The Best Yoga Wheel Exercise For Beginners

It is observed that many people are searching for the best yoga wheel exercises for beginners. This wheel to support yoga poses has existed for a long time. But, many people have shown keen interest in it due to recent social media popularity. If you think this prop is for seasoned yogis, you are mistaken. Beginner or brand-new practitioners can use it to see visible transformations in their bodies. Are you curious about it? Wish to know how it can help you enhance your quality of life? Then, you have come to the right place. Read ahead to know more about this yoga prop and how you can use it for the best results.

More About Yoga Wheel

Before going into the details of the best exercise for beginners using the wheel, you need to know what it is. As the name suggests, the yoga wheel is a prop that looks like a wheel. You have different brands offering the product in plastic or wood. It is a hollow, circular object used along with yoga poses for enhancing your experience. It appears cylindrical and can support you while doing stretching, backbends, and balancing poses. Using this can improve your flexibility. While it is helpful for people who have started yoga, it can also provide a great experience for trained yogis. Every person using the wheel can gain something with its use. You can deepen your practice by including it in your routine. If you wish to get only support, then this prop can offer it.

Types Of Yoga Wheels

With the heel, you can deepen your practice. It is versatile and meets the specific need of the user. You can find wheels of different sizes on online platforms. So, it is easier to find the wheel that will suit you perfectly for the practice. While choosing the wheels, make the right decision. Taller practitioners can select larger wheels. Larger wheels are also ideal for people looking to go a little deeper while practicing certain postures such as backbends or opening poses. Larger wheels can show their versatility by aiding people to stretch deeper. It helps release tension in the area normally hard to access. Using the tall yoga wheels, you can lie on it, roll on it, breathe on it, or lay on it. It can open the shoulders like no other prop.

Beginners or newbies can opt for a mini version of this prop. The smaller wheels are perfect to start when you are new to yoga. It is perfect for people who do not wish to go deeply into a yoga posture. It helps you ease into the pose. You can use it for ensuring the flexibility that new practitioners seek. It is also ideal for massages as it targets sore or tight muscles. It may mimic the effect of foam rollers.

Perfect Method To Use A Yoga Wheel

Once you have decided to buy the prop, you need to learn how to use it. You need to know about the best yoga wheel exercises for beginners that can offer results. Apart from the exercises, you can do several things using the wheel. It helps make backbends as well as heart openers. Using this prop makes the yoga poses easier to access. You can also ensure a deep pose when needed while using the prop. When you are working with the core, forearm stands, handstands, and other inversions, this prop can play an important role. Here are some of the ways this prop can benefit people.

Yoga Wheel Use For Different People

When beginners use the yoga wheel, it offers a great deal of support along their spine. When you place it under the back, the prop helps roll along the spine. It offers gentle massage to the spine. It also allows a safe opening through the front of the body. Using this prop also ensures you get a fantastic stretch while it offers good support. So, you can stop when you like without going deeper. Intermediate and advanced practitioners can use the proper can aid in deepening the experience with the backbends while supporting the body. You can use the prop in different fun ways while working on your yoga inversions. If you are thinking how then using it as support in a forearm stand or using it during the handstand practice while rolling it to the wall can offer better results.

There are other fantastic ways to use the prop for core workout poses such as plank or others. You have endless options to use the prop. You can get creative to avoid boredom that causes many people to ditch their exercising regime. It is possible to make a customized list of exercises depending on your needs offering the best results for your body.

Benefits Of Using A Yoga Wheel

Trying the best yoga poses using this prop may offer several benefits. For beginners new to yoga, using the prop can open up the tight muscles of the body. It includes hip flexors, the abdominals, your chest, and the shoulders. Using the wheel, you can try to lean back on it. It will help you lay on the wheel aiding the spine to roll along with it. This posture can help lengthen the back muscles. It also aids in realigning the spine.

Increase Flexibility

Using the prop will help get enhanced flexibility. For example, you can use the prop and hold onto it while trying the child’s pose. It provides a gentle assist when you try the pose. It also increases your flexibility as you get a higher surface to rest the hands. It can create more length through the spine. So, when you drop the head between the biceps, you may find a deeper stretch. It is also helpful when you try a seated forward fold. Placing the wheel at the feet soles can help you reach forward with ease.

You can use it for traction in lengthening through the hamstrings and back. It can also help increase flexibility in splits, either placing the wheel under the hamstring or for an incredibly deep stretch sending it underneath the ankle.

Reduce Discomfort

Using the prop can help you relieve aches and pain. It can impact the whole body and ease any discomfort you suffer. Due to its support, you can get a solid posture. Solid posture can prevent injury or pain. The prop can also massage your spine. It helps relieve the tension you develop in the back of the body. It also opens the body through and releases tension you may experience at the front of the body.

