Natural Treatments For Tendonitis – Symptoms, Causes, And Diet Tips

Most people search for natural treatments for tendonitis. It is because such remedies offer relief without causing any side effects. So, if you suffer from inflammation of the tendons due to repetitive movements, then you can try such natural remedies. It is effective for people who suffer from the problem due to work out at the gym or climbing the stairs. The inflammation occurring in the tendons is known as tendonitis or tendinitis. People who are already battling the condition or have a high risk of developing it can learn more about the natural remedies available. Keep reading ahead to get more information on the condition and how to manage it effectively.

What Is Tendonitis?

Before going into the natural treatments for tendonitis, you need to know what it is. It is a medical condition developing due to the irritation or inflammation of a tendon. Tendon refers to the thick cord of collagen tissue. It attaches the bone to your muscle. The condition is commonly known as tendinitis. In most cases, you can suffer from the condition as a result of repetitive movements. These movements may cause a minor impact on the affected area. You can also suffer from the condition due to a serious injury. The condition can occur in different parts of the body where your bone connects to the muscle via a tendon. But, certain areas in the body are more prone to the problem like:

  • Knee
  • Shoulder
  • Hip
  • Elbow
  • Achilles tendon
  • The base of your thumb

Types Of Tendonitis

Depending on the part the inflammation of the tendon occurs, you can classify it into different types. Here are the common types:

Achilles Tendinitis

It refers to the injury occurring to the Achilles tendon. The injury is caused due to wearing ill-fitting shoes or suffering from sports injuries.

Supraspinatus Tendonitis

It is the condition occurring due to the inflammation of the tendon around the shoulder joint.

Peroneal Tendonitis

peroneal tendonitis ,ankle joint 3d medical vector illustration eps 10
Natural Treatments For Tendonitis - Symptoms, Causes, And Diet Tips 1

You have peroneal tendons located in the ankles and the legs. When the tendons in this specific region become inflamed, then you suffer from peroneal tendonitis.

Extensor Tendonitis

At times the tendons located in the hands and feet known as extensor tendons can cause inflammation. Such issues can lead to extensor tendonitis.

Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendons suffering inflammation can cause pain and discomfort. It can occur when you suffer from injuries to the tissues, which connect the kneecap to the shin bone.

Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow Requiring Natural Treatments For Tendonitis

This problem develops due to the irritation of the tissue connecting the forearm muscle to the elbow.

 De Quervain’s Stenosing Tenosynovitis

When the sheath surrounding the thumb tendons suffers from inflammation, then it results in the condition. Due to the inflammation, you can suffer pain and discomfort between the wrist and thumb.

Trigger Finger/Thumb

The tendon sheath in the palms can suffer from inflammation, which causes the type of tendonitis.

Tendonitis Of The Wrist

You can suffer from a degenerative condition affecting the wrist tendons. So, you can feel discomfort.

Signs And Symptoms Indicating The Need For Natural Treatments For Tendonitis

When you suffer from the inflammation of the tendons, then you can observe some symptoms. The signs indicating the need to undergo natural treatments for tendonitis are:

  • Suffer from the pain the affected and the surrounding area
  • Gradual or sudden pain in the inflamed region severe in nature
  • Severe pain due to the presence of calcium deposits
  • Loss of shoulder motion due to adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder
  • Worsening of pain due to movement
  • Swelling
  • Grating or swelling of tendons when you move them
  • Redness
  • Develop a lump along your tendon

You can see these symptoms for a few days or it may last from several weeks to months.

Causes And Risk Factors Associated With Tendonitis

Various activities can trigger the inflammation of the tendons. The condition can even worsen due to the risk factors.

Repetitive Activities Requiring The Natural Treatments For Tendonitis

When you indulge in repetitive activities putting pressure on certain tendons, it can lead to tendinitis. Here are some of the activities requiring natural treatments for tendonitis:

  • Raking
  • Carpentry
  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • Shoveling
  • Scrubbing
  • Skiing
  • Playing sports like golf or tennis

Other Factors Causing Tendonitis

When you suffer from other factors, it can increase the risk of developing tendinitis. Here are some of them:

  • Incorrect posture when you sit or sleep while you are at work or at home.
  • Not warming up your body before playing any sports or performing any strenuous activity.
  • Suffer from a certain medical condition like psoriatic arthritis, bout, or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Infection developing due to a dog or cat bite.
  • When you overuse the affected tendon.

