Risks And Benefits Of Hairline lowering Procedures

Hairline lowering procedures have risks and benefits. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to know all aspects of the surgery. Unlike the name, the procedure does not reduce the forehead. The invasive procedure shifts the location of your hairline. So, after the procedure, you can see a change in the location where the hair grows. It is the procedure used to help balance the features of the face. There are different aspects of the surgery you need to know. Read ahead to get relevant information that will help make the right decision.

About Hairline Lowering Procedures

Not all are born with the glamorously glossy tresses or the cool coif of celebrities. Hair is an integral part of physical appeal. Healthy and thick tresses can help make a visual impression on others. It is the reason why the hair care industry is worth billions around the world. The estimate does not include the trips you make to salons or cosmetic procedures. Haircare is a large industry with oils, creams, and spray promising healthy and beautiful hair. But, it does not show any improvement in people having a long forehead. People with large foreheads cannot find a quick fix to lower the hairline. In earlier times, people with large foreheads decided to cut bangs to conceal the large forehead or chose to wear wigs to cover the receding hairline.

Today, a more effective and permanent option in the form of a hairline lowering procedure helps people change the hairline shape. It will help people restore their beauty without feeling embarrassed. The procedure will help balance the parts of the face. So, people can achieve a balanced shape that will look attractive.

People Eligible For Hairline Lowering Procedures

You need to see a doctor check if you are eligible for the condition. The procedure is suggested for people who suffer from large forehead due to the following:

  • Severe hair loss
  • Genetics (having a family history of long forehead)
  • After effects of cosmetic procedures

The invasive procedure is performed under general anesthesia. In some cases, the surgeon opts for local anesthesia in the forehead to perform the surgery. Using anesthesia reduces pain and bleeding occurring during the surgery. Compared to men, women prefer invasive procedures. Women are more concerned about their looks. So, they go to great lengths to make themselves look appealing and alluring. They use skincare, haircare, and other products to feel charming and attractive. But, a large forehead a big issue for many of them as all the other options only offer a temporary solution. Men also undergo the procedure to save their hair. People prone to balding choose the option to retain their hair. The doctor suggests the procedure to people with flexible forehead skin.

Need For Hairline Lowering Procedures

Invasive surgery is the perfect option for people who are struggling with receding or thinning hair. Losing hair or having a large forehead can make a person self-conscious. Many people feel that losing their hair means losing a part of their identity. But, it is not a problem affecting some sections of people. It is a common struggle for men and women alike. Millions of men and women around the world suffer from hair loss. If you are one among the millions of people losing hair, then you understand the struggle of safeguarding hair. Among the different techniques to restore hair, hairline lowering procedures can offer excellent results to the right candidates.

What Happens During The Hairline Lowering Procedure?

Hairline lowering procedure, also referred to forehead reduction surgery allows people to lower or reshape their hairline. It is an invasive procedure suggested for people who suffer from the recession of the hairline due to severe loss of hair. During the procedure, the doctor removes a small strip of skin next to the hairline. This step will bring down the hairline further down the forehead. So, you can see a reduction in its size. The procedure is usually sought by women compared to men. It is suggested when people are displeased with the length of their forehead. Lowering the hairline can offer aesthetic benefits and make people look appealing.

An Ideal Candidate for Hairline Lowering Procedures

Who can undergo the hairline lowering procedures? Men and women who have high hairlines and feel embarrassed about their appearance can opt for the procedure. In most cases, people in their advanced age choose the procedure. Consulting a hair restoration specialist will help determine if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure or not. In women, high hairline along with good skin elasticity makes them an ideal candidate for the procedure. Also, people undergoing the procedure must not react to general anesthesia. Patients are provided anesthesia to lower pain and bleeding. People who have trouble with abnormal scarring or wound healing properly need to look for other options.

Since it is not possible to guess if the surgery can work for you, it is better to seek professional assistance. Scheduling a one-on-one consultation with the doctor can provide a better idea. During the appointment, the cosmetic surgeon performs a complete medical evaluation. The doctor also examines the hairline to detect the right option for your problem. You can also share your concerns during the appointment. Finally, the doctor can suggest the best option for meeting your needs.

Recovering From Hairline Lowering Surgery

After undergoing the hairline lowering surgery, you recover from it within five or seven days. Most patients return to their normal life within a week. But, it is important to follow the instructions of the doctor while recovering from the procedure. Avoid engaging in strenuous physical activities or exercises for at least two weeks after the procedure. The doctor will instruct not to wash the hair for a few days after undergoing the hairline lowering surgery. It is to avoid any potential complications and side effects.

Expected Results Of Hairline Lowering Surgery

With a skilled cosmetic surgeon, the hairline lowering surgery can lower the hairline up to five to six centimeters or about two inches. The best plastic surgeon with experience in performing such surgeries can manage the expectation depending on the individual needs of the patients. Talking to the doctor and observing the before/after photos of patients who have undergone the procedures will offer an idea. You have numerous benefits while you explore the hairline lowering procedures to improve the receding of the hairline. It helps reduce the forehead and regain confidence. If interested, you need to schedule a consultation with a well-qualified cosmetic surgeon to check if you are eligible for the procedure.

