Lactose Intolerance – Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment + Diet Tips

Millions of people around the globe find it difficult to digest lactose. It is known as lactose intolerance or alactasia. Due to the condition, you cannot digest certain sugar in dairy products. While the condition is not harmful to your health, you can become uncomfortable due to the symptoms. Some symptoms make you embarrassed when you in the company of others. The condition has no cure, but you can control the problem with constant monitoring of what you eat or drink. Remember, this condition is different from milk allergy. Read ahead to know more about the condition.

About Lactose Intolerance

Alactasia refers to the inability of the body to break down lactose, the type of natural sugar. You can find the specific natural sugar in dairy products like milk. A person becomes alactasia when their small intestine stops making the lactase enzyme. This enzyme is necessary for digesting and breaking down lactose. When such an issue arises, the undigested lactose moves to your large intestine. The bacteria present in the large intestine interact with the undigested lactose and develops certain symptoms. The gastrointestinal symptoms like gas or bloating indicate the presence of alactasia.

Causes Of Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is the sugar molecule made of two smaller sugars namely:

  • Glucose
  • Galactose

For the absorption of lactose from the intestine and into your body, it needs to split into the above mentioned smaller sugars. The split sugars, glucose, and galactose are absorbed by the cell lining your small intestine. Alactasia occurs when reduced or absent lactase activity occurs, which prevents the splitting of lactose. Due to the condition, you can observe gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea. These symptoms appear within thirty minutes to two hours after ingesting dairy products like milk that contain lactose.

Types Of Lactose Intolerance

You can classify lactose intolerance into different types based on the underlying causes. The four main types are the following:

Primary Lactose Intolerance

It is a common type of alactasia. It usually affects as a result of aging. In normal cases, a majority of people are born with lactase in the right amount. Infants need this enzyme to digest their mother’s breastmilk. But, as you age, the amount of lactase produced decreases as time progresses. It occurs as with the advancing age, you start eating a diverse diet and reduce your milk consumption. The reduced reliance on milk can gradually result in the condition. This condition is most common in Hispanic, African, and Asian ancestry.

Secondary Lactose Intolerance

It is a condition developing due to an injury, illness, or the results of undergoing surgery. These issues can affect the small intestine. So, it results in the production of less lactase. Certain intestinal diseases like Crohn’s disease and Celiac disease can lead to such lactase levels. It is possible to restore lactase levels by treating the underlying disorder.

Congenital Intolerance

It is the condition occurring rarely. Due to this condition, a baby is born with complete absence (or have a very small amount) of lactase. So, the small intestine may not produce the necessary lactase. This is an inherited condition. The genetic disorder develops when both the parent passes the defective gene to their child. The problem can make the newborn intolerant of breast milk. So, when the baby consumes human milk or formula containing lactose, they suffer from diarrhea. This condition needs immediate detection and treatment as it can pose a big danger to the affected baby’s life. Babies suffering from frequent diarrhea can result in dehydration and electrolyte loss. With immediate and timely medical intervention, the baby can lead a normal life. Doctors usually suggest giving the infants a lactose-free formula instead of milk.

Developmental Lactose Intolerance

In some cases, this type of alactasia develops. It is common when a baby is born prematurely. This condition develops because of the lactase production in the fetus later in the pregnancy. The child in the womb produces lactase only after 34 weeks of gestation. So, premature babies (born before 34 weeks) can suffer from this type of alactasia. The condition goes away after some time. It may last for only a short time after birth.

Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance

If you suffer from alactasia, then the symptoms appear between half an hour and two hours after consuming a cuisine or fluids containing milk or dairy product. The symptoms associated with the condition may include the following:

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

The symptoms can range from mild to severe. It depends on the lactose you have consumed and the lactase developed by your small intestine.

Difference Between Milk Allergy And Lactose Intolerance

You may feel milk allergy and lactose intolerance are the same, but they are not. Never confuse a milk allergy with a lactose allergy. Food allergy develops when your immune system overreacts to certain foods. This happens due to the presence of specific food protein, which your immune system mistakes for a harmful pathogen. So, your immune system releases histamines causing mild to severe symptoms. Mild symptoms like swelling, itching, hives, and rashes are easy to manage. But, severe symptoms like wheezing, trouble breathing, or loss of consciousness requires immediate medical attention. A food allergy like milk allergy can have life-threatening results.

Alactasia is different from food allergies as they never involve your immune system. People suffering from the condition are missing the lactase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for breaking down lactose, which is the sugar found in dairy and milk products. So, as a result of the condition, people find it difficult to digest such foods. It can trigger symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, gas, or cramps. These symptoms are uncomfortable, but pose no risk to the affected person’s life.

