Stomach Ulcers – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, And Diet Tips

Stomach ulcers or gastric ulcers are the sores developing on the stomach lining. The sores can trigger severe pain and make you uncomfortable. While it remains unclear how frequently the problem affects people, it has become manageable. The advancements in the medical field have resulted in more effective treatment. So, people with the condition can easily manage it without facing any complications. The term peptic ulcer disease has a broader meaning as it includes gastric ulcer and the ulcers developing in the duodenum (first part of the small intestine). Gastric ulcers are more common compared to duodenal ulcers. Want to know more about it? Then, read ahead.

About Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers, also referred to as gastric ulcers are a type of peptic ulcer disease (PUD). A person suffering from the condition develop painful sores in the stomach lining. Peptic Ulcer Disease is a broad term for sores developing stomach and the small intestines. Your stomach lining is a thick layer of mucus. This protective lining protects your stomach from the digestive juices produced. When this layer is reduced, it makes your stomach at risk of developing ulcers. It is because the reduced lining allows the digestive acids to reach the stomach. The digestive juices eat away the tissue lining, which causes an ulcer. While you can cure these open sores, ignoring it can make the sores severe. This results in severe complications.

Causes Of Stomach Ulcers

In normal cases, your stomach produces acids or digestive juice to aid with the digestion of food. It is also essential to kill any germs or bacteria. Since the acid produced by the digestive system is corrosive, the stomach has a lining to protect the cells. The natural mucous barrier covers the stomach as well as the starting part of the small intestine, known as the duodenum. So, it prevents acids from coming in contact with stomach tissue and prevents irritation. A normal balance maintains between the amount of acid produced by the digestive system and the mucous defense barrier. When an imbalance occurs, the acids damage the lining of the stomach. It results in the development of sores known as gastric ulcers. Stomach ulcers develop due to different underlying reasons. The main causes associated with the condition are:


When you suffer from infection due to H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) bacterium, it can affect your stomach lining. So, it makes you vulnerable to sores on the stomach lining.

Abusing NSAIDs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to control pain or other discomforts at home. But, the long-term use or excessive use of such anti-inflammatory drugs make you prone to gastric ulcer. Therefore, people using naproxen, ibuprofen, or aspirin

Zollinger Ellison Syndrome


In rare cases, a condition known as Zollinger Ellison syndrome can result in the condition. The condition develops when you have one or more tumors in the duodenum (upper part of the small intestine) or the pancreas. These tumors are referred to as gastrinomas. They secrete a large amount of gastrin hormone. So, it makes your stomach produce more acid compared to normal cases. This condition can lead to ulcer developing in the stomach and intestine. This is a rare condition as less than 1% of all the peptic ulcer disease occurs due to the condition.

Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcers

When you develop stomach ulcers, it triggers several symptoms. The severity of the symptoms depends on the ulcer’s severity. The most common sign indicating the presence of some problems is the burning sensation. Some experience pain in the abdominal region. It usually affects the middle part of the abdomen between your chest region and the belly button. The pain intensifies when your stomach is empty. The distress lasts from a few minutes to several hours.

Other Signs Associated With Stomach Ulcers

Apart from the pain or burning sensation in the abdominal region, you can also experience other symptoms pointing to the condition like:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dull pain in your stomach
  • Unable to eat foods due to the pain
  • Feeling full easily
  • Nausea/ Vomiting
  • Heartburn (feeling a burning sensation in the chest)
  • Bloating
  • Acid reflux or burping
  • The pain improves when you drink, eat, or take antacids
  • Suffer from anemia (The condition triggers symptoms like pale skin, shortness of breath, or feeling tired)
  • Dark/ tarry stools
  • Blood in vomit or vomit looks like coffee grounds

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned, then it indicates gastric ulcers. While the symptoms may appear mild, you need to get medical treatment before it worsens. Without treatment, you can develop complications. Untreated ulcers can become life-threatening. So, take immediate action.

Complications Associated With Stomach Ulcers

Without getting any treatment, stomach ulcers can result in complications. Some complications can result in life-threatening situations. Here are some of them like:

Internal Bleeding Due To Stomach Ulcers

Internal bleeding is the most common complication associated with sores developing in the stomach lining. This occurs when the sore develops at the site of the blood vessel. It can occur in two ways:

  • Slow and long-term bleeding. It leads to anemia that causes symptoms like pale skin, breathlessness, fatigue, and heart palpitations.
  • Some people suffer from rapid and severe bleeding, which can result in passing stools. The stools are black and have a tar-like texture (sticky). Rapid bleeding can also cause vomiting of blood.

