Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores

Most people search for natural remedies to get rid of canker sores. It is a common but annoying condition developing inside the mouth or on the gums. The pain caused by these sores, also known as aphthous ulcers make it difficult to eat or talk. While the sores may not cause lasting damage, in some cases, people suffer complications. With proper intervention, these sores heal within a couple of weeks. The easy-to-try home remedies can speed up the healing process. But, remember, it is no magic bullet. So, any remedy may not cure the sore overnight. You have several remedies that you can try at home. But, use them with caution. If you are not getting relief with the treatments, see a doctor.

Symptoms Of Canker Sores: When You Need To Try Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores?

When you see sores inside the mouth with an oval or round shape with a yellow or white center. It has a red border. It forms inside the cheeks, lips, on or under the tongue, on the soft palate, or at the base of the gums. Before you develop these sores, you observe a burning or tingling sensation. It occurs a day or two before the aphthous ulcers begin to appear. You can see different types of aphthous ulcers forming inside the mouth. Here are the different types and the signs associated with them:

Minor Canker Sores

It is the most common type. You can try some natural remedies to get relief from canker sores. The common ones have the following signs:

  • They have are small
  • Have oval shape with a red edge
  • Can heal without any scarring in one or two weeks

Major Canker Sores

Major types of the problem are less common and natural remedies to get rid of canker sores of such size may not prove effective always.

  • They are larger and deeper compared to minor canker sores
  • Small ones have round and defined border, but large ones have irregular edges
  • It can cause extreme pain
  • The sores may take up to six weeks to heal and causes extensive scarring

Herpetiform Canker Sores

Herpetiform canker sores usually develop later in life. It is uncommon and is not caused by herpes virus infection. They have the following characteristics:

  • Have pinpoint size
  • It usually occurs in clusters of ten or hundred sores, but can merge into a single, large cluster
  • The sores have irregular edges
  • It heals without scarring in one or two weeks

Need To Try Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores

It is important to manage sores inside the mouth as it can get worse. When you fail to manage it, it can lead to serious complications. So, you need to try natural remedies to get rid of canker sores. If you fail to get relief from the sores by trying natural remedies, then you need to see a doctor. The infection needs prescription treatment to get relief. Without treatment, here are some of the complications:

  • Discomfort or pain when you talk, brush your teeth or eat
  • Sores spreading outside the mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Cellulitis
  • Fever

When the canker sores cause you unbearable pain and start interfering with your life, then you need to see a doctor. Also, see a doctor when you develop these complications develop within a week or two of developing the sores inside the mouth. Bacterial infection can spread to other parts and creates a more serious problem. So, it is better to prevent or stop the possible cause of aphthous ulcers as early as possible.

Different Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores

Canker sores can appear anywhere inside your mouth. When these sores appear, it triggers excruciating pain. It also causes severe distress when your teeth come in contact with the sores. The obnoxious and painful sores are not contagious like cold sores. But, slow healing makes it difficult to eat or drink anything without experiencing pain. Luckily, you have several natural remedies to get rid of canker sores. You can try any of these methods to get relief from the pain and inflammation caused by the sores.

Apply Paste Using Alum Powder

Potassium aluminum sulfate is the main component of alum powder. You may have heard about the use of alum power to preserve food or to pickle vegetables. But, do you know alum has astringent properties? So, it helps shrink tissues and result in the drying out of sores. You can make a paste of alum powder with a drop of water. Dab this paste on the sores inside the mouth. You need to leave it for at least a minute. Then, rinse your mouth thoroughly. Repeat this process daily until you see a difference.

One Of The Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores: Salt Water Rinse

Salt can effectively kill bacteria causing the sores. So, rinsing the mouth with salt water is one of the simple and effective natural remedies to get rid of canker sores. It can dry out aphthous ulcers. To follow this go-to remedy, you need to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in half a cup of warm water. Swirl this salt solution in your mouth for at least fifteen to thirty seconds. Then, spit it out. You can repeat this multiple times every few hours to get relief.

Baking Soda Rinse

Baking soda is well-known for its pH balance restoration properties. Baking soda is used for ensuring oral hygiene. It can whiten the teeth. Baking soda is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help heal sores inside the mouth. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in half a cup of water. You can swirl this mixture in your mouth for fifteen to thirty seconds. Then, spit it out. You can repeat it every few hours as required. While swallowing may not cause any harm, it is super salty. So, try to avoid such incidents.

Apply Yogurt

The exact cause of aphthous ulcers remains unclear. But, some scientists believe it occurs due to infection by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). It can also occur due to inflammatory bowel disease. According to some studies conducted in 2007, the live probiotic culture can eradicate H. pylori and treat certain types of inflammatory bowel diseases. So, lactobacillus can handle the sores developing due to H. pylori or inflammatory bowel disease. Eating yogurt containing live probiotic cultures can aid in managing and healing sores developing on your mouth. To treat or prevent aphthous ulcers, you need to eat at least one cup of yogurt each day.

