Molluscum Contagiosum – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a contagious skin infection that results in the development of the round, painless, and firm bumps. Also known as MC or water warts, the viral infection can range in size. So, you can see small bumps of pinhead size to large ones (looks like a pencil eraser). The skin infection can spread to other parts of the body when you scratch or injure the bumps. It can also spread from one person to another through physical contact or when you come in touch with infected objects. It is the condition affecting commonly in children, but adults can also suffer from MC skin infection. People with a compromised immune system are more susceptible to the infection. It becomes a sexually transmitted disease when people develop water warts in the genital region.

This skin problem can go away on its own without any treatment. While it takes at least a year for the skin condition to go away, you can opt for medical assistance. There are different doctor-assisted removal techniques available to remove the bumps. Read ahead to know more about the skin condition.

Symptoms Associated With Molluscum Contagiosum

How can you confirm the presence of skin infection? You need to observe your body for the following signs and symptoms:

  • Observe bumps that are round, raised, and flesh-colored
  • Bumps of small size (smaller than six millimeters or under ¼ inch in diameter)
  • You can see a characteristic umbilication (a small indentation) or dot at the top around the center
  • See redness and inflammation
  • Bumps feel itchy
  • The bumps feel like coming off by just rubbing or scratching (it can spread the virus to other surrounding areas)
  • Bumps or lesions appear on the top of hands, arms, armpits, neck, and face (usually in children)
  • You see the lesions appearing on the inner upper thighs, lower abdomen, and genitals (in adults caused by sexual transmission)

See Doctor For Molluscum Contagiosum

When you see the symptoms associated with the viral infection, see a doctor. With early medical intervention, you can take the necessary steps to avoid its spread.

Causes Of Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection caused by molluscum contagiosum virus or poxvirus. Due to the infection can trigger benign skin problems characterized by growths or lesions. These lesions can appear anywhere in the body. It spreads easily through

  • Skin to skin contact
  • Through contact with contaminated objects (personal objects like towels)
  • Sexual contact with a partner affected by the virus
  • Rubbing or scratching the bumps that spread the virus to unaffected areas nearby

While it is not clear if the pox virus can spread when people swim in chlorinated water found in swimming pools. Experts believe swimmers usually get the infection when the virus transmits through the sharing of personal items like towels or equipment like kickboards. They can also get the infection by skin-to-skin contact.

Transmission Of Virus Causing Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a poxvirus that spreads from one person to another through direct physical contact. Contaminated fomites are responsible for the infection. Fomites refer to the inanimate objects contaminated with the pox virus. So when the virus contaminates personal items like towels, clothing, pool equipment, bathing sponges, or toys, it can transfer it to people. Scientists believe the virus can also spread when you share hot tubs, swimming pools, saunas, baths, or other warm/wet environments. But, no clear evidence exists to confirm the transmission mode. So, sharing contaminated towels as well as other items around the sauna or pool causes the spread of the virus through the water.

Other Transmission Modes

While the transmission of the virus occurs through using contaminated objects, other common transmission modes are:

  • When someone suffers from the viral skin rash, they can spread it to other areas of the body by touching or scratching the bumps and then touching other areas in the body. This is referred to as autoinoculation. Actions like electrolysis and shaving can result in the spreading of infection to other parts of the body.
  • Sexual contact can transmit the virus from the infected person to the other. But, it does not mean adults who suffer from MC skin infection develop it due to sexual contact.

Reports suggest conflicting results on how the virus spreads. So, it is unclear if the disease spreads by simple contact when you touch the intact lesions or coming in contact with the core material when the lesion breaks. The virus causing water warts remains in the epidermis (the top layer of your skin). So, it does not circulate throughout the body. It restricts the spread of the virus through sneezing or coughing. The virus lives only in the top layer of your skin. Therefore, once the lesion goes away, your body is free from the virus and you cannot spread it to others. The virus is not like herpes viruses that remain dormant in your body for a long time and recur.

Risk Factors Associated With Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a common infection affecting both children and adults. So, when someone in your family suffers from the infection, you must take the necessary precautions. This infection is more common in children of one to ten years of age. While anyone can suffer from MC viral skin infection, it is more common among people coming under the risk factors.

Weakened Immune System

People who have a compromised immune system are at risk of developing the skin infection. So, people suffering from HIV infection or getting treatment to manage cancer are vulnerable to developing water warts. Such people can develop larger and different-appearing bumps that are more difficult to treat.

Atopic Dermatitis

If you suffer from atopic dermatitis, then you face the increased risk of developing water warts. It occurs because of frequent breaks in your skin. So, people suffering from atopic dermatitis have more chances of spreading molluscum contagiosum to other areas of the body.

Humid Climates

People living in warm and humid climates can face the risk of developing water warts. It is because they live in crowded conditions.

While the condition affects people around the world, it is not routinely monitored as they do not cause serious complications. And, they disappear without any specific treatment.

