Pimples Behind The Ears – Causes, Home Remedies, And Prevention Tips

Pimples behind the ears can make you feel uncomfortable. It causes an itchy sensation behind your ears that can result in distraction. In a social setting, scratching behind your ears can leave a bad impression on others. Apart from the embarrassment, observing a lump behind the ears will leave you scared. It triggers pain and can escalate to inflammation. So, you need to take appropriate measures to manage the problem without leading to complications. Read ahead to know more about the problem and how you can manage it.

About Pimples Behind The Ears

You can develop a pimple anywhere on your body. While can pimple on your arms, back, or thighs are common, most people see it on their faces. The zits develop on skin pores clogged due to dirt and oil. So, you have high chances of developing pimples behind the ears as the area is prone to dirt, residue, and oil accumulation. In adults, the area behind the ears has a high possibility of accumulating residue. The lump or pimple can also become inflamed. It occurs when the clogged skin pores become infected.

Such issues can make you feel uncomfortable. It can trigger pain and discomfort. While most pimples may not cause any serious complications, you need to take extra care to manage the condition. By following some home remedies, it is possible to manage the inflammation or infection caused by microbes and clogged dead cells.

What Causes Pimples Behind The Ears?

You develop pimples on your skin when the pores get clogged. The clogging of the skin occurs due to the presence of dead cells. It can also occur when you suffer from an infection caused by harmful pathogens. This is also applicable to developing pimples behind the ears. Other external factors also contribute to the condition. Here are some of the factors contributing to the condition:

Poor Hygiene Habits

The area behind your ears is prone to the accumulation of dirt. It is because the skin behind the ears can trap oil and sweat. When you use hair care or skin products, the residue from it can get trapped behind the ear. People with long hair can also experience high residue and dirt. Since the area behind the ear is impossible to see without a mirror, you do not become aware of the dirt accumulation. So, it can increase the chances of getting skin pores clogged. As you pay less attention to the area, the chances of washing it properly reduces. So, you can develop pimples behind the ears due to poor hygiene habits.

Excessive Humid/Dry Weather Conditions

When your skin is exposed to a warm and humid climate, it makes the sebaceous gland work overtime. This occurs due to the slow evaporation of sweat because of the humidity levels. The sebaceous glands work overtime resulting in oily and clammy skin. So, it increases the chances of pores clogging. As a result, you develop pimples.

Pimples Behind The Ears Caused By Wearing Spectacles

The friction caused by wearing spectacles can lead to the development of lumps. This condition is referred to as acne mechanica. It is the specific form of lump development in people wearing spectacles for a long time. It can also occur due to the rubbing or pressing of bulky protective gear or heavy clothing. The pressure, friction, pinching, rubbing, or occlusion of the skin can result in the condition. It can develop in people irrespective of pre-existing acne. As a result of the condition, you can see inflammatory pustules and papules developing behind your ears. Without intervention, it can progress to cysts and nodules.

Ingrown hair

Instead of the dirt and grime blocking the pores of the skin, you can develop lump due to ingrown hair. Ingrown hair refers to the development of hair follicles abnormally. In normal cases, the hair from the follicles grows straight out of the pore. When the hair from the pores grows sideways, it can penetrate back into your skin. It grows through the hair follicle wall. This can result in inflammation and the formation of a lump. When you look at such lumps closely, you can see hair under the skin.

Pimples Behind The Ears Due To Ear Piercing

When you undergo an ear piercing, it can lead to the development of pimples behind the ears. It occurs due to the piercing becoming infected. You can see a pimple or infected lumps in the earlobe or the area behind the ears. It is a condition most common when dirty piercing equipment is used to pierce the ears. It can also occur due to an allergic reaction (nickel allergy). It occurs due to the body reacting to the metal used in the ear jewelry. At times, the bumps can become swollen or painful. So, it oozes pus. In such cases, the infected bumps need prompt treatment. It prevents the infection from spreading.

