Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples

People are choosing simple and effective Ayurvedic treatments for pimples as it causes no side effects like other options. Suffering from breakouts can embarrass you. While breakouts or acne is a common problem affecting people, especially during adolescence, it can make you self-conscious. Severe cases of acne can cause scarring on your face. The unsightly appearance will affect your confidence levels. So, you turn to topical ointments or other over-the-counter options to deal with the condition. But, these treatments contain chemicals, which can harm your skin in the long run. Unlike other treatment options, Ayurveda is natural and holistic. So, your whole body is involved in treating the underlying cause of the issue. It does not limit treatment to the affected area, but goes into the root of the problem.

This article is for someone who struggles from the trauma caused due to pimples and acne. It is for those who are spending their money on heavy-duty concealers and cosmetics to hide their imperfect skin. Instead of struggling, you can opt for Ayurveda as it will help you get glowing skin, good health, and a sound mind.

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the ancient medicine system with its roots in India. Ayurveda originated in the country more than five thousand years back. The natural healing system is the conjugation of two Sanskrit words. While Ayu means life, Veda means science. So, Ayurveda means the science of life. It is different from other medical systems as Ayurveda focuses on preventing the disease by following a healthy living. Prevention is always better than cure. Ayurveda has a holistic healing concept. It means you have to heal from within. An individual is treated and not the illness. So, you heal from within to fight off the disease.

Ayurveda believes a human body is composed of four components. The four main components of your body are:

  • The physical body
  • Your Metaphysical mind
  • The five sense organs
  • Your eternal soul

The five sense organs connect your physical body with your mind. Ayurveda believes in maintaining the balance for overall wellness.

Why Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples Works?

Ayurveda associated each human with the balance of natural elements. This unique balance of five main elements (Panch Maha Bhootas) like earth, water, fire, space, and air. So, each person’s body consists of these five elements in a specific yet unique balance. Ayurveda also mentions three doshas in a person namely:

  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha

Depending on the person, these doshas maintain a unique balance to ensure good health. But, when an excess or deficiency occurs, it affects the balance and results in different health problems. For a healthy person, these three doshas stay in a perfect balance. According to Ayurveda, another prominent issue affecting your health is the digestive fire or Agni in a person. When you have a good metabolism and digestion, you have no problems. It is because such a balance causes no generation of metabolic waste.

When you have a weak fire or Agni, it results in metabolic waste. The weak fire is referred to as Ama in Ayurveda. This Ama can seep into all the tissues of the body. It affects the following parts of the body:

  • Blood (Raktha)
  • Lymph (Lasika)
  • Muscle (Mamsa)

With the above-mentioned parts of the body connected to skin tissues, any issues can cause trouble on the skin. When you are suffering from severe problems, more parts of the body are involved.

Types Of Skin Problems

When you suffer from skin problems, Ayurveda physicians study the state of your skin to detect the problem causing the problem. A healthy person has a good glow on their skin because their doshas are in good balance. An imbalance of doshas can triggers problems on your skin. So, you can see bumps, rashes, or blemishes. Depending on the type of dosha, you can suffer from different types of skin breakouts.

Vatta Dosha

This dosha can cause dryness. The airy dosha causes an imbalance in your skin and results in pricking or pain along with blemishes. This imbalance can also cause poor digestion as well as the accumulation of toxins.

Pitta Dosha

It is the fiery and hot dosha. So, when you develop pimples it appears red and coppery in color. In severe cases, the pimples can ooze. This is the acne-causing inflammation, which affects many people.

Kapha Dosha

This is the most common cause of developing pimple or breakouts. Kapha is cold as well as heavy. It triggers skin problems causing oiliness and itching. The imbalance caused due to this dosha can lead to the production of excess sebum. When the sebum overwhelms the pores, it becomes clogged. So, you develop acne.