Complications Due To Molluscum Contagiosum

While water warts appear like small bumps or spots on the chest, arms, back, legs, or other parts, it disappears from some time by itself. But, it will take several years for the spots to disappear. Apart from the affected area becoming inflamed or red, you can also suffer from the following complications:

Spread Of Infection

You feel the urge to pick or scratch the bumps. When you scratch the bumps, it increases the chance of spread of infection to other areas of the body. So, you can see bumps developing in several areas.


Due to molluscum contagiosum, you can develop eczema. It appears around the water warts. This can result in swelling, itching, and at times pain. You can also feel the irritation that causes scratching. So, it increases the risk of the spread of viruses and infection. It also slows down the healing process.

Eczema can appear around the Mollusca in some cases, causing itching, swelling, and sometimes pain. Eczema can lead to scratching, and this can increase the risk of infection and spread of the virus, as well as slowing down the healing process.


After clearing of water warts, you can see tiny indents or small patches of paler skin that look distinctive on your skin. These are scars left behind after the healing of the skin condition. In most cases, you can see scarring when the spots suffer from infection or after antibiotic treatment.

Eye Complications

Due to the virus transferring to the areas around the eye, you can develop keratitis or conjunctivitis. The eye infection makes your eyes become sore as well as sensitive to light. To overcome the problem, you need to see an eye specialist.

Treatment For Molluscum Contagiosum

People with a weak immune system are more prone to suffer from serious complications due to molluscum contagiosum. But, people with a healthy immune system can overcome the problem without any specific treatment. The infection causes no other symptoms other than the bumps. So, it is not a concern for people. It also does not interfere with day-to-day activities. So, specific treatment is not necessary to treat the lesion developing due to the condition. Treatments are also not suggested as it can trigger pain or cause scarring. Some treatment options can also cause damage to the skin surrounding the bumps. The bumps fade away without any treatment. But, some people need treatment. The doctor suggests different treatment options when you experience the following:

  • The lesion you develop has a large size.
  • You can see the lesions on your face or neck.
  • You already suffer from skin problems like atopic dermatitis.
  • The spread of the virus is one of the serious concerns.

In such cases, getting treatment from a medical professional is justified. Your doctor can suggest an ideal treatment option based on the severity of the condition. The different options available are:


During the treatment, your doctor freezes the bumps on your skin with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen freezes the water warts and destroys them.


When your doctor opts for curettage, the doctor pierces the bump. A small tool is used to scrape off the cheesy or caseous material.

Laser Therapy To Destroy Molluscum Contagiosum

The doctor uses a laser to destroy the bump developing in your body.

Most of these therapy techniques require more than one session to see the difference. If you suffer from large bumps, then you need additional treatments every three to six weeks. After the time period, you can see the bumps disappearing. But, new bumps can develop during the treatment.

Medications To Treat Molluscum Contagiosum

To manage the bumps, the doctor may suggest taking medications. So, you need to take the drugs or apply the cream. In some cases, topical therapy can trigger pain. It is because the cream contains chemicals or acids causing peeling of the top skin layer.

Treatment For Molluscum Contagiosum In People With Weak Immune System

People suffer from a weak immune system due to undergoing treatment for cancer or suffering from diseases like HIV. When such people suffer from water warts, then it requires treatment to avoid any complications. Also, timely treatment is necessary as successful treatment is difficult for people with a weakened immune system compared to people with a healthy immune system. Antiretroviral therapy is effective for people with a weak immune system. This treatment strengthens the immune system to help them fight the virus better.

Before you undergo any therapy, you need to talk to your doctor. Women who are planning to get pregnant, pregnant, or breastfeeding need to inform the doctor before undergoing any therapy. Your doctor needs to know about your health status before taking any medication or undergoing treatment.

Prevent Molluscum Contagiosum

People with a healthy immune system can see the bumps disappearing after some time. But, it takes a longer time to go away in people with immune system problems. As you see the lesions fading, the virus is no longer present. When such a condition occurs, you are no longer contagious. So, you cannot spread it to other areas of your body or other people. People develop bumps again when the infection recurs. Unlike other viruses like chickenpox, you cannot prevent water warts after suffering it from once. You get no protection against the virus after the first infection. So, is it possible to prevent the condition? You can take some effective steps to avoid the problem from affecting you. Here are some steps you need to take:

Prevent Molluscum Contagiosum From Affecting You

You need to follow the pointers suggested below to ensure you never catch the virus from others.

Avoid Direct Contact

You can avoid direct contact with people who suffer from specific skin lesions. Avoiding physical contact with such people will keep you safe.

Treat Underlying Eczema

Treating underlying eczema in children will prevent the spreading of water warts.

Maintain Caution While Having Sex

Abstaining from physical intimacy can avoid the problem. It is better to have a monogamous relationship as you can remain safe from the condition. Practicing safe sex by using male or female condoms may not offer you protection from the virus. It is because the virus is present in areas not covered by the condom.

Prevent Spreading Of Molluscum Contagiosum From Affecting Other Areas Of The Body

If you develop water warts, then you need to take the following steps to ensure it does not spread to other areas of your body:

Avoid Scratching

You need to avoid scratching or picking at the bumps. When you scratch or pick the bumps, then it spreads the virus to other parts of your body. So, when your skin breaks open, the chances of infection becomes high. Scratching and picking can make the condition painful. It also requires treatment. Therefore, try to avoid such incidents.

