Myopia (Nearsightedness) – Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment + Diet Tips

Myopia or nearsightedness is a common vision problem affecting children as well as adults. Due to the vision condition, you can see objects nearby clearly while your experience blurriness when trying to see objects farther away. It occurs due to the incorrect refraction (bending of light rays) due to the shape of your eyes. So, it results in focusing images in front of your retina. In normal cases, the images are focused on the retina. Nearsightedness can develop rapidly or gradually over time. It often worsens during childhood or adolescence.

As the condition tends to run in families, people who have blood relatives suffering from the issue need to undergo an eye examination. By making an appointment with an ophthalmologist, you can confirm the condition with a simple test. Remember, the condition has no cure. So, once you develop it, you need to take effective steps to compensate for the blurriness. Based on your specific requirement, you can use eyeglasses, contact lenses, or undergo refractive surgery to correct the vision problem.

Symptoms Of Myopia

People suffering from nearsightedness can experience the following problems:

  • Blurry vision while viewing objects at a distance
  • The needs to partially close the eyelids or squint to see properly
  • Severe eyestrain triggering headaches
  • Trouble seeing properly at night while driving a vehicle (night myopia)

Symptoms Of Myopia In Children

The vision problem is usually detected during childhood. So, parents observe the condition in children between the early school years through adolescence. Such children can show the following signs:

  • Squint persistently
  • Need to sit in front of the classroom to see the board clearly
  • Watch movies on TV by sitting near to it
  • Unaware of distant objects around them
  • Rub their eye frequently

See A Doctor For Myopia

When do you need to see a doctor for nearsightedness? People need to see an eye specialist immediately when they find it difficult to see things at a distance. Pronounced distance blur makes it difficult to perform the tasks well or the low-quality vision can make it difficult for you to enjoy the activities as you like. In such cases, you need to get your eyes tested. An ophthalmologist can determine the degree of your myopia. Depending on the severity of the condition, you can get the options to correct the vision. But, you need immediate medical care when you experience the following:

  • Flashes of light in one or both of your eyes
  • The sudden appearance of floaters (tiny specks that drift through the field of your vision)
  • A shadow (like a curtain) over your visual field

The above-mentioned signs are the warning indicating something serious like a rare complication of nearsightedness like retinal detachment. It requires immediate medical attention. You must also see an ophthalmologist as early as possible when you observe the following:

  • Sudden blurring of vision
  • See black spots or halos around lights
  • Double vision

Detect Myopia Early With Regular Eye Exams

Most people may not realize they suffer from eye problems. So, trouble with vision is detected only during the routine eye examination. To detect the problem early, you need to get your eyes tested at regular intervals. You can follow the intervals suggested below to catch eye problem at the earliest:

Eye Exam For Adults

Adults are at high risk of developing eye diseases like glaucoma. So, after the age of forty, adults need to get a dilated eye exam every one or two years. People who are not wearing prescription glasses or contact lens and suffer from no sign of eye diseases, then their chances of developing eye diseases are less. Such people can get an eye exam at the following intervals:

  • When you are in your 20s and 30s, get an eye exam every five to ten years
  • People in their 40s and early 50s need to check their eyes every two to four years
  • Aging adults in their mid-50s to early 60s need checking one to three years
  • After 65 years, you need an eye examination every one to two years

People who wear glasses or contact or suffer from underlying health conditions like diabetes that affects the eyes, then they need regular eye examinations. Such people need to consult their doctor regarding their examinations and schedule it accordingly. When you suffer from vision problems, schedule an appointment with the eye doctor as early as possible even when you have undergone eye tests recently. Eye problems like blurred vision indicate a prescription change or sign of another issue needing immediate attention.

Children And Adolescents

Children need regular eye screening to detect eye diseases. So, they need to consult a pediatrician, an optometrist, an ophthalmologist, or another trained screener. The intervals and ages to conduct the examination are:

  • Six months of age
  • Three years of age

You need to take your child for testing before they join first grade and every two years during the school years.

Causes Of Myopia

Your eyesight is important for seeing different things and overcoming any dangers. You see things because of two main parts:

The Cornea

It is the dome-shaped surface you can find in the front

The Lens

It is a clear structure that looks like an M&M candy with the same size and shape.