Comedogenic Cosmetics

When you are using skin products or cosmetics, the ingredients can play an important role in developing lumps. If you are using cosmetic or skin products with comedogenic ingredients, it means you can clog the pores. So, it can result in acne. So, check the ingredient list before using it on your skin. Using a non-comedogenic product will reduce the likelihood of clogging the pores.

Pimples Behind The Ears: Your Diet

The food you eat can reflect on skin health. Including a diet with sugary foods, fast foods, and processed foods can aggravate acne. It can also result in developing pimples behind the ear.

Never underestimate pimples behind the ears as it can trigger pain. So, you need to treat them quickly. In some cases, medical attention is important. By following the natural remedies, you can speed up the healing process. Home remedies can only help supplement the treatment. For avoiding complications, you need to consult the doctor to determine the effectiveness of the natural remedy. While some may work for you, others may not. So, get professional advice before trying any of the remedies.

Diagnosing Pimples Behind The Ears

It is important to give proper attention to the lumps. It is because these lumps can signify a serious problem. Here are some of the methods to diagnose the problem:

Self-Diagnosing Pimples Behind The Ears

Before going to the doctor, you can perform a self-assessment. Examining the lump by yourself needs caution. But, if you are not sure, then seek professional help as a doctor’s examination is safer. When you examine the pimples behind the ears, see a doctor when the lumps meet the following criteria:

  • The pimples appearing behind your ear feels tender, painful, red, or has a discharge from it
  • Pimples appear feel attached or remains fixed in place
  • You can observe the lumps to see it changing or growing
  • The lumps appear all of a sudden
  • It accompanied by several general symptoms

In very rare cases, the pimples behind the ears can occur as a result of cancer. While all pimples may not indicate a serious disease, you need to rule the possibility of cancerous lumps by visiting a doctor.

Doctor’s Assessment

When the pimples develop into a tumor, you need a prompt diagnosis to determine the best treatment options available. With prompt medical attention, you can avoid complications caused due to soft tissue sarcoma (the cancerous lump under the skin behind your ears). The doctors can make a diagnosis by checking the appearance as well as the texture of the lump. During the doctor’s diagnosis, your doctor can ask a range of questions like:

  • How long you have observed the symptoms?
  • When did the symptoms start?
  • Your medical history

Based on the answers, your doctor can get a picture of the health of the affected person. In some cases, the lumps need further investigation to detect the underlying issue.

  • Carry out an imaging test
  • Send sample tissue for further analysis

Home Remedies To Treat Pimples Behind The Ears

When you observe a lump behind your ear, you can try some home remedies. Some of these natural remedies are effective and offer you the desired results. It eases pain and discomfort triggered by the lump. But, when it fails to provide relief or you feel the symptoms worsening, see a doctor, and get professional help. Here are some of the natural methods available:

Apply Cold Compress To Treat Pimples Behind The Ears

According to different studies, the application of a cold compress or ice pack can treat the inflammation and pain caused by the lumps. You get relief from pain as the cold compress constantly draws out the heat from the affected skin. So, it eases the discomfort and offers relief. You need to cold compress to try out this method. You can also use ice cubes and cover them with a cloth to make a compress. Apply the compress on your acne lesion. Hold it in the area for at least five minutes. You can remove the cold compress and repeat it. Placing cold compress at short and regular intervals offers relief. Do this three times a day for effective results.

Use Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most popular essential oils with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It is used by people in different home remedies to deal with skin and other problems. Using it on the lumps behind your ears can help fight the harmful microbes causing the pimples. You need to choose 5% tea tree oil and cotton swabs. Dip the cotton swabs in the tea tree oil and apply it behind the ears. You need to leave the essential oil overnight to get effective results. You need to try this method at least once a day to ease pain and discomfort.

