Pain Under The Left Rib Cage – Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Have you experienced sudden and intense pain under the left rib cage? Is it difficult for you to take a deep breath due to the sharp pain? Then, several worrying thoughts can plague your mind. The fear that you are suffering from a heart attack can make you worry more. But, instead of panicking, you need to see a doctor immediately. A heart attack is not the only reason you suffer from pain on your left side. Several other issues can trigger on the left side of your body just under the rib cage. So, read ahead to know more about it and take the necessary action to manage the problem without any complications.

Overview Of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

Before going into the details of pain triggered, you need to know more about the rib cage. The rib cage consists of 24 ribs in total, 12 on the left side and 12 on the right side of the body. The main function of the rib cage is to protect vital organs lying beneath them. On the left side, you have the heart, pancreas, stomach, spleen, left lung, and left kidney. When you suffer from pain in the left side, it indicates any of these organs have suffered from infection or inflammation. An injury on the left side can also trigger pain, which can radiate around the left side.

So, pain under the left rib cage may not always indicate a heart attack. Depending on the underlying cause, you can feel stabbing, sharp, dull, or aching pain. In the majority of cases, you suffer from pain on the left side due to a benign condition. With proper treatment, you can overcome the condition.

Possible Causes Triggering Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

You can experience pain under the left rib cage due to varied reasons. So, it may worry you. Finding what exactly triggers the pain may seem daunting as the area contains many organs and the area below the ribs have a large area. But, with the help of a medical professional, you can categorize it and detect the root cause of pain as well as the accompanying symptoms. Here are some of the common reasons causing pain.


An inflammation of the cartilage attaching the ribs to the breastbone can trigger pain. This condition is referred to as costochondritis. This condition can happen for different reasons like:

  • Due to a physical injury
  • Suffering from an infection
  • Arthritis

You can experience sharp, stabbing pain on your left side of the rib cage. This pain feels worse when you sneeze, cough, or press on the ribs.

Treatment For Pain Under The Left Rib Cage Due To Costochondritis

You can manage pain caused due to costochondritis with over-the-counter medication.


For mild to moderate pain, your doctor recommends NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like naproxen and ibuprofen. If you suffer from severe pain, then you need prescription-strength NSAIDs or narcotics. Some people may need anti-anxiety medications as well as tricyclic antidepressants. Oral steroids and injecting steroid in the area of pain also offers relief.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

For offering relief from pain, your doctor also performs a procedure known as TENS. This procedure uses small amounts of electricity to prevent the nerves from sending pain or aching signals to the brain. Without the signal, you will not feel pain or discomfort.

Lifestyle Changes For Preventing Costochondritis

If you suffered from costochondritis once, then you need to change your lifestyle to prevent it from affecting you again. These permanent lifestyles are necessary for people who have suffered chronic or persistent costochondritis. Here are some of the changes you need to make:

Take Rest

Certain exercises can aggravate the condition. So, weightlifting or running can negatively affect your condition. Manual labor can also worsen the condition. Try to stay away from physically enduring activities. Get enough bed rest to help your body recover.

Different Therapies

You can try hot or cold therapy at home for alleviating pain and distress triggered due to the condition. Undergoing physical therapy is beneficial. It is important for the doctor to monitor your condition closely. It is essential to check how you respond to the treatment. Undergoing physical therapy is essential. You need to gradually build your strength. Ease into your previous activity levels slowly. Also, you need to stretch daily to ease the pain.


The pancreas is the gland located in the upper left quadrant of your body. It is situated near your small intestine. It secretes enzymes as well as digestive juices into your small intestine. This is essential to break down food particles for easy digestion. When you suffer from inflammation of the pancreas, then it is known as pancreatitis. This condition occurs due to:

  • Suffering from an injury
  • Abusing alcohol for a long time
  • Develop gallstones

When you suffer from pancreatitis, it causes severe pain, which comes slowly and becomes intense after you eat something. Some people may suffer constantly while others may observe pain coming and going. Along with pain under the left rib cage, you can experience additional symptoms like:

  • Nausea
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting

Treatment For Pancreatitis

Treatment for chronic pancreatitis can range from managing pain by taking prescription-strength medication or undergo surgery to alleviate severe pain. The treatment for acute pancreatitis can range from the following:

  • Providing intravenous fluid to ensure good hydration and make sure other organs in the body have good blood flow
  • Not eating for a day or two and then follow a high-calorie diet to speed up the healing process
  • Get anti-nausea medication or pain medication intravenously

Ruptured Spleen And Splenic Infarct Triggering Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

The spleen is an organ that helps you fight an infection. It is present in the upper-left quadrant of your body. Since the organ is located near your rib cage, any problems affecting the organ can trigger pain on the left side. The spleen is responsible for removing old and damaged blood cells. It also produces white blood cells, which helps you fight infection. Any problems with the organ, like a ruptured spleen, can trigger pain under the left rib cage. Splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) causes no symptoms. You just feel full only after eating a small quantity of food. But, a ruptured spleen triggers pain. An enlarged spleen is more susceptible to rupture compared to a normal-sized one. Several problems can result in an enlarged spleen, including:

  • Suffer from viral infections like mononucleosis
  • Develop infections like syphilis
  • Develop parasitic infection, such as malaria
  • Suffer from blood diseases
  • Develop liver diseases

When your spleen ruptures, the area feels tender to touch. Along with tenderness on the left side, you can also suffer from the following symptoms:

You can suffer from spleen rupture due to experiencing a trauma. This condition is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention.

Splenic infarction can trigger pain on the left side. Splenic infarcts refer to the rare condition developing due to a portion of the spleen dying or necrotizing. This condition occurs due to insufficient blood supply. The arterial blockages or suffering from a trauma/injury compromises the normal blood flow to the spleen.

Treatment For Spleen Problems

If you suspect a burst spleen, then you need to visit the doctor immediately. This condition requires immediate medical attention as internal bleeding causes life-threatening complications when left untreated. In some cases, a chronic liver disease resulting in cirrhosis affects and interacts with your spleen. This condition can trigger pain. So, treating the underlying chronic liver disease can manage the distress caused. Your doctor prescribes medication when you require medical therapy to deal with liver or spleen disease. Surgical intervention is required with late detection of the problem or due to complications arising due to a damaged or enlarged organ.

Preventing Spleen Rupture To Avoid Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

To keep the spleen safe from injuries, it is important to wear protective sporting equipment before participating in contact sports. Also, wear a seatbelt when you are traveling via car. If spleen issues are caused due to liver cirrhosis, then cutting down alcohol is recommended. It is because excessive alcohol is the main reason for developing cirrhosis.

Gastritis Triggering Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

Gastritis refers to the inflammation developing in the stomach lining. This area is near the left side of your rib cage. Apart from experiencing pain, you also develop other symptoms like:

  • The uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen
  • Burning pain in the stomach
  • Gastritis is a condition caused by the following issues:
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Frequent use of NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Treatment For Gastritis

For mild symptoms of gastritis, your doctor suggests changing your diet as well as lifestyle. It will help manage the pain under the left rib cage. To reduce stomach acid, your doctor prescribes over-the-counter medications like antacids.

Home Remedy For Gastritis Causing Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

In the majority of the cases, doctors suggest home remedies to manage the condition. Here are some of the changes you need to make in your life:

  • Reduce alcohol intake
  • Cut out fried, spicy, dairy, or acidic foods
  • Reduce the intake of caffeinated drinks like coffee or energy drinks
  • Eat a smaller portion of food frequently as opposed to one big meal
  • Cut down or give up tobacco products like cigarettes
  • Stop abusing the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Include foods rich in nutrients and high in fiber
Medical Treatment For Gastritis

When you experience pain due to the presence of infection or presence of bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori, then you need antibiotics. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics to reduce stomach acid production.

Prevent Gastritis To Avoid Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

To prevent developing gastritis, you can follow the steps suggested below:

Avoid foods triggering the problem from your diet

  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid consuming excess alcohol
  • Manage and reduce stress
  • Steps to prevent gastritis include:
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid abusing OTC (over-the-counter) pain medications

Kidney Stones/ Kidney Infection

Kidneys are vital organs essential to flush out the toxic and waste accumulated in your body via urine. The kidneys are located on either side of your spine. When your kidneys become infected or inflamed, it causes pain, which radiates to the front. When your left kidney is affected, you feel pain under the left rib cage.

