Pimple Inside The Nose – Causes, Home Remedies, And Prevention Tips

A pimple inside the nose is an annoying problem that can at times trigger pain. While it may not indicate serious health issues, you feel distressed due to the breakout. Acne or pimple can occur anywhere on your body. So, your nose is no exception to it. Getting pimples on your cheeks or chin is a common problem. It makes you feel self-conscious. While getting a zit inside your nose may not cause embarrassment as no one can see it, it is irritating. Several thoughts swirl through your mind, including the need for a different approach to deal with the breakout due to its location or if spot treatment will help with the condition. Let’s know more about the condition and how you can prevent an inner-nose zit from happening.

Is Pimple Inside The Nose Dangerous?

Unlike zits developing on your face, the acne inside your nostrils causes annoyance. At times, they can signify the presence of infection inside your nose. You need to understand the difference between the presence of infection and ordinary pimples. Caring for infected zit is necessary to reduce the chances of worsening or spreading of the infection. Without proper care, the infection can affect the nerves in the sinuses and cause severe complications.

Causes Of Pimple Inside The Nose

There are various underlying reasons resulting in the development of zits inside your nose. From simple pimples, sores, to infection, any number of issues can result in the condition. But, in some situations, it becomes difficult to identify the actual reason for developing the zit inside your nose. Here are some of the main causes of pimple inside the nose:

Normal Pimples

Clogging or blocking of your skin pore can result in pimple formation. The clogging occurs as a result of dead skin or oil accumulation. The buildup of oil and dead skin cells can cause development of zits. While zits appear mostly appears on your face, they can also show inside the nose.

Nasal Vestibulitis Causing Pimple Inside The Nose

Nasal vestibulitis or folliculitis occurs due to staphylococcus (staph) bacteria. This bacteria enter your nose due to certain habits like blowing your nose frequently or picking your nose. This condition can result in the development of a single inflamed, red bump or a collection of white or red bumps. You can see the condition developing at nostril openings.

Nasal Furuncles And Cellulitis

Deeper infection or boils are referred to as nasal furuncles. It is a more serious condition as it results in cellulitis. Cellulitis is a rapidly spreading infection seeping into the bloodstream. So, the condition can cause the following:

  • Swelling
  • Skin dimpling
  • Inflammation of areas causing redness

In some cases, cellulitis can result in deadly consequences. Cellulitis occurs due to MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Staph, and Streptococcus. MRSA infection is more serious as it becomes difficult to treat as it is resistant to many types of antibiotics. So, in some people, it causes life-threatening complications.

Ingrown Hairs Causing Pimple Inside The Nose

Due to trying different hair removal techniques to remove nose hair can sometime result in pimple formation. It occurs as a result of ingrown hair.

Nasal Cold Sores

You can develop pimple inside the nose as a result of nasal cold sores. Cold sores are usually common around the mouth. But, they can also appear in other areas of the body, including inside the nose. HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) causes the infection resulting in cold sores. The condition starts from a tingling or burning feeling. After that, you see the appearance of a sore, which scabs over and results in crust formation. This can happen inside your nose.

Risk Factor Associated With Pimple Inside The Nose

Anyone can develop a pimple inside the nose. But, only some suffer from infection due to it. The factors increasing the chances of skin infection caused by the zit are:

Low Immunity

People with low immunity face a high risk of suffering from a skin infection. Those who suffer from low immunity due to diseases, take immune-suppressing medications, undergo treatment for cancer, or who have diabetes face higher risk of a skin infection, including infected zits. So, it makes them prone to developing pimples, including inside the nose.

Seek Medical Help For A Pimple Inside The Nose

If you see other symptoms along with a pimple inside the nose, then you need to see a doctor immediately. The following symptoms require immediate medical attention:

  • Dizziness
  • Double vision or trouble seeing
  • Sudden confusion
  • The appearance of a sudden, painful, swollen, and red rash along with fever
  • Uneven pupils
  • Sudden confusion

If the zit inside your nose becomes worse or triggers severe pain, then you need to see a doctor as early as possible.