If you visit a doctor for your condition, they may ask you to undergo any of the following diagnostic tests to confirm tendonitis.

Diagnosing Tendonitis

When you suffer from the symptoms associated with inflammation of the tendons, then you need to see a doctor. The doctor can suggest several tests to diagnose the problem. Here are some of them:

  • Perform a thorough physical examination to detect the injured tendon.
  • Suggest undergoing x-ray to see calcium deposition to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Other imaging tests like undergoing an ultrasound or an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan to look for swelling.

After confirming the diagnosis, your doctor can suggest several methods to alleviate the symptoms. It is important to manage the condition early to prevent any symptoms from worsening. You can discuss the natural treatments for tendonitis with the doctor to ensure the problem does not escalate. For mild cases, natural remedies can offer effective results with few side effects.

Natural Treatments For Tendonitis

If you have inflamed tendons, see a doctor diagnose the problem. You can try some natural treatments for tendonitis to get relief from the pain and discomfort. The following treatments are effective in managing the condition:

RICE Treatment

RICE is the first line of treatment suggested by the doctor for managing the condition. R for Rest, I for Ice, C for compression, and E for the elevation of the joint. Taking rest and placing ice as well as a warm compress on the affected area will help manage the problem. When you apply an ice pack close to the affected tendon, it reduces the symptoms of swelling and inflammation. The topical application of ice pack numbs the affected area. So, it offers immediate relief from the pain triggered due to the tendon inflammation. Leave the ice pack for at least ten minutes before you take it off. Place the ice pack at least two to three times a day. Until you feel well, you can elevate the affected joint for better pain relief.

Soak In Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate. It can help manage the inflammation. The presence of magnesium will reduce the swelling and inflammation of the tendons. You need to fill the bathtub with water and add one cup of Epsom salt. Once it dissolves, you need to soak in the bath for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. You can do this at least once a day to manage the pain and inflammation caused due to the condition.

Apple Cider Vinegar: One Of The Natural Treatments For Tendonitis

Apple cider vinegar has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is because of the presence of acetic acid. When you use it on the affected area or drink it after mixing with water, you can get relief. For trying this method, you can take half a cup of raw apple cider vinegar and mix it with half a cup of warm water. Take a clean washcloth and soak it in the mixture. Wring it and place it on the affected area. When you leave the washcloth on the area surrounding the affected tendon for at least twenty to thirty minutes, it will offer you relief. You can apply this compress at least three times a day. Another method to try the method is to drink the ACV mixture. You need to mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink this mixture daily.

Bone Broth

Bone broth contains nutrients. So, drinking it offers the necessary nutrients to ease inflammation caused due to the condition. Bone broth has nutrients like chondroitin and glucosamine. It speeds the healing of the tendon. Consuming a bowl of freshly prepared broth once a day will help you manage the condition better.

Massage With Cayenne Pepper And Olive Oil

You can massage the affected tendon with a mixture of cayenne pepper powder and olive oil. Warm two to three teaspoons of olive oil and mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Massage this mixture gently to the affected area. Leave it on for at least thirty minutes before you wash it off. Massage it by applying the mixture topically to the area two to three times a day. You can try drinking cayenne pepper by mixing one teaspoon of it in a glass of water and honey. Drink this mixture daily. Why is cayenne pepper one of the effective natural treatments for tendonitis? It is because cayenne pepper contains capsaicin. The compound has analgesic properties, which relieve pain and inflammation caused by the condition.

Take Vitamin C

You can consume foods rich in Vitamin C to heal inflammation faster. Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight inflammation. This vitamin can also synthesize collagen. So, it heals the inflamed tendons faster. You need to intake at least 100 to 500mg of vitamin C for faster healing. Include the following foods in your diet to incorporate vitamin C:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Citrus fruits

If you cannot include the suggested dose of vitamin C in your diet, then you need to talk to your doctor about taking supplements. The doctor can suggest the correct dose of vitamin C supplement you can take to heal faster.

