Top Reasons That Causes Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

Are you wondering about the top reasons that cause upper abdomen weight gain? Belly fat in the upper abdominal region can frustrate you. It affects your physical appearance and causes problems with your self-esteem. People who have a healthy weight can also suffer from excess fat in the upper abdominal region. It can affect your health and become a major cause of concern. Some people try all the exercises in the world with no results as a layer of fat seems to remain. You need to know that a combination of factor like lifestyle, your genetics, and diet can influence the way the body stores excess fat. You cannot spot reduce the area of fat. But, you have some exercises that prove effective in overall weight loss along with upper belly fat. Exercises alone may not solve the problem as you need to make some lifestyle changes to get the desired results. If you are interested in knowing more, then read ahead.

About Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

Upper abdomen weight gain is different compared to the lower belly fat in some important ways. You may have observed that lower belly fat is slightly more resistant to absorption compared to upper abdominal fat. So, it is difficult to get rid of the fat accumulated in the lower belly. But, it does not mean you can get rid of upper belly fat as it can have a stubborn nature. Why do you need to reduce the fat deposited in the upper abdomen region? It increases the risk of developing several diseases. According to several studies, you can suffer from diseases, even when you have a healthy BMI. The larger your upper abdominal region is, the higher the chances of dying prematurely. Here are some of the disease increasing the chance of dying:

  • High risk of suffering from dementia
  • Insulin resistance and risk of Diabetes
  • Heart diseases
  • Stroke
  • Compromised lung function
  • Asthma risk
  • Migraine headaches

Many people say spot reduction is possible. But, working out to target specific fat deposits on the body is a myth. You cannot lose fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Certain exercises can enhance the loss of fat from the abdominal region. For losing excess fat, you need to follow a plan consisting of the same components as:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Calorie restriction
  • Weight training

Before you start trying to lose weight, you need to understand that some fat deposit on your body is normal. It is a part of a healthy normal physique. For people with low BMI (Body Mass Index), losing the fat deposited in the upper abdomen is a challenging task. So, it takes some time to lose it.

The Top Reasons That Causes Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

You may have realized that excess fat accumulation in the abdomen area can result in many health complications. Therefore, you need to keep it in check to avoid health issues. When you have excess belly fat, it means the upper abdomen weight gain occurs due to visceral fat storage. So, it increases waist size. Visceral fat is the harmful kind as it deposits between the abdominal walls as well as the internal organs. Several reasons or factors are resulting in the accumulation of this fat. Here are the top reasons why your body stores excess fat in the upper abdominal region:

Lack Of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for abdominal obesity. Without exercise, your body becomes lethargic and inactive. So, it starts affecting the energy levels of your body. When the energy levels drop, it can lead to the accumulation of abdominal fat. Without including exercise, your body cannot burn off the fat. It can increase belly fat. The deposits occur in layers. A sedentary lifestyle makes you vulnerable to many health issues, including obesity.

Unhealthy Diet Routine Causing Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

An unhealthy lifestyle can result in excess weight gain in the upper abdominal region. It is one of the biggest reasons resulting in the condition. Fast food is popular among people due to their fast lifestyle. It is easier to pick up fast food rather than make food at home. So, most people are dependent on fast food or junk food. These food items contain excess carbohydrates and bad fats. So, it results in an increased risk of accumulation of fat in the upper abdominal region. Fast food is high in calories, which increases the risk of obesity.

Sugary Foods And Beverages

When you include more sugary foods or drinks in your diet, it makes you vulnerable to abdominal weight gain. Unfortunately, most people never realize they are taking more sugar than necessary. According to different observational studies, a strong link exists between excess sugar intake and abdominal fat accumulation. It is because of the high fructose content in the added sugars. Both regular sugar (50% fructose), as well as the high-fructose corn syrup (55% fructose), contain high fructose levels. According to a study conducted among overweight and obese people, the group with high consumption of fructose-sweetened beverages has seen a decrease in insulin sensitivity and a high risk of belly fat. According to another study, a high fructose diet reduced the fat-burning ability along with a low metabolic rate.

Sugar Foods

Try to keep away from the following foods, even the healthier choices that have high sugar content:

  • Cakes
  • Muffins
  • Candies
  • Frozen yogurt
  • Sugary Beverages

Too much sugar in any form can result in obesity or weight gain in the abdomen region. But, sweetened beverages with high sugar can cause severe problems. It is because such beverages are easy to consume in large doses. So, your body consumes large doses of sugar in a short period. Try to limit the consumption of the following beverages:

  • Soda
  • Sweet tea
  • Flavored coffee drinks

Liquid sugary calories do not have the same effect as the solid food containing sugar on your appetite. Solid food makes you full after eating a few, but liquid calories may not make you feel full. So, you tend to compensate by eating other foods. It only results in the piling up of calories leading to the accumulation of fat.

