Osteoporosis – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment And Diet Tips

Osteoporosis refers to the medical condition making your bones weak and brittle. The word itself means porous bones. Weak or brittle bones make a person suspectable to fracture due to mild stresses or simple falls. So, when an affected person tries simple actions, such as bending over or coughing, it can cause the bones to break. The fractures due to the problem usually occur in the spine, wrist, or hip. If you wish to learn more about it, read ahead to get the vital information to deal with the condition better.

About Osteoporosis

Bone is the living tissue in the body. It faces the risk of breaking and replacing. Osteoporosis refers to the condition when your body cannot create new bones to keep up with the loss of the old ones. Porous bones can develop in men and women of all ages. But, Asian or white women have more risk of suffering from the problem. Older women post-menopause can also face the risk of this bone condition. When viewed under the microscope, healthy bone has a honeycomb appearance. With porous bone, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb structure appear larger than the ones in the healthy bone.

Osteoporotic bone tends to lose mass or density. It also seems to contain abnormal tissue structure. With reduced bone density, bones become weaker and have high chances of breaking. People who are 50 years or older with broken a bone need to ask their doctor to conduct a bone density test. It can reveal any risk of bone disease and prevent it from affecting your life. Your doctor can suggest medications, weight-bearing exercises, and a healthy diet to prevent the loss of bone. These treatment options can also strengthen weak bones to prevent complications in the future.

Symptoms Of Osteoporosis

When should you take action? Your body can provide certain symptoms when you suffer from bone loss. But, the early stages of the disease may not show any signs. Once your bones start to get weak, you can experience the following:

  • A collapsed or fractured vertebra triggering back pain
  • See a loss of height over time
  • Develop a stooped posture
  • Breaking bones more easily compared to normal cases

See A Doctor For Osteoporosis

When you see symptoms that may indicate the possibility of porous bones, you need to make an appointment. Talk to your doctor about the condition. You need to explain to your doctor regarding any medication you take such as corticosteroids. Also, you need to inform if you are going through early menopause or if your parents have suffered hip fractures.

Causes Of Osteoporosis

The bone undergoes constant renewal. Your old bones break down while the body starts making new bones. When you are young, the body tends to make new bones faster compared to the time it takes to break the old bone. At a young age, your bone mass also increases. After your early 20s, the process of making new bones to replace old ones slows down. By the age of 30, most people tend to reach their peak bone mass. As you grow older, the bone mass becomes lost faster than the time needed for its creation.

The percentage of risk associated with developing osteoporosis may depend partly on the amount of bone mass a person attains in their youth. While you partially inherit the peak bone mass, it can also vary depending on the ethnic group. Having higher peak bone mass means you have more bone reserve. It means you are less likely to develop osteoporosis at an advanced age.

Fluctuations In Hormone Levels Leading To Osteoporosis

Porous bones can develop in people having little or more of certain hormones. The hormones triggering the problem include:

Sex Hormones Triggering Osteoporosis

Low levels of sex hormones can weaken bones. Sex hormone or estrogen in women can lower when women tend to reach menopause. In women, a drop in estrogen has become the strongest risk factor for developing porous bones. Men can suffer from lowered sex hormone, testosterone due to undergoing prostate cancer treatment. Similarly, women who undergo radiation or chemotherapy for breast cancer can see lowered estrogen levels.

Thyroid Problems

Having too many thyroid hormones can lead to bone loss. It is common in people having an overactive thyroid. It can also pose a problem to people taking too much thyroid hormone medication to manage an underactive thyroid.

Other Glands

Overactive parathyroid and adrenal glands can also result in bone loss leading to the disease.

Dietary Factors Triggering Osteoporosis

Your diet can play an important role in developing weak bones. Porous bones usually develop in people with the following diet restrictions:

Low Calcium Intake

If you take low calcium from your childhood, you may suffer from low bone density. Low calcium levels in the body can result in porous bones. It can lead to early bone loss. You also face an increased risk of suffering from fractures.

Eating Disorders

People who suffer from eating disorders cannot take food as normal people do. Severe restriction of food can lead to nutrition deprivation. It results in having low body weight along with weakened bones in men and women.

Gastrointestinal Surgery

Patients who have undergone surgery to remove intestinal parts or reduce the size of the stomach can suffer from porous bones. It is because such surgeries limit the amount of surface area available for absorbing vital nutrients such as calcium. People undergo such surgeries to reduce their weight or to manage other gastrointestinal disorders.