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

In some cases, infected zits inside the nose can have dangerous consequences. It is because of the presence of veins leading to the brain. A rare yet serious condition like cavernous sinus thrombosis can occur. The cavernous sinus is the large vein present at the base of your skull. When you suffer from infection, the infected furuncle can result in the formation of a blood clot in the vein. It results in thrombosis, a life-threatening condition. The affected person can suffer from the following symptoms:

  • Headache or severe pain
  • High fever
  • Trouble seeing things
  • Bulging eyes
  • Drowsiness
  • Eye problems like eye pain and double pain
  • Uneven pupils

See a doctor immediately in such cases.

Diagnosing Pimple Inside The Nose

When you develop a pimple inside the nose, your first instinct is to try some remedies at home to deal with the distress caused by it. But, if you feel no improvement, then it is something more complex than a normal pimple. So, you need to see a doctor, preferably a dermatologist to assess the condition. When you make an appointment, the doctor uses the following tests to detect the problem:

Physical Assessment

During the physical assessment, the doctor checks the pimple inside the nose. Apart from that, the doctor also asks the following questions:

  • Can you describe the appearance of the pimple when you first discovered it?
  • Has the pimple undergone any changes?
  • Are you suffering from other symptoms related to the development of pimple?
  • When did you notice the zit?
  • Do you see any discharge like pus or blood from the zit?

Based on the assessment, your doctor can conclude the exact nature of the zit. For infections, your doctor suggests other tests.

Imaging Tests To Diagnose The Pimple Inside The Nose

When the doctor suspects an infection, you need to undergo imaging tests like CT scans or MRI of the head. It will help the medical professional to identify the signs and extent of infection inside the sinuses.

Laboratory Tests

You need to submit a sample of your blood for tests to detect the cause of infection. At times, the doctor also suggests taking the fluid sample from the pimple. This test will help detect the type of bacteria causing the breakouts. Using the information, the doctor can prescribe the right antibiotic to treat the problem.

Treatment To Manage Pimple Inside The Nose

The treatment for pimple inside the nose depends on the underlying cause. While the simple acne pimple goes away with little care and time, infections require prescription treatment from the doctor.

Regular Pimple

You can develop a pimple anywhere. While it is common on your face, it can also occur in your nose. In such cases, you need a little care to overcome the problem. Here are some suggestions offered by the doctor to deal with the problem:

  • Use a warm compress over the nose to get relief from the distress and enhance healing.
  • Apply acne cream containing Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid on the spot. If it is not too far inside your nose, you can use a cotton swab to carefully apply the topical cream on the zit.
  • If you suffer from pain and discomfort, then taking over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can ease the distress.

These tend to resolve in about the same amount of time as a normal pimple elsewhere

Treatment For Ingrown Nose Hair

If ingrown nose hair causes the problem, then your doctor suggests the following to get relief:

  • Warm compress on the nose to get relief from swelling and pain.
  • Apply tea tree oil on the pimple using a swab.
  • Apply over-the-counter antibiotic cream using a swab when tea tree oil fails to offer relief.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers for easing pain and distress caused.

Normally, the hair grows out and resolves the problem with time. But, for resolving the problem faster, try not to pluck nose hairs. It will prevent such issues in the future too.

Treating Infections

For minor nose infections, your doctor suggests over-the-counter antibiotic ointments. In some people, nose piercing can cause small pimple. This pimple has no head, so it is known as a blind pimple. It can also result in the appearance of a sore. It can appear inside the nostril, near, or at the site of the nose piercing. This occurs due to an allergic reaction to metal used in the nose stud (nickel allergy) or bacterial infection caused due to not following the aftercare instruction suggested after the piercing. In serious infections, you need prescription antibiotics. You need to follow the instructions suggested by the doctor for alleviating the condition.

Treatment For Nasal Cold Sore

For nasal cold sores, the doctor suggests using an antiviral cream. In usual cases, the doctor prescribes Abreva for treating the condition. You need to apply the sore medication using a swab inside your nose. If you feel pain or discomfort, then over-the-counter pain relievers like Ibuprofen and acetaminophen will help deal with it.

Treatment For Folliculitis

If your doctor detects folliculitis as the underlying reason for the development of zits inside your nose, then the treatment involves using antibiotics. You can use over-the-counter topic antibiotic creams like bacitracin or mupirocin.