Yoga Wheel May Offer Support

Like yoga blocks, the wheels can also offer support when you try certain poses. It helps you with inversions. When you hold on to the wheel during the forearm stand, it provides you more support. Apart from that, you can also use the wheel during the handstand. When you press up to a handstand, you can rest the wheel against the wall or underneath the head. It is also possible to hug it between the calf and hamstring of the bent leg when you try to pose such as a puppy press. As it offers support, you can keep yourself safe from sustaining any injury.

It Helps You Strengthen The Core

You can try some poses for strengthening the core. A yoga wheel included in such poses can help you strengthen the core. You can try using it during inversions or while doing plank to see the desired results.

Ultimately, using a prop such as a wheel can help you boost the practice in different ways. You can try difficult postures that become more accessible while using a while. Also, this proper allows you to soften deep into certain yoga poses. You can get several benefits while using this prop in your yoga routine.

The Best Yoga Wheel Exercises For Beginners You Need To Try

When you buy a yoga wheel, the brand you choose provides you with an instruction manual on how to use it. But, many people may not understand the steps properly. It can result in wobbling. You finally start to feel frustrated during the relaxing yoga practice. If you cannot figure how to use the wheel for balancing perfectly, you can read ahead. Here are some of the basic exercises you can try using the wheel as a beginner. These exercises are easy to perform. You can safely strengthen, stretch, and tone your body.

Try Open Shoulders Extended Pose With Yoga Wheel

It is the stretch that beginners can try using the prop. Using it, you can work on the back and shoulders. Our regular posture during activities such as sitting in front of the computer, using a smartphone, driving, or eating can put the spine at risk. We are so focused on these activities that most of us forget to maintain the right posture. Remaining in the same posture for a long time can affect your body. Hence, you can try this particular yoga pose using the prop.

It is a great pose for undoing the tension built up in the back and shoulder region. It also helps improve your pose, range of motions in the shoulder joints, and boost flexibility. While it is safe to try the pose, make sure you never overdo it. Pay extra attention while working on the specific area of the body. Stop when you feel any discomfort in the back or lower spine.

The Steps To Follow

  • To try this posture, you need to lay over the wheel. You need to slide the torso carefully forward in such a way to ensure it rests on the floor.
  • You need to extend your arms out in front of you. You can do this by pushing the hands firmly on the ground or floor.
  • Now, bring your leg upwards slowly. While bringing your legs up, you have to make sure the wheel remains firmly in place under your abdomen.
  • Allow your shoulders to relax while opening the upper and mid-back to open.
  • While doing this pose, you need to breathe in and out. Hold this position for up to ten breaths.

Build Core Strength With Yoga Wheel

It is another beginner’s pose you can try to build strength and get some stretching. Remember, you need to have a strong core for yoga practice. Like the pose suggested above, this yoga pose can relieve back pain. It may also provide the body with the balance needed to complete advanced yoga forms and poses. Using the wheel, you can intensify the plank pose. So, your core may get a strong workout.

The Steps To Complete The Best Yoga Wheel Exercise

  • You need to start by kneeling on the ground. Keep the yoga wheel behind your body.
  • You can then try the plank position by lifting one foot at a time. Rest it on the wheel. You can also put one foot on top of the other to keep it more comfortable.
  • Once you maintain the pose, you need to engage the core. Allow the legs to hold the prop while keeping the body in place. While trying this pose, you need to keep the back straight.
  • It is a simple pose you need to try. To make the pose more challenging, you can try mountain climbers. You can lift off one foot to bring the knee towards the chest. You can place the foot on the wheel while repeating on the other side. You need to maintain caution not to lose your balance while trying these poses.
  • You need to hold this pose for thirty seconds and repeat it a few times. Try to maintain the pace you feel comfortable with when you try an extreme core workout.

One Of Best Yoga Wheel Exercises For Beginners: Chest, Back & Spine Extension

It is one of the intermediate stretches when you become used to the yoga wheel. The chest, back, and spine extension stretch is the yoga pose you must attempt when you have a healthy back and shoulders. If you wish to try more intense backbends, then this pose can warm up the back. With the support, you can try this backbend pose that can open the heart. Wheels offer a safe way to improve the backbends. So, you can stretch the back.

The Steps To Try Chest, Best & Spine Extension

  • You need to sit with your feet flat on the floor. Place the yoga wheel behind you.
  • You can lean back over the wheel while lifting the arms over the head.
  • Once the wheel is positioned comfortably under your spine, straighten your legs and point your toes out, while keeping your feet flat on the ground.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds or until you feel you’ve achieved a good back stretch

Assisted Plow

It is the plow pose enhanced with the use of the prop. Most people trying yoga like the pose. Hence, it is one of the best yoga wheel exercises for beginners to try. Normally, trying the plow pose helps rejuvenate the body. It releases the tension by stretching the entire body. Trying this pose improves blood flow and circulation. Adding a yoga wheel to the pose will help you get a deeper stretch. It opens the upper back and shoulders. Using the prop also allows you to stretch further in the pose.