 Use Of Steroids And Other Medications

People using steroids such as corticosteroids to manage certain diseases face the risk of porous bones. Long-term use of injected or oral corticosteroid medications can interfere with the body’s bone-building process. So, people using medications such as cortisone and prednisone may suffer from this issue. Porous bones also develop in people using medications used to deal with the following diseases such as:

  • Cancer
  • Seizures
  • Transplant rejection
  • Gastric reflux

Suffering From Different Medical Conditions

Developing certain illnesses can make you susceptible to developing porous bones. The risk becomes higher when you suffer from the following:

  • Cancer
  • Celiac disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Osteoporosis Caused Due To Lifestyle Choices

Certain bad habits you follow in your life can lead to porous bones. Examples of such habits include:

Sedentary Lifestyle

People spending a lot of time sitting may suffer from porous bones. With little to no exercise, you face an increased risk of suffering from the problem compared to active people. To overcome this risk, you need to include weight-bearing exercises or activities promoting good posture and balance. Such activities can benefit your bones. Try to include physical activities such as running, walking, dancing, jumping, and weightlifting to prevent such issues.

Excess Alcohol Consumption

Drinking alcohol in moderation may not trigger health issues. But, drinking regularly by consuming more than two glasses of alcohol can increase the risk of bone porosity.

Use Of Tobacco

Tobacco use is not good for your health. It increases the risk of developing cancer. While the exact role of tobacco use in developing osteoporosis remains unclear, studies do indicate this habit can lead to the weakness of bones.

Risk Factors Linked To Osteoporosis

Not all people develop porous bones. Some people face more risk of developing bone conditions compared to others. Here are some of the factors increasing the probability of developing the disease:

Your Sex

Compared to men, women face a high risk of developing porous bones.


As people get older, they can suffer from low bone density or porous bones.


People belonging to White or Asian descent tend to face more risk of suffering from bone problems.

Family History

When you have a parent or close family member suffering from osteoporosis, it means you face the risk of developing the disease. The risk increases when your mother or father suffers from a fractured hip.

Body Frame Size

Men and women with smaller body frames face a high risk of suffering from bone issues. It is because they tend to have less bone mass. It can lead to bone problems as they age.

Complications Associated With Osteoporosis

Why should you never overlook osteoporosis? Without proper treatment, the condition can make you susceptible to bone fractures, especially in the hip or spine. A small fall can lead to hip fractures that can lead to disability. It also increases the risk of suffering from death within the first year of falling. Some people can face the risk of spinal fractures even when they have not fallen. The bones constituting the vertebrae or spine can weaken. It may reach a point of collapsing. It can lead to back pain, a hunched forward posture, and loss of height.

Diagnosing Osteoporosis

To detect the risk of porous bones, your doctor suggests bone density tests. It is the test used to measure the mineral proportion in the bones. A machine uses low-level X-rays to measure bone density. It is a painless test causing no discomfort. You need to lie on a padded table while a scanner passes over the body. The test usually measures the bone density in certain areas such as the spine and hip.

Treatment For Osteoporosis

Your doctor suggests treatment for porous bones based on your estimated risk of breaking a bone in the next ten years. The doctor decides after checking the information obtained from the bone density test. For people suffering from low risk, the doctor may suggest including calcium-rich foods instead of prescribing medications. The treatment focuses on modifying the risk factors to prevent bone loss and unnecessary falls or injuries.


The doctor suggests bisphosphonates for men and women facing an increased risk of fracture. It is a widely prescribed medication to prevent such issues. The medication suggested includes:

  • Alendronate
  • Ibandronate
  • Risedronate
  • Zoledronic acid
  • Denosumab

It is another medication producing similar effects to bisphosphonates. So, doctors prescribe it for better bone density. Taking the medication can reduce all types of fractures. The medicine is delivered via a shot. It is injected under the skin every six months.

Hormone-Related Therapy

Women suffering from porous bones due to a drop in estrogen need to undergo hormone therapy. Doctors suggest starting treatment soon after menopause to maintain bone density. But, before starting estrogen therapy you need to know that it increases the risk of breast cancer or blood clots that result in a stroke. Hence, estrogen therapy is usually suggested for the betterment of bone health in younger women or women suffering from menopausal symptoms requiring treatment. The doctor may prescribe medication such as Raloxifene. It mimics the beneficial effects of estrogen. So, postmenopausal women taking it can see an increase in bone density. Like other drugs, it also may have side effects. So, take it after discussing the issues with the doctor.

