Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase focus

You need to read ahead to know the best methods to increase focus and concentration. It is the right place to look for methods to increase your focus. It is essential for people who are worried about their mind flitting from one thing to another and having trouble focusing on anything important for more than a few minutes. Your lack of focus can result in unfinished projects in your home and at the workplace. Lack of focus can also result in half-baked ideas in your mind. It only results in regrets as you fail to accomplish anything in life.

You give importance to your body by going to the gym or including exercises to strengthen your muscles. But, your mind also needs exercise to strengthen the brain. Remember, your brain is also a kind of muscle. So, you need to perform some simple concentration exercises. It strengthens your mind and boosts your focus. Want to how you can reach greater heights by increasing concentration and focus? Then, read ahead.

What Is Focus?

Before we go into the various methods to increase focus, you need to know what it means. Focus refers to the attention you pay or concentration on a particular thing or person. When you are focused, your attention centers on a focal point. So, it helps reach your goal or objective swiftly. When you lose focus, you tend to divert from the set path, which leads to delay in attaining your objective.

Why Do You Need To Increase Focus?

In personal and professional life, staying focused on a task can help you reach any goal with ease. Focus is essential in your education and career as increasing your attention span will help you succeed. Here are some of the benefits you enjoy when you increase focus:

Increased Focus Builds Momentum

When you increase your focus, you can concentrate on one assignment. So, it helps you complete it efficiently. With enhanced focus, you can finish any task at a faster pace. It provides motivation to move onto the next job. Your ability to do things efficiently will help you remain positive. You feel good about yourself and get the motivation to achieve the next goal.

Boost Productivity When You Increase Focus

Staying on a task will help you complete tasks. Overall, you can complete more tasks within a short period. With the minimized distraction, you can stay in the zone. It allows your brain to process the tasks requiring attention. It increases your productivity. With centralized attention, you get more work done.

Reduces Stress

Most people feel stressed when they fail to complete the tasks at home, office, or school. When you increase focus, the tasks are completed with ease. With increased productivity, you reduce the pressure and tension building up. Focusing on one single assignment at a time will help you complete more items from the to-do list. You can eliminate the workload and find some free time. Directing the energy in one place will guarantee your success and reduce the chances of falling behind the work. Since you are not rushing to meet the deadlines at the last minute, you are not stressed.

Better Quality Of Work

If you are studying or working, you need to produce a better quality of work to stay ahead of others. So, your focus is instrumental in reaching greater heights. When you devote more time and concentration to a task, it results in high-quality work. Apart from finishing tasks quickly, they are error-free. It is essential for achieving success.

Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase Focus

Now you know why you need to focus on your work. There are several products available in the market, which promise better focus and concentration. Instead of trying them and suffering from side effects, you can try some exercises. These simple concentration exercises to increase focus will provide better results. Do you know why they are effective? Just like your physical muscles, the attention muscles or brain has limited strength. The stamina and power become depleted with inactivity. But, various exercises can strengthen them. After you exert them intensely, then require rest and recovery like the physical muscles. Here are some of the exercises you can try for improving your concentration:

Sitting Still On A Chair

It is one of the simple concentration exercises to increase focus. You need to sit comfortably in a chair. You need to keep still. While it may seem like an easy task, you have to center your focus to sit still. You have to avoid making any involuntary muscular movements. With practice, you can sit still without moving your muscles for fifteen minutes. At first, you need to start sitting in a relaxed position for five minutes. Gradually increase the time from five minutes to ten minutes and finally fifteen minutes. Make sure you sit perfectly still. Never strain yourself to keep still. You need to relax completely. As time progresses, you can see improvement in your focus.

Fix Gaze On Fingers To Increase Focus

Sit on a chair. Keep your head up and jut your chin out. Keep your shoulders back. Now, you need to raise the arm on the levels of the shoulder while it points to the rights. You need to look around the room by turning your head alone. While you turn the head, fix the graze on the fingers. While doing the exercise, you need to keep the arm perfectly still for at least a minute. You need to do the exercise on the other arm. Slowly you can increase the time and keep the arm perfectly steady. You need to complete the exercise on each arm for five minutes. When you keep the arm outstretched, turn the palm downward. It is the easiest position. Keeping the eyes fixed on the fingertips will help determine if you are keeping the arms still.

Fix Eyes On Outstretched Glass

For trying one of the simple concentration exercises to increase focus, you need to fill a glass of water. Choose a small glass and fill it full of water. Now, you need to grasp the glass with your fingers. Place your arm directly in front of you. You need to keep your eyes fixed on the glass. While holding the glass, you need to keep the arms steady with no noticeable movements. Initially, you can do the exercise for one minute and increase it to five gradually. Do the exercise with first one arm and then you can do it with the other.

