Vitamin E Deficiency – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Vitamin E deficiency occurs rarely. But, people suffering from this deficiency do not realize they suffer from this problem. It is because it may mimic other issues. The body requires vitamin E to function properly. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It means this vitamin requires fat from the diet for proper absorption. Your liver stores this vitamin in the liver before the body releases it into the bloodstream. People deficient in this vitamin can suffer from it due to an underlying condition. In some cases, premature infants have low levels of the vitamin. Read ahead to know more about the deficiency and the right approach you need to take:

About Vitamin E Deficiency

Vitamins refer to the organic compounds or nutrients required by the body to ensure proper functioning and growth. Vitamins are not produced by the body on their own. It is also not possible to synthesize it by the body. You need to consume vitamins as a part of daily nutrition or sustenance. Each person is responsible for determining the right amount of nutrients needed by the body. Without getting the necessary amount of nutrients, it can cause negative consequences on health and development. The body needs thirteen types of vitamins for proper functioning. It is required at different and specific levels. Vitamin E can work as an antioxidant in the body.

Vitamin E exists in eight forms. Among them, the dietary requirements of humans are met by alpha-tocopherol. You can find this type of vitamin in certain foods. This type of vitamin comes under the fat-soluble classification. It moves through the body to fats. Your body stores it in the liver and fatty tissue. It is then released into the bloodstream according to the requirement.

Benefits Of Vitamin E

Before going into why you need to prevent vitamin E deficiency, you need to know the benefits of the vitamin. It will help you understand why vitamin plays a vital role in the functioning of the body.

It Can Lower Oxidative Stress

Oxidation is a process that you see on your car or bike. It results in the development of rust on these vehicles. Similar to the process occurring on the vehicles, your body also undergoes an oxidation process. Due to this, the aging process also speeds up as the cells in the body become exposed to molecules referred to as free radicals. Free radicals can weaken healthy cells and break them down. Free radicals are also responsible for serious health issues such as cancer and heart disease. Your body can suffer from an imbalance between the free radicals (Reactive oxygen species) and antioxidant defenses resulting in oxidative stress.

Vitamin E can act as an antioxidant and help neutralize the free radicals. So, it offers protection against cellular damage. Studies now focus on how Vitamin E can work in protecting the body against certain inflammatory conditions. They are focussing on the anti-inflammatory properties that can protect people when used as a supplement.

Vitamin E May Ease Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis refers to the chronic condition causing the degeneration of joints. It can lead to pain and stiffness. Studies have indicated the effectiveness of vitamin E in easing the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

May Aid In Managing Diabetes

Insulin resistance triggers a chronic condition known as diabetes. It can increase oxidative stress in the body. Vitamin E can become a valuable strategy in managing complications triggered due to diabetes.

May Benefit Your Skin

Vitamin E is a common ingredient used in cosmetics and skincare products. It is also used in products used for wound healing. It is because vitamin E can protect the body against oxidative stress. It can also protect the body from environmental stressors. While some studies indicate the photoprotective properties of topical vitamin E can prevent skin damage from occurring due to sunlight. But, the evidence does not indicate the effectiveness of wound healing.

Other Areas Of Research

Researchers are trying to investigate the potential uses of Vitamin E in managing health conditions and degenerative diseases. Like effects of other antioxidants, studies focus on the following ailments:

Coronary Heart Disease

Some studies indicate the effectiveness of higher levels of vitamin E in lowering the risk of heart disease. The study conducted on middle-aged individuals has not given conclusive evidence in the prevention of cardiovascular disease with vitamin E supplementation. It may or may not reduce the severity or mortality.

Age-Related Eye Disorders

Oxidative stress a vital role in developing eye issues such as cataracts. It can lead to a more prevalent issue with advancing age. Some studies point towards the potential link existing between vitamin E supplements and reduced chances of cataract formation. But, studies remain inconclusive.

Cognitive Decline

As time passes, the free radical can damage the neurons present in the brain. It can lead to cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. So, researchers are trying to find if antioxidants such as Vitamin E can protect the neurons from free radical damage. The studies remain limited with some positive and some no clear benefits. It requires further studies to learn the effectiveness.


With no checking on the free radicals in the body, it can result in the development of cancer. Studies are underway to detect if the antioxidant properties of Vitamin E can prevent cancer or not. The evidence remains limited regarding the intake of vitamin E to prevent cancer. But, studies have indicated that large doses of vitamin E supplements may prevent prostate cancer.

