Vivid dreams: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Do you remember all your dreams? If you can recall them, then you are experiencing vivid dreams. These dreams look realistic and can make you go through several emotions. It can make you sad, scared, or feel distressed. You get confused as they may seem real. In most of the cases, such visions end tragically. So, you tend to wake up from your sleep in the middle of the night. The disorientation can lead to several issues. You can experience a lack of sleep, which can make you lose focus on your work. At times, the visions can affect your daily life and behavior. In such cases, you need to take action to prevent it from affecting your life negatively.

What Are Vivid Dreams?

When you sleep, it is the time for recharging your body. A good night’s sleep offers relaxation to your body and mind. Dreams are quite fascinating. They are the stories and images your mind creates while you sleep. You can dream at any point of time in your sleep. When your dreams are sweet, you feel happy. But, dangerous or scary vision can make you feel frustrated. If such dreams recur, then you have a fear of sleeping. When you see a realistic dream, it occurs in REM (REM) sleep. Your brain remains active while you sleep. But, during the REM state, the brain is most active. So, as the state progresses, your dreams become clearer and realistic. You can recall the events of the dream precisely once you wake up. The intense dreams that you can recall with clarity are known as vivid dreams.

REM Sleep Pattern
Vivid dreams: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment 1

When you sleep, your brain goes through five different stages. REM is one of the stages of sleep that occurs ninety minutes after you fall asleep. As the sleep cycle repeats throughout the night, you tend to experience REM sleep several times. So, you can dream at least four to six times at night. Your eyes move rapidly in all directions during the REM phase. It constitutes 20% to 25% of an adult’s sleep and more than 50% of an infant’s sleep. Therefore, you tend to see the scary, mysterious, realistic or agonizing vision at least four to six times a night.

Symptoms Of Vivid Dreams

When you have lucid visions, then you tend to exhibit different types of behavior like:

  • Talking when you are asleep
  • Screaming
  • Become physically violent
  • Howling
  • Cursing
  • Kicking or punching
  • Sleepwalking

The condition affects your partner who sleeps next to you. The violent reaction to the visions can cause physical harm to the bed partner. If such issues arise, you need to see a doctor overcome the issue.

Causes Of Vivid Dreams

Scientists who study the function of the brain are not sure why humans dream. But, they feel it has a link with memory. They suggest dreaming aids the brain in eliminating unnecessary memories or information while processing as well as storing what is important. Some people feel activated and refreshed when they sleep peacefully for at least eight hours. Most people remember only the last dream that occurs during the REM stage of their sleep cycle. But, people tend to remember clearly the details of a negative or scary dream. The negative, realistic or intense dreaming occurs during the REM cycle that lasts for twenty to twenty-five minutes. The exact reasons for dreaming are not clear. But, several factors can play a part in the development of the condition like:


When you suffer from extreme pressure in personal or professional life can suffer from stress and anxiety in their life. Real or imaginary problems can escalate the condition. When you suffer problems with your loved ones or experience issues in professional life can trigger nightmares. You can also experience stress due to traumatic events like car accidents, sexual abuse or death of a loved one. Anxiety is associated with an increased risk of intense and disturbing images during sleep.

Sleep Disorders

Sleeping issues that affect your peaceful sleep can increase your risk of experiencing lucid visions. So, people suffering from the following can expect such visions:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Insomnia
  • Changes in sleep schedule (like flying overseas to place with different time zone)
  • Going to sleep at different time
  • Getting less sleep than normal

When you suffer from such conditions, you can expect such visions at night time.


The side effects of certain medications can contribute to lucid visions at night. People taking the following medications for treating underlying health issue can suffer from the issue:

  • Antidepressants
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Beta-blockers
  • Drugs to stop smoking
  • Parkinson’s disease

Substance Abuse

People using excess alcohol or using recreational drugs can result in sleep disorders. Individuals who experience withdrawal symptoms from drugs or alcohol can suffer from a nightmare.

Other Health Disorders

Apart from stress and anxiety, people who suffer from underlying health conditions can experience lucid vision during sleep. The physical health condition triggering the problem are:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease

Mental health problem causing the problem includes:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression

Early Pregnancy

It is one of the early pregnancy signs. A woman’s body changes during pregnancy. The change in hormone levels can affect your sleep patterns and emotions. Many women who are pregnant experience dreams. It is frequent during the early days of the pregnancy.