One Of The Effective Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores: Apply Honey

Honey is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. According to different studies, honey can heal sores developing inside the mouth. Applying honey directly on the mouth can reduce the sore size, pain, and redness. Using honey on the sores also prevents any secondary infection. You need to apply honey on the sores at least four times a day. While honey gives an effective result, all brands are not the same. The honey you get in grocery stores is pasteurized at high heat. So, it destroys all the essential nutrients. For getting the desired benefits, you need to use unpasteurized, unfiltered honey. Accessing Manuka honey is the best choice as it is less processed and also retains the healing properties. So, using it offers you the benefits.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and has natural healing properties. It also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. So, it can effectively heal sores inside your mouth faster. It is one of the natural remedies to get rid of canker sores. Using coconut oil on the sores can reduce the welling causes to the teeth rubbing against the sores often. So, it soothes pain and offers relief. It is better to opt for organic coconut oil made from fresh coconut without too much processing. As it is unrefined or unfiltered, it offers great beauty as well as health benefits. You need to use it several times a day for quick relief from the sores. Apply it generously on the sores directly to see them disappear within two days.

One Of The Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores: Hydrogen Peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide your aphthous ulcers promote speedy healing by cleaning the sore. It is because hydrogen peroxide can reduce the bacterial presence in your mouth. To use the product, you need to dilute hydrogen peroxide (3%) solution with equal parts of water. Now, dip a cotton ball or cotton swab in the hydrogen peroxide mixture. Apply the swab or ball directly on the sore. Repeat it for few times a day to see the difference. Using the mixture as a mouth rinse is another method of using it to heal the sores inside the mouth. Swish the mixture around the mouth for at least a minute. Then, you can spit it out.

Milk Of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia refers to the liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide. It is usually used for getting relief from constipation. It also acts as an antacid in offering relief from heartburn. Milk of magnesia is an acid neutralizer as well as a laxative. When you use it for your mouth, it can change in the pH of the mouth. So, the bacteria cannot thrive in the environment as milk of magnesium makes it unfavorable. It also coats the sores to prevent further irritation. You get relief from pain. Apply a small amount of milk of magnesia on the sore. Allow it to sit for several seconds. Then, rinse it off. You can repeat it at least three times a day.

Chamomile Compress: One Of The Effective Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Two compounds like azulene and levomenol offer these abilities. So, you can use chamomile as one of the remedies to get rid of caner sores. German chamomile can help fight the bacteria causing the sores. So, you can use a chamomile tea bag as a compress to soothe the discomfort caused by sores. To use it, you need to apply a wet chamomile tea bag on the sore directly. Leave it on the affected area for a few minutes. You can try other ways of using chamomile tea to heal aphthous ulcers like using it as a mouthwash. Use freshly brewed chamomile tea to rinse the mouth. Repeat it for at least three to four times a day to see the desired results.

Use Echinacea

Echinacea has wound healing as well as immune-boosting powers. It helps aphthous ulcers or prevents them from developing. You need to use one teaspoon of liquid Echinacea to equal parts of warm water. You need to swish the solution around the mouth. Do it for at least two minutes, then spit it out or swallow the mixture. Rinsing your mouth with Echinacea teal can offer great benefits. You can try to follow the treatment option up to three times a day.

Sage Mouthwash

Sage is effective in killing bacteria and viruses. It contains compounds helpful in reducing inflammation. So, it is used in managing canker cores. You can make sage tea and use it as a mouth wash or mouth rinse to treat many oral problems. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and astringent properties heal the distress and relieve pain. You can buy sage mouthwashes available in the pharmacies and use it as directed on the product. But, people who wish for natural mouthwash can make it at their home.

How can you make sage mouthwash? For making it, you need fresh sage leaves. Boil one cup of water and add one to two teaspoons of fresh sage leaves. Let it steep for at least five minutes. Switch off the flame and strain the liquid. Once the solution cools, you can use it as a mouthwash. Swish the rinse around the mouth for a couple of minutes. You can either swallow it or spit it out.

One Of The Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores: DGL Mouthwash

DGL mouth is made from an herbal licorice extract, deglycyrrhizinated licorice. While no scientific evidence supports it, DGL has anti-inflammatory abilities. So, it is used to heal stomach ulcers. You get DGL in supplement form. Using it, you can make mouthwash at home. For making the mouthwash, you need to take a DGL capsule (200 milligrams). Powder the capsule and mix it with one cup of warm water. Swish the solution around your mouth for some time. Then, spit it out.

You also get DGL in the form of a mouth patch. It helps shrink sores developing inside the mouth. Just apply the patch to the sore and leave it for at least thirty minutes. If you feel a DGL patch is the best option, then you can consult the dentist or doctor regarding where to purchase it.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Mouthwash

Apple cider vinegar has several properties, making it one of the best products for curing almost everything. It is used in skincare, haircare, and other home remedies to manage several issues. It is one of the natural remedies to get rid of canker sores. The acidic properties in ACV help kill the bacteria irritating your mouth. Use this treatment with caution as acidic foods usually worsen or trigger aphthous ulcers. Check how ACV works for you, then continue it.

