Top Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss

Homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss is no gaining popularity as it helps prevent the condition without any side effects. It is one of the most common problems suffered by people across the globe. Many people dread to comb their hair due to the fear of seeing the excess hair breakage. Several issues contribute to the condition. From dandruff to genetic problems, you can experience different problems leading to loss of hair. Hair is essential for a charming visual appeal. With an attractive appearance, you can make an impact on people. When you see hair falling out in clumps, it disheartens you. Many of us try different products to reduce hair fall and enhance growth. But, not all get the desired results. If you are one of these people who have not had any luck with stopping the hair loss, then checking homeopathy is the best option.

About Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss

Homeopathy is the form of medication aiming at triggering the healing process in your body. This is a holistic treatment option. This form of medication offers different medications to treat hair loss. You can use the therapy to manage chronic and recurring diseases of different types. It can address different types of diseases including joint diseases, skin diseases, and autoimmune diseases. But, this is not used to address severe infections like pneumonia, malaria, kidney disease, or heart problems. Homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss have several benefits.

Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss Are Effective

Taking homeopathic medicines and treatment for hairless offers highly effective results. Apart from that, it is also beneficial in dealing with chronic diseases affecting you for a long time. Diseases recurring after a few days, months, or years are also managed using homeopathy. It heals from inside by making your immune system fight the health problem.

Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss Gives Lasting Relief

Conventional medication offers effective results. Then, why should you choose homeopathy? It is because of the lasting results it offers. It helps manage many types of diseases for a long time without the chance of recurring. How is it possible? While conventional medications only treat the problem, homeopathy addresses the root of the problem. It helps treat the actual cause of the disease. So, homeopathy is effective in addressing your physical problem, emotional distress, and genetic problems in totality. Homeopathy treats the disease traits rather than treating the problem superficially, which reduces the possibility of the problem affecting again. So, depending on the nature of the disease as well as its cause, homeopathy offers a cure that lasts for a long time.

 Safe And Free From Side-Effects

Unlike other medications, a homeopathy is a safe option. It is free from any side effects with proper usage. The medication format ensures it is free from any toxic substances. So, it does not cause any harmful effects. You can use it without any fear. It is the main reason why homeopathy is suggested for pregnant women, newborn babies, and elderly patients. Even people with delicate health can use homeopathy to ease their symptoms triggered due to health conditions.

Top Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments Are Cost Effective

When all other methods have failed to offer the best results, you can try the cost-effective solutions suggested in homeopathy to manage hair loss. Another benefit of this form of medication is that you can use it along with other forms of medication. The easy to administer medication can address the root cause of your problem and offer effective results.

The Different Stages Of Hair


Before going into the details of the top homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss, you need to know the stages of hair. In normal cases, hair growth occurs in three phases. Once it completes the last stage, it repeats the entire cycle. Each strand of your hair undergoes the three phases of growth. Every single hair strand has independent stages of growth compared to others on the scalp. Let’s see the stages in detail:

Anagen Phase/ Growth Phase

This phase usually lasts for around three to five years. Anagen is the active phase where your hair root divides at a faster pace. It results in the growth of your hair. At a given time, the majority of your hairs (85%) come under this phase.

Catagen/ Regression Phase

At a given time, 1% to 3% of hair is in this phase. This phase lasts for approximately ten to twenty days where your hair stops growing.

Telogen phase (resting/shedding phase)

Around 10% of the hair at a given time are in this phase. It lasts most for three months. After this time, your hair falls out.

When a person suffers from male pattern baldness, the growth phase or the anagen phase is shortened. But, the duration of the shedding phase is the same. Due to this, affected people see less hair growth at a given time in this short duration while compared to the normal growth. But, more hair continues to shed simultaneously. Several factors like genetic, underlying health problems or other issues can lead to hair fall. The top homeopathic medicines and treatment for hair loss try to identify the actual cause and offer the right solution to overcome the issue without any side effects.

Causes Of Hair fall In People

It is normal to lose some hair strands every day. But, in some cases, you may suffer from severe hair fall resulting in bald patches to appear on your scalp. Here are the reasons for hair fall in people.

