Lemon Tea: Benefits, How To Make, And Risks

Starting your morning with a cup of freshly brewed lemon tea instead of regular tea can offer you a refreshing feel. Making this healthy swap makes you feel refreshed. You can start your morning with a good note. Tea containing lemon is preferred by many as the tangy beverage awakens your taste buds and offers several health benefits. It is easy to prepare beverages with low calories. This beverage invigorates your senses. From potential detoxification of the body to soothing several ailments, many people believe it is a miracle beverage. Are all the claims true? Is it safe to take this beverage? If you wish to get answers to these questions, then read ahead.

What Is Lemon Tea?

It is a refreshing beverage you can prepare easily at home with the ingredients in the kitchen. Lemon tea, as the name suggests, is the form of black or green tea containing the right amount of lemon juice. Adding lemon juice to black or green tea can change the color of the beverage. It can also change the taste of the beverage. This change of color and taste is known as the bathochromic shift. This effect makes the beverage taste unique and wonderful.

Adding an ounce of lemon juice to the beverage can make the drink rich in twelve to thirteen grams of vitamin C. Vitamin C also referred to as ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. It is one of the safest and most effective nutrients offering several health benefits to the body.

How Lemon Tea Works?

Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant with the power to synthesize collagen. Collagen is the protein, helping the body muscles and blood vessels stronger. Vitamin C is not generated by the body. Hence, you need to receive it from food items or other supplements. Adding tea with lemon to the routine can give your body the much-needed vitamin C boost.

Health Benefits Of Lemon Tea

Lemon contains several minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. People have used lemon for several centuries for medical and beauty treatment. Earlier people thought lemons possessed healing powers. Many people used it to get protection against poison. But, people still believe in the potential benefits of lemons such as weight loss and the ability to detoxify the body. These claims require further scientific studies. But, modern science supports some of the other benefits you can get by including lemons in your diet.

Adding lemon to your diet in the form of tea can help you get the necessary vitamins and make you refreshed at the same time. Also, you can prepare it easily. Drinking tea containing lemon offers hydration to your body. This drink has low calories and sugar making it perfect for your diet. Depending on personal preferences, you can drink lemon tea alone or add honey to it to sweeten the drink. Let’s check the potential benefits of lemon tea:

Lemon Tea May Have Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory Properties

As you know lemon contains vitamin C. It is a potent vitamin with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It offers protection to your body from different types of infections. It also safeguards the body from environmental oxidative stress. Vitamin C boosts the immune system in the body. It also lowers inflammation developing in the body. Lemon is a citrus fruit containing flavonoids. It will fight off free radicals attacking the body.

Also, the anti-inflammatory property linked to citrus fruits can lower the risk of developing degenerative diseases. The tea containing lemon juice may also possess antibacterial properties. Hence, it can act against certain bacteria like streptococcus mutants as well as Lactobacillus acidophilus. This brew is also more effective compared to black or green tea.

May Have Anti-Cancer Activity

Citric fruits like lemon contain several beneficial compounds such as limonoids and flavonoids. They possess anti-cancer properties. Consuming these compounds can lower the risk of developing certain cancers such as gastric cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Quercetin is a flavonoid in lemon possessing anti-cancer properties. This flavonoid may block the growth of cancer cells in the body at the different phases of the cell cycle.

Lemon Tea May Improve Heart Health

As a great source of vitamin C, lemons can improve your heart health. Vitamin C may also inhibit atherosclerotic lesions, the fats, and cholesterol building up on the artery wall. Lemon also contains other flavonoids such as diosmin and hesperidin that may boost heart health. The intake of lemon can also lower blood pressure and boost your heart health.

Lemon Tea May Aid In Digestion

If you suffer from indigestion, then drink tea with lemon for healthy digestion. Drink a cup of this brew every morning instead of regular tea. By doing this, it boosts the production of stomach acids that can secrete bile to break down food. It will also eliminate any toxins or waste from the body. The tea with lemon will also help with the absorption of essential nutrients from the food you eat. This tea can also help dissolve any kidney stones. Apart from that, the tea containing lemon can lower any signs triggered due to bloating, heartburn, and indigestion.

