due to the condition, the lower chambers (one or both) lose their ability to pump blood effectively. So, it results in the blood backing up in your feet, ankles, or legs. It results in fluid accumulation.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis occurs when you develop a clot in a vein. It results in swelling of your leg.


Pregnant women can develop swelling in their legs due to fluid accumulation. It occurs due to the shift in weight as the fetus grows. When you fail to move regularly, it results in the accumulation of fluid in the extremities.


Packing extra pounds can cause the retaining of water. Studies indicate the possibility of retaining up to five pounds of water. It is usually stored around the cells throughout the body. People consuming more calories can retain more water. It is because they tend to consume higher amounts of sodium compared to others, which contributes to fluid accumulation.

Complications Associated With Water Retention

Fluid accumulation every once in a while may not cause any complications. But, consistent edema can result in serious conditions like:

  • Fluid buildup inside the lungs (Pulmonary edema)
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Fibroids in women
  • Skin stretching

Treatment For Water Retention

For mild cases of water retention, you can try some home remedies. It will help your body return to its natural balanced state. When the body fails to return to its original state, see a doctor. Getting medical help is essential to detect the underlying reason and get appropriate treatment.

Manage Medical Condition

If you suffer from any underlying health issue, then treating it will help manage the problem. For example, thyroid problems like hypothyroidism need hormone replacement to manage the condition. So, taking thyroxine can help manage fluid accumulation. For diseases, stop taking alcohol and get the necessary treatment.

Check Medications

Some medications can result in the accumulation of fluids. So, talk to your doctor about the medication you take. Your doctor changes the medication or its dose to overcome the problem.

Dietary Adjustments

If malnutrition causes the problem, then the dietary adjustment is suggested to flush out excess water accumulated.

Prescribe Diuretics

The doctor prescribes medication to make the affected person urinate more. So, it helps eliminate the excess fluids from the body. The drugs referred to as diuretics help the body get rid of sodium along with water. The medication tagged as water pills make the kidneys excrete more sodium in the urine. So, sodium takes water from your blood. This reduces the amount of fluid flowing in the blood vessels. It will in turn reduce the pressure exerted on the artery wall. So, you can see a reduction in the swelling. Always follow the instruction from your doctor when using diuretics as it can trigger some side effects.

Home Remedies To Overcome Water Retention

Are home remedies available to flush out the accumulated water from your body? Yes, you can try some effective remedies at home. These tips will eliminate the condition caused due to simple issues. So, if the swelling and puffiness is not caused due to underlying health problems, then you can try the following techniques:

Include Greek Yogurt

You need to consume a small bowl of Greek yogurt to flush out accumulated water. It is one of the home remedies for curing water retention. It is because the condition can occur due to protein deficiency. The high protein levels in Greek yogurt will help you manage the deficiency.

Fennel Tea

Make fennel tea by adding fennel seeds in boiling water. Simmer it for some time and strain the liquid. Fennel seeds are used from the olden times to cure excess water accumulation. It is the traditional remedy suggested to deal with the condition. It flushes out water as they have diuretic properties and contain high levels of potassium. Drink fennel tea for at least two to three times a day.

Green Tea

Green tea contains small amounts of caffeine. So, they exhibit excellent diuretic properties. So, it flushes out the excess fluid from the body. Green tea also contains anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce the swelling and inflammation inside the body.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt has healing properties. So, for centuries, people have used Epsom salts to the bath and get healing benefits. The salts are made of magnesium. Adding it to your bath and soaking in it helps reduce tummy bloating and flushes out excess fluids. It is based on the principle that when you soak, reverse osmosis takes place. Your skin is porous, which absorbs magnesium and in turn, displaces excess fluids as well as toxins. So, it can reduce the swelling developed in different parts of the body due to fluid accumulation.

Roman Chamomile

It is a plant with medicinal properties. The flowerheads of Roman chamomile is used to cure various ailments. It is commonly used to treat various digestive disorders like vomiting, indigestion, nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and loss of appetite. It can also ease mental stress. Roman chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as diuretic properties. So, taking it can treat edema and the symptoms associated with it. It can alleviate symptoms like puffiness and swelling.

