Muscle Weakness – Causes, Symptoms, And 12 Remedies + Diet

You suffer from muscle weakness due to many health issues. Due to the condition, you fail to produce normal muscle movements or contractions. From simple issues like malnutrition, poor physical conditioning, intense workout, to serious issues like a stroke can lead to weakness of your muscles. Most people can suffer from short-term weakness of the muscles when you are ill or you are overworked. It can happen to anyone at some point in their life. Exhaustion of muscles without a chance for them to recover by taking a rest can result in the condition. You can overcome the problem with little rest and care.

But, the persistent weakness of the muscles with no normal explanation or cause can point to other serious health conditions. In normal cases, voluntary muscle contractions are generated when your brains send the signal. This signal passes through the spinal cord, then the nerves, and finally to the muscle. When this communication path between your brain, nervous system, muscles, gets affected due to injuries or diseases, the muscles fail to contract normally. It results in weakness of the muscles.

Causes Of Muscle Weakness

Several issues can lead to weakness of the muscles. Here are some of the health conditions resulting in muscle weakness:

  • Polio
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Lack of muscle tone (hypotonia)
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune muscular disorder)
  • Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage)
  • Neuralgia (you suffer from burning or sharp pain in one or more nerves)
  • Polymyositis (Develop from chronic muscle inflammation)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Stroke
  • West Nile virus
  • Elevated blood calcium or hypercalcemia
  • Botulism
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Grave’s disease

When you are on bed rest for prolonged periods due to illness or injury, then you can develop weakness of your muscles. Immobility can also result in the condition.

Symptoms Of Muscle Weakness

When you suffer from muscle weakness, you can observe certain symptoms. Observe your body closely to check for the following symptoms:

  • Atrophy
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle pain

In most cases, you suffer weakness of the muscles due to underlying health conditions, which may need immediate medical attention. So, you need to make an appointment with the doctor to find the exact cause of the condition and get the necessary treatment. For serious conditions, you need to get prescription treatment. Mild cases will heal by treating with natural remedies. You can discuss your options with the doctor and combine the natural treatments with the prescribed option to overcome the problem.

Diagnosing Muscle Weakness

When you suffer from muscle weakness, it is better to seek medical help. The doctor can help determine the exact cause of the disease. It also helps rule out severe conditions. Here are the following diagnostic tests used to detect the problem causing weakness of the muscles:

Physical Assessment

The doctor asks about the symptoms you suffer and the duration of the same. During the assessment, the doctor asks about the family’s medical history and the other symptoms associated with the problem. The medical professional also checks the following:

  • Senses
  • Reflex
  • Muscle tone

Based on the assessment, the doctor can order other tests. It depends on the symptoms and their severity.

Other Tests

Your doctor can suggest the following tests for a conclusive diagnosis of the problem:

Imaging tests like CT scans or MRI scans for a comprehensive examination of the inner structures of the body.

  • Nerve test for assessing the working of the nerves.
  • EMG or electromyography to test the nerve activity of your muscles.
  • Blood tests for detecting any infection or other condition triggering the weakness.

Potential Complications Associated With Muscle Weakness

It is important to seek medical assistance to detect the exact cause of muscle weakness. It is because the weakness can occur due to serious disease. So, diagnosing the problem and getting the necessary treatment is important. Without proper intervention, you can face some permanent damage. After revealing the underlying problem, you need to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The healthcare professional customizes the treatment plan and reduces the potential complications. Here are the following complications associated with the condition:

  • Paralysis
  • Loss of mobility
  • Paralysis
  • Permanent nerve damage (caused due to the pinched nerve)
  • Spread of infection

Treatment Needed For Muscle Weakness

After the doctor determines the exact cause of the weakness of your muscles, a treatment plan is developed. The appropriate treatment depends entirely on the underlying cause along with the severity of the symptoms. Here are some of the main treatment options available:

  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Medication
  • Surgery

12 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Muscle Weakness

While you follow the treatment plan suggested by the doctor, you can also follow some natural remedies to ensure faster healing. For simple causes of triggering weakness of muscles, you can try these home remedies alone. These home remedies will help ease the symptoms associated with mild weakness of the muscles. But, it is not advisable for chronic cases. You need to talk to your health provider to get other treatment options for avoiding complications.