Developing kidney stones can also trigger pain. Kidney stones are hardened calcium as well as salt deposits. It results in the formation of stones. These stones can cause cramping pain. This usually occurs when the stones try to move out of the kidneys and try to get into the bladder. In addition to the pain triggered on your left side, the development of kidney stones can also cause other signs like:


  • Cloudy urine or blood in the urine
  • Feeling an urge to urinate with only a little coming out
  • Pain on your side radiating to the front side of the body

You suffer from kidney infections when the bacteria from the urinary tract, travels to the kidneys. Kidney infection can occur when anything obstructs the urine flow, including kidney stones. The additional symptoms associated with kidney infection include:

  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Nausea

Treatment For Kidney Problems

Depending on the underlying cause, the doctor suggests ideal treatment. The treatment options for the problem include:


If the infection is the reason for the kidney problem, then you need to hydrate your body by drinking six to eight glasses of water a day. This will increase the urine flow and flush out any problems causing obstacles. When you suffer from severe dehydration or have uncontrolled nausea as well as vomiting, then you need intravenous fluids to rehydrate your body.

Medications To Manage Pain Under The Left Rib Cage Triggered By Kidney Problem

You may need narcotic medications to manage pain. For managing infections, your doctor can prescribe antibiotics. You need to take the medication according to the instructions of the doctor.

Other Therapies To Overcome Pain

You need to undergo other therapies or invasive procedures to manage kidney problems depending on the cause. Your doctor suggests the right treatment.

Preventing Kidney Stones And Infection

You can prevent any diseases affecting your kidneys by following a healthy lifestyle. There are several steps to achieve it:

  • Manage health conditions that can affect your kidneys like high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Make healthy food choices.
  • Include exercises in your daily routine.
  • Avoid any activities inducing stress.
  • Refrain from smoking or consuming excess alcohol.
  • Get good sleep.


Pericarditis is the condition caused due to the inflammation of the fluid-filled sac known as the pericardium. This fluid-filled sac surrounds your heart. So, when the sac suffers inflammation, it rubs against the heart. So, you can experience pain under the left rib cage. This pain feels like a stabbing pain or a dull ache. It usually worsens when you lie down. While the exact reason for the pain remains unclear, researchers feel it occurs due to the following issues:

  • Injury
  • Infection
  • Taking certain blood thinners
  • Consuming anti-seizure medications

Treatment For Pericarditis

As the first line of treatment, your doctor prescribes over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen. You need to take the medication and rest until the feverish signs of the disease subsides. For people suffering from severe pain, then the doctor prescribes steroids like prednisone. The severe condition requires a stay in the hospital. It is because your doctor needs to monitor the condition closely.

Preventing Pericarditis

While it is impossible to prevent pericarditis, getting immediate medical attention will help you manage the problem. You have to follow the treatment plan suggested by the doctor to reduce the chances of complications due to acute pericarditis. With immediate medical intervention, you can avoid the condition from becoming a long-term problem.

Pleurisy Triggering Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

The tissue covering the lungs can suffer from inflammation leading to pleurisy. The tissue can suffer from inflammation due to viral, bacterial, or fungal pneumonia. This condition can also develop due to trauma, malignancy, or pulmonary infarction triggered due to a blood clot in the lung. When you develop pleurisy on the left side, it can trigger pain on that side. Due to the condition, you feel sharp, stabbing pain when you take a breath. It is essential to see a doctor when you experience intense pain in your chest during breathing.

Treatment For Pleurisy

For the condition to heal, your doctor suggests the following remedies:

  • Getting rest is highly recommended. You need to lie on your left side (the side of pain) to get relief from pain.
  • Your doctor can prescribe pain-relieving medications or NSAIDs to manage the chest pain caused due to the condition.
  • The condition triggered due to a viral infection gets better after some days. It does not require medications. But, a bacterial infection requires antibiotic therapy to manage it.

Preventing Pleurisy

You have no sure method to prevent the condition. But, early intervention can help manage the problem.

Diagnosing The Cause Of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

Since problems to any of the organs on your left side can trigger pain, you need to see a doctor to uncover the cause of the issue. The doctor can perform several tests to detect the root cause of pain under the left rib cage. Detecting the actual problem is essential to find the right cure for the problem. Here are some of the tests to detect the actual problem:

Physical Examination To Detect Cause Of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

To figure out the exact cause of pain under the left rib cage, your doctor gives you a physical examination. During the exam, the doctor feels the affected area to detect any signs of inflammation or swelling. The physical assessment helps detect problems like costochondritis, which triggers pain under the left rib cage.