Types Of Hairline Lowering Procedures

There are two types of hairline lowering procedures available to interested people. The forehead reduction is achieved using the two types of procedures. Want to know more about it, then read ahead:

Surgical Hairline Advancement

It is an invasive procedure involving surgery. During the procedure, the doctor removes two to three centimeters from the forehead. After removing the excess skin, the doctor mends the part remaining. After the completion of the surgery, your doctor lowers the forehead. The patient undergoing the procedure need to expect temporary scarring. But, you can hide the scar by undergoing hair grafting. Consulting an experienced doctor to undergo the surgery can reduce the complications associated with the surgery. The doctor can put the recyclable scalp back to the skin to avoid scarring. The doctor joins the scalp with the muscles underneath the skin for better results.

One Of The Hairline Lowering Procedures: Hair Grafting

Hair grafting is another procedure helping interested people in lowering the hairline. It is the procedure involving topping up the hair layers over the existing hairline. It does not involve surgery. Both procedures have different costs. Before undergoing any of the procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each option to determine the best option suiting your needs. Hair grafting is less invasive compared to surgical hairline advancement. The procedure does not cause scarring. Once you have undergone the procedure, your hair starts to fall. But, it will regrow within three months. You can see a change within ten months or longer.

You have several non-surgical procedures to try. High hairline women can opt for such methods if they are not interested in invasive procedures. Some women use wigs and other hairstyles. But, it only offers temporary results. Looking for permanent results? Then, hairline lowering procedures can offer effective results. The lowered hairline will help the women look appealing. So, they can get back their self-confidence.

Benefits Of Hairline Lowering Procedures

You look attractive and appealing when you have proportional features. A large forehead can detract your visual appeal. When you find your visual look not charming enough, it will make you self-conscious. If you have a high or large forehead, then you can think about undergoing hairline lowering procedures. Here are some of the benefits of the procedure:

Improve Appearance

It is the perfect procedure when you have an over-sized forehead. The procedure reduces the forehead and restores the balance in your face. So, you will look good. It will improve your self-confidence and you make an impact on others.

Instant Results

The procedure takes only a short time compared to others. The recovery time is also quick. So, you can see the results of the surgical procedures. Unlike hair transplants, which takes up to two years to show results, the procedure can offer instant results. You can do the procedure in conjunction with a brow lift. So, along with a proportional forehead, you can smoothen the forehead wrinkles. The wait to see a change in your appearance is short.

Hidden Scar

You can easily hide the scar left after the surgery to lower the hairline. You can easily disguise the scar tissue behind your hairline. In the majority of cases, people can regrow the hair in front of the scar. Some can see hair growth through the scar. So, in normal cases, the scar becomes undetectable. Your scar only appears when your hair is wet.

 Outpatient Procedure

Many cosmetic surgeries take a long time to heal. So, you need to stay in the hospital for several days. But, the recovery time for the lowering of hairline requires only an overnight stay. The doctor performs the surgery on an outpatient basis. You need to stay in the hospital to speed up wound healing. But, you can leave the hospital and rest at home. You need to take the week off to complete all stages of healing. In some cases, the patients undergoing the procedure can return to a normal routine after two days of undergoing the procedure.

 Adaptability To Different Scalps

The procedure is suitable for people with different scalps. If a person is not suitable for the procedure, then they need to undergo an extra step to make the procedure available to you. When the doctor detects you cannot undergo the procedure in a single step, you need to undergo expansion assisted hairline advancement. The procedure involves inserting an expander under the scalp and inflating it slowly. The inflation process takes place for up to eight weeks before undergoing the final surgery. After the final procedure, you can see the hairline coming down by up to inches.


One time cost is the main advantage of the procedure. Unlike other procedures, you never have to spend money, again and again, to make your visual look appealing. For the one-stage procedure, you need to spend a fixed amount. You have no after costs after the surgery. When you need to undergo an additional procedure to make you eligible for the surgery, it can increase the cost. The two-stage surgery cost is higher, but comes with the benefit of getting the hairline lowered by more than six centimeters.

 Risks Of Hairline Lowering Procedures

Like any other procedure, you face the risk of infection with the invasive procedure. To avoid infections and other complications, you need to follow the instructions suggested by the doctor. Take medications as suggested and follow the aftercare procedures to avoid such issues. Even when you develop such complications, it is easy to treat them. So, you can recover from the complications without any lasting issues. The surgery is not advised for people with thin hair density. The other risks associated with the procedure are:

Bruising and Swelling

The invasive procedure can cause bruising and swelling on the forehead and eyes as the doctor brings the scalp forward. At times, the swelling reaches the eyes when you combine the procedure with brow lifting. But, the swelling will go away after a few days. The bruising and swelling can remain a week after the procedure. Your doctor can check the area when they remove the surgical staples during the first post-operative appointment. The second layer of stitches will fall off after two to three weeks automatically.

