Procedure and Benefits of Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Smart PRP hair treatment is a novel concept promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss, and helping people achieve beautiful tresses. It is an innovative treatment option used widely in the medical field to manage pain and heal injuries faster. Do you know elite athletes like Tiger Woods (golfer) and Rafael Nadal (tennis star) use these injections for quick recovery from their injuries? The injections can offer effective results in several medical fields, including dermatology. Currently, it has no approval from the FDA or other medical boards. But, studies and research indicate the effectiveness of the treatment option. People who have tried and tested different hair growing methods can try it to see positive results.

About Smart PRP Hair Treatment

PRP means platelet-rich plasma. It is the substance promoting healing when injected. What is plasma? It refers to the component of the blood containing special proteins. Platelet helps your blood clot. The special proteins in the blood support cell growth. Researchers successfully produced PRP by isolating the plasma from the blood. It is concentrated and transferred into syringes to provide injection.

After the doctor injects the PRP injection into the damaged tissues, it stimulates new and healthy cells. The growth of new cells promotes healing. The tissue growth factors are concentrated. So, preparing them as growth injection and injecting them aids faster healing of the body tissues.

Other Purposes Of Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Plasma refers to the liquid constituting your blood. It consists of protein and water. Plasma allows the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets move with ease through the bloodstream. Platelets mean the blood cells, offering the ability of your blood to clot. It also plays an important role in healing. Researchers are trying to uncover using platelet-rich plasma for several applications. So, doctors use it in cosmetic procedures like restoring hair growth and quick healing of injuries/damages to different parts of the body. Here are some of the purposes of the innovative treatment option:

Hair Loss

It is the revolutionary treatment involving injecting PRP into the scalp of the ideal candidate to promote hair growth. Injecting PRP can also prevent hair loss. The treatment is perfect for people suffering from male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia.

Smart PRP Hair Treatment Can Heal Tendon Injuries

Tendons refer to the tough and thick bands of tissue connection a person’s muscle to the bone. When tendons suffer from injuries, it heals slowly compared to other areas of the body. Doctors are using PRP injection to manage chronic tendon problems. So, it is effective in treating the following:

  • Pain developing in the patellar tendon present in the knee
  • Tennis elbow
  • Jumper’s knee
  • Achilles tendonitis

 Acute Injuries

Doctors using the revolutionary treatment option to treat acute sports injuries. The injections can manage issues like knee sprains or pulled hamstring muscles.

Postsurgical Repair

Some doctors use the injection to help heal torn tendons like the rotator cuff tendon situated on your shoulder. Taking these injections can repair torn ligaments like ACL or anterior cruciate ligament.


According to a study published a couple of years back, using PRP injection can help manage issues like osteoarthritis. The evidence indicated the effectiveness of using the injection to treat the condition compared to traditional therapy like hyaluronic acid. But, the study included only a small batch of people. So, a study involving a large group is necessary to detect the effectiveness of the injections conclusively.

 PRP Treatment For Wound Healing In C-Section Deliveries

Women undergoing C-section can see better healing of the C-section scar with the use of PRP and PRF injections. In recent times, obstetricians have observed the effectiveness of using the injection to close the incisions after the C-section in patients coming under the high-risk category helps quick recovery. Using the injection resulted in the following:

  • Reduced leakage
  • Bruising caused due to bleeding under the skin
  • Redness

Using PRP and PRF to heal wounds successfully and efficiently is a well-known application. Doctors use the injection in high-risk patients like

  • Mothers expecting twins or multiple babies
  • Diabetic mothers
  • Expectant mothers taking steroid medications
  • Women who have undergone C-section in the past
  • Expectant mothers suffering from obesity (BMI > 25 kg/meter squared)
  • Anemic patients

Using PRP Injections To Heal Fistulas

The abnormal connections or passages between the organs due to developing infection or injury are known as fistulas. Fistulas need medical attention like invasive surgery to correct the problem. Without proper treatment, the condition can convert into cancer. To understand the fistula better, here is an example. Women can develop fistula as a result of natural birth between the vagina and rectum. Doctors can use PRP along with PRF to repair the fistula to offer relief. It is a high-success treatment offering better results, quicker recovery, and prevents the need for an expensive invasive procedure.