Complications Associated With Vivid Dreams

In normal conditions, vivid dreams cause no issues in your life. But, certain horrifying visions at night can change your behavior during sleep or cause you physical distress. They can affect a certain part of your life. While positive visions can make you feel warm and fuzzy, negative dreams can disturb you emotionally. If it lasts for weeks or months, then it starts affecting your sleep and results in several problems like:

Sleeping During Day

Due to the disruption of sleep during the night, you can experience daytime sleepiness. The lack of sleep can affect your focus and concentration. You can also suffer from memory problems. So, the condition will affect your productivity at school or work. You will also find it difficult to carry on with the ability to carry out daily tasks like taking a shower or driving. Completing the smallest tasks becomes problematic as you suffer from distraction. The distraction can make it dangerous.

Mood Problems

The distressing vision during sleep can cause emotional distress. It is an emotionally draining situation that can cause anxiety and depression symptoms. When you leave the condition untreated, then you can suffer from mood problems.


Due to the lucid visions, you tend to resist sleep. You can take the decision consciously or subconsciously to avoid the emotional distress associated with seeing the realistic dream. So, you try to avoid going to bed or falling asleep, resulting in insomnia.

Suicidal Thoughts/ Attempts

Troubling visions can make some people think about ending their life. Suicidal thoughts or ideation is a serious situation that requires emotional assistance. Nightmare can cause teens or adolescents to attempt suicide as they suffer from depressive signs, post traumatic symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. When people start to give up, instead of judging them, you need to offer assistance to provide help. If people you know or the loved ones suffer silently, then offer support in such a stressful time. Suicide hotlines assist such people who seek help.

Diagnosis Of Vivid Dreams

You have no tests or procedures to detect the disorder. In most cases, your doctor considers it a serious disorder when it starts affecting your sleep. The lack of sleep can make you distressed and cause several issues. So, you need medical intervention to manage the problem from affecting your life negatively. Your doctor can diagnose the problem by checking your medical history and symptoms. You need to undergo the following evaluation techniques:

Physical Exam

Your doctor performs a physical examination to detect the underlying condition triggering the problem. Some health complications like cancer or heart problems can cause vivid dreams. In some cases, mental health conditions like depression or anxiety can lead to the condition. So, you need to see a specialist doctor to address the physical issue. While you need to consult a mental health care procession to deal with anxiety and depression.

Symptoms Discussion

Your doctor can determine the severity of the issue based on the description of your experiences. So, you need to provide accurate answers regarding your family history of any sleep problems. The doctor can also ask your sleep partner regarding the signs you exhibit during your sleep. Your sleep behaviors are analyzed in detail to detect any disorder.


Also known as a nocturnal sleep study, it can detect any sleeping disorder. In some cases, your frightening visions are linked to underlying sleep issues. Therefore, your doctor can recommend an overnight sleep study. Your doctor places sensors on the body. It will record and monitor the brain waves, heart rate, the oxygen level in the blood, and breathing. It also records the eye and leg movement during your sleep. The sleep study is also videotaped by your doctor to document your behavior during your different sleep cycles.

Treating Vivid Dreams

In most of the cases, you never need any treatment for the lucid visions. It can go away after some time. But, when it starts affecting your life, your doctor may suggest different treatment options. Treatment is necessary when you experience physical problems and emotional distress due to the condition. The treatment includes lifestyle modification and medical treatment. When you experience issues due to the condition, make an appointment. A professional sleep specialist will try to determine the right treatment option that can offer you relief. The common treatment options available for the condition are:

Medical Intervention

Your doctor diagnoses any underlying medical condition that causes the issue. Treating the mental and physical condition triggering lucid visions can help you manage the problem.

Staying Healthy

You need to stay healthy to keep off nightmares at bay. So, to ensure you sleep properly without any disturbance by following the steps suggested below:

  • Drink plenty of water to maintain fluid balance in your body
  • Look after your mental health to prevent such issues
  • Maintain a healthy body weight

Apart from these steps, you need to relax your mind. A calm mind allows you to sleep without any disturbances. So, always reserve some time to relax your mind during the day. It will avoid you from becoming overwhelmed. A racing mind can lead to sleep issues and nightmares.

