Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain,Symptoms, Causes, And Tips

Natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain can help you get relief from the pain. It can heal the injury caused to the Achilles tendon due to overuse. The inflammation of the tendon connecting the calf muscles at the back of your lower leg to the heel bone can make it difficult to walk or run. The inflammation, also known as Achilles tendinitis usually affects runners who increase the intensity or duration of the runs suddenly rather than gradually increasing it. The Achilles tendon inflammation can also affect middle-aged people who play sports like basketball or tennis. Even if they play sports only on weekends, it can affect the tendons.

The condition is easy to treat at home with natural remedies. But, it is better to rule out serious complications by seeing a doctor. Under a doctor’s supervision, you can try the home remedies to manage and prevent recurring episodes of the condition. In serious cases, you suffer from tendon tears or ruptures. It requires surgical intervention for repairing and healing. Read ahead to know more about it.

About Achilles Tendonitis And The Need For Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon refers to the tendon connecting the calf muscles to the heels. What are tendons? It refers to the band of fibrous collagen attaching the muscles to the bone. You can also call the Achilles tendon as calcaneal tendon. When the specific tendon suffers from inflammation or injuries, then you suffer from Achilles tendonitis. Achilles tendonitis or tendinitis is an uncomfortable condition affecting at least 2%of the general population. In an active group of people, the condition affects more than 42% of the people. It is common among people who perform certain physical activities or chores inflaming the tendon. People who are actively involved in sports or dancing are more susceptible to the condition. The activities exerting sudden pressure on your heel can cause injury or suffer from tears. Activities like jumping or skipping make you prone to tendon tear or rupture.

When you suffer from mild to moderate injury, you can treat it at home. Natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain can offer relief from the discomfort caused due to the condition. It helps relieve the burning pain as well as stiffness in the area around the tendon. But, severe cases can cause unbearable pain. Partially torn or completely ruptured tendons need immediate medical attention. It required prescription treatments or invasive procedures. Read ahead to know more about it.

Causes Of Achilles Tendon Pain

When you indulge in activities requiring to increase or decrease speed all of a sudden can put a strain on your Achilles tendon. So, you suffer from Achilles tendon inflammation due to the following activities:

  • Play sports like baseball, volleyball, tennis, or football
  • Perform gymnastics
  • Take part in running
  • You like to dance

Even sports activities like softball and basketball can injure your Achilles tendon. Such injuries usually occur when you push and lift your feet off the ground rather than when you land.

Risk Factors Associated With Achilles Tendon Pain

Does Achilles tendon pain affect everyone? Certain factors increase the risk of suffering the tendinitis compared to others. Here are the risk factors associated with the problem:

  • The condition is common among men compared to women.
  • Achilles tendonitis affects people as they age. So, advanced age can make you vulnerable to the condition.
  • When you already suffer from physical problems of the foot, it increases the chances of suffering from the problem. A flat arch occurring naturally in the foot increases the strain on the Achilles tendon. Tight calf muscles and obesity also increases strain on the tendons.
  • Your training choice can increase the risk of the condition. Wearing worn-out shoes increases the risk of Achilles tendinitis. Also, you can experience pain more frequently in cold weather compared to warm weather. People choosing to run on hilly terrain also have a high risk of suffering from Achilles injury.
  • Suffering from medical conditions like high blood pressure or psoriasis increases your risk of suffering from Achilles tendinitis.
  • Using certain medications can increase the risk of suffering from Achilles tendinitis. Taking a specific type of antibiotics like fluoroquinolones increases the rate of suffering from Achilles tendinitis.

Signs And Symptoms Indicating The Need Of Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendinitis

When do you know you have to try the natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain? You need to take immediate action when you suffer from mild to moderate pain above your hell. You will feel this pain while stretching the ankle or when you try to stand on the toes. The affected area also has the following signs:

  • Appears stiff or swollen
  • Develop tenderness or inflammation
  • You see bruises
  • Suffering an injury on the Achilles tendons makes a popping or snapping noise when it ruptures or tears. Some people also experience a shooting pain while they take a step by pushing their toes off the ground.

Complications When You Fail To Try Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain

It is important to handle the inflammation as early as possible. Without intervention, Achilles tendinitis can escalate. It starts weakening the tendon. So, it becomes more susceptible to a rupture or tear. A rupture is a serious injury requiring invasive procedures to repair it.