Need For Homeopathic Medicines And Treatment For Hair Loss In Men

Men lose hair mainly due to male pattern baldness. It is a common problem most men suffer. But, each person feels isolated when they suffer from this problem. According to studies, more than 40% of men suffer from noticeable hair loss by the time they reach the age of 35. As time progresses, men lose 80% of their hair (by the time they reach 80 years). This condition can also occur in young males. The condition usually starts from the front area as well as the crown. As they age, the loss of hair progresses to the back of the head.

People with a genetic predisposition can suffer from baldness. They experience a change in the hair-growth cycle. It is usually caused due to the dihydrotestosterone hormone’s action. While such people suffer from natural hair loss, the new hair growth is shorter, thinner, and has a light pigmentation. It means that when hair continues to grow from the root, it is too thin to sustain for long. Also, the rate of hair fall is higher than the rate of new hair growth. So, it leads to male pattern baldness. Homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss work by strengthening your hair follicles while moderating the effects associated with hormones linked with loss of hair. While the treatment cannot reverse baldness, it can slow down hair loss.

Symptoms Associated With Male Pattern Hair Loss

Men who suffer from early hair loss can experience male balding. This hair loss affects men as early as 18 years. The common signs associated with the condition is the loss of hair. Apart from that, the symptoms associated with the condition:

  • Hair loss causing receding hairline from temples and forehead
  • Observe a bald patch on the top of your scalp
  • Reduced hair density
  • Itching on the scalp
  • Thinning of hair

Underlying Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness

What are the underlying reasons for men suffering from male pattern baldness? Here are the common reasons leading to the condition:

Changing Hormone Levels (Androgens)

In the majority of cases, male pattern baldness is linked to male sex hormone, also known as androgens. These hormones include testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. In men, androgens are responsible for the development of male sex organs along with the other male characteristics like:

  • Sperm production
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Controlling sex drive
  • Increasing bone/muscle mass
  • Growth of body hair (like facial hair)

When you experience a change in these hormone levels, it results in the shrinking of the hair follicles as well as the shortening of the anagen phase (growth phase). These factors result in the loss of hair.

Shrinking Of Hair Follicles

When hair follicles shrink, it can lead to loss of hair. Hair follicle refers to the sac or pouch you find under the skin. It is from the sac that your hair grows. A normal person on an average has 1, 50,000 hair follicles on the scalp. When the hair follicles shrink, it can lead to male pattern baldness. This occurs because the shrunken hair follicles only allow short or thin hair to grow. In some cases, no hair growth occurs.

Need For Homeopathic Medicine And Treatments For Hair Loss Due To Female Pattern Baldness

One of the main causes of hair loss in women occurs due to female pattern baldness. This problem occurs as a result of hair follicle shrinkage. Due to the shrinking, the follicle produces only short and thin hair. The condition can also lead to a short hair growth phase. While no specific reason is determined for the condition, many scientists believe hormones like androgens play a significant role in female pattern baldness. In a few rare cases, serious diseases like tumors (non-cancerous or benign) developing in the ovaries or pituitary gland can result in the condition. Tumors of adrenals secreting androgens can also result in female pattern baldness.

One of the major factors causing female pattern baldness is the history of hair loss on the mother’s or father’s side of the family (genetic predisposition). Your lifestyle can also play a part in losing hair severely.

Other Causes Requiring Homeopathic Medications For Hair Loss

Apart from the above-mentioned problem, you can lose hair due to other reasons. The common factors triggering loss of hair, which requires homeopathic medications and treatments for hair loss includes:


Physical and emotional stress can lead to hair loss. When you suffer physical stress due to an accident or injury, then it results in loss of hair. It is because you can experience telogen effluvium, the temporary form of hair loss. The condition forces your follicles into an early resting phase. The premature phase of the hair cycle can result in hair loss.

Excessive Intake Of Vitamin A

According to a study, excess Vitamin A intake can lead to hair loss. It is because vitamin A is fat-soluble. So, your body is capable of storing more of it compared to other water-soluble vitamins. When you consume too much vitamin A, it results in your hair follicles reaching the end of the growth phase faster. So, it falls out faster than the time taken by your body to replace the hair.

