Top 10 Top 10 Fruits For Hair Growth

Fruits for hair growth can offer effective results. Hair is one of the important features, making you look attractive. Everyone wishes to have long and thick tresses. But, most of us face, hair loss due to environmental pollution, unhealthy eating habits, and a stressful lifestyle. These issues can cause hair damage. You face several problems like dandruff, premature graying, excess hair loss, and breakage. It is a common problem affecting men and women of any age group. To achieve your dream of beautiful hair, you buy hair care products. But, most of the products cause more harm than good. While changing your lifestyle can make a difference, you need to tweak eating habits for better results. Regaining the volume of hair is now possible by changing what you eat.

Including vitamins and minerals in your diet can impact your hair growth. Fruits are a good source of vitamins and fiber needed to promote hair growth by strengthening the scalp and hair roots. Eating fruits also promotes blood circulation in your scalp. So, it can make your scalp healthy and boost natural hair growth. Read ahead to know more about how eating certain fruits can help you grow your hair and enhance your physical appeal.

Phases Of Hair Growth

You may have tried countless methods to grow your hair. From getting regular trims to avoiding scissors on your hair, there are several tips offered for healthy and beautiful hair. While some tips may work and others may not, one thing remains undisputed, the hair growth cycle. The way your hair growth remains the same. Here are the phases of hair growth:

Anagen Phase Of Hair Growth

It is the initial phase where your hair starts to grow from the follicle root. During the anagen phase, hair protein and fibers are produced by the multiplication of dermal papilla stem cells. The initial phase lasts from two to seven years. But, the exact time depends on genetics, different internal, and external factors. These factors also influence the length of your hair strand.

Catagen Phase

At the end of the anagen phase, your hair strands enter the next phase known as the catagen phase. During this phase, the hair strands get detached from the root. The phase is referred to as the regression or transition phase of the hair growth. When the hair strands enter the phase, the follicle starts renewing itself. It is achieved by shrinking. The hair follicle can shrink up to one-sixth of its actual length while the papilla rests.

During this phase, separation of the hair strands from the dermal papilla can occur. So, it stops getting the necessary nutrients. But, it does not shed off during the catagen phase. It is because of the anchoring of the hair follicle temporarily by the hair strand’s shaft. The Catagen phase of hair growth lasts for about two to three weeks.

Telogen Phase

At the end of the catagen phase, your hair stands tend to become a club. When you enter the dormant resting phase, the telogen phase begins. This phase lasts for around three to five months. During the phase, you can see new hair emerging from the roots. It starts to push the previous club hair gradually.

Exogen Phase

It is the final phase of your hair growth cycle. During the phase, your hair strands detach from the scalp. It results in the falling of hair. It is the hair you see falling out when your brush or comb every day. You can see 50 to 100 strands falling out naturally during the exogen phase.

Why You Can Eat Fruits For Hair Growth?

Your hair grows at an average of around half an inch. So, you can expect a hair growth of six inches per year. But, if you see slowed hair growth, then you need to take action. Your diet can play an important part in accelerating hair growth. Therefore, watch what you eat daily. A healthy diet is a key to good hair health and faster hair growth. While your age, age, and environment play an important part in hair growth, diet also plays an important part. Apart from your diet, you cannot control the other factors affecting hair health. Therefore, you need to look for the right foods in the diet to promote hair growth and thickness.

Including fruits in your diet ensures you get all the nutrients required for hair growth. Fruits are a rich source of the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins A, B5, C, E, and K
  • Potassium
  • Fiber

Certain fruits can prevent hair fall while others promote good hair growth. So, eating specific fruits can make your hair strong and healthy. But, which fruits offer you maximum benefits, and how you can add them to your diet for desired results? Read ahead to more about the best fruits for hair growth.