Symptoms Triggered Due To Vitamin E Deficiency

Suffering from low levels of Vitamin E can result in several symptoms. It mainly focuses on your muscles. Most people with this deficiency can face trouble with coordination and other muscle problems. Here are some of the symptoms linked to low levels of Vitamin E:

Muscle Weakness

Vitamin E is vital for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Vitamin E is among the vital antioxidants in the body. So, when you have low levels of this vitamin, it can trigger oxidative stress. Due to oxidative stress, you can suffer from muscle weakness.

Difficulty With Muscle Coordination And Mobility

Due to insufficient amounts of Vitamin E, certain neurons in the body can suffer damage. It mainly affects certain neurons known as Purkinje neurons. The deficiency can result in the breaking down of the neurons. Due to this harm, the neurons lose their ability to transmit signals. It results in loss of coordination and trouble walking properly.

Numbness And Tingling

Vitamin E can cause nerve damage. Due to the damage to the nerve fibers, it cannot transmit signals to the brain accurately. It can lead to numbness and tingling sensations. This condition is also referred to as peripheral neuropathy.

Vision Deterioration

Suffering from deficiency of Vitamin E can also weaken the light receptors present in the retina. It can also damage the light receptors in the other cells in the eye. This condition can lead to blurred vision or permanent loss of vision over time.

Problems With The Immune System

Some studies indicate that the lack of sufficient vitamin E in the body can weaken the immune cells. This condition usually affects older adults. It can result in a weakened immune system.

Neurological Symptoms Due To Vitamin E Deficiency

If you suffer from muscle weakness or trouble with coordination, it indicates you have developed neurological symptoms due to damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems. The peripheral nervous system refers to the nerves network present beyond your spinal cord and brain. These neurons help pass messages throughout the body. While the central nervous system facilitates communication between the brain and the spinal cord.

How does it happen? The neurons have a protective cover or sheath composed of fats. When your body has a deficiency of vitamin E, the antioxidants levels decrease. The sheath gets protection from the antioxidants. Due to this, the sheaths break down causing the function of the nervous system to break down.

Other Symptoms Of Vitamin E Deficiency

Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, there are other myriad signs indicating vitamin E deficiency. Most people ignore the problem as it mimics common issues suffered by people. Here are some other symptoms indicating the deficiency of this vitamin in the body:

Hair Fall

Hair fall is another symptom indicating low levels of vitamin E. Eating a diet rich in this vitamin can help reverse such issues. People experiencing abnormal hair fall can consume the vitamin to refurbish and regenerate dead hair follicles and hair cells.

Dry Skin

People suffering from vitamin E deficiency can also suffer from dry and flaky skin. While you can develop dry skin due to exposure to extreme weather conditions such as winter, it can also develop due to this deficiency. When you see dryness of skin even during perfect weather conditions, see a doctor.

Eye Problems

The deficiency of vitamin E can also cause eye problems. Some people experience the weakening of eye muscles. While others can see fluctuating powers. When you get a proper diagnosis from a doctor in the early stages, you can take the necessary step to prevent the eye problem from escalating. It will prevent eye damage.

Hormonal Imbalance Due To Vitamin E Deficiency

When the body undergoes hormonal imbalances, it becomes difficult to diagnose the actual reason resulting in the problem. But, hormonal imbalance can trigger havoc in the body. In some cases, these issues develop due to low levels of vitamin E. Many hormonal imbalances developing in women such as pre-menopause, PCOS, and PCOD can ease when you take a sufficient amount of Vitamin E.

Causes OF Vitamin E Deficiency

There are some reasons why a person suffers from vitamin E deficiency. Here are some of the main underlying problems triggering the issues:

Genetics Causing Vitamin E Deficiency

In some cases, this deficiency runs in the family. So, if you suspect the problem, check the family history. Checking the family history can also help diagnose specific rare, inherited easier. Chronic diseases such as familial isolated vitamin E deficiency and congenital abetalipoproteinemia can lead to a deficiency of Vitamin E levels in the body.

