Nervous Weakness – Causes, Symptoms + Natural Treatment

Nervous weakness can occur due to damage to peripheral nerves. So, the problems in the nerves outside the spinal and brain can result in several signs that affect other areas of the body. The peripheral nerves are responsible to send sensory information to your central nervous system. You can suffer from the condition due to several problems. It ranges from suffering from injuries, infections, inherited issues, metabolic problems, to toxin exposure. You need to see a doctor as early as possible to detect the exact underlying problem. With proper intervention and management, you can overcome the inconvenience caused by the problem.

Symptoms Linked To Nervous Weakness

Every nerve in the peripheral nervous system has a specific function. So, when any of the nerves suffer from damage, you see symptoms depending on the exact nerve affected. You can classify the nerves into the following categories:

Sensory Nerves

These are nerves receiving sensation. So, the nerves help you feel pain, temperature, touch, or vibration from the skin.

Motor Nerves

The nerves help control your muscle movement.

Autonomic Nerves

The nerves are responsible for several vital functions in your body like digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, and bladder.

Signs Associated With Nervous Weakness

When you suffer from nervous weakness, you can observe the following signs:

  • Extreme sensitivity to touch
  • Gradual numbness, tingling, or prickling in your hands and feet that spread upwards to your arms and legs
  • Sharp, jabbing, throbbing, or burning pain
  • Pain during simple activities (like pain in feet when they are under a blanket or putting weight on them)
  • Muscle weakness
  • Falling due to losing balance and lack of coordination
  • Feel like you are wearing gloves or socks when you are not
  • Suffer from paralysis (due to damage of motor nerves)

When autonomic nerves are affected, you can see the following symptoms:

  • Excessive sweating or inability to sweat
  • Heat intolerance
  • Digestive, bladder, or bowel problems
  • Fluctuation in blood pressure causing lightheadedness or dizziness

See A Doctor For Nervous Weakness

When you notice unusual weakness, tingling, or pain in your extremities like feet or hands, then you need to see a doctor immediately. With early diagnosis and medical treatment, you have better chances of controlling the symptoms. Medical intervention will prevent further damage to the peripheral nerves.

Causes Of Nervous Weakness

A single disease is not responsible for the condition. Several conditions can damage your nerves and result in nerve weakness. The health conditions leading to the weakness or your nerves are:

Autoimmune Diseases Triggering Nervous Weakness

An autoimmune disease develops when your immune system starts attacking your body by mistake. The immune system protects your body from harmful pathogens like viruses and bacteria. So, when your body senses the foreign invaders, the immune system sends out an army of fighter cells to attack these harmful pathogens. In normal cases, your immune system can differentiate between the body cells and foreign pathogens. But, when a person suffers from autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes the body cells as foreign. So, the immune system releases a protein known as autoantibodies to attack healthy cells. In such cases, you can suffer from nervous weakness. Here are some of the condition resulting in the weakness:

  • Lupus
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Vasculitis
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome


The high blood sugar levels are responsible for nerve damage. Do you know that more than half the people suffering from diabetes suffer from some type of neuropathy?


Suffering from certain bacterial or viral infections can result in weakness of the nerves. The common infections resulting in the condition include:

  • Shingles
  • Lyme disease
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • HIV
  • Diphtheria
  • Leprosy

Inherited Disorders

Some of the inherited disorders can cause nerve problems and subsequent weakness. So, people suffering from disorders like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease can suffer from the problem.

Tumors Causing Nervous Weakness

Growth, non-malignant (benign) or malignant (cancerous) developing on your nerves or put pressure on the nerves can result in nervous weakness. In some cases, people suffering from certain types of cancer linked to the immune system response of the body can suffer from weakness of the nerves. It is common in people suffering from paraneoplastic syndrome, a form of the degenerative disorder.

Bone Marrow Diseases

Also, polyneuropathy can arise as a result of some cancers related to the body’s immune response. These are a form of a degenerative disorder called paraneoplastic syndrome. Bone marrow disorders can increase the risk of nervous weakness. It occurs due to the presence of the abnormal protein in the blood (monoclonal gammopathies), a form of bone cancer (myeloma), lymphoma, and the rare disease amyloidosis.

Other Diseases

These include kidney disease, liver disease, connective tissue disorders, and an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).

Other Causes Of Nervous Weakness

You can suffer from nervous weakness due to other issues. Here are some of the common causes resulting in the condition.


When a person consuming excess alcohol makes poor dietary choices, it can result in vitamin deficiencies. This can affect your nerve health and cause problems.

Exposure To Toxic Substances

When you are exposed to toxic substances for a long time, it can lead to weakness of nerves. So, people who work with industrial chemicals as well as heavy metals like mercury and lead, they can suffer from the problem.