Trans Fats Causing Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

One of the unhealthiest fats on the planet is trans-fat.  Trans-fat is created by adding a hydrogen atom to the unsaturated fats. It is to make the fat more stable. It is used to extend the shelf lives of packed foods. The type of fat can trigger inflammation. Trans-fat can result in heart disease, insulin resistance, and various other diseases. According to certain animals conducted by scientists, the diets containing trans-fat can result in the accumulation of belly fat. At the end of a six-year study on monkeys, the group fed a diet of 8% trans-fat gained weight. This group also had 33% more belly fat compared to the group of monkeys fed a diet of 8% monounsaturated fat. Both of these groups received enough calories to maintain their weight. The group consuming more trans-fat experienced upper abdominal weight gain. Try to limit the following:

  • Baking mixes
  • Muffins
  • Crackers

Low-Protein Diets

Protein is an important factor in your diet. Getting enough protein will prevent weight gain. When you consume a high-protein diet, it makes you feel full and satisfied. So, you have fewer hunger pangs. A high-protein diet is also helpful in increasing the metabolic rate. It reduces calorie intake spontaneously. In contrast, when you take low protein, it increases the chances of fat accumulation in the abdominal region over the long-term. According to several large observational studies, people who consume a high amount of protein are less likely to develop belly fat. Along with that, several animal studies have found that the hormone, known as NPY (neuropeptide Y) results in increased hunger pangs. So, it makes you eat more and results in gaining belly fat. The NPY levels increase when you have a low protein intake.

One Of The Top Reasons That Causes Upper Abdomen Weight Gain: Stress

Stress is one of the main reasons for piling up of fat in the abdominal reason. It is linked to the body producing cortisol. The hormone is released by the body when you are stressed or anxious. The hormone in turn forces your liver to secrete excess sugar. Excess sugar secretion is not good for your body. It is because it makes you feel hungry. When you get hungry, you eat more food. It eventually leads to unhealthy fat deposits in your abdominal region. So, prolonged stress is not good for physical or mental health.

Health Issues

At times, fat accumulation in the upper abdominal region occurs due to health complications. People who suffer from hormonal imbalance, cardiovascular disease, or problems with the digestive tract can lead to excess weight gain. Some medications or drugs taken to treat diseases can result in weight gain in the upper abdomen.

 One Of The Main Health Issue Causing Upper Abdomen Weight Gain: Menopause

Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to excess fat accumulation in the belly region. When women hit puberty, the brain sends a signal to release the estrogen hormone. It helps your body store fat in the hip and thighs. It aids in helping the body get ready to support a potential pregnancy. While the subcutaneous fat causes no harm, it becomes difficult to lose for some women. Menopause occurs when a woman fails to get a monthly period for one year. So, a woman enters menopause one year after her last menstrual period. During this time, the estrogen levels drop drastically. It results in the fat accumulating in the abdomen rather than the thighs or hips.

Some women gain more belly fat compared to others during this time. It is linked to genetics or the age of the person at which menopause starts. According to a study, women who experience menopause at a young age are more at risk of suffering from upper abdomen weight gain compared to other women who enter menopause at a later age.

The Hidden Health Risk Due To Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

Most people think upper abdomen weight gain is not a serious issue. It is difficult for some people to realize they are storing excess fat in the belly region until the clothes start becoming tight. Belly fat is sneaky as it is tucked away inside the body. People who are within their BMI (Body Mass Index) range never think they are at risk as they are not overweight. But, it does not mean they have no problem. Excess fat in the upper abdomen region puts you at risk of several health problems. No special blood tests are required to detect if you have excess fat in the upper abdominal region. When you have excess fat, it poses a greater health risk.

If you have to move to a bigger pants size even with a normal weight, then it means you need to take action. But, the stubborn fat may not go away with exercising alone. Some people have not seen the results with just workouts alone. You need to make several changes to lose weight from the upper abdominal region.

How To Manage The Top Reasons That Causes Upper Abdomen Weight Gain?

Accumulation of fat in the upper abdominal region can increase your chances of suffering from serious diseases. Losing at least a small percentage of fat from the abdomen can make a huge difference in preventing the onset of diabetes and other problems. So, losing weight can help people who are in the prediabetes category as it prevents escalation to type 2 diabetes. But, it is easier to say than realizing it. Dropping the upper abdomen weight gain can become a huge challenge. Most people try many exercises and tricks to get the desired results. But, it takes changing different aspects to get the result you require. You need to make some simple changes in your lifestyle, include exercise, and managing stress can help you burn the accumulated fat in the upper abdominal region.

Skip Fruit Juice

You might have made the big change of swapping calorie-laden colas for fruit juices for a healthy body. But, fruit juices do not eliminate the fat in the upper abdominal region. Why? Because fruit juices do not contain the fiber. The fiber in the fruits can only break down the fat. Without fiber, you consume only fruit sugar, which goes straight to the abdominal region.