The Top Ten Fruits For Hair Growth

Not all fruits can boost your hair growth. If you want to see an improvement in your hair growth, you need to include certain fruits in your routine. Apart from the suggested fruits, you must also include fresh vegetables in your diet for optimum results. The top fruits for hair growth and overall health are:

Pomegranates: One Of The Best Fruits For Hair Growth

Pomegranate contains important vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin K. These vitamins are known to promote healthy and strong hair. The fruit is also known for its high antioxidant contents. It also contains folate, potassium, and fiber. Vitamin C in the fruits boosts collagen production needed for healthy and strong hair. Folate and B vitamins are responsible for red blood cell production in the body. It improves circulation and enhances hair growth.

You can eat the fruit or use the pomegranate seed oil to enhance hair growth. Drinking pomegranate juice will strengthen the hair follicles. It also prevents hair loss. While pomegranate seed oil is used in spas for hair massage as it stimulates hair growth. Massaging your scalp with the oil will make your hair thicker and stronger. One of the main benefits of using pomegranate is its ability to combat hair loss by dealing with underlying problems like dandruff, itching, etc.

Another great way is to take pomegranate seed oil in the quantity suitable for your hair length. Massage it on to your scalp generously and then leave it for a few hours or throughout the night and wash with your shampoo. You can use the oil once or twice a month to see effective results.

Bananas For Hair Growth

Bananas are energy giving fruits. But, it is also used since ancient times for good hair health. It is effective in controlling hair fall and promoting hair growth. Banana contains the key nutrient potassium, which can condition your hair when applied. Applying the paste of banana can also control hair loss due to dandruff. It can moisturize and hydrate your hair. It is used in many packs to promote hair growth, offer shine, and manageability to your hair. The natural oils present in the banana offers protection while softening your hair. It also protects the elasticity of your hair by preventing split ends and breakage.

Ways To Apply Banana For Hair Growth

To use one of the best fruits for hair growth, you can opt for hair masks. Making a mask with banana as the key ingredient and applying it to your scalp will offer effective results. One of the hair mask recipes involves mashing one ripe banana and mixing it with two tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil. Add two spoonful of honey and mix well. To the hair mask mixture, you need to add one tablespoon of butter. You can substitute butter with half-cup milk (full-fat). Apply the mask on your scalp and hair. Leave it for thirty to forty minutes. Wash off the mask with mild shampoo and water. You can use the mask once or twice a month to see the transformation in your hair.

One Of The Effective Fruits For Hair Growth: Strawberries

Strawberry contains Vitamin C. It is a vital vitamin encouraging iron absorption. With better iron absorption, you can see better hair growth. When you suffer from vitamin C deficiency, it results in dry and brittle hair. Lack of vitamin C in your diet can also lead to developing dandruff. The fruit also contains important minerals like manganese, copper, and magnesium. The minerals in the fruit produces complexes that can prevent fungal growth on the scalp. The fruit is also well-known for its scalp protecting properties. It can prevent the scalp cell membranes from suffering from other problems, which worsens when you come in contact with water.

A strawberry is also a good fruit, stopping hair loss. It contains the compound called silica, which prevent severe hair loss condition like alopecia. The fruit also contains Vitamin B5 & B6 and folic acid that aids in preventing hair fall.

Ways To Use/Apply Strawberry

You can include the fruit in your diet and eat it raw. Another method is to apply the strawberry paste to your scalp and hair. Mash at least 8 to 10 strawberries and add a big spoonful of mayonnaise to it. Mix it well and apply it all over your hair. You can leave the mixture for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Wash it off with mild shampoo and water. You can apply the strawberry paste at least once a month for effective results.

Apple for Hair Growth

Everyone has heard the old saying that eating one apple a day will keep you healthy and keep the doctor away. Apples are the best fruit for snacking as they contain low calories, but full of nutrients. Munching on the fruit can offer you impressive health benefits. When you eat apples, it increases the keratin production in your hair follicles. So, it makes your hair strong, smooth, and shiny. It also gives your hair volume and fullness. Consuming apples as a part of your diet will reduce cholesterol levels, protect your pancreas, and acid reflux.