Taking certain medications can result in nervous weakness. It is common among people undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy as it can affect your nerves.

Pressure/Trauma On The Nerves

When you suffer an accident or fall, it can sever or damage your peripheral nerves. This condition is common with people suffering from sports injuries, falls, or suffer from motor vehicle accidents that cause trauma. Nerve pressure also develop due to the use of crutches, having a cast, or repetitive motions like typing many times.

Vitamin Deficiencies

When your body fails to get enough nutrients, it suffers from vitamin deficiencies. Some of the vitamin deficiencies can result in damage to the nerve. B vitamins like B1, B6, and B12 can cause nervous weakness. A deficiency of vitamin E and niacin can also result in the weakness of your nerves.

While the above-mentioned causes affect the health of the nervous system, some people may suffer from it without knowing the cause. When the exact cause remains a mystery, the doctor terms it as idiopathic.

Risk Factors Associated With Nervous Weakness

Some people are more prone to nervous weakness compared to others. The risk factors increasing the risk of the condition are:

  • Poorly controlled diabetes (unmanaged high blood sugar levels)
  • Alcohol abuse (excess alcohol consumption)
  • Deficiency of vitamins (especially B vitamins)
  • Certain infections (like shingles, Lyme disease, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr virus, and HIV)
  • Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus (these diseases occurs due to the immune system attack the body tissues)
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Liver diseases
  • Kidney problems
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Performing repetitive motions while doing certain jobs
  • Having people in the family suffering from nervous weakness

Complications Linked To Nervous Weakness

When you leave nervous weakness without getting treated, it can increase your risk of other issues and problems. Such problems can cause complications to your health. Here are some of the complications:

Burns And Skin Trauma

With the weakness of nerves, you are susceptible to skin problems and trauma like burns. It occurs because you fail to feel temperature changes or pain in certain parts of the body due to numbness.


When your nerves are weak, you lack sensation in your feet and other areas. So, it increases the risk of injury. If you suffer from the condition it is better to check these areas regularly. Also, treat minor injuries before it becomes infected. People suffering from diabetes need to take special care.

Increases Risk Of Falls

Losing sensation and weakness can lead to losing balance. Due to the lack of balance, affected people face an increased risk of falling.

Diagnosis Of Nervous Weakness

The weakness of nerves can have many potential causes. So, you need to see a doctor for detecting an exact issue. Here are some of the diagnostic tests used to detect the exact cause:

Physical Assessment

The doctor performs a physical assessment to check the symptoms you suffer. During the assessment, your doctor gets your full medical history, your lifestyle habits, the family history of neurological diseases, drinking/smoking habits, and your exposure to toxins.

Neurological Examination

The doctor performs a neurological examination. Here are the tests your doctor can perform to detect the problem:

  • Your muscle tone and strength
  • Tendon reflexes
  • The ability to feel certain sensations
  • Your coordination
  • Posture

Based on the assessment, the doctor can suggest further tests.

Other Tests For Detecting Nervous Weakness

Apart from the above-mentioned tests, the doctor can also suggest other lab tests for detecting the weakness of nerves.

Blood Tests

In some cases, vitamin deficiencies can cause weakness in your nerves. Diseases affecting your immune function, diabetes, or other condition can trigger the condition. So, blood tests can help uncover the exact problem.

Imaging Tests

At times, issues like tumors, herniated disks, or other structural abnormalities can cause weakness of nerves. So, imaging tests like CT scans or MRI scans can help detect the problem conclusively.

Nerve Function Tests

In some cases, the doctor suggests nerve function tests like EMG. Electromyography is the diagnostic test that records electrical activity in your muscles. So, it is effective in detecting nerve damage. During the test, an electrode (a thin needle) is inserted into the muscle. It measures electrical activity whenever you contract the muscle.

Nervous Weakness – Causes, Symptoms + Natural Treatment 1

When the doctor or technician gives you an electromyogram, they can also perform a nerve conduction study. During the test, flat electrodes placed on the skin records the nerve response after a low current stimulates the nerves. The response of the nerve to the electric current is referred to as the nerve conduction study.

Other Nerve Function Tests

In some cases, the doctor can suggest an autonomic reflex screen to record the working of the autonomic nerve fibers, measure the body’s ability to sweat using a sweat test, and record the way you feel to touch, cold, heat, and vibration using the vibration test.

Nerve Biopsy

It is the test used to check for nerve abnormalities. For the test, your doctor removes a small portion of the sensory nerve. It is tested to detect any abnormalities.

 Skin Biopsy

The doctor suggests removing a sample of your skin. It is tested for looking for a reduction in your nerve endings.