Manage Stress

Anxiety and stress can cause havoc in your body. It can trigger many problems including nightmares. You need to put stress in its place to ensure it does not affect your sleep negatively. If you have an issue with stress or anxiety, then talk to a professional about it. It will help you have a positive attitude as the professional can guide you. You can also practice stress-relief activities to flush the negative thoughts from your mind. So, you can perform the following:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Art therapy
  • Exercises

Imagery Rehearsal Therapy

IRT or Imagery Rehearsal Therapy is a type of cognitive-behavioral treatment. You can undergo the therapy session with a mental healthcare professional when you suffer from nightmares due to PTSD. Vivid dreams are common among people suffering from the disorder. It focuses on making such visions less intense or reduces its frequency. The mental healthcare professional tries to change the ending of the nightmare when you wake up. So, it becomes less threatening. During the therapy session, the professional asks you to continue playing over the non-threatening ending to the nightmares. The therapist builds your confidence and prevents you from getting scared by vivid dreams.

Medication For Vivid Dreams

In the majority of the cases, the doctor never recommends the use of medications for managing nightmares. But, you may require medication to deal with vision induced due to undergoing trauma. It is more prevalent in people who suffer from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder). In such cases, you need medications prescribed by the doctor. A doctor can suggest using sleeping medication or anti-anxiety medication. These medications can make sleeping easier.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies For Vivid Dream

If you or your child suffers from vivid dreams, then you can try the strategies suggested below to manage the problem:

Establish A Bedtime Routine

Nightmares can affect your sleep. So, you need to establish a routine for your bedtime. The relaxing and consistent routine can make you calm. It will help you with an ideal atmosphere to sleep without interruptions. Make sure you follow some calming activities like doing puzzles, reading books, or soaking in a warm bath before going to bed. Relaxation exercises, meditation or deep breathing exercises can also offer help. You have to transform your bedroom into a comfortable space for space. So, make it quiet, draw blinds, and add pillows in your bed for a relaxing night of sleep.

Offer Assurances

When a small child struggles with nightmares, you have to remain patient and help them cope with the issue. Take a patient and reassuring approach to make the child feel at ease. After the child awakens from a disturbing dream, respond quickly. Offering soothing words to make them come out of the experience. It prevents such issues in the future.

Talk About The Dream

Children and adults can feel disturbed due to the bad visions at night need to talk about it. It is essential to describe it in detail. The information about what makes the dream scary is necessary to manage it. You need to remind the child or get assurance from others that the visions are not real and cannot hurt you in any way. It will make you feel better. Discussing it can take your mind out of the distressing visions.

Rewrite The Ending

You have the power to rewrite the ending of your nightmare. You can think about it as a story with different endings. Work on the different positive ending that will replace the worst aspects of the nightmare. You need to rehearse and imagine the new script before you go to bed. It will help you overcome the issues associated with vivid dreams. In children, you need to try a different technique. You need to encourage the child to draw a picture of their visions, write about the visions in a journal or talk to the characters appearing in the nightmare. When you encourage the child to think creatively, it can change the put come.

Have A Sleep Schedule

Having a sleep schedule can put you in a better mood, eliminate negative thoughts, and improve your cognitive function. Aim to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day.

Include Exercise

Exercising regularly can keep your body fit like a fiddle. It can also eliminate nightmares. Try to include physical activity for at least twenty to thirty days every day. But, try to avoid exercising before going to sleep as it affects your sleep.

Avoid Caffeine And Nicotine

Caffeine and nicotine are known stimulants. So, it can disturb your sleep and cause a nightmare. Therefore, try not to drink caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea or energy drinks before going to sleep. Avoid smoking before bed as it can also trigger a sleeping disorder.

Provide Comfort Measures

You need to provide comfortable surroundings for your child to ensure they sleep well. You can make them feel more secure by placing their favorite toy, blanket, or another comfort object. Leave the door open to offer your child assurance that he/she is not alone. You need to leave the door to your room open. It is for easy access for your child in case they need your reassurance or comfort during the night.

A Night Light

Placing a night light in your child’s room can make them feel safe. It is essential when they wake up from a nightmare. The right offers reassurance.


Usually, dreams often relate to what is happening in your life. The events and experiences in your waking life can reflect in the images during sleep. If you experience low stress and enjoy your life, then you tend to have positive dreams. The satisfaction in your day-to-day life will reflect in your sleep pattern and the images you see. But, by contrast, an emotionally distressed person who is anxious, frustrated, or depressed can suffer from nightmares. The unpleasant visions can compromise your sleep quality at night. You have no control in seeing the different images. But it does not mean you cannot work on improving the state of mind. Positive thoughts and attitudes during the day will improve the quality of dreams at night and sleep peacefully. Seek medical attention when you feel the visions affect your life.


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