Scratched Cornea

Scratched Cornea: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, And Tips

A scratched cornea or corneal abrasion occurs mostly due to a careless action. A poke, scratch, or the penetration of any foreign sharp particles into the eyes can injure the delicate part of your eye. This injury to the cornea can cause blurry vision, tearing, or other symptoms. It increases the urge to rub your eyes or try to get rid of the dirt using your fingertips. It only results in more harm than good. While the action seems like a good idea, it can result in grave consequences. Read ahead to know more about the condition and what actions you need to take to overcome it.

Cornea And Its Functions

Before learning about the scratched cornea, you need to know what cornea is and its function. Only then you can understand the magnitude of the condition. The cornea is unlike any other tissue in your body. It is a group of cells as well as protein but contains no blood vessels. So, it has nothing to protect it against infection or provide nourishment. But, your cornea receives its nourishment from the tears and the fluid present in the anterior portion of the eye (aqueous humor) filling the chamber behind it. For the cornea to refract light properly, it must remain transparent. The presence of tiny blood interferes with the process of refraction. To see properly and clearer vision, all layers of your cornea must remain free of opaque or cloudy areas.

Functions Of Cornea

While the cornea looks smooth and transparent like glass, it is not fragile. So, it is strong and durable. It has two main functions:

  • It acts as a protective barrier to the rest of the eye from harmful matter, pathogens, and dust. This function of the cornea is shared with other parts of the eye like eyelids, sclera (the white part of the eye), the eye socket, and tears.
  • The dome-shaped structure acts as the outermost lens. So, it functions as a window, controlling as well as focusing the entry of light into your eyes. Your cornea is responsible for the majority of total focusing power (65% to 75%) of your eye. Therefore, when the light strikes the cornea, it bends it or refracts.

When corneal abrasion occurs, it can affect the above-mentioned functions and cause vision problems.

About Scratched Cornea

In normal cases, cornea covers the iris and pupil in your eye. Iris refers to the colored part of your eye while the pupil is the black center. The light enters your eyes and strikes the cornea first. So, it helps you see things around you. Since the cornea is the thin, transparent dome, foreign objects can cause injury or scratch it. You can develop corneal abrasions due to the following:

  • Flying dust
  • Grains of sand
  • Specks of metal
  • Poking with a fingernail or pointed object (like animal claw or pencils)
  • Using contact lens for a long time

When you suffer from minor abrasions, it heals quickly without any complications. But, you can suffer from inflammation along with corneal abrasion. This condition is known as iritis. Without proper treatment and care, an infected corneal abrasion can escalate into a corneal ulcer. These are serious conditions that can cause permanent vision loss. So, you have to take the right action at the right time.

Signs And Symptoms Of Scratched Cornea

The cornea is the eye is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. So, even a small abrasion to the area can trigger severe pain. While you may suffer only a tiny scratch, it feels much larger. So, you feel as if some big object is present in the eye. Such issues occur as the injury results in the loss of corneal epithelium. It is the top layer of your cornea and acts as a protective barrier that prevents penetration of pathogens along with loss of fluids from the eyes. Due to the abrasion, disturbance of the layer and loss of cells occurs. It can cause the following signs and symptoms:

  • Significant discomfort in your eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Pain in your eyes when exposed to bright light
  • The sensation of a foreign particle inside the eye
  • Tearing
  • Blurry vision or distorted vision
  • Eye squinting, caused due to muscle spasm in the eyes

In most cases, corneal abrasion develops due to physical trauma to the eyes. In most cases, people tend to rub their eyes when they feel like something is in their eyes. While it is the normal instinct, it only causes more harm than good. Rubbing your affected eye can cause more complications. As the first line of treatment, you need to wash the eyes with multipurpose contact solution or sterile saline eyewash (bottled or tap water has the presence of microorganisms that can worsen the injury). When you see other symptoms like redness, pain, or discomfort, then seek medical help. See an eye care professional, who can offer assistance to manage the problem.