Natural Therapies For Nervous Weakness

If you wish to try natural therapies for nervous weakness, then discuss it with your doctor before trying them. It is better to get a medical opinion before trying any of these methods. These remedies can help ease the symptoms associated with the condition.

Ayurveda Oil Massage For Nervous Weakness

Ayurveda is the ancient medical branch with roots in India. The ancient medical branch suggests massages for managing several ailments. Ayurvedic massages can help you alleviate nervous weakness. It is also effective in rejuvenating the body and mind. So, undergoing this massage will help your nervous system become active and healthy. You need sesame or almond oil for the massage. Warm the oil a little before doing the massage. You can either do the massage by yourself or hire a professional for doing the massage. Massage the warm oil on the affected area and leave it for half an hour before washing it off with a regular bath. You can do this massage daily to get relief.

Use Epsom Salt

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Nervous Weakness – Causes, Symptoms + Natural Treatment 2

Epsom salts are one of the common home remedies used to provide relief from pain as well as inflammation of the muscles. Epsom salt contains magnesium in it. So, it can play an important role in neuromuscular coordination and nerve transmission. For trying this home remedy, you need one cup of Epsom salt. Add it to your bath water. Soak in the water for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. You can do this method three times at least a week to ease symptoms of nervous weakness.

Try Ashwagandha For Nervous Weakness

Ashwagandha is one of the popular Ayurvedic medicine to treat a range of symptoms. It can ease anxiety and stress, which can have adverse effects on your health. You can take Ashwagandha supplements according to the dose suggested by the doctor. You need to take the supplement as recommended by the doctor.

Water Therapy

Usually, water therapy is suggested for pain and inflammation. But, it is also effective to treat asthenia. During the therapy, you need to use cold and hot water alternatively to ease the symptoms occurring to weak or damaged nerves. It is an easy treatment option that requires cold and warm water. Take a warm water shower first and then end the bath with a short cold shower. You can also wash your body with warm water and then use a clean washcloth soaked in cold water to rub all over the body. Pat dry. You can try this method daily to see effective results and ease the sins associated with the condition.

Sunlight Exposure

While excess sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer and sunburns, you must never ignore the positive effects of getting enough sunlight. The sun offers you many benefits compared to its potential pitfalls. Soaking up sunlight can do wonders for your mental and physical health. It will offer great benefits to your bones, mind, and more. So, give your skin access to a healthy dose of sunlight for managing asthenia. The condition is often linked to vitamin D deficiency. So, getting early rays of sunlight will help your body produce the necessary vitamin D to manage the problem. Remember, only early rays of sunlight offers you benefits. Avoid going out in sun in the afternoon. It increases your ultraviolet ray exposure that can adversely affect your skin as well as health.

Best Foods For Nervous Weakness

What you eat reflects on your health. So, you need to choose foods that benefit your nervous system. Here are some of the best foods you need to include to manage nervous weakness naturally.

Include Vitamins

For healthy functioning of your nervous system, you need to consume foods rich in Vitamins B and D. Both these vitamins have anti-inflammatory properties. So, you can ease the inflammation developing within the body. Try to consume foods rich in these two vitamins. Including vitamin D in your diet can promote the absorption of calcium in the body. It is also beneficial for your bone health. So, include the following foods in the diet to combat any of these deficiencies:

  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fish
  • Whole bread
  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Brown rice
  • Egg yolk

While you get these vitamins naturally from the above-mentioned food, you can also talk to your doctor regarding taking supplements. The additional supplements can help manage the deficiency when you fail to get them naturally from the food you take.


Magnesium is an important nutrient needed for maintaining the health of your nervous system. The mineral has anti-inflammatory properties. So, it helps relieve nerve inflammation. Magnesium also promotes serotonin production. It will relax the nervous system. You can include the following food items rich in magnesium to manage the deficiency of this mineral naturally:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Dark chocolates
  • Apricots
  • Bananas

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

If you are looking for a natural food item to boost the health of your nervous system, then include omega-3 fatty acids. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can boost the health of your nervous system. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties to speed up the healing of nervous system diseases due to the quick recovery of weak as well as damaged nerves. The foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can also prevent injury to the nerves and help them regenerate. Here are some of the food options you can include:

  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Oysters
  • Mackerel

But, when you include the above-mentioned seafood, try to ensure they do not contain heavy metals. If you are unable to include seafood in your diet, then talk to your doctor regarding taking additional supplements to get the necessary omega-3 fatty acids.

