Natural Treatments For Phlebitis – Symptoms, Causes and Prevention Tips

Several people search for natural treatments for phlebitis to avoid discomfort caused due to the condition. With proper treatment, it is possible to manage the condition. So, what is phlebitis? It refers to the tender stringy or warm structures you develop across the arm of the leg. Depending on the severity of the condition, you need treatment. Superficial problems can heal with natural remedies at home. While deep problems require medical assistance. But, you can discuss following the natural remedies along with the medical treatment to manage the problem and avoid serious consequences. Treating the condition will offer you the desired results. Read ahead to know more regarding the problem:

About Phlebitis

Phlebitis is the inflammation of a vein. Veins are blood vessels in your body that carry blood from your organs and limbs back to your heart. It occurs when you develop a blood clot. Depending on where the blood clot develops, you can classify it into two types. Here is the classification of the condition and its details:

Superficial Phlebitis

When the inflammation occurs in the superficial veins, you can name the condition superficial phlebitis. While it is not serious, you can get it evaluated by the doctor to rule out any complications. It develops in the veins close to your skin’s surface. People suffering from twisted or distended veins (varicose veins) can also develop phlebitis. Such veins are externally visible. You can try some natural treatments for phlebitis after consulting with the doctor to get relief. In most cases, the condition causes no serious complications. Here are some of the symptoms associated with the condition:

  • You see redness along any of the superficial vein
  • The affected area feels tender and warm to touch
  • You observe swelling of the affected vein
  • Experience itching around the affected area
  • Suffer from pain or soreness
  • You can observe hard lumps beneath the skin
  • The area affected has broken skin

Deep Vein Phlebitis

In some cases, the thrombus or blood clot develops in a deep-seated vein. Such a condition is known as deep phlebitis. Such a clot can result in the inflammation of the affected vein. The problem can also develop due to an infection, which can cause low-grade infection in the deep vein. Deep vein phlebitis can become a serious condition when the clot detaches from the vein and ends up obstructing the artery in the lung, which gives rise to the condition known as pulmonary embolism. Here are some of the symptoms associated with the condition:

  • Development of lumps in the affected limb
  • Suffer from a low-grade fever
  • See swelling or pain in the affected area

If the condition escalates to PE, then observe shortness of breath

The Need For Natural Treatments For Phlebitis: Underlying Causes

Any condition irritating, or injuring the veins can lead to phlebitis. Such irritation or injuries can trigger inflammation in the affected veins. The intrinsic or extrinsic underlying cause can lead to the condition. The underlying causes of phlebitis based on the type are:

Causes Of Superficial Phlebitis

Superficial type of condition occurs due to the irritation or injury caused to the blood vessel lining. It develops due to the following:

  • Placement of an IV (Intravenous) catheter
  • When you get administered with irritating medications into the veins
  • Develop a small clot
  • You suffer from an infection

Underlying Causes Of Deep Vein Phlebitis

You develop deep vein phlebitis due to an injury or trauma in the deeper vein. The condition triggering the problems are:

  • Injury or irritation of the deep vein caused due to trauma like a serious injury, surgery, a broken bone, or previous DVT
  • Slower blood flow occurring due to the lack of motion when you are traveling for a long time in a car or bed recovering from a surgery
  • Your blood likely to clot more compared to normal, which occurs due to the use of medications, suffers from connective tissue disorders, cancer, or inherited blood clotting condition

Why Natural Treatments For Phlebitis Is Necessary? Complications Of The Condition

When you suffer from superficial thrombophlebitis, it may not cause severe complications. With natural treatments for phlebitis, you can prevent serious complications. But, deep phlebitis needs medical treatment. Without treatment, it can lead to the following complications:

Septic Thrombophlebitis

Developing superficial thrombophlebitis can cause infection of the surrounding skin. You can also develop wounds on the skin and bloodstream infections. The condition is referred to as septic thrombophlebitis. This condition can also occur when you are suffering from deep phlebitis. At times, people suffering from the infection can observe the formation of an abscess.

Pulmonary Embolism

People suffering from deep phlebitis can experience more serious complications like pulmonary embolism (PE). With the condition, a clot or a piece of the clot breaks away. It is then carried along with your bloodstream. At times, it can become in a blood vessel somewhere else. But, when the clots become lodged in the artery of your lungs, then it can cause irreversible complications. The condition is known as deep vein thrombophlebitis, which permanently damaged your veins. It can also result in a condition known as a post-phlebitic syndrome. Due to the problem, you can see chronic swelling as well as pain in the affected area. A person suffering from PE can experience the following symptoms:

  • Unexplained shortness of breath
  • Cough up blood
  • Experience chest pain
  • Rapid breathing
  • Suffer from pain with deep breathing
  • Observe fast heart rate
  • Feel lightheaded or pass out

You need to visit the hospital immediately when you see the signs associated with PE. Never ignore the symptoms as the condition comes under a medical emergency. So, it requires immediate medical treatment.