Never Remove Bumps By Yourself

If you want to get treatment for the bumps, then see a dermatologist or any other health care provider. Never treat the condition on your own. Always follow the recommendations of the healthcare professional. When you try to remove the bumps by squeezing or plucking, it increases the risk of spreading the virus to other areas of your body. So, refrain from draining the fluid inside the bumps on your own.

Keep Bumps Clean

You need to maintain good hygiene when you develop the bumps. Keep the bumps clean and keep your hands clean after touching them. Wash the affected area with soap and water. Also, use soap and water to keep your hands clean and avoid the possibility of spreading the virus to other parts of your body.

Moisturize Your Skin

You need to keep your skin moisturized to prevent dryness. Dry skin tends to itch and scratching. So, it increases the chance of virus spread to other areas of the body.

Use Separate Towels

People suffering from MC viral skin infection need to use two towels while drying off. Two clean towels can limit the spread of the virus to other areas of the body. Use one to dry off the affected part of the skin and the other to dry off areas without water warts. This approach will help you reduce the spread of the virus to unaffected areas.

Stop Sexual Activity

When you see the water warts appearing in the genital area, then you need to abstain from sexual activity. See a dermatologist or other healthcare provider when you develop MC skin infection in the genital region. It is because developing bumps in the vaginal region, penis, vulva, or anus indicated sexually transmitted disease. So, the virus can spread from the affected person to another through sexual contact. Using condoms may not offer complete protection. Refrain from sexual activities until your healthcare provider gives it ok to resume it again.

Skip From Undergoing Hair Removal Techniques

You need to refrain from using the different hair removal techniques in the affected area. Skip from shaving the skin with water warts. When you shave, it spreads the infection from the affected area to other unaffected areas of the body. When you shave skin with water warts, then use different razors. You can shave the affected area with one razor and use a new one for shaving other parts without water warts.

Women undergo hair removal techniques like electrolysis performed by dermatologists. The process disrupts hair growth. Using an epilator into the skin, dermatologists ensure hair removal. Epilator uses shortwave radio frequencies in the skin to stop the hair follicles from growing new hair. Avoid electrolysis in the affected areas of the skin. Electrolysis increases the chances of spread of infection from one area to another.

Steps To Avoid Spreading Molluscum Contagiosum To Others

When someone in your family, especially your child suffers from the infection, then take steps to avoid it from spreading to others. Here are some pointers you can follow:

Cover Bumps

To avoid spreading of the skin infection to others, you need to cover the bumps with clothing or a bandage. It is essential when the affected person goes to school or work. Also, remove the tapes and bandages when you go to bed. Make sure when you remove it, no one else is around you.

Wash Your Hands

Hand hygiene is important to prevent the transmission of the virus. So, children who suffer from skin infection need to wash their hands thoroughly. Washing hands with soap and water for twenty seconds is ideal to flush off the virus from the hands.

Take Precaution Before Going For A Swim

Before going into a swimming pool, hot tub, or sauna, take the following precautions: You can easily infect other people if you go into a pool, hot tub, or sauna while you have molluscum bumps. To reduce this risk, dermatologists recommend the following:

  • Use waterproof bandages or a bathing suit to cover all the bumps.
  • Never share your personal items like a bathing suit, goggles, or towels with anyone.
  • Always take extra care while using pool equipment. When you suffer from the infection take steps to cover the bumps when you use pool noodles and kickboards.

Precautions Before Taking Part In Sports Events

You need to cover MC bumps before participating in any sports events. Students participating in any school events like football, basketball, hockey, or other contact games need to take precautionary steps to prevent the spread of infection:

  • Cover the bumps with waterproof or clothing bandages.
  • Never share your personal items like gloves, helmet, or pads.
  • If you are at risk of exposing the virus to others due to the waterproof bandage coming off, then you need to top the match. Wait until the bumps clear to participate in the sports again.

Use Separate Items

For children who suffer from MC skin infection, parents need to follow the guidelines suggested below to ensure the infection is contained and does not spread to others:

Bath Separately To Avoid Spread Of Molluscum Contagiosum

You need to give a bath to the child suffering from water warts. When you give them a bath, use different towels, washcloths, and bath toys. Bathing children together is the common transmission method of the spread of viral infection.

Let Children Sleep Alone

Let a child with molluscum sleep alone. It’s easy for the molluscum virus to spread when children sleep together.

Avoid Sharing Of Personal Items To Avoid Molluscum Contagiosum

If you suffer from skin infection or have a loved one with the infection, it is important to avoid sharing personal items. Touching contaminated items can increase the risk of spreading the virus to others. So, never use or give the following items to others:

  • Razors
  • Sharing clothes
  • Wash clothes
  • Towels
  • Other personal items


People with a healthy immune system suffering from molluscum contagiosum can see the bumps going away without any treatment after some time. So, you need to wait for at least six to twelve months for the viral skin infection to go away without any scarring. But, people with a weak immune system need treatment to avoid the bumps to disappear. Seek assistance from the doctor to clear the problem.



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