Combat Nervous Weakness With Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is effective in calming down the nerves and easing anxiety. It is a natural sedative with anti-inflammatory properties. So, it helps you alleviate injured or damaged nerves naturally. For making the tea, you need one to two teaspoons of dried chamomile herb. Boil a cup of water and add the chamomile tea into. Allow the tea to boil and steep for at least five minutes. Strain the tea and allow it to cool. Add honey and consume the tea. You can drink the tea for at least three to four times a day to see good results.

Green Tea

Green tea is a good home remedy for many problems. It also promotes a healthy nervous system. It is because green tea contains L-theanine. These compounds have a unique ability to boost the brain. So, it can effectively manage anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders. It also contains anti-oxidant properties. So, it is beneficial for your overall health. You need one green tea bag and a cup of water. Boil a cup of water and put the green tea bag. Allow it to steep for at least five to ten minutes. Once it cools, add honey. You need to sip the green tea three times a day to enhance overall nervous system health.

Best Exercises To Include For Managing Nervous Weakness

Including certain exercises in your routine is one of the best ways to manage nervous weakness. You can try some yoga poses or other exercises to combat nervous weakness.

Yoga Poses For Managing Nervous Weakness

Yoga can make your mind and body healthy. Various yoga poses can help strengthen your nerves, give you relief from stress, and promote blood circulation. Here are some of the poses you can try at home:

 Sarva Hita Asana

This yoga asana is good for everyone. By practicing the different poses, you attain internal well-being as you can balance the body, mind, and soul. You can observe a calming effect on the nerves when you try the asana. It also helps to harmonize your breath. You need to repeat the poses five times to get the desired results.


It is also known as the moon pose or the hare pose. It resembles the pose frequently adopted by the hares or rabbits. The moon symbolizes calm and peace as it emits tranquilizing vibrations. Similarly, practicing this pose offers a calming and cooling effect on the individual trying it. When you repeat the pose for three to four times, it improves the blood circulation to the head. Practicing it promotes the functioning of your eyes and brain.

Khatu Pranam

The exercise is the outcome of several years of research and experience. When you practice the yoga pose, it harmonizes your mind, body, and soul. When you practice it, it offers several physical benefits. Khatu Pranam stretches, strengthens, and relaxes all the muscles in the body. It also promotes the flexibility of your spine. It also regulates glandular activity. Repeating it at least four to six times boosts your immune system. So, you develop resistance to diseases. It can also balance and strengthen the entire nervous system.

Walking Barefoot

Do you know walking barefoot on moist earth or a sandy beach can strengthen your nerves? It promotes healing of the nervous system and helps you ease any symptoms triggered due to nerve problems. According to studies, walking barefoot on moist earth helps you get the electrons from the earth’s surface. So, it can ease the inflammation developed in your body. It also heals any problems caused by stress. Walk barefoot for at least thirty minutes to get the desired results.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing can help you feel relaxed. It relieves stress and anxiety. So, it can help you manage the symptoms caused due to the condition. It also promotes your body’s natural healing abilities. You need to practice deep breathing for five to ten minutes. Repeat it at least two to three times. It will strengthen your nerves and heal any issues related to it.

Preventing Nervous Weakness

Nervous weakness occurs due to several issues that attack the nervous system. So, you need to manage the underlying issue resulting in the condition. Here are some of the tips to enhance nerve health.

Manage Underlying Conditions

To prevent the condition, the best method is to manage any medical condition putting you at risk. So, you need to manage the following health condition:

  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Alcoholism

Consult your doctor and follow the instructions provided by the healthcare provider. Take medications as suggested and schedule regular checkups to ensure the medical problems is under control.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Food is important for maintaining mental and physical well-being. What you eat will reflect on your body and mind. Including certain nutrients in your diet makes you active and healthy. It prevents the weakness of nerves or other problems. So, eat diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, make good food choice. If you need supplements, then consult with your doctor.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can affect several parts of your brain. Excess alcohol consumption can contract the brain tissues, it destroys the cells in the brain, and results in the depression of the central nervous system. So, people consuming excess alcohol for a prolonged period can suffer from cognition problems, memory issues, and nervous weakness. Therefore, limit your alcohol consumption. If your doctor suggests cutting off the alcohol from your life, then get help to kick the habit.

Include Exercise

Include exercise in your routine. Talk to your doctor regarding the right exercise you can try. Get at least thirty minutes of exercise three times a week.

Avoid Factors Causing Nerve Damage

You need to avoid the factors triggering nerve damage. So, try to avoid cramped positions, repetitive motion, which puts pressure on the nerves. Keep away from factors affecting your nerve health.


Nervous weakness can affect your life. So, get immediate medical assistance to uncover the exact cause. With proper diagnosis, treatment, and management, you can avoid complications. It improves your life quality.


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