Causes Of Scratched Cornea

You can suffer from corneal abrasion due to the superficial scratch, developing on the cornea. You can suffer from scratch on the clear, protective area in front of the eyes due to the following reasons:

  • You get hit in your eye with any of sharp or pointed object
  • Any foreign body (like dirt or debris) entering the eyes through the wind
  • Use any equipment (for example, grinding wheel) without using any eye protection
  • Any foreign body entering your eyes through the wind
  • Fingernail poking your eyes
  • Cigarette ash entering your eyes
  • Cigarette ash flying into your eyes
  • Wearing a contact lens for a long time or sleeping in it
  • Suffer from eye infections resulting in injury
  • UV rays exposure directly on your eyes

Risk Factors Increasing The Risk Of Scratched Cornea

Corneal abrasions are common injuries occurring among children. But, it is also prevalent among people. The superficial injuries can heal quickly as it affects only the surface layer of your cornea. But, it can trigger severe pain. With proper care, the condition heals quickly without permanent vision problems. The risk factors associated with the condition are:


As suggested earlier, corneal abrasion is a common problem among children between the ages of five to fifteen. Studies indicate infants with untrimmed fingernails can injure their eyes unintentionally. School children can also suffer from the problem when they play with pointed objects like pens or pencils. Corneal abrasions are common in boys compared to girls. Also, people who are around young children can face the risk of corneal injury.

Outdoor Sports

People who play outdoor sports, especially professional athletes are at high risk of suffering from eye problems. So, they need to use some form of eyewear to protect their eyes from sand, dust, or accidental poke from another player’s finger. Contact sports like football and baseball cause more injuries to eyes compared to other sports.

Work/Craft Causing Eye Hazards

People who have crafts/hobbies or work in the environment, putting their eyes at risk can develop corneal abrasion. So, people who work with pointed tools like a wood carving or sewing needs to wear eye protective gear. Working in occupations like gardening, woodworking, farming, or construction also exposes your eyes to debris or other substances affecting your eyes. Follow the safety guidelines while working to keep your eyes protected.

Use Contact Lens With Care

You have to use contact lenses with care. Follow good hand hygiene before wearing contact lenses. So, wash your hands beforehand with soap and water. People wearing contact lens face a high risk of eye problems.

Trauma To Face

When you suffer trauma to the face due to physical force or when you undergo facial surgery, then it can result in corneal abrasion.

Eye Disorders

Suffering from other eye disorders like pink eye or other problems can increase your risk of scratching the cornea. So, you need to handle any eye disorders as early as possible to prevent complications like corneal abrasions.

In most cases, the scratch developed in your cornea can heal completely without any medical intervention. But, you can take some effective steps to help your eye heal faster and reduce the discomfort associated with the condition. Read ahead to know more about it and how to handle them well.

Complications Associated With Scratched Cornea

While scratched cornea is a common condition, it needs immediate attention. With proper care and attention, the corneal abrasions can heal without any complications. It causes no permanent vision loss. But, deeper abrasions occurring directly in front of your pupil (in the center of your cornea) can leave scars. So, you will suffer from vision problems.

When you leave the condition untreated, it can result in a corneal ulcer. It is the condition triggering severe vision loss. You are vulnerable to the condition when an organic matter causes the abrasion and you fail to seek treatment. While it is important to get medical assistance, you must also attend the follow-up appointments. These are important to avoid complications as certain abrasions may not heal properly. So, it can lead to corneal erosion and other eye complication. This affects your vision as well as make you distressed.

When To See A Doctor For Scratched Cornea

The cornea is a vital part of your eye with many nerve endings. The clear protective covering is important for a clear vision. When some dirt, sand, foreign particles come in contact with the eye, it can cause a minor scratch. Due to several nerve endings in the cornea, you can feel severe discomfort and pain. So, when such foreign particles enter and you develop sudden eye pain, then make an appointment with the doctor. A corneal abrasion can also cause eye redness, rapid blinking, and tears. Seeing an eye doctor is advised to get proper treatment for managing the condition.