One Of The Natural Treatments For Tendonitis: Use Ginger

Ginger root has powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It contains gingerol in it. So, it helps manage inflammation, pain, and other symptoms associated with the condition. You can either drink ginger tea or apply ginger tea to the affected area to get relief. For making tea, you need one to two inches of ginger. Add it to one cup of hot water and allow it to steep for at least five to ten minutes. You can drink this tea twice a day daily to see get relief from the discomfort caused due to tendon inflammation. Also, soaking a cloth in the ginger tea and applying it topically to the affected area can offer relief. Trying this method will help you recover from the condition faster.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is a well-known home remedy for pain and discomfort. You can use castor oil to massage the affected area and place a compress to get relief. It will work well as the castor oil contains ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, using it in the affected area helps alleviate pain and inflammation. To try this method, you need one tablespoon of cold-compressed castor oil along with a warm compress. Take a tablespoon of cold compressed castor oil in your palms and apply it to the affected area. You need to massage it gently around the affected area. Apply a warm compress over the massaged area. Leave it on for about twenty minutes. You can do this twice a day to see results.

One Of The Popular Natural Treatments For Tendonitis: Using Turmeric

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of curcumin. Curcumin also has analgesic properties that can help heal many ailments, including tendonitis. It will alleviate the symptoms and reduce the discomfort associated with the condition. Using turmeric can suppress the biological mechanisms, sparking the inflammation linked to tendon diseases. You can make a paste with turmeric powder with water. Apply it to the affected area. Wash it off with water after some time. You can also drink golden milk. It is easy to make golden milk by mixing one teaspoon of turmeric powder with one glass of hot milk. You can drink the concoction.

Apart from the natural treatments, the doctor can suggest medical treatment to manage the problem. When natural remedies fail to offer relief, it is necessary to seek medical assistance to get relief from the condition.

Other Treatment Methods Apart From Natural Treatments For Tendonitis

Some people may not get the desired relief from trying the natural treatments for tendonitis. If you cannot see changes in the condition after getting enough rest and using ice packs, then the doctor can suggest the following treatments:

  • You need to take prescription-strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen.
  • Take corticosteroid injections that have anti-inflammatory properties to manage pain.
  • Undergo physical therapy, which may involve massaging the affected area.
  • For a severe condition, undergo shock wave therapy to destroy the calcium deposits surrounding the tendon that can manage pain triggered.
  • You need to undergo surgery when the condition deteriorates due to leaving it affected tendon untreated for a long time, which causes the rupturing of the tendon.

When you are healing from the inflammation of the tendon or suffer a high risk of inflammation, then you need to pay attention to the diet.

One Of The Natural Treatment For Tendonitis: Best Diet

If you want to speed up your recovery from tendonitis, then you need to focus on the diet. With a customized diet plan, you can aid the recovery time of your tendon injuries. Including certain foods in the right amounts at specific times of a day can speed up the recovery process. A good diet can help the healing of tendons as well as muscle tears. A proper nutrition plan will have a positive influence on the repair process. It avoids inflammation and minimizes the muscle loss rate occurring during rest as well as the recovery period.

When you suffer from inflammation due to repetitive movements, then try to avoid any nutrient deficiencies. With inadequate consumption of vitamins and minerals, it can affect the wound healing stages. The right amount of calories along with the balance of macronutrients, specifically protein. It will exacerbate the loss of muscle, tendon, mass, along with its function. Here are some of the diet tips:

One Of The Natural Treatments For Tendonitis: The Foods You Can Eat

You can add foods with anti-inflammatory properties. Foods that act as one of the effective natural treatments for tendonitis are:

  • Vitamin C-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers, and papaya.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid food like walnuts, fatty fish, canola oil, flaxseed, and chia seeds.
  • Whole grains like oats, brown rice, and rye.

Foods You Need To Avoid

Certain foods can escalate the condition. It can cause inflammation and slow down healing. So, you need to avoid certain foods like:

  • Foods containing saturated fats like meat (lamb and steak) and high-fat dairy
  • Refined grains like white pasta, white bread, low-fiber cereals, and pretzels
  • The foods containing free sugar like pastries, soft drinks, and candies
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine

While you need to follow the diet tips to avoid inflammation, the prevention tips help prevent the recurrence of tendinitis.