For focusing on things clearly, the above-mentioned parts must function properly. In a normally shaped eye, these parts have a perfect, smooth curvature that resembles a marble surface. This smooth curvature bend of the cornea and lens helps get a sharply focused imaged with the incoming light. The image is formed at the back of your eye, directly on the retina. So, how does nearsightedness occur? Due to refractive error where the abnormal shape of the eye does not bend light properly.

A Refractive Error

When the lens or cornea has uneven curvature, then the light ray may not refract properly. It results in a refractive error. The inability to refract properly occurs due to a longer eyeball or too steep curve of the cornea. It results in light focusing in front of the retina instead of on the retina. So, the distant objects appear blurry.

Other Refractive Errors Other Than Myopia

Is myopia the only eye problem caused due to refractive error? No, in addition to nearsightedness, people can also suffer from other problems due to refractive errors. Here are the common ones:


It is the condition occurring when you have a slightly curved cornea or your eyeball is shorter than normal. So, the effect is opposite to that of nearsightedness. Due to the condition, the objects far away are clear while the nearer object appears blurred.


It is another refractive error problem affecting people due to the aging of the lens in their eyes. So, it is common among people over forty years of age. Due to the condition, the lens of the eyes becomes rigid and inflexible. So, the eyes lose their ability to focus properly. People suffering from the problem cannot read from a close range. Usually, the common aging process occurs along with myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism.


This occurs when your cornea or lens is curved more steeply in one direction than in another. Uncorrected astigmatism blurs your vision.

Risk Factors Of Myopia

All people face a certain degree of risk associated with developing nearsightedness. But, some people face more risk compared to others. The factors influencing nearsightedness are:


Genetics plays an important role in developing nearsightedness. So, it runs in the family. If one or both the parents are nearsighted, then their children are at risk of developing the problem. if both parents are nearsighted, then the risk is higher compared to having a single parent suffering from myopia.

Environmental Conditions

Your environmental conditions can also result in the development of nearsightedness. It is common in people who stay indoors. So, the lack of time spent outdoors makes you vulnerable to eye problems.


The place where you hail can also influence the chances of developing the condition. This eye condition is common in people from some demographics like people from Asian or Middle Eastern roots.


Advanced age can also result in nearsightedness as older people suffer from the eye condition as an early sign of cataracts.

Complications Due To Myopia

Nearsightedness can result in several complications. You can face mild to severe problems due to the condition like:

Reduced Quality Of Life

When you fail to receive treatment for nearsightedness, then it affects the quality of your life. Uncorrected eyesight can reduce your ability to perform any of the tasks well. Due to limited vision, you find it difficult to complete all the tasks to the optimum. It will reduce your satisfaction.

Eye Strain

Uncorrected myopia can cause strain to your eyes. It is because you tend to strain or squint to maintain focus. Due to excess strain, you can suffer from headaches.

Impaired Safety

When you fail to correct your eyesight, then it puts your life in danger, but also jeopardizes the safety of others. It is specifically true for people who are driving a vehicle or operate heavy equipment at work.

Financial Burden

Vision problems can cause financial problems. Getting treatment for the chronic eye problems caused due to nearsightedness can put a huge dent in your pocket. The high cost of testing, medical treatments, corrective lenses, etc. can make you feel financially inadequate. Another problem is the loss of income due to vision reduction and loss. Some workplaces have an unfavorable environment for people with such conditions.

Other Eye Problems Due To Myopia

Severe nearsightedness can increase your risk of other vision problems like:

  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal detachment
  • Myopic maculopathy
  • Cataracts

The above-mentioned problems can cause damage to the central retinal region. So, people affected can suffer from stretching of the tissues in the long eyeballs. It also suffers from thinning, inflammation, or tears. Affected people can also suffer from weakening and bleeding of new blood vessels in the eye resulting in scarring.

Diagnosing Myopia

When you observe several signs indicating the presence of eye problems like nearsightedness, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. The eye doctor performs the following to detect the problem:

Eye Examination

Your eye doctor can detect the problem with an eye health examination. For the test, the doctor put eye drops in your eyes. These drops dilate the pupils. So, dilation helps your doctor can see any problem with the lens during eye examination as it offers a wider view. Remember, the eye drops can make your eyes light sensitive for a few hours after the examination. So, you need to take care of after the examination.