Eat Eggs

When you include whole eggs in your diet, it provides the body with the necessary nutrition and energy, which is required for its proper functioning. Eggs are rich in nutrients like riboflavin, vitamin A, folic acid, and protein. So, it is beneficial in the healthy functioning of the body as well as muscles. Consume one or two eggs a day. You can boil the eggs and eat them for breakfast. When you consume eggs, try to consume egg yolk as it contains proteins and other nutrients needed for your body. Eat two eggs for breakfast every day for better muscle strength.

Overcome Muscle Weakness By Using Essential Oils

Essential oils are effective home remedies for many health ailments. You can also use essential oils for managing the weakness of the muscles.

Use Eucalyptus Oil For Muscle Weakness

Eucalyptol (1, 8-cineole) is the major component in eucalyptus oil. Around 70% of the eucalypts oil contains this component. The component has major beneficial properties. So, eucalyptus oil exhibits powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps manage pain and other symptoms associated with weakness of the muscles. For trying this method, you need twelve to fifteen drops of eucalyptus oil. Since essential oils are strong, you need to mix it with carrier oils like coconut or almond oil before using it. Mix 30ml of carrier oil with the suggested quantity of essential oil and massage it on the affected areas of the muscles. Leave the oil for at least thirty to forty minutes. Then, take a shower. You need to do this at least two times a day.

Rosemary Oil To Strengthen Muscle Weakness

Rosemary oil is another essential oil used to strengthen the weak muscles. It has analgesic properties along with anti-inflammatory properties to combat spasm and muscle aches. You need to take twelve drops of rosemary oil and mix it with 30ml of carrier oil like almond or coconut oil. Apply this mixture evenly to the affected muscles. You can leave it for at least thirty to forty minutes. Wash the mixture off from your body. You need to do this at least once a day.

Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used in several home remedies. It possesses several properties to heal your skin and overall health. It is also loaded with calcium, potassium, and B vitamins along with anti-inflammatory properties. In some people, potassium deficiency can cause muscle weakness. Therefore, the intake of apple cider vinegar can strengthen your muscle. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce the pain and inflammation associated with the weakness of your muscles. To try this method, you need to add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to one glass of warm water. Add some honey to the solution to overcome the strong taste. You can consume the mixture at least one to two times a day. Try this home remedy for a few days to see if the symptoms improve.


Milk is an important food item you must include in your daily diet. It contains calcium, which is beneficial for your bones and teeth. Studies also indicate the effectiveness of milk in overcoming muscle weakness. It boosts muscle protein synthesis that can contribute to better muscle health. For trying this method, you need one glass of plain milk. Consume it every day to enhance your muscle health. Drink milk two times a day for getting positive results. But, if you are allergic to dairy or suffer from intolerance, then it is better to avoid milk. You have other options to try without triggering any allergic reaction.

One Of The Best Remedies For Muscle Weakness: Eat Almonds

Almonds are rich sources of vitamin E and magnesium. So, it can offer great benefits to your muscles and improve overall health. Almonds can also convert carbohydrates and proteins from the foods you eat to get energy. So, it helps in overcoming the weakness of your muscles naturally. You need to soak eight to ten almonds overnight. You also need one cup of milk for this method. Remove the skin of the soaked almonds and blend it with a cup of water. Drink this mixture at least one to two times a day to see results. With the energy you get from this drink, your muscles can overcome any weakness.