Diagnosing Scratched Cornea

When you feel pain or other discomforts in your eye, then it is always better to seek advice from an ophthalmologist. The eye doctor can diagnose the exact nature of the symptoms and what causes it. To diagnose if you have developed scratched cornea, your doctor can suggest the test below:

Eye Test

Before the eye test, your doctor gives you eye drops. It is to relax the muscles in the eyes and widen the pupil. Eye doctors can also give fluorescein drops as it highlights the imperfections on the surface of the cornea. Certain eye drops with anesthetic properties ease the pain temporarily. It is provided when the ophthalmologist tries to examine your eyes without any distress. Using a special lamp as well as magnification tools, the doctor checks for foreign matter or scratches on the cornea.

Treatments For Scratched Cornea

Based on the diagnosis, your eye doctor can determine the severity of your corneal abrasion. The wound and cause of the injury are the main factors in determining an ideal treatment plan. The following treatments are suggested to deal with an eye problem and promote better healing:

Eye Drops

For mild abrasions, your doctor treats the condition with non-preserved lubricating drops. These drops keep the eye moist and keep the pain at bay. So, you feel comfortable while the natural healing process of your eye takes place. When you suffer from superficial abrasions, treating with antibiotic eye drops offers relief. It also prevents the possibility of developing an infection during the healing process. So, within two or three days, you can feel the change.

Antibiotic Ointment

In some cases, the eye doctor suggests antibiotic eye ointment that stays in the eye for a long time. You need to apply the ointment for three to five days as per the doctor’s suggestions. The ointment helps prevent secondary infections and offers better barrier protection. It also lubricates your eye. So, it is suggested for better healing.

Steroid Eye Drops

Steroid eye drops are suggested to decrease inflammation, swelling, and scarring associated with corneal abrasions.

Bandage Contact Lens

While using a regular contact lens can put you at risk of suffering from infection under the lens, the bandage contact lens can offer relief. It is another option suggested by the eye doctor for treating corneal abrasions. It is usually suggested along with the prescription eye drops to offer pain relief along with quick healing. The bandage contact lens is designed specifically to offer protection to a diseased or injured cornea. The mechanical rubbing of the blinking of the eyelids can worsen the corneal injury. Bandage lens can offer protection from such issues and allows your eye to heal. Using a bandage lens offers comfort to your affected eyes. In most cases, the eye doctor suggests a soft lens as a bandage lens.

Depending on the severity of the injury, your eye doctor can suggest the necessary treatment. But, make sure you follow all instructions provided by the doctor. Also, you need to schedule a follow-up exam after your initial treatment to ensure you are healing properly.

Precautions To Take While Healing From Scratched Cornea

To help with the healing process, you need to follow certain steps. These steps ensure better healing of corneal abrasions:

  • Never rub your eyes as it can aggravate the problem.
  • While managing injury in the cornea, you need to stop wearing the contact lens. Resume wearing it only after discussing it with your eye doctor.
  • When you go out, protect your eyes from the sunlight and avoid any discomfort caused by wearing sunglasses.

Mild cases of corneal abrasion will heal without permanent eye damage within a few days. But, deep scratches require more time to heal. They can also trigger eye infections, scarring, and other issues. So, see a doctor to report any unusual or distressing symptom. The doctor takes the necessary steps to deal with the complications. It will help you avoid long-term vision problems.

Home Remedies To Manage Scratched Cornea

To ensure good healing of corneal abrasion, you can try some home remedies. Talk to your doctor about the steps you can try at home. It will promote good healing.

Tea Bag Compress

Tea contains catechins in them. They are powerful antioxidants. So, they can speed up the healing of a scratched cornea. It helps reduce pain and associated symptoms. So, you can gently place used tea bags on your eyelids. To get more relief, you can place the tea bags in the refrigerator. You can leave the teabags for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Place the compress at least three times a day to reduce the pain and other symptoms.

Inhale Diffused Essential Oil

Certain essential oils can heal corneal abrasion. You can add a few drops of certain essential oils to a diffuser. Fill the diffuser with water before adding the essential oil. You need to inhale the diffused aroma at least once or twice a day for better healing. The essential oil offering relief from pain due to the condition are Cedarwood and Lavender oil. Both cedarwood and lavender have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it helps relieve symptoms associated with pain and inflammation in your affected eye.