Complications Associated With Lactose Intolerance

Dairy products like milk are a significant part of a healthy diet. They contain the essential calcium, protein, as well as, the necessary vitamins. Vitamin A, D, and B12 are needed for a healthy body. For adults, the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of calcium is 700 mg, which you get from dairy products. Lactose is also important for your body as it helps the absorption of different minerals. Without lactose, your body fails to absorb zinc and magnesium, which are essential for the development of strong and healthy bones. Here are some of the complications associated with the condition:


Lack of calcium can lead to osteopenia. It is the condition resulting in the loss of bone mass. So, your bones get weaker due to low bone mineral density. Due to the condition, the inside of the bones becomes brittle. Without proper treatment, osteopenia can develop into osteoporosis.


When you eliminate lactose from your diet, then it can result in calcium deficiency. As time progresses, this leads to osteoporosis. It is the bone disease developing due to the loss of too much bone. As a result, your bone starts to look like a honeycomb. This condition makes your bones weak. So, affected people are more likely to break their bones from a fall. In serious cases, minor bumps or sneezing can break your bones.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Some people can also suffer vitamin D as a result of alactasia. Vitamin D deficiency can result in bone density loss. But, in severe cases, it also leads to other diseases. In children, vitamin D deficiency can result in rickets. It is the condition causing the bones to become soft. Due to the soft bone, they tend to bend.


As lactose is essential for the absorption of vitamins and minerals, alactasia can prevent the body from getting the necessary nutrients. The lack of nutrients for the healthy functioning of the body as result in malnutrition. A malnourished person finds it difficult to perform daily tasks as they feel fatigued and exhausted. It also causes slow wound healing. In some people, malnutrition can cause depression.

Excess Weight Loss

Lack of necessary nutrients can result in weight loss. Sudden weight loss can damage your health. It can reduce your energy levels and makes you prone to infects as well as other diseases.

So, people who suffer from alactasia need to see their doctor for accessing necessary supplements. Calcium supplements and Vitamin D supplements can help overcome these complications. But, the real problem occurs due to the ignorance of people. Many individuals suffering from alactasia who consciously or unconsciously avoid dairy products fail to realize the need for supplements.

Diagnosing Lactose Intolerance

Do you experience cramping, bloating, and diarrhea after you consume dairy products? If you have observed such symptoms after drinking or eating foods containing milk or dairy products, then make an appointment with the doctor. Small children who cannot drink their mother’s milk or formula need an immediate medical diagnosis to detect the problem. The doctor can perform different tests to detect lactose intolerance. To detect the problem, apart from assessing the symptoms, the doctor can suggest the following confirmatory tests. These tests measure the lactase activity in the body. The tests include:

Lactose Intolerance Test

It is the blood test used to measure the affected person’s reaction to high lactose content. The body’s reaction is measured by drawing the blood sample from the person after they consume a liquid with high lactose levels.

Hydrogen Breath Test

As the name suggests, this test measures the hydrogen amount in the breath after the consumption of drinks with high lactose content. When your body finds it difficult to digest the lactose, the bacteria in the intestine break it down. Fermentation is the process by which the bacteria break the sugar like lactose. When fermentation occurs, it releases hydrogen along with other gases. These gases are absorbed and finally exhaled. With alactasia, you cannot digest lactose, which results in hydrogen breath tests showing higher levels of hydrogen compared to normal in your breath.

Elimination Diet

As the name suggests, it refers to eliminating milk and milk products from the diet to check if you observe the symptoms associated with alactasia. If you feel better with the rigorous diet, then you suffer from alactasia. You need a dietician’s assistance for this diagnostic option.

Milk Challenge To Detect Lactose Intolerance

A milk challenge is a simple method of testing alactasia. With the test, the affected person needs to fast overnight. Then, the person needs to drink a glass of milk in the morning. You must refrain from eating or drinking anything for the next three to five hours. A person suffering from alactasia can observe symptoms associated with the condition within a few houses of ingestion. No symptoms or milder symptoms compares to the usual indicates you may not suffer from alactasia. To detect the problem conclusively, fat-free milk is used. It is because the fat in the milk can trigger the problem.