Medical Conditions

Certain underlying medical conditions can affect the fat absorption levels in the body. Due to low-fat absorption, the absorption of Vitamin E occurs incorrectly. The diseases causing this problem include:

  • Celiac disease
  • chronic pancreatitis
  • Cholestatic liver disease
  • Cystic fibrosis

Premature Baby

In some babies, doctors have seen vitamin E deficiency. It is prominent in babies born prematurely with less fat and lower birth weights. Such babies have an immature digestive tract. So, it interferes with vitamin E and fat absorption. These infants face the risk of developing hemolytic anemia. The disease destroys the red blood cells.

See A Doctor For Vitamin E Deficiency

When a person has no history of the genetic disease but experiences any symptoms of a vitamin E deficiency, they should contact a doctor. Diagnosing the problem can help with early intervention. It will prevent any complications.

Diagnosing Vitamin E Deficiency

Once you make an appointment with the doctor, the expert can look at your symptoms. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to undergo a blood test. Vitamin E can occur in eight chemical forms. In your body, Vitamin E occurs in the form of alpha-tocopherol. To diagnose vitamin E deficiency, your doctor can determine the alpha-tocopherol levels in the blood.

Blood Test To Detect Vitamin E Deficiency

A healthcare professional will take a sample of your blood from the vein in the arm. They use a small needle to draw the blood. It is collected in a test tube or vial. The test may only trigger a little sting when the needle goes in and out. It usually takes only a few minutes to draw the blood.

Test Results

A normal level is usually within the range of 5.5–17 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The normal range may be different for premature infants and children under 17. Normal ranges can also vary slightly among labs.

When an adult has less than 4 mg/L of vitamin E in their blood, they usually require supplementation.

Treatment Options To Manage Vitamin E Deficiency

For severe deficiency, the doctors suggest supplementation. It is effective for premature babies and people suffering from this deficiency due to inherited conditions. Other cases can become normal with a diet rich in Vitamin E. Let’s see in detail:

Supplements To Overcome Vitamin E Deficiency

Supplements are suggested by the doctor for newborn and premature babies suffering from Vitamin E deficiency. For babies, doctors provide vitamin E supplements using a tube in the stomach. In some cases, the doctor administers it intravenously. In most cases, one dose may raise the vitamin E levels, some babies need multiple doses.

In children and adults suffering from vitamin E deficiency due to inherited conditions, they require high doses of the vitamin. Supplementation may stop the progress of the inherited disease and ease the symptoms. When the doctor detects the deficiency early, it helps prevent neurological symptoms.

Complications Triggered Due To Vitamin E Supplements

When people take more vitamin E supplements, it can trigger dangerous signs. The fat-soluble vitamins such as K, E, D, and A can trigger several signs such as:

  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle aches
  • Vomiting
  • Stroke
  • Early death

Also, people with underlying diseases and taking medication such as blood thinners (warfarin) and chemotherapy medication need to maintain caution. This vitamin can interact with the medication to trigger adverse effects. So, before taking the supplements, you need to seek a doctor’s advice. Follow the dose as recommended by your doctor.

Overcome Vitamin E Deficiency By Choosing Right Diet

Only people with some underlying chronic conditions suffer from this deficiency. Hence, normal people may not face the risk of suffering from vitamin E deficiency. In such cases, doctors suggest diet changes. Supplementation is not necessary for such cases. You can find vitamin E in a wide variety of foods. Your body cannot produce this vitamin. Hence, you need to provide it to the body from external sources such as diet or supplements. You can include the following foods in your diet:

Sunflower Seeds To Manage Vitamin E Deficiency

Sunflower seeds are packed with several nutrients. Eating these seeds can provide the body with the necessary fiber to keep the digestive system healthy. You can snack on sunflower seeds. Sprinkling it on oatmeal, yogurt, and salad will provide your body with Vitamin E.


Almond seeds contain high levels of vitamin E. You can snack on roasted almonds. You can add almonds to your baked goods, cereal, or make almond milk to drink it.


Peanuts are famous snacks. It also contains high levels of vitamin E. You can snack on plain and dry roasted peanuts. Avoid extra salt or flavorings to get a complete benefit.

Some Oils

Certain oils have high levels of Vitamin E in them. Apart from fat and calories, they do not contain any nutrition. Hence, you need to include these oils in moderation. The oils containing the vitamin include:

  • Rice bran oil
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Grapeseed oil


Avocados contain healthy fats and little sugar. It is a versatile fruit containing plenty of nutrients along with Vitamin E. It is also rich in vitamin C which can make it easier to absorb Vitamin E. Avocados also contain high levels of potassium.