Use Of PRP Injections In Reproductive Medicine

According to different studies, PRP injections offer women experiencing fertility issues a reprieve. It aids in having healthy babies by solving certain problems making it impossible to conceive or carry a baby to full term. Here are some of the problems addressed by innovative medication.

  • Women suffering from underdeveloped or damaged ovaries can take the injection to repair the issue. So, they can release healthy ova. Doctors can harvest the eggs developed and use IVF to develop viable embryos in a test tube. It is implanted into the uterus to become pregnant.
  • Due to the inadequate thickness of the uterus lining, many women fail to fall pregnant. For such women, doctors suggest PRP therapy. Injecting the serum directly into the uterus lining stimulates tissue growth. When the tissue grows more than 7mm, it becomes ideal for fetus implantation and development.
  • OB-GYNs are using the injection to enhance the uterus health before procedures like IVF. So, before inserting the fertilized embryos, giving the injection boosts the chances of success of the procedure.
  • Apart from using a smart PRP hair treatment, the injections can manage erectile dysfunction. So, it is a boon for men who cannot maintain an erection for a long time to facilitate conception. It is another application of the injection offering great results. PRP contains growth factors, which help restore nerve function along with repairing the collagen fibers. So, it enhances the girth and strength of the male erection.

Use Of PRP Injections In Fetal Surgery

Maternal-fetal medicine is the advanced and revolutionary branch of medicine dedicated to correct any birth defects in fetuses inside the womb. So, babies are born without birth defects. The advanced field of science has enabled doctors to extract the fetus surgically and repair any defects. Later, the doctor reinserts the fetus. It allows the pregnancy to progress without any problems. PRP injections are vital for the advanced medicine branch as it allows sealing of tears in the sac holding the fetus. Developing of tears in the protective membrane holding the unborn baby can lead to birth defects or miscarriage. Doctors have also found that using PRP injections can strengthen and repair the placenta. So, it helps to carry the baby to full term without any complications.

Preparing For Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Before undergoing the injections, you need to follow some steps to prepare. There are different ways to inject PRP. Depending on the dermatologist you consult, you need to follow the steps suggested below:

  • Arrive early to the treatment session for application of the topical numbing solution on the scalp. Some doctors apply lidocaine on the scalp.
  • In some cases, the dermatologist opts for the application of a local anesthetic along with the injections to avoid any discomfort.
  • The doctor can inject or apply PRP injection during the surgery. In this instance, it is important to follow your surgeon’s recommendations for the pre-surgery.

Smart PRP Hair Treatment Injection Process

What can you expect from a typical smart PRP hair treatment injection process? Here is a gist of what you need to undergo to complete the process.

  • The first process is to draw a sample of your blood. The healthcare professional decides on the amount of blood sample depending on the location where they inject PRP. For smart PRP hair treatment, the doctor takes 20 milliliters of blood. The amount of blood drawn for the purpose measures slightly large than one teaspoon.
  • After drawing the blood, it is placed into a centrifuge. Centrifuge refers to a machine, which can spin around very quickly. Due to the spinning, the components in the blood separates. It takes about fifteen minutes for the separation process to complete.
  • The technologist takes the separated plasms from the centrifuge and prepares an injection from it.
  • The doctor injects it into the affected area. To pinpoint the specific area of injection, the doctor can use imaging techniques like ultrasound. Imaging technics are ideal for areas like tendons.
  • The whole process may take around one hour or more. Making an appointment early and visiting the hospital on time will avoid waiting time.

What Can You Expect After Smart PRP Hair Treatment?

Smart PRP hair treatment works on the principle of stimulation around the scalp due to blood flow. Once you undergo the procedure, you can see slight swelling around the treated scalp area. You never have to worry as it indicates the process of hair growth. After the procedure, the hair follicles emerging seems stronger. Also, you can see faster hair follicle growth. This process can take place within six weeks of undergoing the treatment. You need to wait for three to four months to see visible signs of hair growth. So, wait patiently to see the visible signs of results.

But, after you undergo the treatment, you need to follow the advice of the doctor. The first 48 hours after the treatment, refrain from washing the hair or scalp. Avoid putting any product on your hair. You cannot exercise unless your doctor gives you an all-clear. The results of the treatment vary depending on multiple factors. Here are some of them:

  • The types of centrifuge used
  • Number of spins to separate the plasma
  • The number of platelets obtained
  • Concentration from the centrifuge spin/spins
  • The depth of injection provided

Something is added to assist the results (For example, Acell or human fat)

Your choice of hospital or clinic and the doctor also influence the results of the procedure. You need to wait patiently to see the results.