Perforation In Stomach

The gastric ulcer can cause a hole in the wall of your stomach. It is because the acids can eat a hole through the stomach wall or intestinal wall. So, it puts you at risk of serious infection. When left untreated, you can develop a serious infection of the abdominal cavity known as peritonitis. Person peritonitis can experience the infection spreading rapidly into the blood. It can lead to sepsis, which spreads to other vital organs. It is a medical emergency as you face the risk of multiple organ failure. Without proper treatment, the results are fatal. Due to the condition, you develop sudden pain in the abdominal area that worsens steadily.

Gastric Obstruction

The untreated sores can become inflamed or swollen. It also increases the risk of stomach scarring. Such issues can obstruct normal food passage. This obstruction of food through the digestive system is known as gastric outlet obstruction. This condition can trigger symptoms like:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Repeated episodes of vomiting
  • A persistent feeling of fullness or bloating
  • A large amount of vomit containing undigested food
  • Feeling full after eating less food compared to normal

Gastric Cancer

When a person suffers from a gastric ulcer due to H. pylori infection, then they have an increased risk of developing gastric cancer. So, untreated or recurrent sores in the stomach lining can result in a life-threatening disease like cancer.

Diagnosing Stomach Ulcers

If you observe any of the symptoms mentioned above, then make an appointment with your doctor. It is always advisable to get medical assistance to rule out any serious conditions or get treatment as early as possible to prevent complications. During the doctor’s appointment, you need to undergo the following to detect the actual problem affecting your body:

Physical Assessment

As the treatment for the condition depends on the severity, your doctor assesses the symptoms closely. Apart from physical examination, the doctor also reviews your medical history to learn more about the diseases you suffer, the prescription medications you take, and other problems. The doctor also checks the over-the-counter medication you take.

Blood Test

The doctor suggests taking a sample of your blood for testing. The lab test detects the presence of antibodies your immune system produces to fight H. pylori. This is the common laboratory test used to detect stomach ulcers.

Stool Test

This test is also known as a stool antigen test. The lab checks the stool sample to look for foreign proteins, known as antigens linked to H. pylori infection. The presence of antigen linked to the infection indicates the person suffers from gastric ulcers.

Breath Test

It is one of the common tests suggested to detect if a person is suffering from gastric ulcer or not. During the breath test, you need to drink a clear liquid. Then, you need to breathe into a bag. The bag is sealed and sent to the lab for testing. The result of higher than normal levels of carbon dioxide in the breath indicates the presence of H. pylori. If you are taking acid-suppressing drugs referred to as PPIs (proton pump inhibitors), antibiotics, or Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate), then you need to stop taking them before going for the test. It is because these medications can interfere with the accurate results of the test. Stop taking these medications at least a week before the test. This test is available for adults and children.

Barium Swallow

During the test, you need to drink barium (a thick white liquid). Barium coats the upper gastrointestinal tract. So, it helps your doctor view the stomach as well as the small intestine on the x-rays. The sophisticated images can detect sores with ease.


The doctor can use a thin, lighted scope to examine the upper digestive system. This test is known as endoscopy. It is inserted through the mouth and lowered into the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. As the hollow tube has a lens equipped in it, it can look for bleeding, sores, or abnormal tissue.

Endoscopic Biopsy

For some people, the doctor performs a biopsy during the endoscopy. During the procedure, the doctor removes a piece of stomach tissue. This sample tissue is examined in the lab to detect the presence of H. pylori in the stomach lining. The biopsy is recommended for older people or show any signs of internal bleeding. It is also suggested when you have experienced weight loss, have trouble eating or swallowing.

Treatment For Stomach Ulcers

Depending on the underlying cause of your sores in the stomach lining, the doctor suggests treatment. It is important to get medical treatment to avoid complications. Your doctor can prescribe the right treatment based on the severity of the condition. Talk to your doctor regarding the treatment plan. An actively bleeding ulcer requires immediate medical attention. Getting treatment in an intensive care unit and getting medication through IV is essential when the condition becomes serious. In some cases, you need a blood transfusion. Here are some of the treatment options available:

Nonsurgical Treatment For Stomach Ulcers

When you suffer from mild symptoms associated with the condition, then nonsurgical treatments are available for dealing with it.

Manage Stomach Ulcers By Controlling NSAIDs Use

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the protective stomach lining. It results in the development of sores when the digestive juices penetrate the tissue of the stomach. So, eliminating or reducing the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. It will help your stomach heal without any other treatment. Get the necessary advice from your doctor.