When you perform the exercise, you can gain control over your involuntary muscular movement. So, you only make voluntary actions. The exercise is designed to control your voluntary muscles. It helps your mental forces to control your muscular movements.

Focus on Opening and Closing Fists

It is one of the simple concentration exercises to increase focus. You need to concentrate on opening and closing your fists. Sit on a chair next to a table. Place your hands on the table and clench the fist. Keep the back of your hand on the table while doubling the thumb over your fingers. Fix your gaze on the fist for some time. You can gradually extend the thumb while keeping your attention on the act. Gradually, you can extend the first finger, then the next finger, and so on until you open the five fingers.

Now, reverse the process by closing the last opened finger first and the rest. You need to make a fist in its original position with the thumb crossed over your finger. You need to complete the exercise with your left and right hand. Repeat it five times with each hand.

Enhance Sense Of Smell

When you improve your sense of smell, it can increase focus. To boost your sense of smell, you need to concentrate on the odor of plants and flowers when you walk or drive. Focus keenly on the different kinds of smell you can detect. You need to choose one kind of smell and only focus on sensing it. With concentration, you will feel the sense of smell strongly intensifies. The exercise will develop your concentrated focus. With practice, the exercise will help control your mind. So, it will help direct the thoughts like you control other parts of your body.

Concentration From Within

You need to relax your muscles by lying down. Now, concentrate on the heartbeat. You must focus only on the beating of the heart and nothing else. Focus only on your heart and how it is the most vital and great organ, which pumps blood to every part of your body. Picture or visualize the blood leaving the heart and how it flows in one stream to the toes and other parts of the body. After you practice for a little time, you can feel blood passing through your system.

Water Method: One Of The Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase Focus

The water method is one of the simple concentration exercises to increase focus. It is a simple and effective method to induce sleep. It is an easy method as you need to put a full glass of clear water on the table. Place it on the table. You need to sit on a chair beside the table. Now, gaze into the glass of water. Think of how calm it is and get into the state. In a short while, you will find the nerves relaxing and becoming quiet. So, you will get a good night’s sleep. You can also picture yourself becoming drowsy.

One of the effective techniques for people suffering from insomnia to get sleep is to think of themselves as an inanimate object. For example, thinking of yourself as a hollow log in a forest can help you get to sleep. The exercise is effective for the nerves. So, practicing it can stimulate the nerves in your brain and help you enhance focus. Likewise, drinking water is also effective in improving focus. Replenishing your brain cells with water will improve your concentration.

Practice Talking Before a Glass

Practicing talking before the glass is good for improving self-confidence in people. Do you know it can also improve your focus? When you learn to have control over the facial muscles as well as the eyes, you will command attention from others. Therefore, when you talk to others, you can make a positive and powerful impression. You also acquire a sense of calm as well as strength causing your opponent to cower away.

How To Do One Of The Simple Concentration To Increase Focus?

To complete the exercise, you need to make two marks on the mirror. Make it at your eye levels and consider them as human eye looking at you. At first, your eyes will blink a little when you focus on the mark. Stand erect and avoid moving your head. You need to concentrate entirely on keeping your head perfectly still. Never allow any other thought to come into your mind. While keeping your head, eyes, and body still, you need to make sure you look like a reliable person.

When you are standing before the mirror and practice deep breathing, make sure the room has plenty of air. You need to feast on the air. So, choose a room with good ventilation. With each deep breath, it permeates the cells in your body. You can see your timidity disappearing. It is replaced by a sense of peace. You also feel powerful. You can do this three minutes a day to see results.

The Eastern Way of Concentrating

It is one of the simple concentration exercises you can try easily at home. You need to sit on a high back chair in an upright position. Now, press one finger against your right nostril. Take a long, deep breath. Draw the breath gently while you count to ten. Then, you need to expel the breath through your right nostril as you count to ten. Repeat the exercise with the left nostril. You can do this exercise at least twenty times with each sitting to see results.

One Of The Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase Focus: Controlling Desires

Controlling your desires is not as easy as it sounds. It is the hardest force you cannot resist. But, trying to control desires is one of the effective and simple concentration exercises to increase focus. Learning to control desires will strengthen the powers of concentration. Wondering how it can work? Read ahead.