Risk Factors Associated With Phlebitis

When you realize you face a high risk of developing DVT, you will take the necessary steps to protect yourself. You can develop a proactive plan after consulting the doctor to prevent the problem. It also eliminates the need to find natural treatments for phlebitis. Here are some of the risk factor associated with the condition:

  • A previous history of DVT
  • Suffer from blood clotting disorders like factor V Leiden
  • Undergo hormone therapy or take birth control pills
  • You have prolonged periods of inactivity due to undergoing a surgery
  • Sit for a long time due to work or while traveling
  • Suffer from certain cancers or undergo cancer treatments
  • You are pregnant
  • Smoking
  • Misuse of alcohol
  • You are overweight or obese (have a greater BMI than required)
  • Old age (Over 60 years of age)

When You Require Natural Treatments For Phlebitis: Diagnosing The Condition

When you see the symptoms associated with the condition, consult a doctor. While some cases may not need any special tests, others require thorough evaluation. If you developed a blood clot, triggering the inflammation, several tests are required to confirm it. Here are some of the diagnostic tests:

Ultrasound Tests

Your doctor can suggest an ultrasound test of the affected limb. Using the sound waves, the ultrasound test can show the blood flowing through your arteries and veins. Your doctor may order an ultrasound of your affected limb. An ultrasound uses sound waves to show the flow of blood through your veins and arteries. Other imaging tests like a CT scan, venography, or an MRI is suggested by the doctor when the ultrasound test does not provide a conclusive answer. These imaging tests offer a clear picture.

Blood Tests

At times, the doctor would wish to assess the d-dimer. The doctor can also take the blood samples to test for the blood clotting disorder causing the deep vein phlebitis.

For inflammation of the superficial veins, you can try the home remedies. The natural treatments for phlebitis overcome the problem. But, serious cases require medical intervention. It is better to seek advice from the doctor before choosing any treatment.

Medical Intervention Apart From Natural Treatments For Phlebitis

Home remedies alone will not heal the condition. Remember, the natural treatments for phlebitis are effective only when it is superficial. For deep vein phlebitis, you need to discuss the home remedies option with the doctor and use it in parallel with the medical treatment. But, seeking assistance from the doctor is essential for managing the problem effectively.

Treatment For Superficial Phlebitis

In most cases, superficial phlebitis heals with home treatment. The natural treatments for phlebitis can work well. For infection triggering blood clots, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Here are the options available:

Medical Treatment Apart From The Natural Treatments For Phlebitis

In most cases, superficial phlebitis can go away with simple steps at home. You can try the natural treatments for phlebitis to get relief. The treatment suggested by the doctor include:

  • Removing the IV catheter causing the inflammation of the vein
  • For suspected infection, take antibiotics
  • Place warm compress

Such simple steps can manage the problem without causing any complications.

Medical Treatment For Deep Phlebitis

Deep phlebitis requires immediate medical attention. You need to get help from a doctor to get the necessary treatment. The treatment includes:

Prescribe Anticoagulants

You need to take anticoagulants that make it harder for the blood to clot. The doctor prescribes blood-thinning medication like enoxaparin at first. It is the injectable medication that offers instant results. Warfarin is also started by the doctor immediately once you get treatment, but it takes a few days for reaching the therapeutic levels in your blood. So, enoxaparin can bridge the gap until warfarin takes effect.

Undergo Thrombectomy

When the deep vein phlebitis is extensive and triggers significant with the blood flow in the limb, the doctor suggests thrombectomy. It is the procedure to remove the clot or dissolving it. During the procedure, the surgeon inserts a wire as well as a catheter into the affected vein. It is to break up the clot by dissolving using medication or remove it. So, the procedure uses medications like tissue plasminogen activators or performs both dissolving and removing the clot.

Inserting Filter

Inserting a filter into the vena cava, one of the major blood vessels is recommended by the doctor when you suffer from deep vein phlebitis. It is recommended for people who face a high risk of suffering from a pulmonary embolism, but cannot take anticoagulants. While the filter may not prevent the blood clots from forming, it will prevent the blood clot pieces from traveling to the lungs.

This surgery can cause many complications. So, you need to discuss the complications associated with the procedure and the steps to minimize them. Always listen to the instructions provided by healthcare professionals and follow them. When you follow them, it will minimize the risk factors associated with developing deep vein phlebitis in the future.