In men, osteoporosis may develop due to an age-related decline in testosterone levels. So, as a man ages, he can see the testosterone levels dropping. The doctor may suggest testosterone replacement therapy to address the symptoms linked to low testosterone. Medications used to treat porous bone may work well for men compared to women. Hence, the doctor can suggest medication along with testosterone therapy for better results.

Bone-Building Medications For Osteoporosis

For people suffering from a severe case of osteoporosis or if the conventional treatment options fail to work, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • Teriparatide
  • Abaloparatide
  • Romosozuman

These medications are highly potent and may stimulate bone growth. But, you need to follow the advice of the doctor while taking it. Your doctor may advise you to stop taking it after a specific period. After you stop these medications, your doctor suggests another drug to maintain the new bone growth.

Diet Tips For Osteoporosis

Eating a balanced diet from an early age can help you prevent porous bones. You need to make sure the diet has the right amount of Vitamin C, calcium, and Vitamin D. These are integral parts to prevent the bone condition. When you eat foods rich in these vitamins and nutrients, it can improve bone health. It also reduces the risk of developing other health conditions as you age. For better bone health, you need to include the following foods:

Dairy Products

Healthy sources of calcium and fat are important for bone health. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are full of calcium. A few servings a day will boost your calcium intake.

Fruits And Vegetables

Including fruits and vegetables offer you good nutrition. It is good for your overall wellness along with bone health. Some of the best fruits and vegetables you need to include in your diet to prevent porous bones are:

  • Figs
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Mushrooms
  • Oranges

You need to prepare fruits and vegetables in such a manner that you can enjoy them. Include a few servings of fruits and vegetables a day to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. It will keep the bones healthy and strong.

Lean Protein

Taking food such as skinless chicken and other lean meat can offer the body a healthy dose of protein. It supports tissue growth and bone density. Also, include tuna and salmon have high levels of vitamin D. These foods help the body process calcium for better bone health.

Eggs To Manage Osteoporosis

Eating eggs can provide the body with enough Vitamin D. The eggs yolks in particular have high levels of vitamin D. But, egg yolks also have cholesterol. So, eat eggs in moderation along with other food items containing vitamin D.


Different types of nuts are good for your health. They are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and nutrients such as magnesium, and calcium. You can include the following nuts in your diet to overcome porous bones such as:

  • Pistachios
  • Almonds
  • Sunflower seeds

You can eat a handful of these nuts every day as a snack. It will promote bone health.

Fortified Foods

Certain foods contain extra nutrients. Look for fortified foods as they have nutrients for your overall wellness. You can opt for fortified orange juice, breakfast cereals, bread, and others. Some food items may have Vitamin D and calcium in them for extra nutrients. People with lactose intolerance or who find it difficult to eat other nutrient-rich foods can choose fortified foods. It is a good alternative to get the extra nutrients.

Foods To Avoid For Preventing Osteoporosis

Like foods that build bone strength, there are foods detrimental to your bones. You need to reduce to avoid such food items. Your diet must contain in moderation or avoid the following food items:

Salty Foods

Eating foods with a lot of sodium or salt can result in the body losing calcium. Losing calcium means you will suffer from bone loss. To prevent it from happening, you need to cut the amount of processed or canned foods from your diet. Check the amount of salt you add to the foods you eat each day. If you are shopping, make sure to check the label of the food you plan to buy. The sodium levels indicated in the Nutrition Facts Label can give an idea. If the food has sodium listed as 20% or more than the daily recommended value, you need to cut it down. Try to limit your salt intake to no more than 2,300 mg.

Foods Containing Oxalates

Your body finds it difficult to absorb calcium from food containing high amounts of oxalic acid or oxalates. Hence, you need to reduce the intake of foods such as spinach, beet greens, rhubarb, and certain beans. While these foods contain other healthy nutrients, they have less amount of calcium in it.

Avoid Beans To Prevent Osteoporosis

Beans are rich in magnesium, calcium, fiber, and other essential nutrients. So, you may feel it is the best food choice for overall wellness. Unfortunately, beans also contain high levels of substances called phytates. Phytates tend to interfere with the ability of the body to absorb calcium contained in the beans properly. You can get the best effects of beans without suffering from the harsh effects of phytates. To get the desired effects, you need to soak the beans in water for several hours before cooking. Use fresh water to cook the soaked beans for eliminating the presence of phytates.

