Postpartum Hair Loss: Causes of Postpartum Hair Loss and What to Do

While having a baby feels wonderful, you have to suffer from postpartum hair loss. It is one of the disturbing changes in your body. With all the work your body has done to bring a new life into this world, it is natural to face certain problems. But, it may suck so much as it can affect your self-esteem. It is ok to feel upset losing hair after your pregnancy, but when the hair fall becomes worse, you need to take action.

To deal with the problem better, you need to understand what is happening with your body. Instead of thinking something bad, you need to realize none of the problems occur due to your fault. The condition is not permanent. So, you can regain your hair once the body gets back to normal. Here you will know more about the condition and the underlying causes. It also discusses the steps you can take to manage the problem.

Causes Of Postpartum Hair Loss

Most expectant mothers notice their great hair during pregnancy. Your hair looks great and fuller. Your vibrant mane will attract the attention of others. Once you give birth to the baby, your hair starts falling. In most cases, new mothers feel breastfeeding their baby triggers hair loss. But, no evidence indicates the case. So, you must never refrain from breastfeeding the baby. Usually, new mothers see postpartum hair loss three months after giving birth. When the hair loss becomes severe, you suffer from the condition known as postpartum alopecia. The loss of hair can last from a few weeks to several months after giving birth. The duration of hair loss depends on how long your hair cycle can last. So, why do you see such drastic loss of hair? Here are some of the reasons:

Stop Taking Prenatal Vitamins

During pregnancy, you take prenatal vitamins to provide nutrients for your baby. It will reflect in your hair health too. So, your hair looks vibrant. Since your body will not lack the essential nutrient needed for hair growth, it looks at its best. After giving birth, you stop taking a prenatal vitamin. It means your body starts getting fewer nutrients. It will cause hair to fall.

Drastic Drop In Estrogen Levels

When you are pregnant, your hair enters the dormant cycle and stays there. It is because of the excess estrogen production in the body. The high levels of estrogen cause hair to stay in the dormant phase instead of entering the telogen phase. So, you will lose less hair during the dormant cycle. Once you give birth, the estrogen levels drop. The hair enters the next phase known as telogen effluvium. It starts to fall out. You will lose all the hair that remained in the dormant phase during pregnancy.

The hair loss and regrowth will probably be most apparent in the area above your forehead. If you gained a lot of extra hair when you were pregnant, this can look quite dramatic.

Stages Of Postpartum Hair Loss

We can classify postpartum hair loss into different stages. Each stage has its specific features. So, you can identify which stage you are going through. For better understanding read ahead.

Stage 1

It is the stage when you are still pregnant and have beautiful hair. While pregnancy can trigger certain issues like varicose veins, edema, or other problem. But, your hair looks epic. It appears thick, shiny, and long. You will also notice that many people may comment on your hair. Some people close to you may also feel your hair look magnificent like never before. Unfortunately, you can only enjoy this stage until the baby comes. So, why do you have such a beautiful mane during the last stages of pregnancy?

In normal cases, 85% to 95% of the hair on the head grows the rest (5% to 15%) remains in a resting stage. Once the hair comes out of the resting stage, your hair will fall out. So, you can see hair fall while you are applying shampoo or brushing the hair. But, the new growth of hair will replace the shedding. On average, a woman sheds around a hundred strands a day. During pregnancy, a woman’s body produces increased levels of estrogen. So, it prolongs the hair growth stage. It means only a few hairs remain in the resting stage. It leads to only fewer hair falling out each day. Therefore, you have thicker and luxuriant hair.

Stage 2 Of Postpartum Hair Loss

It is the stage usually occurring a few days to weeks after you give birth. After birth, your body stops producing the excess estrogen. So, the estrogen levels in the body take a tumble. It results in more hair follicles entering the resting stage. This can lead to hair fall. You may feel worried and scared due to the unusual shedding. But, never worry as the shedding will taper off. You can see hair coming back to its prior thickness (before your pregnancy) within six to twelve months after delivery. Until then, you can see excess hair fall during shampooing the hair or brushing it. While you may feel like going bald, don’t panic. This part of the postpartum hair journey will pass. But, you need to brace yourself for the receding hairline, which can make you self-conscious.

Stage 3 Of Postpartum Hair Loss

Just when you think you have to live with a receding hairline and think about other options to overcome them, you can see new hair growth. Many women experience hair regrowth after six to twelve months they give birth to their baby. While the new, short hair gives you a glimmer of hope, it can affect your appearance. It may appear like you are wearing a frizz hairband.