Decreased Mobility

You will experience decreased mobility of your forehead. You can find trouble moving the forehead freely. The procedure has effects similar to using Botox. Some people undergo brow lifting along with the lowering of the hairline. It will reduce the movement further. But, the problem is temporary and will resolve within a short time. Numbness is a normal experience. It affects people in front of the scalp near the surgical incision sure. It takes time for the temporary numbness to clear. You will find the numbness disappearing when the nerves grow back around the new hairline. It may take several weeks or months for the nerves to grow.

Men Need To Undergo More Procedures

A man who decides to undergo hairline lowering procedures need to understand the risk of balding. For men with a family history of balding, the procedure may not offer effective results. They need to undergo more procedures to maintain the results. Undergoing the procedures now and then can put a huge strain on the financials.


The procedure can result in a scar. The scar is visible to others. For the scar to heal properly, it may take up to nine months. Other procedures like hair grafting procedure may not have any visible scars. So, most people prefer hair grafting to the lowering of the hairline. People who are prone to suffering from wounds need to opt for hair grafting or other non-surgical procedure. Discuss with your doctor regarding your chances of suffering from scars and how long it will take to heal.


Pain is one of the common risks associated with the procedure. People undergoing the procedure feel discomfort and pain around the surgery area. To manage pain, your doctor can prescribe painkillers, which will help heal the wound faster. Take the medication as suggested by the doctor to ease the discomfort.

Prolonged Healing After Hairline Lowering Procedures

The recovery takes longer than expected. In some people, it takes three to twelve months for the nerves to grow back. Until the nerve grows back, the patient will not regain full functionality. Some people also note, itching sensation at the incision site and the area along the forehead. While it is a normal part of the healing process, you can experience discomfort. As the nerves grow back in the forehead, you can see scalp healing. To avoid the delay of healing, you need to follow the instructions of the doctor. Include a balanced diet and massage the area of the incision slightly for better results.

Tips To Help With Recovery From Hairline Lowering Procedures

After the forehead reduction surgery, you can follow some of the tips suggested below to speed up wound healing and reduce discomfort.

Apply Ice Compress

It is natural to suffer from swelling and numbness in the area of surgery. To reduce the discomfort caused, you can apply an ice compress to your forehead. Keep the compress for several minutes at a time. During the initial few days after the surgery, keeping the compress will reduce the swelling and bruising. So, you can ease the discomfort.

Elevate Head

You need to keep the head elevated for the first few days after the swelling. Keeping the head above the heart level will reduce the blood circulation to the head. It also reduces fluid accumulation around the surgical wound. So, it will reduce swelling caused due to the procedure. Sleep at a thirty to forty-five-degree angle. Using a pillow to prop your head while sleeping will prevent swelling. Avoid sleeping sideways or facedown to prevent swelling and bruising.

Choose Dress With Caution

After the surgery, you need to choose button-up shirts or dresses to wear. Avoid dresses that you need put through the head and irritate the scalp.

Check Your Diet

You need to avoid spicy, salty, and greasy food from the diet a few days after the surgery. Eating a bland diet is beneficial for quick healing

Avoid Sauna/Steam

You need to avoid going to the sauna or steam room for at least a month after undergoing the invasive procedure. Also, avoid the hair dye on your hair for three to six months after the surgery.

Follow Appointments

You need to follow all the appointments scheduled by the doctor after undergoing the surgery. The doctor schedules the post-operative appointments to check your progress. Therefore, attend each of the appointments without fail.

Finding The Right Doctor To Get Optimum Results

Your choice of surgeon will influence the result of the hairline lowering procedures for women. The facilities offered by the hospital where the doctor works can also impact the results. A specialty hospital/clinic will never hire a doctor who is not an expert in the surgery. So, they only select doctors with experience and expertise to perform the surgery. Here are some of the factors you need to consider before choosing the surgeon for undergoing the procedure:

Qualifications And Experience

Choose a doctor who has a good education and training from a renowned institution. Qualification and experience will reflect the skill of the doctor. It will ensure you will receive treatment of high standards matching western ones. Also, the experience of the doctor in performing such surgeries impacts the outcome. A doctor who specializes in the procedure has good experience in dealing with any unexpected challenges cropping up during the procedure. Also, a reputed surgeon can make perfect stitches without triggering complications. A skilled surgeon knows how to hide any scars due to the procedure using the hair grafting method.

Ease Of Communication

Make an appointment with the doctor to talk regarding your queries and concerns. See if the doctor takes an effort to ease your concerns. A good doctor always understands the needs of the patients and offers reassurances to eliminate fears regarding the procedure. Ease of communication is vital when you select a doctor.


Men and women suffering from a high hairline must consider hairline lowering procedures. The invasive procedure is effective in bringing down the hairline and offering an appealing look. The results of the procedure are natural. So, instead of using wigs or styling hair to cover the forehead, such procedures can offer lasting results. The permanent procedure eases your mind as no one will make fun of using wigs or other styles. But, make sure that you talk to a doctor regarding the risks and benefits associated with the procedure. Choose an experienced surgeon with expertise in handling such surgeries without causing any complications.





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