Overcome Muscle Weakness With Black Seed Oil

You may have heard about using black seed oil for alleviating different ailments. It is effective in managing issues, including muscle weakness naturally. The black seed oil contains two potent compounds, thymoquinone, and thymohydroquinone. The compounds exhibit analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. It will help treat weak or sore muscles. You need to take black seed oil as required. Then, massage the oil on the affected muscles. You need to leave the oil on the affected area for thirty to sixty minutes. Wash it off after the specified time. You can do this once every day to see the difference.

Include Vitamin And Minerals

You need to take sufficient amounts of specific vitamins as well as a mineral to overcome the weakness of the muscles. You need to include foods in your diet rich in such vitamins and minerals to improve the strength and functioning of the muscles. Here are some of the minerals you need to include:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron

In some cases, deficiencies of vitamin D and B vitamins result in weakness of the muscles. So, follow a healthy diet including all essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some of the food items you have to include:

  • Whole grains
  • Milk
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Poultry
  • Spinach
  • Avocados

In some cases, people may not get the necessary nutrients from their diet. So, consult a doctor to check if you need to take additional supplements to get these nutrients. Never take vitamin or mineral supplements without consulting with the doctor as it can interfere with other medications you take.

Indian Gooseberries

Indian gooseberries or amla contains high amounts of B vitamins, calcium, and proteins. These nutrients are good for treating the weakness of your muscles. Indian gooseberry also has analgesic properties, which will help relieve pain associated with weak muscles. To try this method, you need to take two to three Indian gooseberries, one to two tablespoons of water, and honey. Cut Indian gooseberries into small pieces and blend them. Extract the juices and add honey to it. Drink this mixture immediately. If you can handle the strong flavor of Indian gooseberries, then you can chew them directly. Do this at least one to two times a day to see the difference.

Drink Coffee To Overcome Muscle Weakness

Coffee contains caffeine, which at moderate levels revitalizes the weakened muscles. But, too much caffeine is not advised as it can result in several problems, including sleepless nights. Drinking coffee in moderation can help you combat the symptoms associated with the weakness of your muscle. To try this method, you need to brew fresh coffee. You can consume one or two cups with or without milk. Try this every day to see a difference in your muscle strength. Remember, moderation is the key. Excess cups of coffee can result in restlessness, insomnia, and digestive issues.

Eat Bananas

Do you know bananas provide instant energy? It is the reason why most sportspeople wat banana before they play the game. Banana is one of the best remedies to overcome the weakness of your muscle. The fruit contains carbohydrates along with glucose and sucrose. It is also rich in potassium. Potassium deficiency can restrict the blood flow to the muscle. It results in aches of muscle. So, eating bananas will improve metabolic recovery along with reducing post-exercise inflammation. Just include one banana in your daily diet. You can consume it raw or blend it with milk and drink it.

Consume Yogurt

Yogurt contains the essential nutrients needed for your muscle health. It contains calcium, B vitamins, and potassium that provides your muscles with energy. Yogurt is also a good source of natural support, which aids in producing the energy needed for the weak muscles. While consuming yogurt alone may not strengthen your muscles, you can combine it with physical training to enhance muscle strength. Include it with a proper diet with enough carbohydrates to maintain enhanced muscle health. You need to consume a bowl of plain yogurt at least once a day for better results.

Potatoes To Overcome Muscle Weakness

Potatoes contain potassium. So, the potassium-rich vegetable will aid in enhancing the muscle movements. So, it helps in combating muscle weakness as well as the symptoms naturally. For following this natural remedy, you need to take one or two potatoes. Soak these potatoes overnight. In the morning, remove its skin and blend it. Add some to the potatoes to extract the juices with ease. You can drink this juice or add some honey to it before consuming it. Drink potato juice at least once a day to ensure you get effective results.

The twelve home remedies can work effectively against muscle weakness. Along with the home remedies, you need to make some lifestyle changes to see good results. But, if you feel no difference, it is better to seek a medical opinion.