Water Retention Diet Tips

Can you overcome edema by changing your diet? Yes, you can flush out the excess water from your body by making some changes to your food habits. Excess fluid accumulation occurs in the circulatory system or within the cavities as well as tissues. So, you can see swelling in your extremities like legs, ankles, feet, and hands. When simple reasons like inactivity, sitting through flights, pregnancy, or PMS causes the issue, then you can overcome the problem with diet changes. For serious conditions, you need medical intervention. Here are some the diet tips you need to follow:

Follow A Low-Salt Diet

Sodium in excess can cause or worsen water retention. So, you need to limit the intake of salt. Try to limit your sodium consumption to less than 2,300 mg (milligrams) per day. Choose natural foods instead of processed or packaged foods. Instead of salt, you can add flavor to cuisines by adding spices. Here are some of the food items you can include:

  • Fresh and frozen vegetables
  • Dried, fresh, or frozen fruits
  • Healthy fats
  • Fresh/frozen fish
  • Dairy products
  • Fresh/frozen poultry or meat
  • Eggs
  • Low-sodium beverages

Include Magnesium Rich Foods

In some people, magnesium deficiency can result in fluid accumulation. So, you need to avoid deficiency by including magnesium-rich foods. Some of the foods items you need to include in your diet are:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Tofu
  • Dark chocolate
  • Spinach
  • Avocados
  • Broccoli

If it is not possible to get the necessary magnesium from your food, then ask your doctor regarding magnesium supplements. Taking 200mg to 400mg magnesium supplements will ease the swelling.

Eat Foods Containing Potassium

When you suffer from potassium deficiency, you suffer from high blood pressure and fluid accumulation. To reduce such issues, you need to increase potassium intake by adding potassium-rich foods. The food items contain essential nutrients that will prevent blood vessels from leaking fluid into your tissue spaces. Instead of taking potassium supplements, you can include foods rich in potassium for effective results. Here are some of the examples:

  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach
  • Bananas
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados
  • Sweet potatoes

Eat Your Protein

Protein is necessary for maintaining the water balance in the body. It helps attract water and prevents it from leaking out. A special protein in your body known as albumin is essential in keeping the fluid in the bloodstream. So, it prevents swelling or puffiness. It is usually observed in people who follow a low-calorie diet. The low-calorie diet is beneficial in weight loss. But, it makes fluid accumulation worse. It is because the low-calorie diet has low protein. So, people following such diets can face deficiency in protein. Your body needs protein to prevent abnormal changes in the body tissues.

Natural Diuretics

Water weight fluctuates your body weight. So, many people try natural diuretics for weight loss due to fluid accumulation. You can include foods with the ability to flush out water. Natural diuretics reduce the bodyweight that makes you feel bloated. These foods also lower your blood pressure as it can flush out sodium from the body. Eating natural foods will also get rid of harmful toxins through urination. Include fresh fruits and vegetables with diuretic properties to get the benefits. Before including any dietary supplements with diuretic properties, you need to talk to your doctor. It is because these supplements can trigger allergic reactions, especially when you take medication to treat any underlying health condition. Here is the list of foods you need to include:

  • Grapes
  • Watermelon
  • Onions
  • Berries
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Bell peppers
  • Asparagus

Include Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is effective in flushing out excess water from the body. It also eases the symptoms caused due to premenstrual syndrome. You can include a variety of food items containing the B vitamins like:

  • Poultry like chicken or turkey
  • Oats
  • Pork
  • Certain types of fish
  • Peanuts
  • Wheatgerm
  • Soya beans
  • Milk
  • Bananas
  • Some fortified cereals

Tips To Prevent Water Retention

Water retention can make you feel heavy. So, it can affect your regular physical activities. To avoid suffering from the problem, you can follow the steps suggested below:

Regular Movement

You need to move your body. A sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of edema. So, you need o to include activities like walking and bicycling in your routine. These activities help pump out the water accumulated in the body parts like arms and legs. It also flushes out other fluids from the legs and ankles. Including physical exercise also aids in the widening of the blood vessels. You can increase the risk of edema when you are in a long-haul flight, remain in hospital beds or wheelchair, and people with desk jobs. It occurs due to a lack of draining of excess fluid from the tissue spaces. So, taking breaks to walk or repositioning can help overcome the fluid accumulation.