Treat Stomach Ulcers Caused By H. pylori

Since the majority of the people develop stomach ulcers due to the H. pylori bacterium infection, the treatment involves killing the harmful pathogen. The medication used to kill or destroy the bacteria include:

Antibiotic Medications To Kill H. pylori Triggering Stomach Ulcers

If the diagnosis detects H. pylori in the digestive tract, then the doctor prescribes a combination of antibiotics to destroy the bacterium. The medications used for the purpose include:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Clarithromycin
  • Metronidazole
  • Tinidazole
  • Levofloxacin
  • Tetracycline

The type of antibiotics prescribed depends on the place of the patient’s residence and the current resistance rates of antibiotics. The doctor suggests taking the medication for at least two weeks. You need to take it along with other medications (like Pepto-Bismol or Proton Pump Inhibitor) to reduce stomach acids.

Medications To Block Stomach Acid Production

Your doctor prescribes medication to block acid production by the body and promote healing. In most cases, the doctor prescribes PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) to reduce stomach acids by blocking the action of the parts of the cells producing acid. The medications include prescription as well as over-the-counter medications. Calcium deficiency is the drawback of using PPIs for a long time, especially at high doses. Therefore, it can result in a spine, wrist, or hip fracture. You need to talk to your doctor regarding consuming calcium supplements to reduce the risk.

Medications To Reduce Stomach Acid Production

Certain medications like acid blockers, also known as H-2 (Histamine) blockers reduce stomach acid. So, only a limited amount of stomach acid is released into the digestive tract. It relieves pain triggered by the ulcer. It also encourages the healing of the sores.

Antacids To Neutralize Stomach Acid

In the treatment plan, the doctor also includes an antacid in the drug regime. Antacids can neutralize the existing stomach acids. So, it offers rapid pain relief. But, antacids can trigger some side effects depending on the ingredients used in it. Remember, antacids only offer relief from the symptoms temporarily. It does not heal your ulcer.

Medications Protecting Stomach And Small Intestine Lining

In some cases, your doctor prescribes cytoprotective agents. These are a prescription medication used to protect the tissues lining the stomach and small intestines. You can take prescription options like misoprostol and sucralfate to protect the lining of the stomach.

Surgical Treatment For Stomach Ulcers

In very rare cases, invasive procedures are necessary to deal with the gastric ulcer. The surgery is complicated and only suggested when you suffer from ulcers that:

  • Fails to heal
  • Continues to return
  • Starts bleeding
  • Perforates (tears) through the stomach
  • Prevents the food from flowing out of the affected person’s stomach to the small intestine

In such cases, surgery is necessary to deal with the problem. During the procedure, the doctor tries to perform any of the following:

  • Remove an entire gastric ulcer
  • Take tissue from other parts of the intestines to patch it over the ulcer site
  • Tie off the artery triggering the bleeding
  • Reduce the production of stomach acid by cutting off the nerve supply to the stomach

Home Remedies For Stomach ulcers

In addition to taking medications and following a healthy diet, you can try some natural remedies at home to reduce the effects of H. pylori. It is the bacterium responsible for causing the sores in the stomach. But, never replace the current treatment plan or prescription medications with natural remedies. You can try the following to ease the symptoms:

  • Consume food rich in glutamine (example, fish, chicken, cabbage, spinach, and eggs)
  • Take probiotics
  • Include honey

You need to talk to your doctor regarding the home remedies you need to try to relieve the discomfort caused due to stomach ulcers.

See A Doctor For Stomach Ulcers

If you have observed symptoms associated with stomach ulcers, then see a doctor immediately. You need to discuss the symptoms and develop a treatment plan to manage the condition. But, if you see the following symptoms, then see a doctor immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Weakness
  • Bloody or black vomit
  • Tarry stool or blood in stools
  • Sharp, sudden pain in the abdomen that does not go away

The symptoms indicate severe complications associated with the condition, which can prove fatal with no medical intervention.

Diet For Stomach Ulcers

In the past, people used to think diet resulted in the development of sores in the stomach lining. While this is not true, the diet you eat can improve the chances of healing. A good diet with a lot of nutrients can benefit the intestinal tract and overall health. So, you need to maintain caution while choosing the foods. It is a good idea to eat a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Adding fiber to the diet can also prove beneficial. According to some studies, it is observed that certain foods can play a significant role in eliminating H. pylori, the important cause of gastric ulcers. These foods help you fight H. pylori or make your immune system strong and enhance the body’s healthy bacteria production.

Foods To Include To Manage And Prevent Stomach Ulcers

You need to include a diet rich in nutrients to ensure a healthy digestive tract lining. Here are some of the options to get the essential nutrients in your diet:

Include Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can offer essential nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. It inhibits acid secretion. Also, fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective properties, which prevents and treats ulcers. Here are some of the options you need to include:

  • Vegetables like radishes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and leafy greens (kale and spinach)
  • Fruits like apples, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries

Include Fiber In Your Diet

When you eat a diet high in soluble dietary fiber, it reduces the risk of developing sores in the stomach lining.