An Example Of How Controlling Desires Works

If you have the desire to talk or gossip about others, then you need to control it. You have to attend your business and never waste time thinking of others. Try not to gossip about people. If you have learned something detrimental about another person, then keep it to yourself. You need to strengthen your will power by controlling your wish to tell someone else about what you have learned. To prohibit your desire to tell someone about your information requires the concentration of all your powers. Once you feel like having complete control of the desires, you can share your news with others. But, suppress the desire to share the news unless you have full control. People who have no control over their desires cannot complete the exercise. It also affects focus and concentration apart from putting themselves as well as others in trouble.

Results Of The Exercise To Increase Focus

Once you can possess self-control, it will help you flourish in your professional and personal life. You will become a cool-headed person who can become an asset to a business. But, the results may vary from person to person. You need to look out for different opportunities to practice self-control. A person who can have control over the spirit can achieve anything in their life.

One Of The Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase Focus: Reading

You cannot think without concentration your thoughts on a particular subject. Everyone must train themselves to think about any topic clearly at first. So, try reading to improve your focus. You can start by reading a short story. Then, you need to write a condensed state statement of the story. You can also read an article in a newspaper. Try to see if you can express the content in a few words.

How Does The Exercise To Increase Focus Work?

When you read any article or book with essential details, it needs close focus. If you are unable to write what you have read, it means you lack concentration. People who find it difficult to write can express it orally. You can face a mirror and express your thoughts like talking to someone. Exercises of such types offer great value in developing focus and help you learn to think. Now you may wonder how long you need to do this. You can practice these simple concentration exercises to increase focus for at least twenty minutes at first. Then, you can write down what you have read. In most cases, it is impossible to remember all the minute details. As you practice the exercises, you will find it easier to write a pretty good account of what you have read. With better concentration, your account becomes more accurate.

If you have limited time, then you can choose short sentences to read and then write them down. Try to remember word by word and wrote them down. When you can do this, you can read more than two sentences and follow the same procedure. It is a good practice, allowing you to develop a habit. Use your spare time for practicing the exercise to get the wonderful power of concentration.

Results Of The Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase Focus

When you try this exercise, you will realize that to remember every word in the sentences you read, you have to block out other thoughts. So, you need to concentrate only on the words you wish to remember. This inhibition will compensate for the trouble you go through to complete the exercise. The success of the concentration exercise depends on your power to imagine or picture what you read. People who can visualize the scenes they read more vividly can write it well. So, hearing the rivers roll at the feet of mountains looming over, indicates better focus.

Watching Concentration

Can you watch concentration? The simple yet effective exercise enhances your focus. For trying the exercise, you need to sit in a chair. Now, place a clock having a second hand on the table in front of your chair. You need to follow the second hand of the clock with your eyes. Follow the movement as it goes around. You need to keep this up for at least five minutes. During that time, you need to think of nothing else and only about the second hand. It is an effective exercise for people having only a few minutes to spare. But, you need to keep all other thoughts away from consciousness for better results. Since nothing is interesting about the second hand, it may seem like a hard exercise. But, you need to put in the extra effort and channel your focus to make the exercise offer results.

Tips To Make Simple Concentration Exercises To Increase Focus Effective

To get effective results by trying the simple concentration exercises to increase focus, you need to follow some pointers. Follow them to get the desired results:

Never Give Up

The exercises can make you feel tired. You may feel the urge to stop trying the monotonous exercises. But, you need to practice these to train your attention. So, never give up as the exercises give you control over the muscular movement.

Patience Gives Results

You cannot expect a change in your concentration overnight. You will not see huge changes within a short time. You need to wait patiently to have good control over your concentration. Trying the exercise will help you center your thoughts.

Never Let Your Attention Waver

Irrespective of the things trying to distract you, imagine focus as the chief object in your life. You must not get interested in anything else but what exercise you are practicing.

Your attention can become rebellious and waver. So, you need to try to avoid such distractions.

Practice Simple Concentration Exercise To Increase Focus Daily

You may feel tempted to forgo practicing the exercise for focus after a few days. But, it will not offer effective results. You must never go a day without practicing the exercises. Instead of choosing interesting objects, you need to choose monotonous exercises. It is because such exercises require more focus and practice. With a little practice, you can center your attention on any subject.


The simple concentration exercises to increase focus will help you gain control of your mind as well as your body. A good focus will help you complete tasks faster and excel in your professional life. It will help you develop strong will power. So, you can complete any tasks with ease as you are putting your complete focus on it. With improved focus, you can put your best effort forwards to complete any tasks. You will become satisfied only with excellent efforts.


12 Concentration Exercises from 1918



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