Seeing A Doctor To Discuss Postpartum Hair Loss

According to the facts and figure, more than 85% of the new moms suffer from excess hair fall after they give birth to a baby. It is not an unusual scenario. Some simple tips can help your excess hair fall. Home remedies and a good diet can address hair fall woes. Eating and drinking right can overcome the problem. Also, dealing with stress can prevent hair loss. Stressing about the problem can do more harm than good. You need to take a break from the unhealthy food and drink options. Give time for your hair to get back to its former glory. But, not all cases are the same. Some women need medical assistance to deal with the problem.

By the time you realize heavy hair fall, you must have made already attended the postpartum checkup with the doctor. For women who experience extreme hair loss or lose large patches of their hair, making another appointment with the doctor may seem ideal. It gives them a chance to get a professional opinion regarding the underlying causes of hair loss. In some women, the presence of other problems like hypothyroidism can trigger severe hair loss. Address such postpartum issues will help you deal with the problem better. Consulting a doctor will help you rule out any diseases triggering the problem. Make sure to consult the doctor if you are still losing hair around the baby’s first birthday. The typical postpartum hair loss may not last that long.

How To Deal With Postpartum Hair Loss?

Are you concerned about your hair loss after giving birth? Many women may not find the problem troubling unless they find extra hair on the bathroom floor. When you see excess hair on the brush or bathroom floor, take a deep breath. Instead of panicking, you need to think about the next step. Remember, for many women, the condition may reverse without any intervention. So, you can focus on buying attractive headbands or hair clips to hide the hair loss. For women who see significant hair loss in one specific area, changing hairstyle by parting the hair in different places or adding highlights/lowlights can add depth. If postpartum hair loss is bothering you, then you can try some home remedies to manage the problem.

Continue Taking Prenatal Vitamins

While no specific vitamins can cure hair loss, you can include them in your routine. It is beneficial for your overall health. Women suffering from severe hair loss need to continue prenatal vitamins after the birth of the baby. It is recommended for women who breastfeed their babies. Prenatal vitamins containing antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E can offer protection to the hair follicles and the scalp. Biotin and zinc will aid in fortifying the hair. So, it promotes hair growth. Women concerned with postpartum hair loss need to speak with their doctor. Your doctor can suggest additional vitamin or mineral supplements preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. The following vitamins are recommended for a new mother to combat postpartum hair loss:

  • Vitamin B complex and/or Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc

You need to take additional supplements only after getting instructions from your doctor. It is because the postpartum recovery plan already consists of these nutrients. So, doctor advice and instruction are necessary before taking any supplements. Your doctor can perform some test to check if you suffer from any deficiency causing the hair fall. After getting the advice, you can start taking the supplement. These supplements can promote hair growth and strengthen your hair. So, your hair looks strong and vibrant.

Massage Your Hair Regularly

Massaging your scalp will promote blood circulation. When your scalp gets the blood flowing to the area, it can strengthen the hair roots. Improved blood circulation guarantees the best starting condition for a new hair strand. You can select an organic hair oil like coconut, castor, almond, or olive oil to massage your scalp. Including massage as a part of your postpartum routine will help improve hair growth. While using the carrier oil, makes sure it is lukewarm. Massaging the scalp with lukewarm oil at least one to two times a week will help control hair loss. Following the massage, you need to wrap a wet hot towel on your head for at least five minutes. After five minutes, use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

You can also try adding a few drops of essential oil to the carrier oil for better results. You can choose essential oils like cinnamon or peppermint to stimulate your scalp and promote hair growth. You have to follow the hair care routine regularly for at least three months to see visible results.

Choose Shampoo With Care

You need to select postpartum hair loss treatment shampoo with care to eliminate the risk of excess shedding of hair. Remember, shampooing has two main aspects. The selection and the technique of shampooing.

Pick Right Shampoo

It is the most important part of your postpartum routine. To prevent postpartum hair loss, you need to pick a natural shampoo. To make sure the shampoo has natural products in it, check the ingredient list. A good shampoo must contain products that are healthy for your hair. Avoid shampoos having SLEs, SLS, silicones, parabens, and other potentially harmful chemicals. Choose the shampoos with gentle cleansing effects. It will help moisturize, strengthen, and reduce the damage caused by pollution and harsh chemicals.

Shampooing Technique

Keep in mind to not rub your hair while washing instead use your fingers and circular motion apply shampoo on your hair with your fingertips. Do not your palm and go hard on it.