If your doctor suspects a heart problem, then you need to undergo an electrocardiogram. This diagnostic test measures the heart’s electrical activity. So, it will help rule out any serious condition triggering pain under the left rib cage.

Lab Tests

In some cases, your doctor suggests taking blood and urine samples for testing. Testing these samples in the lab will help uncover the following problems:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Kidney problems
  • Gastritis

For problems like gastritis, your doctor can suggest a stool test to detect the issue conclusively.

Endoscopy To Uncover Cause Of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

In some cases, the doctor needs to look at the internal organs, especially the lining of your stomach. So, the doctor suggests endoscopy. An endoscope is used for the diagnostic test. The endoscope is a long flexible tube with a camera at its one end and the other is attached to the monitor to show the images of your internal organs. An endoscope is inserted into the body through the openings like the mouth. This offers a better view of the internal organ or tissue. So, your doctor can detect any problems triggering pain using this diagnostic method.

Biopsy To Detect Cause Of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

If your doctor suspects pleurisy or the presence of a cancerous mass in any of the organs on the left side of your body, then a biopsy can help detect it conclusively. During the test, the doctor extracts a small sample of pleural lung tissue or suspicious mass. It tested in the lab for a conclusive diagnosis.

Imaging Tests To Detect Cause Of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

When your doctor cannot diagnose the exact reason for the pain you suffer, an imaging test offers a conclusive diagnosis. So, the doctor can suggest the following imaging test to detect the problem:

  • X-ray
  • CT scans
  • MRI

The above-mentioned imaging tests can offer a better view of the internal organs. So, it helps detect any area of inflammation triggering pain that did not appear during the physical examination.

Treating Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

The treatment for the condition depends on what is causing it. So, your doctor suggests treatment for the pain under the left rib cage on the exact condition triggering it. If you suffer from inflammation or infection, then you need to take medications. While more serious issues, you need to undergo an invasive procedure to alleviate the problem. The treatment and lifestyle changes for the condition based on the underlying problem is discussed above. Here are the common methods to deal with the condition:

Medication To Treat Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

From digestive problems to chronic disease or damage to an organ, medications are prescribed as the first line of treatment. So, if you suffer from pain due to the stomach, kidney disease, liver problems, or heart complications, then the doctor usually medically manage it before suggesting surgery or transplant. The common medications suggested for managing pain under the left rib cage are:

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Most doctors recommend NSAIDs reduce swelling as well as pain caused by inflammation. Taking it will reduce any distress triggered by any underlying condition.

Antibiotics To Manage Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

In some cases, you may need an antibiotic to clear up a bacterial infection. In rare cases, you may need surgery. For example, if a kidney stone is too large to pass through your body on its own, your doctor may need to surgically remove it.

Surgical Intervention

In some severe cases, the invasive procedure is essential to manage pain and other distress. If you suffer traumatic cause of your pain is linked to fractures, the surgery is the first line of treatment. Surgery is required to repair certain organs like the spleen or lungs damaged due to a traumatic event. Surgical intervention is necessary when you suffer from pain under the left rib cage due to severe organ problems like kidney failure or liver damage. The invasive procedure is also required to remove kidney or gallbladder obstructions.

Warning Signs Associated With Pain Under The Left Rib Cage

In most cases, the pain triggering under the left side of the ribcage may not indicate something worrying about your health. But, when you suffer pain under the left rib cage along with other symptoms, then it is something serious. So, when you observe the following symptoms, it indicates a medical emergency:

  • Mental confusion
  • Trouble breathing
  • Sweating profusely
  • Feel dizzy or lightheaded


You will become confused when you suffer pain under the left rib cage as you have several organs in the upper left part of the body. In the majority of cases, you can get treatment to manage the condition. But, when you suffer from severe pain or feel the condition worsening, then seek immediate medical attention. The doctor can diagnose the exact issue of triggering pain and offer medical assistance to alleviate distress. Seek medical opinion when you feel pain in the region for more than 24 hours or show any other alarming signs. With early medical intervention, you can alleviate the problem without any complications.



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