Ways To Use/Apply One Of The Best Fruits For Hair Growth

You can eat the whole fruit. Apart from that, apples are one of the versatile ingredients used to make different items like healthy smoothies, pies, and cakes. You can also apply the paste of the skin and leaves of green apple on the scalp. It will cure dandruff and boost hair growth. You can make a paste of apples with the peels intact and use it on your hair after wetting it. It is one of the best remedies to strengthen the hair follicles, boost hair growth, and avoids hair loss. It treats dandruff by balancing the scalp pH. After applying the juice or paste on the hair, wait for at least twenty minutes. Wash it off with water. You can try this option at least once or twice a week for best results.

Avocado for Hair Growth

Avocado is a superfood containing a lot of vital nutrients needed for your overall health and beautiful hair. It contains important vitamins needed for the body like Vitamin A, B, C, E, and K. It also contains minerals like:

  • Phosphorous
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Iron

They are useful in keeping your skin and hair hydrated. Including avocado in your diet can ensure faster hair growth. It is because the oil in the fruit adds shine and luster to your hair. It prevents hair loss and boosts hair growth. You can eat it or apply it to your hair to get the desired benefits. Making avocado a part of your diet can enhance the overall health of your hair. It nourishes your hair, strengthens it, and encourages hair growth. It is also effective in maintaining the health of your scalp. If you think avocado is not good for your diet, then you are wrong. One-third part of a medium-size avocado weighing 50 grams contains only 80 calories. But, it contains twenty vitamins and minerals. Apart from vitamin C, iron, and biotin, the fruit also has healthy fats.

Ways To Apply/Use Avocado

To make your hair shinier, softer, and stronger, you can include it in your diet. You can make a lot of dishes with this super fruit. You can make salads, dips, guacamole, or tortilla wraps. The tasty and interesting food will offer all the nutrients needed for your body and hair.

Another method to use avocado is to make a mask and apply it to your hair. For making the mask, take a ripe avocado and mash it with the help of a fork. You can add honey to it for getting a paste-like consistency. Apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it for twenty to thirty minutes. You can wash it off with mild shampoo and lukewarm water. Use this hair mask twice a month to see the difference in hair growth.

Papaya For Boosting Hair Growth

Papaya offers numerous benefits for your hair and overall health. You can include it in your diet to prevent issues like dandruff and hair thinning. It also boosts hair growth. Including it regularly in your diet for better results. Papaya is a great fruit containing several nutrients needed to prevent baldness. It also promotes hair growth and enhances the strength of hair follicles. It is also a great natural remedy to combat dandruff. Apart from papaya fruit, the leaf extracts also work effectively on your hair. You can use it as a conditioner. It works well on dull hair as it can bring back life to your tresses. Using the leaf extracts can offer you thick and shiny hair.

According to a study conducted in 2012, the Vitamin A content present in papaya showed evidence of hair nourishment. The vitamin also offers protection to your hair. The fruit is a natural conditioner that comes with antifungal properties. So, it keeps the scalp healthy. Papaya has shown successful results in promoting hair growth.

Ways To Use One Of The Effective Fruits For Hair Growth

You can use papaya in different ways to boost hair growth and achieve a healthy look for your hair. You can eat the papaya regularly or drink its juice. Try to include it in your diet every day or at least 3 to 4 times a week for positive results.

Pineapples: One Of The Best Fruits For Hair Growth

Pineapple is a common tropical fruit. It is available easily. But, do you know pineapple has several health benefits? Pineapple is well-known for its digestion properties. The fruit contains abundant beta carotene. It is converted into Vitamin A by the human body. After conversion, Vitamin A manufactures essential oil. These essential oils are essential for maintaining the health of your scalp. It also triggers hair growth. So, you can include the fruit for hair growth. For people trying to get soft and shiny hair, adding pineapple to their diet can offer the best results. The fruit also contains Vitamin C needed for good hair health. It is also rich in Vitamin B and calcium. In some people, the deficiency of calcium results in hair loss.