Test To Detect Lactose Intolerance In Kids

In children, it is essential to detect the condition early. It is because, without early detection, children can suffer from diarrhea. It can cause malnutrition, dehydration, and other problems. To avoid complications, the pediatrician can suggest the following test:

Stool Acidity Test

It is a test usually suggested for infants and young children to detect alactasia. This test measures the amount of lactic acid in the stool. To conduct the test, the child needs to take small amounts of lactose orally. Then, several consecutive stool samples are tested to check the acidity levels. When a child suffers from alactasia, the lactic acid tends to accumulate. This happens because the bacteria present in the intestine ferment the undigested lactose. Lactase deficiency causes the unabsorbed lactose to enter the colon. It is then split into galactose and glucose. It is then broken into acids like lactic acid by the bacteria, which turns the stool acidic. This test is useful in detecting a lactase deficient child.

Hydrogen Breath Testing For Detecting Lactose Intolerance In Children

A hydrogen breath test is also used to detect the presence of alactasia in children. The modifications of the equipment to collect breath samples of small children have made it a superior diagnostic option compared to the stool test. This test is easier to perform in young children and infants. So, hydrogen breath testing is done frequently to diagnose the condition in children.

Treating Lactose Intolerance

You need to understand that no cure exists for alactasia. You have no medication or technique to trigger lactose production in your body. So, lactose intolerance treatment aims to decrease or eliminate the milk products triggering the problem from the diet. Here are some of the options suggested:

Take Lactase Enzyme Drops/Tablets

You can get over-the-counter drops or tablets containing lactase enzyme. For example, Lactaid or others can help you digest dairy products. Just take the lactase tablets before you eat a snack or meal. You can also add these drops to your milk to eliminate ay distressing symptoms. But, these products are not helpful for everyone suffering from the condition.

Take Supplements

Due to alactasia, you can suffer from deficiencies of calcium and other vitamins. So, to overcome the deficiencies, you need to take supplements of the following:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D

Lifestyle Changes To Manage Lactose Intolerance

While lactose intolerance is not a serious condition, it can make you uncomfortable. The symptoms triggered can cause you distress. So, you need to make some lifestyle changes.

Trial And Error Method

This is possible with some trial and error methods. Using this method, you can predict your body’s reaction to different foods containing lactose. So, it helps you identify the safe foods containing lactose causing no issues in your body. You can also identify the right amount to consume without developing any distressing symptoms. This method is effective for most people. Only a small percentage of people suffer from severe alactasia. In such cases, they have cut all dairy and milk products from their diet. Also, they need to maintain caution while taking non-dairy foods or medication containing lactose ingredients.

Maintain Good Nutrition

When you eliminate or restrict the consumption of dairy products, it means you will not get enough calcium in your body. In such cases, you can suffer from calcium deficiency. To manage such issues, you need to include certain foods that compensate for calcium deficiency.

Calcium-Rich Foods

If you are thinking only dairy products has calcium, then you are mistaken. You can find calcium in some other foods. The foods you need to include to overcoming calcium deficiency are:

  • Green leafy vegetable
  • Broccoli
  • Broccoli and leafy green vegetables
  • Calcium-fortified cereals
  • Canned sardines or salmon
  • Calcium-fortified juices
  • Milk substitutes like rice milk and soy milk
  • Dried beans
  • Almonds
  • Oranges
  • Brazil nuts

Foods With Vitamin D

You also need to get enough vitamin D as eliminating dairy can cause deficiency as milk is usually fortified with the vitamin. So, you need to spend more time in the sun to get vitamin D naturally. Apart from that, you can also include the following foods:

  • Live
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt

Check Your Lactose Tolerance

In most cases, people who observe alactasia can consume some milk products without suffering from any symptoms. Such people can tolerate low-fat dairy products like skimmed milk compared to whole-milk products. You can also try to increase the tolerance to the dairy products by slowly introducing them in your diet. The different ways to make a change in your diet to minimize the symptoms of alactasia are:

Smaller Servings Of Dairy To Avoid Lactose Intolerance

You need to opt for smaller servings of dairy. You can start by sipping small servings of milk like up to 100-118 milliliters (up to 4 ounces) at a time. With smaller servings, the chances of developing any gastrointestinal problems reduce.

Restrict Dairy For Mealtimes

You can take dairy products during mealtimes. Drinking milk or consuming milk products with other foods can ease the symptoms. This occurs because other foods slow the digestive process. So, it reduces the symptoms associated with alactasia.

Experiment With Different Dairy Products

Since all the dairy products have a different amount of lactose, you can experiment with different choices to see the one that suits you the best. You can try the following choices:

  • Try including hard cheeses like cheddar or Swiss. It is because they have low lactose levels, which trigger no symptoms.
  • Ice cream contains high lactose, but the high-fat content in it may prevent any symptoms from developing. So, you can try eating ice cream. But, some people may see any reactions. In such cases, you can include sherbet as the dessert option.
  • Some people have a high tolerance to cultured milk products like yogurt. It is because bacteria involved in the culturing process produces enzymes. These enzymes are capable of breaking down lactose.