High Protein Foods

While you need to get enough protein, excess of it can affect your bone health. Excess protein can also affect your overall health. Older people never consume enough protein. So, they may face the risk of bone problems. But, including a special high protein diet containing multiple servings of meat and protein with each meal results in the body losing calcium. You can make up for the loss by including foods rich in calcium to meet the body’s needs. Choose foods that contain protein and calcium such as dairy products to safeguard bone health.

Wheat Bran

Like some types of beans, wheat bran also contains high levels of phytates. Phytates prevent the body from absorbing calcium optimally. Unlike beans, only 100% wheat bran can make it difficult to absorb calcium. Using wheat bran in other foods in less concentration may not cause a big impact on the absorption levels of calcium. For example, wheat bran in foods such as bread may not affect calcium absorption. People taking calcium supplements need to make sure they take it two to three hours before or after eating 100% wheat bran to avoid reducing the absorption of calcium.


Excess alcohol consumption can result in bone loss and other bone problems. To avoid such issues, make sure you limit alcohol consumption.

Limit Caffeine

Coffee, tea, and certain soft drinks contain caffeine. Drinking caffeine in excess can lower the absorption of calcium. It may lead to bone loss. So, you need to limit the intake of such drinks. Try not to drink more than three of coffee every day. Limit colas as it contains high caffeine and phosphorous levels that can harm the bone.

Try to increase good food supporting your bone and restrict the intake of foods causing bone loss. It will reduce the risk linked to suffering from osteoporosis.

Preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition most people ignore until it becomes too late. Overlooking the issue can lead to severe complications. You may suffer from low bone mass or structural deterioration of bone tissue. Good nutrition and regular exercise are essential for keeping your bones healthy throughout your life. Here are some of the preventive tips you can try:

Include A Good Diet

Your diet must include a sufficient amount of calcium and Vitamin D needed every day. Calcium is essential for building bone strength. Most people fail to include enough calcium in their diet which can lead to bone problems. Including calcium-rich foods can boost its levels in the body. You can also include calcium supplements for getting the required dose. Vitamin D is also essential for protecting bones. Your body requires this vitamin for absorbing calcium. You can get Vitamin D by getting necessary sunlight, eating vitamin D-rich foods, or taking supplements.

Exercise Regularly

You need to include muscle-strengthening exercises regularly. The weight-bearing exercises you can include are:

  • Walking in treadmill
  • Hiking
  • Dancing
  • Low-impact aerobics

These exercises can aid in building bones while keeping them strong. You can include muscle-strengthening exercises such as lifting weights. People interesting in Pilates and Yoga can try them for enhancing balance, flexibility, and bone strength.

Good Diet

To prevent bone problems in the future, you need to include foods that promote good bone health. You need to include foods such as dark leafy greens, dairy products, fortified juice, and cereals. These food items are a good source of calcium. Try to include foods rich in Vitamin D. Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and tuna are a great source of Vitamin D. Your diet must also include foods rich in magnesium. Hence, include artichokes, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes.

Avoid Smoking And Take Alcohol In Moderation

Smoking is a bad habit that can trigger several health problems. Smoking cigarettes is one of the risk factors linked to osteoporosis. Some studies have indicated the link between the use of tobacco and decreased bone density. You must also limit your alcohol consumption. Try not to drink more than two to three drinks a day. Drinking heavily can eventually lead to bone loss.

Talk To Your Doctor

It is better to get checked by your healthcare provider regarding the chances of developing porous bones. It is better to undergo a bone density test to determine the risk you face. A bone mineral density scan or a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) can detect the level of risk. Hence, people coming under the following criteria need to undergo the test:

  • Men over seventy years of age or older
  • Postmenopausal women below sixty-five years of age with risk factors
  • Women aged 65 years and older
  • Men younger than 70 years with risk factors
  • Adults with a fragility fracture
  • Adults with a condition, disease, or medication associated with low bone density or bone loss


Osteoporosis is easy to manage when you detect it early. With early intervention and medical assistance, you can expect a positive outcome. If you choose to ignore the initial signs, you can suffer from issues like broken bones. But, even at the severe stage, with treatment, you can improve or stabilize the bone condition for better results.

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