DIY Hair Mask To Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss

After giving birth, your full attention shifts to your baby. You like to take care of your baby without thinking about your health. Pay some attention to your body and hair as well. Since it is impossible to visit hair spas, you can make some simple do-it-yourself hair masks to see wonders on your hair. All the items suggested are available at home. So, you never have to step out of your home for buying the things needed for the hair masks. Just whip up the easy masks and see the change.

Fenugreek Hair Mask To Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss

Fenugreek is a perfect hair mask for women suffering from postpartum hair loss. It is a simple hair mask you can make by soaking fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water overnight. Apply the water to your hair and leave it on your scalp for a couple of hours. Shampoo your hair. You can also grind the seeds into a paste and apply it to your scalp. Then, wash it off with shampoo and water after twenty minutes. You can try this remedy two to three times a week.  After a few months, you can see a difference in the hair fall.

Apply Curd

Curd has several health benefits. It is also beneficial for your hair health. It is an excellent conditioner for your hair. Massage curd on your scalp and hair regularly will condition the hair. It will also strengthen the hair follicles and offer a sheen lost due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. You can apply the hair mask at least once or twice a week. Leave it on your hair for at least fifteen minutes. Use shampoo to rinse and wash it off thoroughly.


Including eggs in your postpartum diet is beneficial. Also, you can use an egg hair mask to bring shine to your mane. You need to use two egg whites for the mask. Add a few drops of olive oil to the mixture. Mix well and apply it to your hair. Leave it for at least half an hour. Once it dries, you can use a mild shampoo to wash thoroughly. Use cool water to wash your hair.

Avocado Coconut Milk Hair Mask

Avocado is a healthy fruit containing good fats. It is also helpful in preventing hair loss after pregnancy. You need to take a ripe avocado and mash it well. Add a tablespoon of coconut milk to the paste. Mix it well and apply it to your scalp. Allow the mask to dry. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Avocado has a rich source of essential vitamins. It will boost collagen production and promote hair growth. While coconut milk has high levels of protein in it. So combining the two can promote hair growth.

Handle Your Hair With Care

When you are suffering from hair loss, try not to worsen it by handling your hair roughly. Abstain from any action that will break the hair strands. You need to stay away from the following products when you suffer from hair loss like

  • Hair dyes
  • Hairstyling products
  • Chemical sprays

Your hair is fragile after taking a head bath. Wet hair is more prone to breakage. So, handle with care. Never brush your hair immediately after washing the hair. Allow it to dry and use gentle strokes to brush your hair. When you use a hairdryer, set it on cool. To avoid further damage caused due to excess heat, you need to avoid using straightening irons or hot rollers. Choose a comb with wide bristles to comb your hair. If you like to use hair products, consult a dermatologist to get a professional opinion on the right ones beneficial for your hair. The specialty products recommended by the dermatologists like hair masks and scalp sprays offer an added benefit.

See A Hair Stylist

You need to make an appointment with the stylist to cut some layers into the hair. It will offer a new look while making postpartum hair loss less obvious. While your hair grows back, you can sport a chic hairstyle. Getting a trim or shortening the hair by a few inches will also mask the hair loss. Also, new mothers will find it easier to maintain a shorter hairstyle. It is easy to manage and take care of your hair. When your hair grows back, you can opt for hair accessories to keep the smaller hairs out of your eyes.

You can also consider adding bangs to your hair. A new haircut will also help you get over the frumpiness postpartum. So, it is the perfect option to get some time to look for yourself. If you see small hairs sticking up all over your head, it means your hair started growing. You can take care of regrowth by flattening it with iron or use styling cream/gel.

Manage Stress

The life of a new mom is stressful. You are constantly wondering and fretting about the things you do. You tend to question yourself about the choices you make for the baby. Also, you need to adjust your whole life to meet the demands of your time. You go from having all the spare time in the world to juggling work and motherhood. A good night’s sleep and free time become a distant memory. So, it is highly possible to become stressed. While you love your baby unconditionally, you need to make time for yourself. You need to de-stress your body and mind.

While you are deeply in love with your baby, you need to seek the assistance of others. Get help from your partner or family to make sure you get a little relaxation time. Even if it is for half an hour, you can take a long bath or chill out to destress. You can also get a scalp massage that will help release stress and promote hair growth.


Dealing with postpartum hair loss is not easy. It feels like a tough pill to swallow. Drastic loss of hair can shake your self-confidence and make you self-conscious. At a time when your body and mind go through so many changes, it adds to your woes. Avoid thinking too much about it. You need to have a positive attitude to face such adversity. When faced with the problem, try to think that it will pass soon. Fortunately, your body can correct itself after some time. Until then, you can try the options suggested here to stop the problem from worsening or disguising it. Trying these tips will help you cope with the problem better.


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