Include Vegetables In Diet

You need to include fresh vegetables in your diet. Try to fill at least half your plate with vegetables. Include it especially in your biggest meal. But, try to choose the non-starchy vegetables like green leafy vegetables, beans, or broccoli. Avoid starchy vegetables like carrots, potatoes, or corn as they are filled with carbs. It will only result in fat accumulation in the upper abdominal region.

Avoid Processed Foods

When you are in a rush, processed food feels like your friend. But, you can never overlook the fact that packaged food contains sugar, trans-fat, salt, and sugar. It is also stripped of vitamins, minerals, nutrition, and fiber. So, it can only contribute to boosting upper belly fat. When you include foods like white bread, white rice, and foods made of refined flour, it digests easily and spikes the blood sugar rapidly. Due to high insulin levels after eating your meals, you face a high risk of diseases. So, you need to eliminate processed food. Instead, you need to include whole-grain foods.

Adopt A Regular Exercise Regime

If you have observed upper abdominal weight gain, then you need to increase your physical activity. Try to adopt a regular exercise regime. A sedentary lifestyle is the main culprit resulting in the accumulation of fat in the upper abdomen region. So, if you are sitting continuously for more than three hours, then you face an increased risk of developing abdominal obesity. Including exercise, for at least thirty minutes a day can help in losing the excess fat. You can include activities like swimming, brisk walking, jogging, and dancing to lose the belly fat.

Include Strength Training To Overcome Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

Strength training is more successful in reducing fat accumulated in the upper abdominal area. So, you need to include strength training or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Compared to the other exercises, you expend more calories with HIIT. HIIT means short bursts of intense exercise followed by low-intensity recovery periods. It is a more time-efficient method to exercise and burn fat in the upper abdomen region. Such exercises tend to burn pounds when you are sitting still. So, you need to include such exercises twice a week. It is on top of the five-day moderate exercise session you have to follow. For the rest of the five days of the week, you can include biking or walking to eliminate body fat.

Move Frequently To Manage Upper Abdomen Weight Gain

Even when you exercise on most of the days, you need to keep moving instead of sitting all day. Unlike what old people say, fidgeting is good for your health. Sitting all day and night due to your job can increase your chances of depositing fat in the abdominal region. Most people complain that their job makes them sit for eight to nine hours a day. If you face the same problem, then here are some of the tips you can follow:

  • Take short breaks while working. After every hour, move your body. You can either stretch your legs at the desk or take a stroll around the office.
  • Move your hands while you are talking (gesture) and while sitting down tap your foot.
  • When you are going to the office or back to your apartment, skip the elevator. Taking the stairs is a better alternative.
  • Instead of settling on a couch to watch movies when you get back home, you can do something more active like playing sports or walking.

Never Skimp On Sleep

Sleeping for less than five hours a night can result in upper abdomen weight gain. Do you know lack of sleep can increase around 32 lbs? Likewise, sleeping for more than eight hours can also affect your body weight. People with sleeping disorders like sleep apnea or other issues have more risk of an increase in their body weight. Try to sleep for six to eight hours will help you lose belly fat.

Refrain From Alcohol

Alcohol in moderation is good for your health. It eliminates the risk of heart attack and stroke. But, when you consume alcohol in excess, it can affect your health adversely. When you consume more alcohol it leads to liver inflammation, liver diseases, and other health complications. According to some studies, alcohol reduces the fat burning process along with giving your body empty calories. So, it results in the unburned fat accumulating in the abdominal region.

Quit Smoking

Smoking increases your waistline. It is because smoking tends to localize the fat in the abdominal region. Apart from that, cigarette smoking can also result in other diseases like cancer, diabetes, or heart problems.

Keep Your Cool

When you are under stress, your body releases a stress hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol faces a high risk of upper abdominal obesity. So, it can override any diet or workouts. When cortisol goes through the body, fat deposits relocates in the belly region. When you are stressed, it also reduces your sleep quality. Stress also increases binge eating tendencies along with alcohol consumption, which contributes to upper abdominal fat accumulation. You need to include stress-relieving techniques like breathing techniques, meditation, and exercise to get relief from stress. It will help you feel good and help with weight loss.


You need to address the top reasons that cause upper abdomen weight gain to shed the excess fat. You need to make changes in your lifestyle and include upper body workouts. It will strengthen your core and tone the muscles. But, never fall for spot treatment options as it will have no effect on the layer of fat on the upper abdominal region. Develop a good plan that will help you lose weight along with the fat deposits on the stomach. Fat is not an indicator of how healthy you are. Find the effective workout option and diet plan to achieve results. If you are not seeing any results, then talk to your doctor. The medical professional can help you develop a good plan to shed the excess fat deposit.



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