Prevention Tips To Avoid Muscle Weakness

Muscle weakness is a sneaky problem. It can appear gradually, which can make once easy tasks to appear harder. So, you find it difficult to get out of a chair and have to yank a few times on the car to open it. At first, the problem may appear inconvenient, but has a domino effect on your health. It starts to slow your metabolism, puts additional pressure on your joints, limits your mobility, affects your balance, and hurts the posture. So, you need to take steps to prevent the condition from affecting you. Here are some of the tips to avoid the problem:

Include Exercise

It is important to include exercise for overcoming weakness in your muscles. Physical activity increases blood circulation and boosts your energy levels. So, start with mild exercises like swimming, jogging, brisk walking, and others. Aerobic activities can increase your energy levels. But, you need to strengthen the muscles with resistance exercise or strength training for better results.

Sleep Well To Overcome Muscle Weakness

Lack of sleep can cause weakness in your muscles. It is observed that people suffering from sleep disorders like insomnia and narcolepsy develop weakens of the muscles along with fatigue. So, try to sleep well to avoid such issues. Get medical assistance when you suffer from sleep disorders.

Control Your Stress

Stress is the root of many physical and mental problems. A hectic lifestyle can put pressure on your body and mind. It triggers several issues, including feeling weak. So, you need to keep stress under control. Try some relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga. If you are not feeling any better, then consult a doctor. At times, counseling and other techniques like guided imagery can help you cope up with stress.

Get A Body Massage

Receiving a massage is beneficial for your muscle health. When you get a body massage once in a while, it helps your muscle recover faster. Massage increases the release of endorphins. It acts as a natural pain killer. Body massage helps alleviate muscle soreness. When you get a body massage, the temperature of your muscle increases. It also increases the blood flow to the area, which will help the healing of the cells. A massage will also help to repair the muscle fibers to reduce the discomfort.

Best Diet For Muscle Weakness

You need to include a healthy and balanced diet to speed up the recovery of your weak muscles. A good diet contains the necessary nutrients to strengthen your muscles and make them stronger. For improving your muscle health, you need to follow a diet rich in the following foods:

Follow A Healthy And Nutritious Diet

Following a healthy and balanced diet is very important to speed up the recovery of weakened muscles. Here’s a list of foods that can improve muscle weakness.

Include Nuts To Overcome Muscle Weakness

Nuts are a great source of unsaturated fats and nutrients like magnesium. These fats and nutrients are essential for supplying the muscles with the energy needed to function normally. So, you need to include the following nuts in your diet that contains magnesium:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Hazelnuts
  • Walnuts

Fresh Vegetables And Fruits

You need to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. The nutrients from the fresh vegetables and fruits will help strengthen your muscles. It also boosts your immune system. So, it offers protection from infection and diseases affecting your muscles and preventing its proper function.

Whole Grains

Complex carbohydrates are always better for your health compared to simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are easy to digest and they provide the body with glucose. Glucose is essential for the functioning of your muscle and body. You can include whole grains to your diet to get glucose essential for the body. If you are allergic to gluten, then try not to consume whole grains.

Cold-Water Fish

Cold-water fish are good for your muscles. It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and protein. Do you know that these nutrients are essential for the proper growth, development, and repair of your muscles? So, you need to include the following in your diet:

  • Tuna
  • Cold salmon
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel

The above-mentioned cold water-fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps your muscle strength.


Muscle weakness can affect your life. When mild cases trigger discomfort, serious cases start affecting daily life. Muscles are an integral part of the human body. They are essential to carry-out basic activities in day-to-day life. So, when you feel the weakness of the muscles, see a doctor. The medical professional can suggest proper treatments to deal with the condition without causing any complications. The home remedies and diet tips will help to heal faster. Always follow the advice of the doctor. Serious cases need addressing the underlying medical condition. So, you need to talk to your doctor and follow the remedies suggested here for added assistance. With proper care, you can enhance your muscle health and overcome any issues.




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