Recovery Time Of Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Many doctors suggest smart PRP hair treatment for stopping hair loss. The mechanism behind how it works is not straightforward. But, according to different studies, the technique has proved reliable to stop hair loss effectively. Patients who do not wish to take medications or undergo invasive surgery to restore their hair prefer this treatment. Taking PRP injections can stop hair loss and enhance hair growth. But, to undergo the treatment, your doctor checks the platelet count. So, you need to provide a sample of your blood. The treatment is put on hold if your platelet levels are not satisfactory. You need to take medications for two weeks to boost the platelet count. Since the treatment depends on your platelet count, you need to check with your doctor first. So, consultation is essential before starting the treatment.

Coming to the recovery time, you can resume your activities almost immediately after the procedure. You need to wait for a few days before washing your scalp or performing strenuous activities like exercise. For people who take the injections for other issues, they need to rest the area to see the effectiveness. You may not notice an immediate difference in your hair growth after taking the injections. It promotes healing and growth within several weeks or months. The result varies with the person. But, you need to wait for at least three to four months to see the results.

Cost Of Smart PRP Hair Treatment

While people are raving about the results of the treatment, you may think about the cost associated with the therapy. It has a comparatively low cost. But, unlike other treatment options, you may not get insurance reimbursement. Only a few insurance plans provide reimbursement for the smart PRP hair treatment. So, you need to pay for the procedure out of your pocket. The cost also varies from location to location and clinic to clinic. The entire cost depends on how the dermatologist uses the injection. In the US, the cost of the procedure can come around $900 for one session with three sessions costing $2500.

In India, smart PRP hair treatment can cost an average of INR 5000 to INR 15000 per session. You need to complete six to eight sessions at one-month intervals each to see the results. The cost varies depending on the equipment used for the procedure and the experience of the dermatologist performing the procedure. Most of the insurance companies consider the treatment experimental. In the future, with more scientific research, the effectiveness of the treatment can come to light. Then, the insurance companies may offer wide coverage for it.

Side Effects OF Smart PRP Hair Treatment

When you are getting ready to undergo smart PRP hair treatment, you need to weigh the pros and cons. We have discussed the benefits of the treatment. So, you need to know the side-effects of the treatment. While PRP injections are autologous, which means the treatment involves injecting substances that come directly from your body. So, it reduces the risk of developing any allergic reactions. Other treatments using medications like hyaluronic acid or cortisone can trigger side effects. But, injection any substance into your skin can cause risks like:


The use of unsterilized needles or performing the procedure in an unsterilized environment increases the chances of infection. If you fail to follow the instructions of the doctor, it increases your chances of developing infections.

Nerve Injuries Due To Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Since the injection is provided through the skull, it can result in nerve injuries. The problem is easy to avoid when you seek the assistance of a qualified dermatologist to provide the injection.


After the procedure, you can feel pain at the injection site for some time. It is normal and can go away when you take painkillers.

Bleeding Occurring Due To Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Injecting PRP can cause injury to the blood vessels and result in bleeding or tissue damage. It can lead to the development of scar tissue.


Cost is another major con of the smart PRP hair treatment. It costs high and you get no insurance coverage. No medical cover caters to the new type of therapy. You need to undergo at least three sessions to get the desired results.

Post Anesthesia Challenges

The procedure is performed, after providing anesthesia. Some people can suffer from post-anesthesia challenges. It includes the following:

  • Falling unconscious
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness

It is better to discuss the potential risks with your doctor. A well-qualified doctor can offer the necessary steps you need to take for reducing the risks.

Smart PRP Hair Treatment Case Studies

As mentioned before, smart PRP hair treatment is fairly new. Therefore, the number of people who have undergone it and achieved results are comparatively low. But, it has a long history of case studies and trials. These studies indicate the proven benefits of therapy in people suffering from hair loss. Here are some of the examples of the case study you need to know:

Study 1

According to a 2017 study conducted among fifty men suffering from male pattern hair loss or androgenic alopecia, it offered effective results. The subjects enrolled in the trial were given PRP injection on the left side and saline on the right. The left side showed thicker hair with stronger roots at the end of the study, proving the efficacy of the treatment.