Refraction Assessment

Refraction assessment can help the doctor determine if you suffer from refractive errors. So it helps detect the following problems:

  • Farsightedness
  • Nearsightedness
  • Astigmatism
  • Presbyopia

The eye doctor uses different instruments to check your eye. You need to look through several lenses to check the close-up and distance vision. Based on the test results, your doctor suggests an ideal treatment meeting your needs.

Treatment For Myopia

In most cases, your eye doctor suggests treatment based on the severity of the condition. The standard goal of treating myopia includes improving vision by focusing the light on the retina. It is possible using a corrective lens or refractive surgery. The treatment also aims to manage regular monitoring of the following conditions like:

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal detachments/tears
  • Damage to central retinal areas

Here are the treatment options suggested by the ophthalmologist:

Prescription Lenses For Managing Myopia

The corrective lens is the first line of treatment to manage nearsightedness. The prescription lens can manage the condition by counteracting the increased length of your eye or the enhanced curvature of the cornea. The different types of prescription lens available are:


It is the most simple and safest method to overcome myopia as it sharpens your vision. You have a different type of lenses like:

  • Single vision lens
  • Bifocal lens
  • Trifocal lens
  • Progressive multi-focus lens

Contact Lenses

For people who cannot wear glasses or feel it is uncomfortable can opt for contact lenses. You have different types available like toric, spherical, and multifocal in different materials. You need to consult the eye doctor to know about the pros and cons associated with the contact lens and find the right one to suit your needs.

Refractive Surgery For Myopia

Refractive surgery reduces the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Your eye surgeon uses a laser beam to reshape the cornea, which results in a decreased nearsighted prescription. Even after surgery, you may need to use eyeglasses some of the time.

Laser-assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)

During the LASIK procedure, the eye surgeon makes a hinged flap (thin) into the cornea. Then, the surgeon removes the inner layers of the cornea using the laser. It is to flatten the dome shape. Compared to other surgeries, LASIK surgery causes less discomfort and ensures faster recovery compared to other corneal surgeries.

 Laser-Assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy (LASEK)

The LASEK procedure involves creating an ultra-thin flap on the epithelium only (the cornea’s outer protective cover). Then, the surgeon uses the laser to flatten the curve of the cornea, reshape its outer layers, and replaces the epithelium.

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)

It is the procedure similar to LASEK, but during the procedure, the surgeon completely removes the epithelium. After that, your doctor uses the laser to reshape your cornea. The epithelium is not replaced as it can grow back naturally. So, it conforms to the cornea’s new shape.

You need to talk to your doctor about the possible side effects of this particular procedure. It is because the procedure is not reversible. Your eye doctor does not suggest refractive surgery unless your nearsighted prescription is stable.

Treatments To Slow/Stop The Progression Of Myopia

Clinical practitioners and researchers are trying to find more effective steps to slow or stop the progression of nearsightedness. Several therapies are showing promising results. The different options available are:

Using Topical Medication

One of the effective ways to deal with nearsightedness is to use atropine topical medication. This atropine eye drops can dilate the pupil of the eye. It is usually used as a part of eye examination and is also used before or after eye surgery. While the exact mechanism behind it is not known, studies indicate that using the eye drops in different doses helps slow the progression of nearsightedness.

Spend Time Outside

You need to increase the time you spend outside. When you take time to go out and stay outdoors for longer periods during your adolescence and early adult years reduces the chance of developing nearsightedness. Scientists believe when you spend time outside, the sun’s UV (ultraviolet rays) changes the molecular structure of your cornea as well as the sclera. So, it helps maintain a normal shape.

Dual Focus Contact Lenses

In children (between the ages of eight and twelve years), a new type of dual-focus contact lens can slow the progression of myopia.


It is the procedure where you need to wear a rigid and gas permeable contact lenses. You need to wear them for several hours a day. As time passes, the curvature of your eye evens out. Then, you need to wear the lens less frequently. It is to maintain the new shape of your eye’s curvature. But, you cannot discontinue this treatment as your eyes can return to their earlier shape. This technique is effective as evidence indicates the use of the lens slows down the elongation of your eyeball leading to nearsightedness. So, it is another option suggested to decrease the blurriness.