Effectiveness Of Ayurveda In Treating Skin Problems

Ayurveda is the best way to deal with your skin problem. You have simple and effective ayurvedic treatments for pimples at home. It addresses the root cause of any problem. The ancient therapy and curative treatment can treat several issues triggering the breakout without any side effects. The natural herbs and ingredients used to treat skin diseases cause no side effects. The medicinal herbs are prescribed based on the body type of a person. For simple cases of breakouts, then you can try some easy remedies at home. For severe cases, you need to undergo the following treatment under the supervision of the Ayurvedic physician:

  • Internal medications like different kashayam as suggested by the doctor.
  • Panchakarma treatment or five treatment (five actions) can address different doshas in your body. It eliminates the doshas causing the imbalance. Such treatments will offer miraculous results. It addresses skin issues to manage breakouts.
  • External medications like applying herbal balms, ayurvedic facials, or fruit facial is effective in managing pimples and other skin issues.

Why More People Choose Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples?

The simple and effective ayurvedic treatments for pimples offer the desired results. Many people follow it because of the following reasons:

Customized Treatment

Every person is different. So, one treatment may not suit the needs of others. Ayurveda respects the uniqueness of each person. The customized treatment options will deal with the underlying health issue to get effective results.

Addresses All Levels

It is the holistic treatment considering all levels of a person. So, it addresses the issues with body, mind, and spirit.

Reason Why Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples Works: Holistic Approach

It is one of the natural methods to heal your problem. As it uses only natural herbs to treat your health problem, you will not suffer from any side effects like other therapies.

Prevention Is Key

While other treatment options focus on healing the affected area, Ayurveda focuses on the root cause of the problem. It emphasizes on prevention and not on performing annual routine checkups.

Have Power Over Health

Instead of depending on doctors for overall health, Ayurveda gives you the responsibility to ensure your well-being. So, you have the power to keep yourself healthy by choosing the right lifestyle and good food.

Time Tested Approach

Unlike other medical approaches, the concept of Ayurveda has not changed. The concepts, theory, and approach have remained the same for several thousands of years. So, it is the time-tested approach to heal ailments and prevent it from recurring.

Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples

Your skin suffers a lot due to exposure to pollutants, dust, and other contaminated things. Mental issues like anxiety and stress can also affect skin quality. People who live on processed foods and carbonated drinks can also suffer from breakouts. An unhealthy lifestyle is the main culprit behind such skin issues. While other methods offer you relief for a short time, natural remedies like using Ayurveda promises a long-term relief. So, your skin will look healthy without any problems for a long time. It is because the holistic treatment heals you from inside to ensure a proper balance. It will help you manage can better. Here are some of the effective ayurvedic treatments

Amla  (Indian Gooseberry)

Do you know that Indian Gooseberry is a rich source of Vitamin C? It is one of the most effective remedies to deal with skin problems. Ayurveda considers amla juice as one of its most prized treatment options to heal skin issues as it contains twenty times more vitamin C compared to orange juice. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, which offers protection against the problems caused by free radicals. So, it prevents breakouts or acne. You can take it internally or apply it to your skin. It will give a beautiful skin.

Gooseberry is considered as the elixir for your skin. It is also well-known for its acne-fighting properties. So, it removes excess sebum, prevents breakouts, and avoids scarring of your skin. Make a paste of gooseberry and apply it on your face. Wash it off after fifteen to twenty minutes.

One Of The Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples: Potent Herbal Mixture

You can make a powdered mixture of equal parts turmeric, coriander seeds, basil, fennel, and gooseberry. All the mentioned ingredients (seeds and herbs) contain antioxidants. So, it can ease inflammation developing beneath your skin. You can take half a teaspoon of this herbal powder by mixing it with lukewarm water. Take it at least fifteen minutes before you eat your lunch and dinner.

External Application of Herbal Mixture

Make a mixture of turmeric, sandalwood paste along with rose water. Apply this mixture on your affected skin. Leave the mixture on your skin for at least thirty minutes and rinse it off with cold water. Continue this every day. It will ease the inflammation and help manage the breakout effectively.