Study 2

In 2015, a study conducted among men suffering from androgenic alopecia showed positive results while using the smart PRP hair treatment injection for three months. At the end of the study, all men experienced thicker and denser hair. They also observed strong roots at the end of the trial.

Study 3

Similarly, a small study conducted in 2014 on eleven patients showed greater hair growth while they underwent the treatment. The subjects had tried every other hair loss remedy without any successful results. They were provided four injections over three months. The group saw a drastic increase in their hair growth and root strength. They also showed decreased hair detached during a pull test. The study concluded the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of hair treatment.

As mentioned above, different trials prove the efficacy of the smart PRP hair treatments in hair regrowth. You can see stronger and thicker hair by undergoing the therapy. The trend is successful, but you need to consult a well-qualified dermatologist to get the desired results.

 Who Gets The Benefits Of Smart PRP Hair Treatment?

While smart PRP hair treatment can address a wide array of patients who suffer from different types of hair loss linked to a health condition, some people get the best results. The best and effective results are achieved by the following groups:

People Suffering From Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia refers to the genetic condition affecting men and women alike. Due to the problem, people begin to lose their hair early. So, people with the condition can suffer from hair loss as early as their early teens or twenties. The condition is also referred to as male-pattern baldness. The condition is characterized by a receding hairline. People can also see a gradual disappearance of hair from the frontal scalp and crown.

Recent Hair Loss

In normal cases, people lose fifty to a hundred hairs a day. But, you may not notice it as you grow new hair at the same time. Hair loss is the condition occurring when new hair does not replace the hair lost or fallen. If you have detected hair loss recently, then smart PRP is effective. The longer your condition persists, the more likely the treatment may not work. But, the treatment will still procedure effective results.

Achieving Positive Results From Smart PRP Hair Treatment

The innovative treatment enhances hair volume, improves scalp health, and speeds up the healing process. The end result you get will satisfy your hair growth needs. While smart PRP treatment is a revolution and regenerates hair growth, you have no guarantee that you will qualify for the process. You need to schedule an appointment with a certified dermatologist to determine if the specific therapy will work for you. The doctor can diagnose whether the therapy is the perfect choice for your hair loss problem. People who are qualified as the prime candidates for the procedure need to follow the suggested regimen to get optimum results:

  • Take three injections over a period of 4 weeks to 6 weeks
  • Take regular maintenance injection every 4 months to 6 months

You need to follow the appointment suggested by the doctor and stick to it religiously. Only by following it, you can see positive results. It will make you feel confident and satisfied. Remember, the treatments are not at-home treatments. You need to work with a skilled and reputed doctor to achieve the desired results. Therefore, work with a licensed, board-certified dermatologist to get optimum success.

Choosing The Best Place For Treatment

Most people wonder where they can go for PRP treatment. It is an important decision you need to take. The place and skill of the doctor you decide to get treatment impacts the results of the procedure. To get optimum results for hair loss and skin rejuvenation, find the perfect clinic with experienced dermatologists who can guide you in the right direction. Here are some of the factors you need to consider:

Feel At Ease

Make an appointment with the doctor to check the ease of communication. During the consultation, you need to make sure the doctor makes you feel comfortable. A skilled surgeon offers all the information needed to make the patients feel at ease. Check if they can offer high-quality care and work with you to ensure the optimum results. The doctor must offer a solution to enhance your confidence.

Experience With Smart PRP Hair Treatment

Always consult a skilled hair restoration surgeon. Check the credentials of the surgeon you opt for the treatment. The surgeon with experience of applying the science of platelet-rich plasma in restoring your hair. Check if the doctor has board certification and enough experience in performing such surgeries. Hair restoration with passion can offer desired results to the patients. Find a doctor who has completed thousands of hair transplant surgeries with the best results.

Best Facilities

Find the clinic or hospital using the most advanced methods to generate hair platelets of the patients through PRP treatment. So, apart from checking the skills, the facilities offered by the clinic/hospital have an influence on the final results.


Smart PRP hair treatment offers some promising results. The research conducted on a small group of people has revealed the efficiency of the treatment. But, the results may not work for everyone. In some people, the blood may not have enough concentration of platelets to undergo the procedure. It is better to consult the doctor to see if you can restore the hair through PRP injection treatment. Talk to your doctor about undergoing the blood test for checking platelets and it is also essential to detect hair health for detecting your eligibility to undergo the treatment.


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