Diet Tips To Manage Myopia

With a few changes to your diet, you can manage myopia at home. Try to follow a good diet that will safeguard your eye health. Here are some of the foods you need to consider:

Deep-Water Fish

Deepwater fish contain omega-3 fatty acids. So, eating fishes like mackerel, tuna, or salmon offer you enough omega-3 fatty acids that help maintain lubrication of the eyes. So, it prevents issues like dry eye syndrome, development of cataract, and macular degeneration. Include deep-water fish in your diet.

Manage Myopia By Eating Leafy Green Vegetables

Eating green leafy vegetables are beneficial for overcoming problems like nearsightedness. Green leafy vegetables contain zeaxanthin and lutein. They are carotenoids with potent anti-oxidative properties. So, it can ward off free radicals affecting your eyes. According to the ophthalmologists, green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens act as a defense mechanism to prevent eye problems like cataracts or macular degeneration.

Vitamin A Rich Foods

Try to include Vitamin-A in your diet as it helps prevent eye problems. Including foods like eggs will provide your body with Vitamin A and avoids issues like a dry eye as well as night blindness. While carrots contain high levels of beta-carotene. It is the precursor of vitamin A. So, eating carrots helps maintain your ocular structural integrity. It also promotes the healthy functioning of your eye components.

Citrus Fruits And Berries

Vitamin C rich fruits are essential to maintain eye health. To overcome myopia, it is essential to include fruits like berries, oranges, and other vitamins C rich fruits. It strengthens the immune system and also increases the body’s resistance to eye infections as well as other diseases.


Including vitamin E in your diet will help preserve eyesight. How is it possible to include vitamin E? By adding the following nuts:

  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pistachios

Several studies indicate eating nuts daily is an effective home remedy for nearsightedness.

Eat Beef

Do you know that dark meat as well as oysters contain high levels of zinc? Now, you start wondering why it is important. It is significant because zinc is the mineral responsible for delivering vitamin A present in the liver to your retina. This is important as it ensures continuous melanin production in your eyes. Melanin is responsible for maintaining retinal photoreceptors, specifically the rods to avoid night blindness.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies For Myopia

While it is not possible to prevent nearsightedness from affecting you, taking some preventive measures can slow its progression. So, you can preserve your vision by making some small changes to your lifestyle like:

Get Your Eyes Tested

You need to schedule an eye examination. Regular eye exams can help you catch problems early and get the necessary treatment to avoid complications.

Manage Health Conditions

Control chronic health conditions. Certain conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can affect your vision if you don’t receive proper treatment.

Protection From Sun

The harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause or worsen eye problems. So, you need to protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun by wearing sunglasses. Choose with UV ray protection to safeguard your eye health.

Take Steps To Avoid Eye Injuries

You need to prevent eye injuries to avoid vision problems. So, you need to wear protective eye covering when you are playing sports, painting, mowing the lawn, or using products that emit toxic fumes.

Eat Healthy Foods

A healthy diet plays an important role in ensuring good health. It is also necessary for good eyesight. So, include plenty of leafy greens, fruits, and other vegetables in your diet. As mentioned, adding omega-3 fatty acids is essential to maintain good eyesight. So, take care to add good foods to your diet.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is not good for your body. It affects the vital organs of your body and also affects your eyesight. So, try to quit smoking.

Use Corrective Lens

When you find it difficult to see properly, check your vision. With assistance from an ophthalmologist, you can get the right lens to optimize your vision. Also, make appointments with the eye doctor for regular exams to ensure your prescription is correct. When you wear too weak prescription (under-correcting), it results in a worsening of nearsightedness.

Use Good Lighting

You need to increase light for better vision. So, add or turn up the light.

Reduce Eyestrain

You need to reduce strain on the eyes. So, take breaks from focusing on a book or computer screen for a long time. Look away from the near-task work for twenty seconds every twenty minutes. Stare at something twenty feet away for twenty seconds to give a break to your eyes.


Myopia needs early intervention. So, you need to see an ophthalmologist when you suffer from a vision problem. With early care and management, you can prevent the condition from worsening and causing loss of vision. Medical management for nearsightedness can prevent academic and social difficulties that accompany the condition. Never diminish the importance of eye problems as it can result in irreversible complications.



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