Natural Treatments For Phlebitis

Never attempt to self-diagnose the problem as it can prevent you from evaluating the condition properly. Without medical treatment, the infection or blood clot can escalate. It will trigger severe complications. After proper evaluation and diagnosis, you can manage and improve the conditions at home. Some natural treatments can offer relief from severe symptoms. Before following any of the methods, you need to consult the doctor.

Apply Heat Or Ice Pack

An ice pack can offer relief from the swelling and pain triggered due to thrombophlebitis. The cold from the pack will numb the affected area and offer temporary relief. Applying a warm compress offers you immediate relief. It improves blood circulation in the affected area and helps manage pain. To get the desired relief, you can place the compress on the affected area (your leg or arm). Leave the compress on the affected area for a minute or two. Then, you can remove the compress. Do this at least once a day to get relief.

Use Essential Oils: One Of The Natural Treatments For Phlebitis

Essential oils offer relief from several ailments. It is also used to manage the symptoms associated with superficial phlebitis. It is one of the natural treatments for phlebitis to manage the discomfort and pain caused by the problem.

One Of The Natural Treatments For Phlebitis: Helichrysum Oil

Helichrysum oil has analgesic and local anesthetic properties. So, when you apply it to the affected area, it provides immediate relief. If you suffer from uncomfortable symptoms like inflammation or pain, then it is the best treatment to overcome them. You can take three drops of helichrysum oil and mix it with one teaspoon of carrier oil like olive or coconut oil. Mix the oils well and apply it to the affected areas. You need to leave it for at least thirty to sixty minutes before washing it off. You can do this at least two to three times a day to see results.

Peppermint Oil

Using peppermint oil is one of the natural treatments for phlebitis. You need to take two to three drops of peppermint oil. Mix the essential oil with one teaspoon of carrier oil like olive or coconut oil. Then, apply the mixture to the affected area. You can leave it on the affected area for twenty to forty minutes. Wash it off with water. You can apply the oil at least two times a day. How is it effective? Peppermint oil has menthol in it. So, it helps relieve pain and inflammation caused by the condition. Applying the oil can stimulate the blood flow to the affected area. So, it dissolves any clots.

Lemon Juice And Baking Soda

Combining lemon juice and baking soda can help reduce the inflammation you develop in the veins. The potent mixture has strong anti-inflammatory properties. So, you can alleviate the discomfort caused by the condition. The combination also enhances the immunity of the people affected by phlebitis. The method requires one teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of baking soda in one glass of water. Mix all the ingredients well. Drink this mixture one to two times daily. It is one of the natural treatments for phlebitis

One Of The Natural Treatments For Phlebitis: Take Vitamins

To manage this condition, you can include food rich in vitamins to deal with the condition. Including vitamins like Vitamin D, C, and A can help deal with the problem. The vitamins possess antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to treat thrombophlebitis as well as its symptoms. You can include foods like milk, spinach, avocados, kale, citrus fruits, eggs, and cheese. These foods provide you with the necessary vitamins to avoid blood clots. If you cannot include such foods in your diet, then you need to consult a doctor or nutritionist regarding taking additional supplements.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of acetic acid. It can effectively fight inflammation, pain, and swelling associated with the condition. To get results, you will need one glass of warm water and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. You can consume the mixture immediately. Drink this mixture one to two times daily.

One Of The Natural Treatments For Phlebitis: Use Aloe Vera

You may have heard about the effective results offered by aloe vera on the skin. It also acts as one of the natural treatments for phlebitis. The topical application of aloe vera on the affected area can manage the symptoms. It is because of the natural healing properties of aloe vera. For trying this method, you need to apply the freshly extracted aloe vera gel. Leave the gel for at least thirty minutes and then rinse it off. You can apply the gel at least two to three times a day to see the best results.

While the natural treatments for phlebitis can heal the symptoms associated with the condition, you need to take steps to avoid its recurrence. Some people who have managed to get relief from the condition can develop it again. So, preventive measures are essential to avoid suffering from the problem again.

Preventing Phlebitis Apart From Trying Natural Treatments For Phlebitis

If you are facing the risk of developing a blood clot, then you need to maintain caution. Take some steps to avoid the formation of blood clots. Here are some of the key prevention strategies:

Avoid Injury

While DVT usually has more to do with your overall heart health, superficial phlebitis often occurs after an injury to the leg, says Katz.

Give It Rest And Warmth

When you suffer from pain or swelling caused due to thrombophlebitis, then you need to take rest and take some steps to get immediate relief. Elevate your legs immediately and apply a warm compress. Rest and warmth can offer relief from the symptoms. When you elevate the limbs, it helps the movement of blood while the warm compress will increase the blood circulation, which will aid in dissolving the clot.