Requiring Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss Due To Pregnancy

During the early stages of pregnancy, women can suffer from hair loss as a result of fluctuating hormone levels. This fluctuation occurs due to the pregnant woman’s body getting ready to support a growing baby. It causes physical stress, which results in loss of hair. Hair loss is also common in women post-delivery.


When you have someone in the family suffering from baldness, you have high chances of suffering from hair loss. It affects both men and women as it is a combination of fluctuating hormone levels, genetics, and the aging process.

 Protein Deficiency

Do you know your hair constitutes protein? Keratin, a protein is the building block of your hair. So, when you suffer from protein deficiency due to not consuming enough protein, it can curb hair growth. It results in hair loss.

Need Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss Due To Hormonal Imbalances

Women who suffer from hormonal imbalances experience hair loss. So, it is prominent in people who are starting to take or going off birth control pills and other health conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). In such cases, people with such hormonal fluctuations can see increased hair loss.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamins are essential for maintaining your overall health. So, you need to consume vitamins by including a healthy diet. But, some people suffer from vitamin deficiency resulting in hair loss. According to studies, women who suffer from TE (telogen effluvium) or FPHL (female pattern hair loss) have low levels of vitamin D.

Thyroid Disorders

You need to look for therapies like homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss when thyroid disorders cause them. An over-functioning or under-functioning thyroid can affect not just your health but also your hair. As a result, you start losing hair.

Alopecia Areata Requiring Homeopathic Medicines And Treatment For Hair Loss

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder. When people suffer from this disease, the immune system mistakes their hair as a foreign object dangerous to the body. So, it starts attacking the hair follicles, resulting in loss of hair.

Drastic Weight Loss

Losing too much weight in less time can lead to loss of hair. It occurs because such drastic weight loss can cause loss of nutrients needed for hair growth. Without enough nutrients, your hair follicles fail to receive the nourishment needed for growth. Without proper nourishment, it results in hair loss.


People with advanced age suffer from hair loss. This can result in requiring homeopathic medicines and treatment for hair loss. Advanced age causes loss of hair due to the aging of hair follicles as it affects hair growth.

Top Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss

All the above-mentioned factors seem worrying. Since hair loss can affect your visual appeal, you will feel stressed, which will worsen the condition. If you have tried and tested several cosmetic products and failed to get the result, you need to see a doctor. But, do you know alternative therapies are available to deal with the condition. There are top homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss to tackle any of the cause triggering the problem. Here are some of the effective ones you can try:

Fluoricum Acidum

The potentization of hydrofluoric acid provides Fluoricum Acidum. It is the deep acting medication suggested for hair loss. This is specifically beneficial in managing hair loss caused due to alopecia areata. But, it is also helpful in stopping the loss of hair due to the following conditions:

  • Tangling
  • Syphilis
  • Breakage
  • Sickness

This medication takes a while to see results. So, you need to wait for it shows results.

Calcarea Carbonica

Also known as Calcarea Carb, it is one of the top homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss and hair growth. It is often prescribed when you suffer from any of the below-mentioned issues:

  • Premature graying
  • Severe hair loss
  • Dryness
  • Brittle hair
  • Excessive tangling

Vinca Minor

Suffering from premature graying along with alopecia? Then, the medication vinca minor is effective in dealing with the condition. Apart from treating hair problems, this medication is also effective in managing skin conditions like painful lumps, pimples, and acne. This medication treats baldness as well as restores the natural growth of your hair.


While silicea is deep-acting, it is inert before it undergoes dynamization. Dynamization or potentization is the process of increasing the power of the homeopathic medications by successive trituration, succussion, and dilution. It can treat a wide range of diseases, but it is commonly used to manage baldness along with brittle hair. It is also effective in treating several skin conditions, including eczema.

Baryta Carbonica

It is the homeopathic cure suggested for people suffering from hair loss, premature baldness, dryness, and premature greying.

Lycopodium Clavatum

It is one of the top homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss. The medication is effective in healing many hair-related problems. Lycopodium Clavatum is a wonderful remedy to cure different issues like balding, premature graying, and loss of hair. It is prepared from a fungus. Potentized club moss gives this homeopathic remedy, which can tackle premature balding.