Potent Combination Of Egg White And Honey

Anecdotal evidence points towards the effectiveness of egg whites in reducing the size of pores in your skin. So, using egg whites on your skin can help tighten the skin and improve the overall appearance. Honey has antibacterial properties. So, when you combine egg whites and honey, it can help fight bacteria causing a pimple.

How to use it on your skin? You need to take one teaspoon of egg white and blend it well. Mix half a teaspoon of honey and blend them well. You can apply the mixture behind the ear area. Leave it on the area for at least twenty to thirty minutes and wash it off with water. You can do this two to three times a day. It also soothes and moisturizes the skin. So, you can also apply it to your face. If you want to skip honey, then use egg whites alone to fight acne-causing bacteria.

Yogurt And Oatmeal To Treat Pimples Behind The Ears

Oatmeal is effective in treating many skin problems as it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Many people use oatmeal face masks as they can cleanse, exfoliates, and moisturizes your skin. So, it is an effective homemade remedy to make your skin healthy, soft, smooth, and radiant. It offers numerous skin benefits. Therefore, you can use it on your skin to treat acne eruptions. While more studies are needed to learn more regarding the efficiency of oatmeal, you can use it to manage pimples behind the ears. But, when you combine it with yogurt, it can offer effective results for pimples and acne. Yogurt contains probiotics that can fight acne-causing bacteria.

You can take one teaspoon of yogurt and the same quantity of oatmeal. To this, you can add half a teaspoon of honey. It is optional, so you can avoid it. Mix yogurt and oatmeal. Apply this mixture directly to the pimple. Leave the mixture for at least twenty to thirty minutes and wash it off. You can do this once a day to alleviate pain and inflammation caused by the pimple.

Garlic To Manage Pimples Behind The Ears

Garlic has allicin in it. It provides antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Allicin can effectively kill acne-causing bacteria. So, using garlic on the pimple can reduce inflammation and swelling. It also improves blood circulation. Using garlic on the affected area aids in receiving more nutrients. It helps kill the bacteria and soothe the infected area. For trying this method, you need a minced garlic clove. Apply the minced garlic clove directly on the pimples behind the ears and leave it for twenty minutes. After the specified time, you can wash it off. If you do not react to allicin, then after a week, you can leave minced garlic clove overnight. For people with sensitive skin, diluting the minced garlic with water is advisable before application of garlic. You can do this once a day for getting effective results.

Citrus Juice

Citrus fruits contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C is effective in managing skin problems. So, applying citrus fruit juice rich in vitamin C on the pimple can fight acne-causing bacteria. So, it can reduce inflammation and manage the issue effectively. You can use it to get protection against the pimple-causing bacteria. To follow this method, you can take a few drops of any citrus fruit juice (lime, lemon, or orange). Dip a cotton swab in the juice and let the juice soak the swab. Now, gently press it to the pimple. You need to leave the juice on the affected area for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Then, wash it off with lukewarm water. You can follow this method one to two times a day.

The above-mentioned remedies can effectively manage pimples behind the ears. But, if your condition persists, then seek medical assistance as early as possible. It is better to prevent the condition rather than seek treatment. Also, the steps will prevent the recurrence of the acne developing behind the ear region.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Pimples Behind The Ears

Pimples behind the ears develops when the pores in the skin region become blocked. It can occur due to the oils or dirt. Oily substances secreted by the base of hair follicles (sebum) can cause the problem. To prevent the condition, you can follow the tips suggested below:

Never Pop The Pimples Behind The Ears

Popping the pimple can only worsen the condition. It is because the action will result in the spreading of the bacteria and pus from the infected pore. The bacteria can spread to the surrounding pores and increase the risk of infection in the region. Also, popping the pimple can delay the natural healing process of your body. So, it can take longer for the acne or pimples to heal. To avoid such issues, keep your hands away from behind the ears. Avoid actions aggravating the infection.