Spinach is a green leafy vegetable beneficial for your health. Spinach contains vital nutrients, including Vitamin E.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is another green leafy vegetable containing high levels of vitamin E in it. It also contains other beneficial nutrients needed by the body.

Butternut Squash

If you want to include a tasty vegetable containing Vitamin E, butter squash can become the best option. It is a tasty vegetable you can use in many winter and fall dishes.

Beet Greens To Manage Vitamin E Deficiency

Everyone consumes beetroot due to its health benefits. But, do you know the greens or the leaves of beetroot can offer several benefits. It is a good source of vitamin E. You can include beet greens in your salads as it also has several other nutrients.


Trout has vitamin E in it. You can include trout in your diet as it also has healthy omega-3 fatty acids in it. It is also rich in protein.

Prevent Vitamin E Deficiency

How can you prevent vitamin E deficiency? By making small lifestyle changes, you can manage and prevent the deficiency from affecting your life. The standard preventive options provided to control this problem include:

Change In Diet

Suffering from Vitamin E deficiency indicates that your diet does not contain an adequate amount of this vitamin. So, the standard procedure to combat the problem includes correcting the diet. It is an efficient solution suggested by doctors to overcome the problem. Including a diet rich in vitamin E aids in prevention and protection from the harsh effects of the problem. Here are some of the dietary tips you can follow:

  • Include a meal full of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. A balanced diet is always beneficial in avoiding any vitamin deficiency that can trigger health issues.
  • If you eat a lot of potatoes, sweets, bread, or meat, you tend to have low alpha-tocopherol levels (a type of Vitamin E) in the blood. So, you can swap these foods in favor of healthy alternatives such as nuts and green vegetables.
  • People consuming saturated fats tend to see a decline in their Vitamin E levels. So, if you eat animal and dairy fats can suffer from vitamin E deficiency. You can switch saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats. You find polyunsaturated fats in seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) also reduce cholesterol levels. Hence, it increases the tocopherol cholesterol ratio in people.

Increase Absorption Of Vitamin E

Apart from including foods rich in Vitamin E, you must also optimize the absorption of this vitamin by the body. With better absorption, you can prevent deficiency of the vitamin. Since vitamin E is fat-soluble, you need to include foods high in fat to promote better absorption.

High Fat Foods

Consuming foods such as oil, egg, avocados, or other high-fat means can improve Vitamin E absorption. But, you need to consume such foods in moderation due to the variation in blood lipids.

Vitamin C Foods

Vitamin C can also enhance the absorption of Vitamin E. It restores alpha-tocopherol. It also supports the antioxidant effects of Vitamin E. To keep the Vitamin E levels high in the body, you need to eat Vitamin C-rich foods. Try to include the following foods in your diet:

  • Red pepper
  • Citrus fruits
  • Kiwi
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries

Lifestyle Changes

Changes in diet can influence vitamin E levels in the body. But, certain habits can also impact the depletion of Vitamin E levels.

  • Smoking is harmful to your health. It also affects the Vitamin E levels in the body. People who smoke regularly can have depleted levels of Vitamin E. It increases the demand for dietary antioxidants. So, quit smoking to prevent the deficiency from developing.
  • Excess body weight can lead to a plethora of diseases. Obesity can also result in high blood levels of Vitamin E. But, your tissues cannot get the necessary vitamin E. It results in increased vitamin E needs. Obesity can also worsen the tocopherol, cholesterol ratio. Hence, you need to include a workout routine to reduce weight.


Vitamin E deficiency occurs rarely. But, without an adequate amount of this powerful antioxidant, you can protect the cells in the body from free radical damage. Due to this vitamin deficiency, people have to face a high risk of developing several health conditions such as cognitive decline, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. If you suffer from this deficiency, your first thought may include taking supplements to manage the problem. But, studies indicate that using Vitamin E supplements may not lower the risk of chronic disease. Instead, taking supplements can result in taking Vitamin E in excess, which can lead to complications. Including it in your diet can help you manage the problem. Add foods rich in Vitamin E to your diet to manage the deficiency. Better consult a doctor when you become concerned about your vitamin E intake.


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