How To Detect The Need For Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain

How can you detect you need to try the natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain? When you see the symptoms associated with the condition, you need to see the doctor. Your doctor can conduct several tests to diagnose the problem and its severity. When your doctor indicates you suffer only from a mild case of inflammation, then you can try the home remedies. For severe and persistent cases, medical treatment can offer relief. When you go to a doctor, you have to undergo the following tests:

 Physical Exam

The doctor performs a thorough assessment to check for the inflammation. So, you need to walk or run as suggested by the doctor to look for the problems triggering the injury. Other tests are performed during the physical assessment like the calf squeeze test. It is the test involving squeezing the injured tendon while trying to move the leg. If you have a torn or ruptured Achilles tendon, then you will find it difficult to move the leg. For minor injuries, you can try the natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain. But, serious injuries need proper detection and treatments.

Imaging Tests

For serious injuries, your doctor suggests sophisticated imaging tests to assess the severity of the condition. Here are one or more tests suggested by the doctor to detect the problem:


While x-rays are not effective in visualizing the soft tissues like tendons, they help rule out other conditions triggering similar symptoms.


Ultrasound examination uses sound waves to visualize soft tissues. So, it is the most common test used to detect the issues with the Achilles tendon. Using the test, the doctor can see real-time images of the affected Achilles tendon while in motion. The blood flow around the tendon is visualized using the color Doppler ultrasound. It helps to evaluate many problems.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is one of the sophisticated imaging tests used to provide detailed images of the Achilles tendon. The imaging tests use a strong magnet along with radio waves to produce such clear images.

Medical Treatment When Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain Offers No Relief

Achilles tendonitis usually responds to home care measures. So, you will get relief from the discomfort with the natural treatments for Achilles pain. But, when the signs and symptoms do not go away or become severe and persistent, then you need other treatment options:

Medications When Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain Fails To Offer Relief

To get relief from pain and discomfort, then your doctor can suggest over-the-counter pain medications like naproxen or ibuprofen. If you fail to get relief, then the doctor prescribes prescription-strength medication to reduce inflammation along with pain.

Undergo Physical Therapy

In some cases, you need to undergo physical therapy. The physical therapist offers the following options to manage the inflamed Achilles tendon.

Stretches And Strengthening Exercises

Physical therapists suggest some stretching and strengthening exercises to promote healing of the inflamed tendons. These exercises also strengthen the Achilles tendons along with the supporting structures. In some cases, the therapists suggest special types of strengthening technique known as eccentric strengthening to heal the inflammation and discomfort. The techniques use slow let down of weight after you raise it. This is highly effective for persistent Achilles problems.

 Orthotic Devices

When natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain fails to get you relief, then your doctor can use orthotic devices. Your doctor can suggest using a shoe wedge or insert to slightly elevate the heel. It helps get relief from strain on the tendon. The orthotic device can also act as a cushion to lessen the amount of force exerted on the Achilles tendon.

Surgery When Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain Fails

When several months of trying the conservative treatments fail to work or when you suffer from tearing of the tendon, it requires invasive surgery. Your doctor suggests surgery to repair the Achilles tendon to get relief from pain and inflammation.

Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain

You can try the effective natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain. The home remedies are easy to try. But, before trying them, you need to consult the doctor. After getting the suggestions from the doctor, you can try the natural remedies. If you get no relief from the treatments, you need to get medical assistance. For the severe complications like tendon rupture, then you need invasive treatment methods like surgery. Here are some home remedies you can try to ease pain and swelling:

Place Ice Pack

An ice pack can numb the affected tendons. So, it will reduce pain caused due to the condition. Ice constricts the blood vessels in the affected region. Applying ice to the affected area will reduce the swelling. Limit icing the affected area to fifteen to twenty minutes every four to six hours. You can repeat this step, at least two to three times a day. When you place the ice, never place it directly. You need to put a cloth or towel between the ice and the skin.

Take Rest To Manage Achilles Tendon

When you suffer from an injury to the Achilles tendon, the doctor suggests taking rest. Offering rest to the affected tendon for a few weeks will help to alleviate the symptoms. Resting takes off the pressure on the affected tendon and allows the inflammation to heal faster. While healing from the condition, you can use the crutch for support.