Follow Good Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is the key to avoid pimples. For healthy and clear skin, you need to keep it clean. When you take bath, never avoid the area behind the ears. Make a habit of cleaning the back of the ear to wash off the dirt and oil. Even when you have no lumps behind the ear region, wash the area. Keeping the area clean is the best way to avoid the development of pimples.

Scrub Your Skin To Avoid Pimples Behind The Ears

You can develop a lump behind your ear due to ingrown hair. Ingrown hair refers to the hair growing sideways back into your skin. It can grow through the follicle wall. As the skin sees the ingrown hair as a foreign invader, you can develop swelling, redness, and at some time, pus. To avoid ingrown hair, scrubbing the skin behind the ear region at least once a week is necessary. It prevents ingrown hair.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water and ensuring enough hydration is the solution to many skin problems. When you drink water, it helps balance the oil and water content in the skin. So, it prevents the secretion of excess sebum and oil. It means you have very few clogged pores and reduce the risk of pimples. The lack of hydration is linked to developing pimples in the face and acne behind your ear region. So, drink at least eight to ten glasses of water.

Quit Smoking

Smoking cigarettes can trigger inflammatory acne, especially in women. So, if you feel pimples behind the ears, then you need to quit the habit. Smoking is harmful to your health. It can trigger several issues on your skin. Smokers see blocked pores, which increases the chance of developing pimples. They can also see large blackheads that have less inflammation compared to normal acne. Therefore, quit smoking. If you find it difficult, then seek professional assistance.

Change Your Diet

Your diet can play a significant role in your skin appearance. Some food items can elevate your blood sugar levels compared to others. With a sudden increase in the blood sugar levels, your body releases insulin hormone. The excess levels of insulin in the blood causes the high production of oil. So, your skin has an increased risk of developing pimples. These pimples can appear anywhere on your skin that has more oil glands. Here are some of the food items increasing the sugar levels and causes spikes in the insulin:

  • Sugar
  • Processed foods
  • Pasta
  • White bread
  • White rice

A Skin-Friendly Diet

To avoid pimples behind the ears, you need to eat low-glycemic foods. It is made of complex carbohydrates that will not spike insulin levels. Complex carbohydrates food like the following is good to prevent the lumps from forming:

  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Unprocessed vegetables
  • Fresh fruits

You can also include vitamins and minerals in your diet. The foods containing minerals and vitamins are beneficial for the skin. So, it can reduce inflammation. Try to include foods containing the following in your diet:

  • Vitamin A and Vitamin E
  • Zinc (a mineral)
  • Foods with antioxidants (a certain type of chemical good for the skin)

Here are some of the skin-friendly food choice that you can include in your diet:

  • Orange and yellow vegetables and fruits like sweet potatoes, apricots, and carrots
  • Dark green and leafy vegetables like spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Brown rice
  • Blueberries
  • Whole-wheat bread
  • Turkey
  • Quinoa
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Lentils, peas, and beans
  • Mackerel, salmon, and other types of fatty fish
  • Nuts

The prevention tips suggested here will improve your skin’s overall health. So, you can try it to prevent the development of pimples on any area of your body or face, including the area behind your ears. At times, they may not offer relief. In such cases, you need to see a dermatologist to detect the cause of the underlying problems.

See A Doctor For Pimples Behind The Ears

When you feel the lump has grown larger or has become more painful, then you need to see a healthcare provider immediately. Pimples behind the ears that does not go away with home remedies may need prescription treatment. So, see a doctor immediately as the lumps may indicate something serious. Testing and diagnosing the problem early can help resolve the issue without any complications.


Pimples behind the ears do not pose any serious threats. By trying some of the effective home remedies, you can prevent the problem from escalating. It will also help manage pain and other symptoms associated with it. But, when the symptoms do not improve or you see the lumps becoming painful, then seek medical assistance. Persistent pimples with worsening symptoms need medical care. In some rare cases, the lumps behind your ears indicate an underlying health condition requiring prompt care and attention.







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