Severe Cases Of Pimple Inside The Nose

For severe cases of pimple inside the nose that affects veins or sinuses, you require hospitalization. The doctor suggests taking treatment through IV (intravenous). So, you need antibiotics through IV to see results. In some rare cases, the doctor suggests draining the infected area. Invasive options like surgery help to drain the pus accumulated in the pimple.

Home Remedies For Pimple Inside The Nose

Home remedies are available to manage the distress caused due to zits developing inside your nose. But, these are effective when you are not suffering from an infection. For zits caused due to infection, you require medication assistance. Therefore, if the problem worsens or does not go away after trying these remedies for a few days, then see a doctor.

Warm Compresses

If you have a normal pimple, then applying a warm compress can reduce pain as well as the discomfort. Place a warm compress or a hot bottle on your nose for at least three times a day. You need to use the compress for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.

Apply Essential oils

Some of the essential oil contains anti-inflammatory properties. So, it can help heal the inflammation and reduce the swelling caused by the zits. Before using the essential oil, you need to perform a patch test to ensure you are not allergic to them. Always dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil before use. Full strength oils can only harm your skin. Many people have observed serious issues with full strength oil when they use it on their skin. So, just add a few drops of essential oil in a carrier oil and apply it inside your nose. The essential oil you can try to manage zits include:

  • Cinnamon
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Neem oil

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it is effective in fighting the bacteria causing zits inside your nose. You need to dip a cotton bud in raw apple cider vinegar and place it inside the nose. Place it for some time (at least thirty minutes) to allow ACV to work on the pimple. Rinse it off. You need to follow it for at least a few days to see the results.

Hydrogen Peroxide For Managing Pimple Inside The Nose

Hydrogen peroxide has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. So, it can effectively speed up the healing of pimples. So, you can use it on your face and inside the nose. You need hydrogen peroxide (3%) and cotton buds. Soak the cotton buds in the hydrogen peroxide solution and place it on the pimple for a minute. If you have sensitive skin, then diluting hydrogen peroxide before soaking the cotton bud is advisable. Then, discard the cotton bud. Wash your nose after twenty minutes.

Lemon Juice

Lemon has antimicrobial and astringent properties. So, it effective in the lightening of the skin and preventing skin infections. It is also effective in managing pimple developing on a different part of your skin. Lemon juice also has anti-inflammatory properties. So, applying lemon juice on the pimple inside the nose will reduce inflammation and speeds the healing.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties of neem oil will help combat pimples. For managing the zit, you need to apply two to three drops of neem oil directly with the finger. You need to leave it on for at least thirty minutes. Then, rinse it off. Leaving neem oil on the zit overnight before rinsing it off also shows effect.

Coconut Oil For Managing Pimple Inside The Nose

Coconut oil is used by people for several centuries as it is effective for maintaining healthy skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can heal your skin. It is also an analgesic agent, which helps reduce redness and swelling associated with the pimple. You just need a few drops of cold-pressed coconut oil for the home remedy. Apply these drops inside your nose. Leave it to dry. You can reapply it as necessary.

Is It Safe To Pop The Pimple Inside The Nose?

When you develop a pimple inside the nose, your first instinct is to pop, scratch, or pick it to make the zit go away. This will only result in more harm than good as such actions can make the pores inside the nose vulnerable to bacterial infection. Popping the pimple will create an open wound. So, it has a high chance of becoming infected by the dirt as well as bacteria from the hands. It will only cause you more distress with severe infection. So, to prevent the condition from further complications, you need to allow the pimple to heal by itself.

If you are feeling severe discomfort due to the zit inside your nose, then it is better to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can suggest different methods, including lancing the pimple safely to avoid the distress. The medical professional can offer you a treatment plan to manage the condition and prevent its recurrence.

Prevent Pimple Inside The Nose

The zit inside your nose can cause annoyance and distress. You feel like it is a simple issue. But, it can escalate to something serious without proper care. Why endure such distress when you can prevent the issue from affecting your life. With a few simple steps, you can avoid the occurrence of zits inside the nose. Here are some of them you have to follow:

Increase Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties. So, increasing the intake of the vitamin will heal the issues with your skin. It can ease the inflammation of your skin. You need to take adequate levels of Vitamin D to ensure your system can address the inflammatory symptoms caused by pimple. Including Vitamin D rich food like egg yolks, cheese, the flesh of fatty foods, etc. can prevent the problem. Since Vitamin D is not usually found in natural food items, you can think about taking supplements to prevent the condition.