One Of The Effective Homeopathic Medicines And Treatments For Hair Loss Due To Dandruff: Psorinum

If you are suffering hair loss triggered due to dandruff, then psorinum is the best option. Dandruff is a common problem most people face. This occurs due to skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Psorinum is effective in tackling the root cause of dandruff. So, it not just reduces hair fall, but also dandruff at the same time.


If you suffer from skin problems, which triggers loss of hair, then take mezereum. It effectively deals with problems like lesions, rashes, and psoriasis. This alternative medication is ideal for people experiencing premature graying, dandruff, and hair loss. The medication is also good for boosting hair growth.

One Of The Best Homeopathic Medicines And Treatment For Hair Loss: Kali Sulphuricum

If you observe slow-growing or dull hair, then a homeopath prescribes kali sulphuricum as it has shown promising results in offering great results. Patients who suffer from loss of hair due to dandruff can use this alternative medication to see a difference.

Natrum Muriaticum

It is one of the medications given to women after childbirth to stop losing hair due to a drop in estrogen hormone. Do you know you get Natrum Muriaticum through the potentization common salt? This homeopathic medication is used to treat a wide range of problems. But, it is effective to deal with the loss of hair after giving birth. It is also helpful in treating a myriad of issues like the flaky and itchy scalp.

Pulsatilla Pratensis

One of the most common problems women suffer from their delivery is hair loss. It is because of the sudden drop in estrogen after delivery. So, many new moms can notice dramatic hair loss three months after the delivery. Women taking Pulsatilla Pratensis can manage the loss of hair. This medication is also suggested for women with difficulty digesting fatty foods. But, the medication causes side effects like lack of thirst.

Take Graphites Naturalis To Treat Loss Of Hair Caused By Fungal Infection

You lose hair due to infection caused by tinea capitis. It is the fungal infection affecting your scalp. This condition can result in scaly, itchy spots on your scalp. It also triggers the loss of hair. Tinea capitis can also cause soreness of your scalp, intolerable itching, and burning sensation. To avoid such issues, taking Graphites Naturalis can offer effective results.

Manage Hair Fall Caused Due To Lichen Planus With Arsenic Album

If you are suffering from the autoimmune disease, lichen planus, then it causes irritation and swelling in your mucous membranes, nails, skin, and hair. To treat hair fall caused due to the condition, Arsenic Album is highly effective. It can treat the rough, bald patches appearing because of Lichen Planus. You also suffer from burning, itching, and highly sensitive scalp.

Thuja Occidentalis For Hair Fall And Dandruff

If you are looking for a holistic medicine to treat hair fall and dandruff, then Thuja Occidentalis is the right option. It is prepared from Arborvitae, which belongs to the coniferae order. This medication is also effective in treating white dandruff, split ends, and hair fall. So, it is effective in treating dandruff triggered hair loss.

Managing Hair Fall Caused Due To Grief By Taking Phosphoric Acid

Emotional stress due to grief or sorrow can result in hair loss. In such cases, phosphoric acid is effective in managing the loss of hair. When you feel grief or sadness, it causes premature graying of hair. Grief can also make you depressed. So, this medication can help manage hair fall in such conditions.

One Of The Effective Homeopathic Medicine To Treat Rapid Hair Fall: Thallium Met

When you suffer from a rapid hair fall, then a homeopathic doctor can suggest taking Thallium Met.  It is effective when you suffer from hair loss or loss of hair in spots after an illness. Acute to exhausting illness can result in loss of hair. So, Thallium Met is effective for people undergoing such problems.


Loss of hair is a chronic problem. It makes you feel self-conscious regarding your looks. If you have tried different remedies to stop the loss of hair and failed, then you can try the alternative medication. There are different homeopathic medicines and treatments for hair loss. A well-chosen therapy based on your needs can control the loss of hair problem. But, remember you cannot reverse baldness using the homeopathy. As homeopathy treatments focus on preparing remedies from plant, animal, or mineral sources, it causes no side effects. The holistic treatment addresses the root cause of the problem and manages the loss of hair.


Hair Loss, Regrowth


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