Sufficient Hydration

You read it right! When you have enough hydration, it reduces edema. As water is an important component in your body, a healthy balance is necessary for normal functions. When your body becomes dehydrated, the body tries to retain more water to prevent water levels from becoming low. So, it results in the holding of fluids in the body. Try to maintain the water balance in the body by drinking enough water. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water to avoid dehydration.

Elevate Feet

To move the water away from your extremities, you need to elevate your feet. It will move the water upward. So, prop your feet on pillows or cushions when you sleep. It is specifically advised for pregnant women who suffer from swelling of feet due to fluid accumulation. You need to elevate the feet several times a day to get relief. You need to elevate the feet for at least twenty minutes at a time. Try to elevate the feet on a chair or an ottoman during the day.

Wear Compression Socks/Leggings

If you see edema in your legs, you can wear compression stockings. They are popular items and you can find it easily at any athletic clothing store on an online platform like Amazon. These socks have a tight fit. So, you can experience a little discomfort at first. But, as time passes, you get used to it. The compression leggings aim to prevent fluid accumulation.

Stop Smoking

A simple lifestyle change like quitting smoking can help you avoid the condition. When you smoke, it damages the capillaries. It makes them fragile and increases the risk of fluid accumulation due to capillary walls becoming more permeable. Some people try to give it up, but may not succeed. Such people can use several products designed specifically to stop smoking by reducing nicotine cravings. The products include gum, lozenges, and patches.

Tackle Stress

Stress is a negative emotion that will affect your physical and mental health. When you are stressed out, your body tends to retain more fluid. So, it will cause swelling and bloating. Reducing the pressure from your life will help you avoid the condition. You need to try relaxation techniques like yoga or breathing techniques to relax. Tackle stress to avoid fluid accumulation.

Avoid Heat

Excess heat can affect your body as it makes the blood vessels dilate. So, it results in fluid leakage. Therefore, try not to take steamy baths or showers. Using a hot tub for a long time can also lead to the dilation of blood vessels. So, avoid hot water and try to make sure water is only warm. You need to take steps to keep yourself cool during hot weather. Also, drink sufficient water to compensate for the loss of fluids by sweating.

Wear Loose Clothing

When you have too much fluid accumulated in your body, then the clothes that normally fit may feel tight and uncomfortable. Too tight clothes can affect blood circulation. So, you feel more bloated and swollen. You need to choose loose clothing. It helps with better blood circulation. So, you can avoid swelling more effectively.

 Lose Weight

People who are overweight suffer from the condition more compared to others. So, people who pack the extra pounds need to lose weight. It will make a big difference in the amount of fluid your body retains. Losing even a modest amount of weight can improve puffiness and swelling. You try making some changes in your diet and include effective workout tips for weight loss.

Manage Food Intolerance

Wondering the relation between food intolerance and water retention? Food intake intolerance can affect your digestive ability. Due to intolerance, you may have undigested food particles. It has a high chance of getting into your bloodstream. When these cells enter the blood system, the body’s immune system generates histamine. Your body considers these undigested particles as foreign attackers and histamine is released to manage it. Histamine dilates blood vessels, which can result in excess accumulation of fluids. So, you need to manage your food allergies. Staying away from triggers and immediate intervention when you suffer from the problem avoids accumulation of fluid.

The above-mentioned steps are effective in easing the symptoms associated with fluid accumulation.


With the natural retaining of fluids, you can live a healthy life. But, some people can develop water retention. It is a common health issue and you will feel mild discomfort as a result of the problem. So, you can feel your dress is tight and see signs of weight gain. But, when the condition persists for more than a week or observes other symptoms, then consult your doctor. The condition will leave you feeling heavy. It can make you weak. When fluid accumulates in your le, then it leads to severe complications like deep vein thrombosis. So, you need to see a doctor to avoid further health complications. Try the options suggested in the post and see a doctor to rule out any serious issue.






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