Holy Basil or Tulsi

Holy basil is sacred according to Ayurveda. It is because holy basil has wonderful healing properties. It is an effective herb to cure common skin problems like pimples, acne, and blemishes naturally. Just take some holy basil leaves and crush it. Extract the juice from the crushed leaves and massage it on your face. Let the juice absorb on your skin by waiting for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse off with clean water.

A Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatment For Pimples: Honey

Honey is the natural product offering miraculous benefits to your skin. It is effective in treating acne as well as pimples. You need just a few drops of honey to see magical results on your skin. Apply organic honey on the scars and breakouts. Rinse off after five to ten minutes. You need to include it in your skincare routine regularly to see the best results.


Turmeric is one of the most simple and effective ayurvedic treatments for pimples. It contains curcumin, which has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. So, it is the effective remedy to prevent bacterial attacks on your skin. So, it is effective in preventing pimples and breakouts. Turmeric is also a good cleanser, which clears toxins from your pores without causing any allergic reaction. You need to make a paste of turmeric powder and rosewater. Apply it on your face and other parts of your body. After drying, you can rinse off with water and pat dry. For people with dry skin, you need to replace rosewater with honey.

Neem Leaves: One Of The Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples

Neem leaves are one of the most popular ayurvedic remedies for treating breakouts and pimples. Boil and crush tender neem leaves. You need to make a paste of neem leaves and rosewater on the affected area. Apply the neem paste on the affected area. You need to leave the neem paste until the paste dry. Rinse off with water and pat dry.

Dry Grapes or Raisins

Acne or pimple develops due to the overheating of the body. To bring down the temperature of the body, you can take raisins or dry grapes. It also purifies your blood. It is effective in managing pimples. So, drinking crushed raisins early in the morning is one of the effective ayurvedic treatments for pimples. You need to soak 30 to 40 small raisins overnight in water. You need to crush the soaked raisins and take the mixture on empty stomach early in the morning. Continue this for two to three months regularly to control pimples.

One Of The Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples: Triphala

Tri means three and phala suggest fruits. Ayurveda offers Triphala (the potent three fruits), which is poly-herbal preparation comprising of the following ingredients:

  • Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia berecilla)
  • Haritaki (Indian hog plum)

The above-mentioned ingredients are all native to India. The three fruits can have a positive impact on the body’s three types of dosas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). It is a popular holistic remedy used to manage skin problems. So, people who take it can manage the breakouts as it detoxifies the whole body and fights the bacteria triggering breakouts. It helps in the healing of the affected skin. You need to take a teaspoon of Triphala with hot water on an empty stomach every morning or at bedtime to manage the skin issues.

White Gourd (Lauki)

White gourd juice has high water content. So, consuming the juice keeps the body cool and ensure good skin health. The juice can detoxify your body and cleanse it from within. So, it gives you smooth and younger-looking skin without any pimples. To prepare this holistic remedy, you need to peel the outer skin of white gourd. Cut into small pieces and blend it. Extract the juice. Drink the juice after adding a pinch of salt on empty stomach early in the morning.

One Of The Effective Ayurvedic Treatments: Papaya

Papaya is a fruit with Vitamin C. It is also a great remedy in Ayurveda for acne and pimples. You can apply it to your skin as a face mask for effective results. Wash your face before applying the papaya paste with rose water. Keep the mask on for at least twenty minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water. You can repeat the step daily to ensure good skin health.

Lifestyle Advice For Ensuring Good Skin And Overall Health

For the simple and effective ayurvedic treatments for pimples to work properly, you need to adopt a good lifestyle. According to Ayurveda, you need to make the following changes for overall health in the fast-paced world:

Eat Fresh Foods

The principles of the ancient Ayurveda indicates the good effects of a healthy diet. So, follow the pointers suggested:

  • Avoid any oily, spicy, sour, or processed foods as it can cause an imbalance in your Vada, Pitta, and Kapha.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Increase your intake of fresh herbs with a cooling effect on your body. So, you need to include black grapes, fennel, Indian gooseberry (amla), Aloe Vera, and Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifola).