Ways To Apply/Use Pineapple

You drink freshly made pineapple juice. It is good for your body and promotes hair growth. You can also take pineapple as a mocktail or make tea to cook your body. Making a smoothie with pineapple and mango will refresh your body and promote hair growth. You can include one glass of pineapple a day to see improvement in hair growth. But, it is better to consult a doctor before deciding the correct portion you can add to your diet. People suffering some underlying health conditions can suffer reactions when they take pineapple in excess.

Grapes for Hair Growth

Grapes are good for your hair health. Black grapeseed consists of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC), which have well-known anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-carcinogenic properties. It can prevent hair fall by interfering with the dihydrotestosterone hormone production. This hormone is responsible for hair fall. Also, OPC can stimulate hair follicle growth. Grape is the fruit that contains necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it one of the best fruits for hair growth. Grape contains high water content that offers hydration to your hair and prevents hair fall. So, you can see changes in your hair health when you include grapes in your diet or use grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil is used by people for several decades to prevent hair loss and maintain scalp health.

You can include grapes in your diet by eating them. Add it with your salad to observe the positive results. You can also make grapes and kale smoothies for getting the desired benefits. Another method is to apply grapeseed oil to your scalp. You get grapeseed oil in the stores. Massage your hair roots with the oil. Leave it for a few hours. Wash the oil with mild shampoo and water. Make sure the water you use is lukewarm or room temperature. Try this method once every week or twice a month.

Include Apricots For Healthy Hair

For people suffering from severe hair loss, apricot fruit can help them get relief. If your doctor has ruled out any medical conditions like thyroid problem triggering the hair loss, you can include fruits like apricots in your diet. Apricots contain Vitamin E, which can solve any hair fall problem you suffer. Apricots also contain many nutrients and antioxidants to heal the damaged scalp naturally and promote hair growth. The flesh of the small, orange fruit is effective in stopping hair loss. You can include it easily in your diet as it has a sweet and unique flavor. You can consume it raw or use it in juices, jams, pies, jellies, or chutneys.

Apart from the fresh fruit, the large pit of the fruit can prevent hair loss. Wondering how? The kernel is used to extract oil through cold-pressing. The oil obtained loos light in color and has a pleasant smell. You can see the presence of the nutty oil in creams, balms, lotions, and other cosmetic items. Using it on your hair promotes hair growth and conditions.

How To Use Apricot

To get the benefits of apricots, all you have to do is to eat one or two fresh fruits or a handful of dried ones daily. You can also use apricot oil derived from the kernel readily available in the market. Apply it on your scalp and leave it for a few hours or overnight. You can rinse the oil from your hair using mild shampoo and water. Apply apricot oil on your hair and scalp at least once every week or once every two weeks to see desired results.

Peach: One Of The Best Fruit For Hair Growth

Including peaches in your diet can promote hair regrowth. Wondering why? Peaches contain Biotin. It is a natural hair growth steroid. So, consuming it can trigger hair growth. Eating peaches can strengthen your hair and maintain scalp health. It is one of the natural methods to promote hair growth without suffering from any side effects. Not convince? According to studies, a plant mixture containing peach extract showed positive results in promoting hair growth. It prolongs the anagen phase in the human dermal papilla cells. Also, peaches contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. These properties help enhance scalp and hair health.

How To Use Peaches For Hair Growth

You can include it in your diet and eat the fruit to see results. Eating a lot of peaches can help manage scalp problems and thinning of hair. Another method to use the fruit is to make a paste and apply it to your scalp. Take few peaches and grind them to make a paste. To the paste, add some curd. Mix it well to read a pasty consistency. Now, apply the paste to your scalp. Leave it for some time. Wash the paste with shampoo. You can try this method for your hair once a month.


A good hair care routine alone will not promote hair growth. For healthy hair, you need to make some changes in your diet. The best fruits for hair growth offers effective results. So, you can get luscious locks that are shiny and strong naturally. You get the essential nutrients from the common fruits. Including them in your diet or applying them to your scalp will offer the necessary vitamins and minerals. Eat the fruits suggested getting multiple benefits.



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