One Of The Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain: Apply Castor Oil

Castor oil is effective in alleviating swelling, pain, and inflammation. It contains ricinoleic acid, which helps heal the Achilles tendon. Massaging the affected area with castor oil and placing a hot compress will speed up the healing. You need to take one tablespoon of castor oil and slowly massage it on the affected area. Then, place a hot compress to effectively manage the inflammation. Leave the compress for twenty minutes. You can do this two times a day to see results.

Include Vitamins

You can suffer from musculoskeletal pain due to a deficiency of vitamin D. Studies also indicate the effectiveness of taking vitamin C supplements in speeding the healing of an inflamed or injured Achilles tendon. So, you need to consume foods rich in vitamin C and D for recovering faster from tendon pain. You can include the following in the diet:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Cheese
  • Fatty fish
  • Egg yolk

Drink Turmeric Milk

Turmeric is one of the well-known home remedies used for managing several problems. From dealing with skin problems to boosting immunity, turmeric has healing properties. It has a highly beneficial compound like curcumin. So, the intake of turmeric can speed up the healing of the inflammation of the inflamed Achilles tendon. You need to mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one glass of hot water. Mix it well and consume it once a day. Drinking it at night will offer better results.

Massage: One Of The Effective Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon

Deep tissue massage will heal the inflammation of the tendon. It is one of the natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain as it stretches the affected tendon. It is one of the best massage styles for treating pain. Deep tissue massage combines slow strokes and firm pressure to reach the deep layers of your fascia and muscles. So, it restores tissue elasticity. It reduces the strain on the injured Achilles tendon. Massaging can alleviate pain and inflammation due to an increase in blood circulation. Boosting circulation breaks the scar tissue, which will reduce swelling.

One Of The Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon Pain: Use Essential Oils

Essential oils contain properties to heal different ailments. You can use the essential oil for quick pain relief and selling. It is effective in tackling all the problems associated with tendonitis. Some of the essential oils are used for targeted pain relief. Let’s see the best one for dealing with Achilles tendonitis.

Peppermint Oil: One Of The Effective Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon

Peppermint oil exhibits anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of menthol. It can heal inflammation as well as swelling developing around the injured tendon. Massaging with peppermint oil can help you reduce the pain and swelling in the Achilles tendon. You need six drops of peppermint oil and one teaspoon of any carrier oil (olive or coconut oil). Mix the oils and massage the mixture gently on the affected tendon for a few minutes. You can leave the oil on for at least thirty minutes before you rinse it off with water. If you are comfortable, leave the oil mixture on the affected area overnight. Do this at least one to two times a day to see the desired results.

Massage With Myrrh Oil

It is one of the natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain offering immediate relief. While the effects are temporary, you can manage the discomfort by using it on the affected area. Myrrh oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Myrrh oil contains plant compounds. So, it signals the brain that you feel no pain. Using the essential oil will block your body’s production of inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals are responsible for triggering pain and swelling. For seeing the desired results, you need to add six drops of myrrh oil with one teaspoon of carrier oil (coconut or olive oil). Mix it well and massage it gently on the affected area for at least half an hour. Massage the affected area gently. You can rinse it off after the specified time. Do this at least two times a day to see results.

Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. So, drinking ginger tea can offer great benefits. It is one of the effective natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain. You need two inches of ginger and one cup of water for making ginger tea. Add ginger to the water and allow it to boil in a saucepan. To allow seeping of ginger into the water, you need to simmer for at least five minutes. Strain the liquid and allow it to cool. You need to drink this tea at least two times a day to manage pain and discomfort caused by the inflammation of the tendons.

One Of The Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon: Bone Broth

Bone broth contains glucosamine and chondroitin. So, it helps heal the tendons quickly. You can prepare it by simmering bones along with the connective tissue of animals. The stock you obtain by simmering has high nutrition. You can use it in gravies, sauces, and soups. You can also consume it as a health drink to speed up the healing. Consume a glass (or eight ounces) of freshly prepare the bone broth.