Check Other Options

Since drinking cow, buffalo, goat, or sheep milk can cause lactose intolerance, you can try other options. You can opt for soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or other vegetable milk. You can also buy lactose-reduced or lactose-free products.

Natural Remedies For Lactose Intolerance

While you have no specific treatment to alleviate alactasia, you can try some home remedies to manage the other complications triggered by the condition. Here are some of then you can try after consulting your doctor:

Include Vitamin-Rich Foods

People suffering from alactasia can observe vitamin deficiency. Affected people are usually deficient in Vitamin D and B12. So, you need to try an alternative source other than a diary to get the necessary vitamins. These vitamins are found in the following food items:

  • Fortified orange juice
  • Fatty Fish
  • Egg yolks
  • Soy milk
  • Poultry

But, in some cases, including such food items alone may not solve the problem. In such cases, it is best to take additional supplements. But, take such supplements only after consulting a doctor.

Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the popular remedies to reduce lactose intolerance. It is because of ACV helps with digestion. When you consume ACV, it turns alkaline as it reaches your stomach. So, it neutralizes the stomach acids and helps in digesting dairy sugar. So, it is effective in preventing symptoms like nausea, bloating, and gas. You can consume a mixture of water and ACV. Mix one tablespoon of ACV in one glass of warm water and drink it.

Lemon Essential Oil To Manage Lactose Intolerance

Lemon essential oil is effective in managing alactasia. It aids in digestion by neutralizing stomach acids. So, it relieves digestive problems linked to alactasia. You need to add a drop of lemon oil to a glass of cold water. Mixing it and drinking it throughout the day. It has a natural cleansing effect on your stomach.

Consume Eggs

Eliminating dairy products from your diet can result in certain vitamin and calcium deficiencies. As dairy contains vitamin D and B12 along with calcium, the lack of dairy can cause a deficiency. So, to overcome the deficiency, you need to add eggs to your diet. You can hard boil two eggs or cook two eggs in any preferred method. Consume them to overcome the deficiency.

Lemon Juice And Honey To Manage Lactose Intolerance

Lemon juice is acidic. But, once metabolized, lemon juice turns alkaline. So, it has a neutralizing effect on stomach acids. It can manage the uncomfortable symptoms caused due to consuming lactose. Therefore, it alleviates bloating, gas, and nausea. Add lemon juice to a glass of water and mix honey in it. Consuming them before eating foods can help manage the problem.

Diet Tips To Overcome Lactose Intolerance

While the symptoms caused by alactasia may cause danger to your health, it makes you uncomfortable. If you remove milk and milk products from the diet, these symptoms go away without any complications. So, you can follow the tips suggested below to ensure this condition does not cause severe issues:

Read Labels

When you buy food products from the supermarket, read the ingredient list carefully. Certain food items may contain lactose. Apart from milk and cream, you need to check if the food has milk derivatives like the following:

  • Casein or caseinates
  • Whey or whey protein concentrate
  • Curds
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Nougat
  • Dry milk solids or powder
  • Margarine

Check What Is In Your Food

When you eat from restaurants, you need to check what is in your food. It is because many of the foods that you think do not contain milk may actually contain milk and lactose. Here are some of the examples:

  • Salad dressings
  • Sauces
  • Frozen waffles
  • Non-kosher lunch meats
  • Dry breakfast cereal
  • Instant soups
  • Baking Mixes

Do you know that certain medications and even nondairy creamer contain lactose and milk products? Consuming them without knowing about the presence of milk products can trigger symptoms when you least expect it. So, always check what you are buying before eating it to avoid any embarrassing situations.

Avoid Processed Foods To Prevent Lactose Intolerance

Processed foods contain milk and milk products. So, if you suffer from alactasia, stay away from processed foods.

Since you have no cure for alactasia, you need to take steps to prevent the symptoms associated with the condition by checking your diet.


Apart from temporary cases, lactose intolerance needs lifelong diet modification. You can manage the issues without any severe complications with proper care. By adhering to the recommended diet, you can lead a normal life. Monitor what you eat and avoid foods as well as drinks triggering discomfort. Consult a doctor to determine the supplements you need to take to get enough vitamins and prevent deficiencies. With proper care, you can lead a healthy life without suffering from any complications.


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