The brew containing lemon can promote healthy digestion as it may calm the stomach. It is known for eliminating waste and toxic products from the body. Hence, it enables the body to better absorption of nutrients from the food. Lemon with warm water is known to cleanse the digestive tract by flushing out the toxins. It improves digestion.

It May Boost Mental health

Citrus fruits may lower the risk of mental illness when taken in moderation. Citrus fruits may help manage symptoms of Alzheimer’s and anxiety disorder. The rejuvenating aroma of tea containing lemon can boost your senses to ease anxiety.

Lemon Tea May Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Lemon contains flavonoids such as eriocitrin and hesperidin. These flavonoids have shown the ability to suppress oxidative stress in diabetic rats. By consuming lemons, you get the best of these flavonoids that can lower blood sugar levels. It lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes. The citric acid in the lemon can help prevent certain complications linked to type 2 diabetes.

Lemon Tea May Soothe A Sore Throat Or Cough

For people suffering from cough and flu symptoms, drinking tea containing lemon can offer relief. It may ease symptoms such as sore throat or cough. It may work by thinning the mucus in the throat. Many believe that the home remedy by mixing honey and lemon in water can reduce cough. It may also help you sleep better at night.

Drinking Tea Containing Lemon May Treat Post-Operative Swelling

If you have undergone any surgery, you have a high chance of surgical swelling or edema. It is one of the most common post-operative conditions caused due to injections, pooled fluid blood, and dead cells of fat. When the fluids get accumulated between the tissues of your body, you develop pain along with discomfort. If such issues cause problems to you, drinking tea containing lemon can offer you relief. This tea is recommended by doctors for lowering and alleviating the edema condition. Drinking tea containing lemon can also detoxify the body. It can help eliminate the toxic effects triggered due to anesthesia. Drinking this tea can also pain developing due to the menstrual cycle in women. But, the research regarding it remains in its infancy. So, more information is required for making a conclusive claim.

Lemon Tea May Detoxify The Body

The body accumulates wastes. So, you need to detoxify the body by flushing out the waste. Lemon tea can work can a great detoxifier that can remove harmful toxins from the body. Also, the citric acid in the tea containing lemon may lower liver damage.

Lemon Can Enhance Skin Health

Skin is the largest organ in the body. It offers protection to your body from external elements. But, most ignore skin health. It can result in the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and other issues. People who wish to get younger-looking skin can drink tea containing lemon as it may have anti-aging properties. It can help manage photodamage caused due to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Lemon can also stimulate collagen production in the body. Hence, it can lower the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Lemon May Help Weight Loss

If you have searched for weight loss drinks on the internet, you may see many of them containing the same ingredient, lemon. Many believe lemon helps with their weight loss goal. But, drinking it early in the morning after mixing it with tea can offer added benefits. Hot tea with lemon before eating food can speed up your metabolism. You can check the weight loss tea recipe containing lemon and include it in your daily routine.

So, why does this help with weight loss? The tea can boost the absorption of catechins three times faster in the bloodstream. Boosted absorption can enhance fat loss in the body, especially in the abdomen. The citric acid present in the lemon you add to the tea can reduce the absorption of sugar by your body. In normal cases, the sugar absorbed by the body gets converted to fats. Lemon in your tea can boost your metabolism of the body. It also balances the pH levels in the body. This tea can also help your body’s hydration facilitating weight loss. Try it to see the results yourself.

Lemon Tea May Act As Diuretic

Diuretics help the body flush out toxins by increasing urine production. It is usually prescribed by the doctor for people suffering the following health conditions:

  • Edema
  • Kidney stones forming due to excess accumulation of water
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension
  • Polycystic ovaries

If you are looking for a natural diuretic, then lemon tea can act as one. Drinking tea containing lemon can support kidney function. So, it helps to flush the water accumulated in the body. You can see relief from the symptoms triggered due to the above-mentioned health problems.