Steps To Follow

  • Here are the steps to complete the pose using the prop.
  • You can start the pose by lying on the back. Make sure you keep your feet and legs in the air. Place the yoga wheel underneath the butt as you start the pose.
  • Gently shift your hips into the air and roll the wheel further in towards your back.
  • If you can, continue to carefully move your feet towards and above your head while holding the edges of the wheel for support.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds.

One Of The Best Yoga Wheel Exercises For Beginners: Pigeon Pose

Pigeon pose refers to the deep backbend pose that comes under advanced stretches. With the help of a prop, you can complete it better. It is one of the best yoga wheel exercises you can complete with the assistance of the prop. While it is challenging and invigorating, you can get great benefits when you try it. This pose can open up the entire front of your body. Completing this pose will stretch different body parts such as thighs, hips, abs, and chest. As mentioned earlier, it is an advanced pose making it the most difficult backbend pose for beginners to try using the yoga wheel. So, you must try it only after you become comfortable with the backbends. Once you feel comfortable mastering the backbends, you can include them. It is the perfect pose for strengthening your back and spine.

The Steps To Complete One Of The Best Yoga Wheel Exercises For Beginners

  • To start the yoga pose, you need to kneel on the ground with the yoga wheel placed between the feet. You need to lean back mindfully to reach the arm over your head to get the prop placed behind you.
  • Grab either side of the wheel and walk your hands around it until your head comes to the floor. If you feel any pain when trying to get into this position, please do not proceed any further.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds or until you’ve felt you had an amazing backstretch.

One Of The Best Yoga Wheel Exercises: Assist In Headstand

As a beginner, you may feel terrified to try a headstand. But, you can master it with little practice. As a yogi, it is one of the best yoga wheel exercises you need to look perfect. Remember, you may not accomplish it overnight. The journey to a full headstand may take time. It is because of the intense sense of balance you need to possess. It helps your body stay upright while you remain upside down. The use of this prop offers you the extra support needed to overcome the feeling of imbalance. Additional support can also lower the anxiety levels while trying this pose.

Why Try Headstands With Yoga Wheel?

Headstands are one of the effective yoga poses increasing blood flow to the brain. It increases your awareness and helps you focus better. When you stand upside, it reverses the effects of gravity throughout the body. This position helps flush out stress hormones from the adrenal glands. Maintaining this position for a specified time also removes toxic build-up from the lymphatic system.

All of this is happening whilst you are also building strength and balance throughout your entire body. Using the yoga wheel, you can hold the pose for a long time. It will help you reap the benefits of trying the inverted pose.

Steps To Try The Best Yoga Wheel Exercise

You can try the pose like you do the ordinary headstand. The only difference is you grip the wheel while lifting the feet off the ground. While lifting, you need to engage your core muscles. Slowly, you can make your way into the headstand. Using the yoga wheel as your balance, you can remain in the headstand position while taking deep breaths in and out. You can try to hold this pose until you take ten breaths. After that, you can bring your feet slowly back to the floor. Make sure to complete it in a controlled manner.

Quadriceps Stretch

It is a deep stretch having a half-moon variation. You can use the yoga wheel for added assistance and completing the pose with ease. You can try this pose to stretch, strengthen, and balance. The pose can increase the flexibility in the hamstrings and quadriceps due to the resistance between your hand gripping the prop, the lifted foot, and the yoga wheel. This pose ensures dynamic stretching. Trying this pose helps improve your balance and focus. Including it in your daily yoga routine will help you see the benefits.

The Steps To Complete Quadriceps Stretch

It is one of the best yoga wheel exercises for beginners. You can hold the wheel in the left hand and stand up. Now, you need to bend the left knee while you hook the foot into the wheel. To maintain balance, take the right arm in front of you while pushing the left foot back. This action will create resistance. Now, you must hinge forward at your hips o bring the right hand to the floor. Keep pushing the left foot against the wheel. Simultaneously, you need to pull the left foot towards the floor using the left hand. Straightening the right leg and use it with the right hand to maintain the balance. Hold this yoga pose with the wheel for at least thirty seconds. You can repeat the same pose using the other leg. You can repeat the pose until you get a good stretch.

After you try these best yoga wheel exercises for beginners, you will start to love this small piece of item. It is no surprise that you will see visible results of practicing yoga with this wheel. You can use this to get support or challenge yourself while doing yoga. Using it to try these exercises will strengthen or lengthen the body. You can also enhance support and balance. The prop has a simple construction and its diversity makes it perfect to support the different yoga poses.


With the different ideas provided here, you can get the most out of the wheel. These are some of the best yoga wheel exercises for beginners. You can get creative and improve each pose to ensure it meets your specific needs. While you may fall a few times and have a good laugh at yourself, you can enjoy it. Using the wheel can increase the challenge. But, the challenge can help you grow on and off the yoga mat. It will help you improve your health and enjoy a better quality of life.


Yoga Wheel Mania: Is The Trendy Prop Really Worth It

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