How To Prevent The Condition Apart From The Natural Treatments For Tendonitis?

While natural treatments for tendonitis can offer effective results, it is better to take steps to prevent it. Preventing the condition is easier compared to treating it. So, it is the logical step to go a long way without suffering from pain or discomfort. You can apply the suggestions while you exercise or play sport along with leisure activities: Here are the tips to prevent the problem:

Take It Slow

Never put stress on your body by performing the high-intensity activity at once. You need to gradually build up the activity levels and ease them into the physical activity. It is necessary when you are exercising, playing sports, and weight lifting. You need to ease into the activity,  especially if you have remained inactive for a period. Gradually build up your strength and endurance to prevent problems.


Before any activity, you need to always warm up. It is especially a necessity when you are performing strenuous activity. First, move around for at least five minutes before performing the physical activity. You need to exercise the arms, torso, and legs. You can lift light weights as a warm-up activity before you lift heavyweights. When you put stress on the joints and tendons without warming up first will aggravate the tendons. It can quickly escalate to tendinitis.

Stretch Gently

You need to stretch the muscles as well as tendons gently before any activity and exercise. If you have tight muscles, then it will naturally exert more pull on the tendons as well as insertion. You need to hold each stretch for at least twenty to thirty seconds. You must not bounce. After performing the strenuous activity or exercise, you need to stretch again. You can maintain the body’s flexibility by performing the following:

  • Tai Chi
  • Pilates
  • Yoga

You can also perform other mind, body disciplines to keep the injuries away.

Restrict Repetitive And Forceful Movements

Repetitions and forceful motions can increase the risk of tendinitis. Some of the exercise movements (like sun salutations in Yoga) can put unnecessary strain on your wrist. It can also occur when you pay an intense tennis game for more than two hours without undergoing conditioning. Such repetitive movements can lead to tennis elbow. If you are performing such actions, then do it under the watchful eye of a coach or trainer.

Strengthen Tendons And Balance Muscles

You can try some light resistance as well as weight training to improve muscle and tendon strength. It is beneficial for the muscles. Your body has one muscle group, which appears stronger. The stronger muscles add stress to the joint. Never try it on your own. You need to work with a knowledgeable trainer to develop a series of exercises focusing on each muscle group. You need to repeat the three sets of exercises of ten to twenty repetitions. So these exercises three times a week. Never overdo the exercises. You need to gradually build up the strength.

Never Ignore Pain

You must never ignore the pain in your body. It is your body’s warning sign indicating some issue. So, pay attention to the pain you feel in the joints or tendons. Pain triggered in the areas may indicate that these areas are under too much strain or pressure. So, you need to give it rest. If pain is excruciating, then stop the activity or exercise entirely. Never push through the pain and put unwanted duress on the joints and tendons.

Modify Your Exercise/Joint Position

When you repeat the same movement or activity, it can trigger joint and tendon pain. So, try modifying the activity or pose. It is a proactive method to prevent tendinitis. For example, when you do exercises like plank, you might feel pain in the wrists. It occurs due to putting weights on the hands. So, you can modify the position of the wrist by wearing some wrist support accessories or use a prop like push-up bars. You can also change positions by doing the plank on the elbows. It will eliminate the pressure on the wrist tendons. You can also use soft joint supports. It offers mild compression while keeping the joint warm. So, it offers comfort.

You need to remember these tips while getting active. These tips will help you avoid tendinitis. Instead of trying different natural treatments for tendonitis, you can prevent the condition. Recognizing the condition early and taking positive steps to prevent the problem will avoid any discomfort. You may ignore mild pain. But, it is the first warning sign indicating the need to pay attention to the body. When you observe such issues, allow rest to the tendons. Consult a doctor early on to prevent the progression from mild to severe.


You have natural treatments for tendonitis, which you can try immediately when you observe the symptoms. Leaving the condition untreated for too long can cause serious complications. With immediate attention, you can treat simple conditions. When you ignore it, it can progress and become complicated. So, never delay getting treatment. Take the rest and follow the advice of the doctor. You can also follow the series of remedies suggested above to combat the condition and manage the symptoms successfully. Without necessary intervention, you may have to sit on the sidelines instead of playing sports you like.




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