Vitamin C Helps Absorb Iron

When you drink normal tea, it can interfere with the non-heme iron absorption by your body. But, drinking tea containing lemon can prevent these issues. Why? Because lemons contain vitamin C that can boost the non-heme iron absorption by the body. It means your body can get the necessary iron for functioning properly with the regular consumption of tea with lemon in it.

Tea With Lemon Can Contain Antiviral and Anti-Bacterial Properties

Adding ginger to the tea infused with lemon can contain anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. Ginger will provide antiseptic properties to the tea. Lemon is well-known for its healing properties. So, drinking this tea containing lemon may ease the symptoms of different illnesses and may aid in the healing of infection. Hence, consume two or three cups of tea containing lemon to get these benefits.

Lemon Tea May Contain Antioxidants

Lemon tea may contain antioxidants. It helps fight free radicals that can affect your health. Antioxidants are also helpful in enhancing immunity. Lemon in the tea can preserve bone and teeth strength. The antioxidant can also prevent any damage caused to your healthy cells in the body. It may speed up the death of unhealthy cells, which can effectively prevent the development of cancerous cells in the body. So, drinking lemon tea may reduce the chances of suffering from cancer considerably. It may lower the chances of suffering from different types of cancer such as breast cancer or skin cancer. Due to the antioxidant properties, some may also see a reduction in arthritis.

Other Health Benefits Of Lemon Tea

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, some people have also reported the following health benefits:

  • The vitamin C in the lemon used in the brew can boost your immunity.
  • It also contains antioxidants that combined with the invigorating aroma of the brew may offer relief from headaches.
  • Lemon in the tea contains citric acid that may help reduce the risk linked to developing kidney stones.

While you have so many benefits linked to consuming the tea with lemon, do you know its preparation method? It is simple to make it at home.

How To Make Lemon Tea?

How can you make this refreshing brew at home? Its preparation method is so simple. The key to making a healthy beverage lies in adding all the ingredients in the correct proportions. You can follow the method suggested below to make the drink daily with ease.

Ingredients Needed To Make Lemon Tea

  • One cup of water
  • One teaspoon of tea leaves
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Sugar or honey as per your requirement

Procedure To Make Lemon Tea

  • To make lemon tea, you need first need to place the suggested cup of water on the stove to boil.
  • When the water boils, you can switch off the flame.
  • Add the suggested amount of tea leaves. If you want the brew stronger, you can add more. For a lighter version of the tea, add fewer tea leaves. You can use black or green tea leaves.
  • Allow the tea leaves to brew in the boiled water for at least two to three minutes.
  • From one freshly squeezed lemon juice, add just a quarter amount of it to the tea liquor.
  • Add honey or sugar to sweeten the beverage according to your need.

Your refreshing tea with lemon is ready for consumption. You can also add a twist to this beverage by adding grated fresh ginger to it. For boosting the health benefits, you can also add mint leaves. Adding a pinch of rock salt to this beverage will enhance its taste. You can take this beverage with ginger before going to bed to get a good night’s sleep. It will boost your immunity and metabolism. While you can make this beverage easily at home, can you drink it every day? Drinking this tea regularly can trigger side effects. Read ahead to know more.

Risks Associated With Lemon Tea

Can you drink lemon tea without any risks? While you can consume this tea regularly, excess consumption can trigger some side effects. Let’s see the different side effects linked to consuming tea containing lemon juice.

Tooth Erosion Due To Drinking Lemon Tea

Lemon is highly acidic as it contains citric acid. So, people who consume tea with lemon face the risk of tooth erosion. Acid attack of enamel can result in suffering from acute pain. It can also trigger sensitivity when you become exposed to sharp changes in the temperature. So, lemon can act as a silent killer of your enamel as expose the inner layer of tooth enamel known as dentin.

Suffer From Heartburn

Consuming an excess amount of tea containing lemon can alter the intestine and stomach’s pH levels. It can lead to acid reflux. It means the acid present in your stomach that aids digestion moves to the esophagus. It results in a burning sensation in the chest. Some people feel nauseous and can vomit.