One Of The Preventive Measure And Natural Treatments For Phlebitis: Get Some Exercise

One of the natural treatments for phlebitis is including exercise. It is also an effective preventive measure to keep it from coming back. When you exercise, your muscles become stronger and more toned. So, it boosts the efficiency of the blood flow. It effectively reduces the risk of developing a blood clot. Try to become physically active by including exercises like walking.

Make An Attempt To Walk More

You need to move more. So, choose to walk when you have to ride. Take stairs when instead of the lift to promote blood circulation in your legs. If you have a desk job, which makes you sit for a longer time, then take small breaks. During the break, you can walk around your desk. Making a long trip by car? Then, people who have experienced phlebitis in the past need to stop frequently to ensure good blood flow to the legs. When only wheels are in motion, it increases your chances of developing a blood clot. Make more than one pit stop and walk shorter distances to ensure blood circulation. Such exercises can overcome the slowing down of blood circulation happening due to sitting down for long periods.

Beware While Traveling By Flights

Most people traveling by flights for a long duration can see the swelling of their legs. It is more common among people suffering from deep vein thrombophlebitis. Due to the condition becoming common, it is also referred to as an economy class syndrome. It gets its name because it is common among people traveling by economy class. The cramped seats and no area for leg movement results in the problem. It rarely strikes people who travel by first-class as it has roomy seats. To prevent such problems while traveling by flights, you need to get up and walk. After every hour, you can walk to keep the blood circulating. Also, people with increased risk can request an aisle seat to get up and walk easily.

If you cannot find an aisle seat, then you can do some exercises sitting in the seat to keep the blood flowing. You need to simply tense and flex the muscles in the leg area for a few seconds, then release them. It will improve the blood circulation to your legs. You can also lift your feet while contracting the muscles in the calves. You can also search for other exercises that you can do in your seat.

Know Your Risks

If your doctor has already diagnosed thrombophlebitis once, then there are high chances of suffering from it again. People who are taking bed rest due to illness or mobility issues experience a higher risk of suffering from the problem. Discuss your options with the doctor. If you cannot avoid prolonged bed rest, then you can talk to your doctor about avoiding specific risks like elective surgery. People prone to clotting disorders need to skip surgeries increasing the risk. Discussing the risk factors associated with surgery with your doctor will help make the right decisions. Getting up and moving around immediately after surgery will prevent the risk of blood clots.

Wear Support Stockings For Some Relief

Talk to your doctor about wearing compression or support stocking to prevent the development of clots. These types of stockings are available in the department and drug stores. Using it can impede the pooling of blood in the small blood vessels closest to your skin. While no scientific evidence points to the benefits of using stockings in preventing thrombophlebitis, it can offer pain relief. So, some people can see improvement in the condition. So, if you are prone to swollen ankles, legs, or varicose veins, then wear the support stockings.

Follow A Healthy Diet: One Of The Natural Treatments For Phlebitis

While no direct link exists between thrombophlebitis and nutrition, eating a healthy diet will improve blood circulation. Also, maintaining a healthy diet will improve your health and improve blood circulation. So, it in turn will reduce your chances of experiencing thrombophlebitis or the most serious complication, DVT (deep vein thrombosis). Include a well-balanced diet with a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, add whole grains and lean sources of protein to your diet. Including anti-inflammatory food items like garlic will reduce your chances of suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Stay Hydrated

You need to drink plenty of water to keep the hydration levels in the body. When your body loses more fluids compared to the intake, it results in dehydration. Dehydration increases your chances of developing a blood clot. Developing blood clots can enhance the chances of suffering from thrombophlebitis. So, drink at least eight to ten glasses of water to maintain the water balance in the body.

Include Exercise Regularly

It is important to take steps to prevent blood clots. So, you need to include exercise in your routine to avoid swelling of calves and ankles. You need to move your legs regularly. So, take a walk, flex your ankles, or practice yoga poses encouraging stretching to improve blood circulation in your legs. Pressing the feet against the footrest or floor at least ten times every hour will help prevent clots.

Take Medications

If you already suffered from blood clots, then you need to maintain caution. Follow the instructions suggested by the doctor. Take medications like blood thinner as suggested.


Natural treatment for phlebitis is effective in quick healing of the condition without lasting complications. The superficial type of condition can heal with these natural remedies. But, DVT needs medical treatment. So, you can discuss trying the natural remedies with the doctor. You can try these remedies along with regular medical attention to avoid escalation of the condition.


Phlebitis: 5 Natural Ways to Improve Swollen Vein Symptoms



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