Manage Constipation

Constipation occurs when your body is having trouble flush out toxins. This overloading of toxins can result in breakouts or pimples. So, people suffering from constipation can get severe pimples. When you manage constipation or the irregularity of bowel movements, your acne heals. Ayurveda offers Isabgol (Psyllium husk) and Triphala tablets to manage constipation.

One Of The Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Treatments For Pimples: Use Herbal Facewash

You need to keep your face clean. To remove the buildup in the pores and avoid clogging you need to use herbal facewashes. The herbal or ayurvedic facewashes are effective in removing the dirt without causing any side effects. Since these products contain no harmful chemicals like SLS, parabens, and sulfates, they are gentle on your skin. These products will heal and nourish your skin without stripping away the essential nutrients as well as oils from your face. So, it prevents any unnecessary damage to your skin.

Avoid Cosmetics With Irritating Ingredients

You need to choose your skincare products with care. Certain ingredients in the products can cause irritation and allergies. So, it results in breakouts. Ingredients like alcohol can dry out the skin. Dry skin makes you more susceptible to pimples. Similarly, certain chemicals can cause an allergic reaction. Your immunes system tries to attack the allergens, which results in redness, blistering, and itching. Perfume in the skincare products can also trigger breakouts. So, you need to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Avoid Squeezing Of Pimple

While you can get tempted to squeeze the pimple, the action can cause more harm than good. Squeezing or popping the pimple causes the contents inside the pimple to come out and pushed into the surrounding skin. So, it can transfer the infection to other areas. It can result in a temporary darkening of the skin in the affected area.

Cleanse Internal System

Ayurveda believes in cleansing the internal system to manage pimples. You need to take purgation (virechana) with the supervision of an Ayurveda physician. It is performed by the doctor by giving bitter astringent and herbal (sweet) purgatives. This will bring down the increased Pitta levels in the body. By undergoing purgation for once every two to three months will cleanse your internal system. After the treatment, you can see the lowering of abnormal pitta and blood dhathu (raktha). So, it helps manage inflammatory changes.

Drink Plenty Of Water

You need to hydrate your skin to prevent breakouts. While you try effective remedies at home, you must never forget hydrating your body. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water to cool your body temperature and maintain the water levels in the body. When your skin fails to get hydration, your skin becomes dry. Dry skin can trigger excess oil production. It clogs your pores and results in acne.

Manage Stress

Stress is one of the major contributors to acne or pimples. A strong link exists between stress and the appearance of your skin. While stress affects people differently, you can see a pimple popping up before a major test or presentation. So, your skin suffers due to excess stress in your life as it increases cortisol levels in the body, resulting in breakouts. Try to relax and get rest. Relaxation techniques will help you ease the stress from your life.

Include Yoga

According to Ayurveda, yoga can help manage pimples. The doctors suggest breathing exercises like pranayama. It can offer a perfect balance to your mind and body. So, it can manage the stressors triggering acne. Also, you try some other yoga poses effectively for alleviating breakouts. Here are some of them:

  • Sarvangasana
  • Utthanasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Bharadvaja’s twist
  • Trikonasana


While pimples can occur due to different reasons, you can change your lifestyle and get a natural treatment for managing the condition. Apart from trying effective ayurvedic treatment for pimples, you need to include a good diet for a healthy body and skin. Natural foods and holistic treatment offer better results compared to other treatment options. It keeps your body calm and clean from inside. Using organic and chemical-free products is beneficial for your overall health. Never let the breakouts mar your confidence. Choose the natural treatment to become beautiful from the inside and show your fabulous self to others. Overcome the frustrating problem by following the simple yet effective steps suggested.




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