When consumed in excess, lemon may act as a diuretic. It means lemon in excess can flush out the water from the body through urine. You feel the frequent need to urinate which can lead to dehydration. It can prove dangerous in some cases.

May Result In Development Of Canker Sores

The acidic nature of lemon tea can irritate the mucous membranes covering your mouth. So, try to limit the consumption of the tea with lemon. It may lead to the development of canker sores. Lemon in excess can irritate your mouth.

Lemon Tea May Seem Unsafe For Pregnant Woman

Pregnant women must always maintain caution while eating or drinking anything. Tea containing lemon in excess can trigger a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. It may also cause other severe side effects in pregnant women.

Unsafe For Lactating Mothers

Lemon tea is not recommended for lactating mothers. Women who are breastfeeding their babies must steer clear of tea containing lemon. While their tiredness may crave a refreshing drink to overcome the fatigue, the caffeine mixed with breastmilk can harm the baby. Since the babies are dependant on their mother’s milk for their food, this can affect the child.

Lemon Tea May Increase The Risk Of Osteoporosis

You may know the importance of calcium for bone health. But, drinking tea containing lemon can flush out calcium in large amounts from the body silently. It flushes calcium out through the urine. With less calcium in your system, your risk of developing osteoporosis increases. It may develop in the later stages of your life.

May Absorb Aluminum

When you add lemon to your tea, the aluminum present in the tea gets absorbed in the body, which does not happen if you drink normal tea. This absorbed aluminum can cause toxicity in the body, which can lead to encephalopathy, osteomalacia or aplastic bone disease, proximal myopathy, increased risk of infection, increased left ventricular mass, and decreased myocardial function, and microcytic anemia with very high levels and even sudden death.

Lemon Tea May Increase Risk Of Alzheimer’s

According to certain studies, the regular intake of tea with lemon can increase the chances of the person developing neurodegenerative issues such as Alzheimer’s in the later stages of their life. Drinking the brew with lemon juice can result in the accumulation of plaque in the brain. Plaque in the brain is linked to the early onset of neurodegenerative disease.

Drinking Lemon Tea May Trigger Stomach Problems

In some people, drinking lemon the regularly can trigger stomach issues. The common issues include the following:

  • Stomach ache
  • Ulcer
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

While some of the side effects mentioned may make you apprehensive about drinking tea with lemon, it does not mean you need to refrain from drinking this relaxing brew. The key to void any side effects is to maintain moderation. Try not to drink this tea more than one or two cups. Also, avoid taking it first thing in the morning with an empty stomach. Avoid drinking this tea when you experience the following problems:

  • Stomach ache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Nausea

When you experience such issues, give the habit a break. Make an appointment with the doctor to discuss the benefits and side effects of drinking tea with lemon. Check if drinking this brew supports your health or not. If your doctor gives an all-clear, you can consume the brew with lemon.

A Word Of Caution Before Opting For Lemon Tea

Tea containing lemon has several benefits. But, it does not mean everyone can drink it. You need to take some precautions before determining to include it in your daily routine:

  • You must avoid giving the tea with lemon to the kids.
  • No scientific study exists determining the safety of using tea containing lemon during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • If you suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure, you need to refrain from drinking this tea regularly.
  • People suffering from diarrhea or have developed irritable bowel syndrome need to stay away from the tea. Instead, you can drink black tea as it can ease the symptoms.
  • For people taking medications for underlying health problems, consulting a doctor before drinking the tea can prevent any complications. It is necessary to get an expert opinion regarding the reaction of lemon to the medications you take.


Make a healthy switch with a refreshing taste by choosing lemon tea instead of other beverages. By sipping the tea containing lemon in moderation every day, you can enjoy several health benefits. Due to having anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, you will enjoy diverse benefits. The bioflavonoids in lemon offer you the benefits you desire. But, always restrict the consumption of this tea to moderation due to its high chances of side effects. Limit your consumption to one to two cups per day. Then, you can enjoy the happy results of your switch.





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