Avoid Frequent Picking Of Nose

When you pick your nose frequently, it can cause tiny cuts in your nasal tissue. It can result in dangerous bacteria finding their way into the opening. It leads to infections. According to a study, people who pick their nose face a high risk of infection caused to Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. This bacterium can trigger serious infection. Also, repetitive or constant picking damages your nasal cavity. It can result in swelling and inflammation of nasal tissue.

Avoid Blowing Nose Too Often

Blowing your nose too hard or frequently can irritate your nose. It can also result in inflammation. If you blow your nose too hard, it also increases the chances of infection spread. So, it can result in pain as well as discomfort.

Prevent Pimple Inside The Nose By Keeping Stress Under Control

While stress cannot trigger the development of pimple inside the nose, it can make your condition worse. Also, it slows down your body’s inability to heal properly. Stress also can affect the hormone balance in the body, which makes the existing condition worse. Therefore, you need to keep the stress under control. You can try some stress relaxing techniques like yoga or meditation to control it.

Keep Your Skin Clean

It is not possible to control the oil secreted by our body. Since it is naturally produced, you can take steps to keep the surface clean. A clean and exfoliated skin surface faces less risk of developing pimples as it prevents clogged pores. So, you need to wash your face with a cleanser containing salicylic acid. It removes excess oil as well as dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

Use Makeup With Caution

While makeup cannot cause a pimple, but certain ingredients used in the makeup can clog pores. These ingredients cause the bacteria causing the pimple to grow. This can develop on your face or inside the nose. Even overuse of makeup, especially using more foundation on your face can cause skin irritation or pimple breakouts. So, it is better to take a break from using makeup. This helps your skin heal or repair itself without any external help.

When you use makeup and makeup applicators from others, it increases the chance of infection. Other people’s skin attaches to makeup, makeup brushes, or applicators. So, it can transfer to your skin when you use it. The acne-causing bacteria can result in new breakouts. Prevent such issues by avoiding the use of makeup from others.

Avoid Touching Your Nose

Touching your face often can result in breakouts. It is one of the common causes of pimples developing on your chin and jawline. You transfer the bacteria on the hands to your face when you touch your face or nose too often. So, it is better to avoid touching the face and nose to prevent the risk of a bacterial infection or blocked pores, resulting in the development of zits. When you pick your nose or touch the pimple inside the nose, it can leave a scar. If you are touching the face, then you need to wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Unclean hands can result in bacteria transfer from hand to nose or irritation that will lead to zit development.

Keep Away From Sun

When you go out, your skin is exposed to harmful rays of the sun. So, it increases the risk of developing wrinkles and dry out your skin. As your skin dries, it increases oil production in the pores. So, you can develop zit. To protect your skin, wear sunscreen. It will help protect your skin and prevent zits.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly decreases stress. So, you can feel relaxed and enhance wellness. Exercising will decrease the levels of cortisol and reduces stress. So, will reduce pimple. But, you need to clean well after exercising.

Avoid Allergy To Prevent Pimple Inside The Nose

Nose Piercing can result in allergy, which can result in the development of zit inside or outside the nose. So, before getting your nose pierced, you need to visit a reputable studio with all certifications and has experienced as well as accredited professional. You need to clear all doubts regarding the cleanliness of the studio and the quality of jewelry used. Some people can suffer nickel allergy. So, you need to look for precious metal or hypoallergenic material for your piercing. If you feel uncomfortable about the procedure or the person doing the procedure, then never go through with it.


A pimple inside the nose needs attention and care as it can cause distress. The uncomfortable problem will heal within two days to a week. But, when you suffer from infection, it requires medical intervention for healing properly. Antibiotics will help healing within a week and a half. When the zit develops into a deeper cyst, it takes longer to heal. So, see a dermatologist to rule out infection and prevent further complications associated with it.







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