Include Vitamins

Certain vitamins contain antioxidant properties to heal corneal abrasion. Vitamin C and Vitamin E contain antioxidants that help repair the damaged corneal cells. It is because these vitamins can synthesize collagen. Vitamin E can also delay age-related damage occurring to your cornea or eyes. You can take Vitamin A internally or apply it to your eyes to heal the wound. Vitamin A has wound healing properties to ease the pain.

Hot/Cold Compress

A warm or cold compress will offer relief from the symptoms associated with a corneal abrasion. It also alleviates the associated symptoms like reddening of eyes and the swelling. Placing cold or hot compress also prevents further damage. You can place a cold compress or a towel covered in ice on your injured eyes. The soothing and cooling effects alleviate the distress and inflammation in the eyes instantly. You can also place a warm compress on the eyelid to fasten healing. Take a clean washcloth and soak it in a bowl of hot water. Remove the water from the cloth and place it on your eyelids to get relief. You can place the compress for at least five minutes a day to see results.

Apply Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Extra virgin coconut oil offers great benefits to the body, hair, and skin. It also contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, you can use it on your eyes to relieve the pain as well as inflammation affecting the eyes. It also acts as a good natural lubricant to keep your eyes well lubricated. Take a drop of extra virgin coconut oil on your cleansed finger. Place oil in the inner corner of the eye (tear ducts). Then, blink until your vision clears. Make sure you wash your hands properly with soap and water before touching the eyes. Else, it can cause irritations or other problems. You can do this at least one to two times daily to see results.

These home remedies are effective in managing pain you feel. It can also effectively treat a corneal abrasion. But, talk to your eye doctor before trying these methods. The ophthalmologist can suggest the best option to manage the condition and speed up healing.

Tips To Prevent Scratched Cornea

When it comes to preventing any eye problems, always prevention is better than searching for a cure. It will help you avoid any regrets and discomfort caused due to the condition. When you take proper care of your eyes, you can avoid any issues. While it is not possible to prevent all types of corneal abrasion, it is possible to avoid some types. Since eyes are your windows to the world, following some effective steps can prevent unnecessary eye problems. Follow the simple and commonsense precautions:

Follow Safety Guidelines

When you are working in a hazardous environment that exposes you to airborne debris, then you need to wear safety glasses or protective goggles. It is specifically needed when you work in welding environments or construction. Also, people playing contact sports need to wear protective eyewear. Protect your eyes when you are using power tools or performing yard work. Following safety instructions can reduce your risk of corneal injuries as the protective goggles prevent debris from entering the eyes.

Use Contact Lenses With Caution

If you are using contact lenses instead of glasses, then you need to follow the instructions from the eye doctor. You need to check how long you can wear contact and when to remove them. You have to abide closely by the instructions to avoid any eye damage. Also, never wear contact lenses past their prescribed date. It is also essential to care for contact lenses properly. Using the right care solution for the contact lenses will keep your corneas healthy as well as strong.

Manage Dry Eyes

Some people can develop corneal abrasion due to dry eyes. In such cases, it is important to see an ophthalmologist as early as possible. Your doctor will suggest a regimen to alleviate the issue based on your problem. You need to follow the instructions to manage the condition.

When you suffer from pain, other distress, or believe you have scratched the cornea, then seek medical treatment. You can suffer from serious risks when you leave it untreated. With the right treatment options, you can maintain the health of the eyes.


When you suffer from mild cases of the scratched cornea, then it can heal quickly without causing lasting complications. You recover faster with mild cases of abrasion. For deeper abrasions penetrating through the Bowman’s membrane need immediate medical attention. Without proper care, abrasions can result in permanent scars. So, it affects your vision. See an ophthalmologist for proper care and attention to avoid any irreversible problems.


How to Tell if You Have a Scratched Cornea (& What to Do)

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