Take Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids offer several benefits to your health. When you intake the nutrient will improve the healing of the ligament injuries. Consuming omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids enhances the entry of the new cells in the inflamed tendons. So, it speeds up the collagen synthesis. You need to at least 250mg to 500mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily for better healing. You can increase the intake of the following foods for combating inflammation and aid faster recovery:

  • Flaxseed
  • Fatty fish
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts

If you cannot include the suggested dosage in your regular diet, then consult a doctor to get supplements. Your doctor can prescribe the dosage needed for better results.

While natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain can offer relief from the discomfort, you need to take proactive steps to prevent the problem from recurring.

Preventing Achilles Tendonitis

While natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain can make you comfortable, it is better to prevent the condition itself. No sure methods can avoid the problem completely. But, you can take adequate self-care measures to reduce the risk of developing the inflammation. Here are some of them:

Ease Into Activity Gradually

Never increase the activity levels suddenly. It increases the pressure on your Achilles tendon. So, you need to increase the activity level gradually. If you are beginning an exercise program or starting to move after a long absence, start slowly. You need to gradually increase the duration as well as the intensity of the training. Easing into the activity will prevent conditions like Achilles tendonitis.

Take It Easy

When you performing activities placing extensive stress on the tendons, then warm-up before the activity. Excessive stress on tendons caused by activities like hill running needs exercising at a slower pace first. When you experience pain during a particular exercise, you need to stop it immediately. Take rest before resuming it. Never rush as it will do more harm than good.

Choose Shoes Carefully

Your feet bear the weight of your body. So, when you exercise, it puts stress on the tendons and muscles of the feet. Use a good shoe with cushioning to provide support for the heel. You need to wear shoes while you exercise to get the necessary support. While choosing the shoes, opt for ones with firm arch support. It helps reduce the tension in the Achilles tendons. Improper shoes can cause inflammation of the Achilles tendons. People who are wearing high heels can experience Achilles tendonitis because such footwear never allows the tendons to fully tendons. It results in the shortening of the tendons. Therefore, high heels make the tendon more vulnerable to over stretching and tearing.

Replace Worn Shoes

Replacing your worn-out shoes is an important step to prevent Achilles tendonitis. When your shoes are not in good condition, they fail to support the feet. It puts more strain on your tendons. It results in over-stretching during the heel strike. So, make sure the footwear is in good condition. Also, you need to check your running shoes often. Replace them before they lose the ability to offer protection to the tendon.

Stretch Daily

You need to take time to stretch your calf muscles along with the Achilles tendon. It is essential for the quick healing of the tendons to avoid inflammation from affecting the area. Take time in the morning before and after exercise to ensure flexibility. If you have suffered from the condition earlier and tries natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain, then avoid recurrence by including these stretches.

Runner’s Stretch

When you suffer from inflamed Achilles tendon, it can cause discomfort. It triggers a tightened feel. So, to offer relief, you need to try runner’s stretch. You get relief due to the loosening of the tendon.

Toe-To-Wall Stretch

At times, a runner’s stretch can cause discomfort to the shoulders. To manage such small discomforts, you can try toe-to-wall. Practicing such stretches places less pressure on your upper body. Just like a runner’s stretch, practicing the stretch can boost mobility as it reduces stress on your Achilles tendon.

Heel Drop

You can do another stretch known as heel drop. It is possible to practice the exercise on a stepladder or staircase. While using a stepladder, make sure you use it in a locked position.

Strengthen Calf Muscles Apart From The Natural Treatments For Achilles Tendon

You can also do exercises apart from the natural treatments for Achilles tendon to manage and avoid the inflammation. Exercises can strengthen the heel muscles and calf. These muscles are attached to your Achilles tendon. Doing exercise will keep these muscles strong and will prevent any problems in the future. When you strengthen the calf and heel muscles it can help them handle stress better. So, it may not affect the Achilles with increased activity or exercise.


To strengthen your Achilles tendon, you can alternate high-impact activities with low-impact activities. So, you can mix activities like jumping and running with fewer impact exercises like swimming and cycling to strengthen the Achilles tendon.


Natural treatments for Achilles tendon pain will help manage the inflammation and pain caused due to injury to the tendons. But, if you do not get relief, then see a doctor. It requires medical treatment. With proper attention and care, you can avoid the condition from escalating. So, pay attention to your leg and take measures to deal with Achilles tendonitis.


10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Achilles Tendon Pain

5 Home Treatments for Achilles Tendon Injuries


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