You need to combine one teaspoon of ACV in one cup of water. You need to take some of this mixture and swish it in the mouth for at least thirty seconds. You can swish it for a minute if ACV causes no issues. Spit the mixture out and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Repeat this every day. Many websites indicate direct use of ACV on the aphthous ulcers using a cotton swab. But, the method is not beneficial for everyone. It is because the approach decreases healing time and causes pain as well as irritation in some people. Irrespective of the method of use, you need to rinse your mouth after using ACV. It is to prevent tooth enamel damage.

One Of The Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores: Zinc Lozenges

People with a weak immune system can suffer from aphthous ulcers frequently. It is because the bacteria triggering it can thrive in people with a compromised immune system. Zinc can boost your immune system. So, taking zinc lozenges regularly boosts your immune system. It can fight off the bacteria triggering aphthous ulcers. Taking zinc lozenges also decreases the healing time if you have developed a sore. You can purchase zinc lozenges at pharmacies or from online e-commerce platforms like Amazon. You can use it easily as you need to dissolve one in the mouth. It comes with a manufacturer’s direction on how you need to use it.

Vitamin B complex Supplement

A diet deficient in Vitamin B-12 can result in the development of aphthous ulcers. While it remains unclear how vitamin B-12 result in the development of the sore in your mouth, you need to include foods rich in the vitamin to overcome the problem. According to a study conducted in 2017, the participants who took 1,000 micrograms of Vitamin B-12 every day observed fewer aphthous ulcers. Taking the vitamin also reduces the development of sore, manages pain, and offers relief. Other B vitamins can also help manage the sores. So, talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin B-complex supplement as it contains all eight B vitamins. Discuss the side effects triggered due to

Watermelon Frost

Source: Amazon
Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores 1

Watermelon frost is used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure aphthous ulcers. But no scientific evidence exists indicating the effectiveness of this claim. It is available in different forms like tablet, powder, or spray. You need to apply it directly to the sore for quick healing of the sore and get faster pain relief. Chinese herbs are used with caution as they have high levels of mercury in it. You need to ensure high-quality of it to consider it safe. Therefore, purchase it from a reliable Asian herb store or online platform. You can also make it at home.

Next Step To Take When Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Canker Sores Fails

Most aphthous ulcers may not trigger any complication. So, it is not a cause for concern. The sores may not leave any lasting side effects. But, when the natural remedies to get rid of canker sores fails to provide relief, you need to see a doctor. It is also important to make an appointment with the doctor when you observe the following signs:

  • You have developed sores larger than normal
  • Develop multiple sores in your mouth
  • Formation of new sores before the old one heal
  • You see no change in the healing of sores even after two weeks
  • The sore in your mouth spreads to the lips
  • You suffer from extreme pain due to the sore
  • It becomes impossible to eat or drink due to the sores
  • You develop fever

See a doctor or dentist if you have a sharp or jagged tooth or a dental hygiene tool that causes sores inside the mouth.

Preventing Canker Sores

While you get relief by trying the natural remedies to get rid of canker sores, it is better to prevent them. But, aphthous ulcers have high chances of recurring. To reduce the frequency of the condition, you need to follow the tips suggested below:

Watch What You Eat

You can develop aphthous ulcers due to the food you eat. Certain foods can irritate your mouth. Here are some of the food items causing such issues:

  • Certain spices
  • Nuts
  • Salty foods
  • Chips
  • Acidic Fruits (oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, etc.)

You need to avoid foods triggering such reactions. If you are sensitive or allergic to certain foods, then stay away from them.

Include Healthy Foods

Certain nutritional deficiencies can result in the development of aphthous ulcers. So, to avoid such issues, you need to choose healthy foods. Healthy foods offer you all the nutrients needed for overall health. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.

Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Good oral hygiene habits are essential to prevent cavities and other dental issues. It is also effective in preventing aphthous ulcers. So, you need to brush regularly twice a day. Brushing in the morning and before going to bed can prevent dental issues. Brushing after the meals along with flossing once a day can keep the mouth clean. So, it keeps the mouth free from food items triggering a sore. Also, you need to use a soft brush to avoid irritation to soft and delicate mouth tissue. When you choose toothpaste and mouth rinses, avoid products containing sodium lauryl sulfate.

Safeguard Your Mouth

You need to protect your mouth from small injuries caused due to dental braces or other appliances. Consult your doctor regarding orthodontic waxes to cover any sharp edges causing injuries.

Manage Stress Levels

In some people, stress can trigger canker sores. So, managing stress is one of the natural remedies to get the risk of canker sores and avoid it from recurring. You need to learn and implement the stress-reduction techniques in your life to manage the negative energy. Here are some of the techniques to reduce stress:

  • Meditation
  • Guided Imagery
  • Yoga


You can manage minor sores with little intervention within a few days. The natural remedies to get rid of canker sores reduces pain and speeds the healing process. But, in some cases, the home remedies may not offer relief or the sores gets worse. Then, you need to get medical assistance as early as possible to avoid any complications.



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