Probiotics For Fighting H. pylori

Probiotics can reduce infection caused due to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). It contains active healthy bacterial content. So, taking probiotics can slightly improve the symptoms of indigestion. It also reduces the side effects caused due to taking antibiotics. You need to include the following foods that are rich in probiotics like:

  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Yogurt (containing Saccharomyces and lactobacillus)
  • Kombucha

Vitamin C For Managing Stomach Ulcers

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can effectively eradicate the H. pylori bacterium. Taking small doses of vitamin C for an extended period is beneficial for your health. So, include the following to get your vitamin C dose:

  • Tomatoes
  • Oranges
  • Legumes

Add Zinc To Your Diet

Zinc is the micronutrient necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also promotes faster healing of wounds. Here are some of the foods containing high zinc:

  • Spinach
  • Oysters
  • Beef

Include Selenium To Manage Stomach Ulcers

Selenium can boost your immune system. So, taking it will reduce the risk of infection and associated complications. It promotes healing. You can include the following in your diet as it contains high selenium content:

  • Yellowfin tuna
  • Brazil nuts
  • Halibut

Foods To Avoid To Prevent Stomach Ulcers

You need to avoid certain foods or liquids from your diet as they can produce more digestive juices. So, eliminating the following from the diet can help you reduce the risk:

  • Spicy foods
  • Sour foods
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

These foods can cause excess production of gastric acid. So, it leads to the development of sores in the stomach lining. It is also essential to stay away from the foods when your ulcer is healing. Taking these foods can slow down the healing process.

Remember, you need to use the diet plan to support the treatment plan suggested by the doctor for getting effective results. Relying on diet alone may not offer relief from the problem. So, follow the advice of your doctor along with the diet to get results.

Steps To Prevent Stomach Ulcers

It remains unclear how H. pylori spread and some people tend to develop gastric ulcer without suffering from H. pylori infection. Therefore, you have no sure methods to prevent the condition. While researchers around the world are trying to develop a vaccination to prevent the condition from affecting people. Until you have access to vaccination, you can take some steps to prevent or allow healing of the gastric ulcer. Here are some of the tips:

Avoid Irritating Foods

Certain food items can irritate the stomach lining. So, you need to monitor your stomach’s response when you eat different foods. If any food items upset your stomach when you consume it, then you need to avoid it. As each person is different from the other, the food that irritates one person may not have the same effect on the others. But, here are some of the common food irritants you need to keep away from:

  • Coffee
  • Spicy foods
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Acidic foods (like citrus fruits, tomatoes, and others)
  • Fruit juices
  • Fatty foods
  • Processed or fried foods

Stop Smoking

Smokers are more likely to develop gastric ulcers compared to people who do not smoke. Cigarette smoke can trigger the development of painful sores. Also, if you already have developed the sores, then smoking can slow down the healing. Once you stop smoking, the sores will heal faster. The risk of Helicobacter pylori increases when you smoke. So, quit the bad habit as it is harmful to your overall health.

Practice Alcohol Moderation

Alcohol irritates your digestive system. So, when you drink alcohol, it makes your stomach make more acid than usual. This can result in inflammation or development of sores in the stomach lining. Therefore, you need to practice moderation. Heavy alcohol consumption can contribute to irritation of the stomach lining.

Take NSAIDs With Caution

You take NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for easing pain and discomfort. But, using it incorrectly or in excess can increase the risk of irritating the stomach lining. So, always take the NSAIDs along with food and adequate fluids. Follow the dose suggested as taking it in excess can harm your health. Avoid consuming alcohol with the medication. If you have developed sores, then stop using the medication as it can only aggravate the problem.

Control Stress Levels

Learn how to control your stress levels. Regular exercise and mind-body relaxation techniques (such as guided imagery and yoga or tai chi) are often helpful.

Maintain Hand Hygiene

Your hands touch high-risk surfaces all the time. It increases the chances of transfer of harmful pathogens on your hands. So, you need to keep your hands clean. It will prevent the spread of bacteria triggering stomach ulcers and viruses causing serious infections like coronavirus infection. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly. Use hand sanitizer when you have no access to soap and water. Also, clean all the food items before cooking or eating them raw. Cook the food thoroughly to kill any bacteria.


Never ignore the symptoms associated with stomach ulcers. So, get treatment from the doctor as early as possible to prevent any complications. With prompt medical attention, you can manage the condition and improve the quality of life.



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