Is It Normal To Feel Soreness After A Workout

It is normal to feel soreness after a workout. Since you have decided to focus more on your health, you need to know the issues that can crop up with starting an exercise program. While these problems are temporary, you must never give up on your goal. When the workout goes great, you can feel proud about your ability to make an effective workout plan and stick to it. But, remember, it may not feel as easy it as sounds. Once you start the exercise routine, it is normal you feel sore. This feeling becomes so bad that you find it difficult to get out of your bed. Aches and pain can make you think if you have done something wrong or exerted your body too much. Read ahead to know if the condition is normal or something you need to worry about.

Classification Of Soreness After A Workout

To make your physique look good and healthy, you need to push your body to a certain level. At this level, you can enjoy the gains of a workout. Every person has a different activity threshold for their body. It may depend on the following factors:

  • Age
  • Your baseline strength
  • The participation level

Remaining on the safe side of your threshold will result in muscular soreness. Exceeding your threshold will result in pain. You can increase the threshold progressively by incorporating appropriate exercises. For example, when you start to run, your safe threshold may come around to five minutes. It means you may not feel pain for the first five minutes. After continuing the exercise for several weeks, you can increase the duration of the safe threshold. It means you can run for at least twenty to thirty minutes without feeling pain.

To maximize the gains obtained from the physical activity and lower the risk of injuries, you need to become realistic regarding the activity threshold. It is essential to differentiate simple muscle soreness after a workout and pain. Here is the classification to help you understand better:

Acute Muscle Soreness After A Workout

It is the normal type of soreness developing immediately after your workout. It occurs due to stressing the muscles as a part of your workout. People often describe it as a burning sensation. Usually, it occurs due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. It resolves quickly with or without care. Confused about what muscle soreness feels like? For example, if you are trying to do overhead presses, you can feel the pressure of it on your triceps and shoulders. With each repetition, you can feel the pressure in the region. Once you feel sore, you find it difficult to squeak out another repetition. Then, soreness after a workout is the signal from the body to stop the exercise.

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

As the name suggests, you feel soreness after a few hours and in some cases days. It is a normal problem occurring when you start a new activity or increase the activity levels suddenly. The condition may last for more than a day or two. You develop soreness or pain due to inflammation developing within the muscles. This inflammation can result in soreness. This discomfort may feel similar to acute muscle soreness. It tends to feel global compared to an actual injury.

For example, when you complete a routine, putting pressure on your glutes or legs, the whole area may feel sore. Also, developing discomfort bilaterally after a workout may indicate DOMS instead of an injury. So, you may feel discomfort in both quads instead of on a specific area of the leg. It is another method to detect the type of pain you suffer. You start to feel better after the third-day mark. With care, you can ease the discomfort and overcome the problem.

Pain Triggered By Injury

When you suffer from a muscle injury, the pain or discomfort associated with it can feel focused. Meaning, you will feel pain in a specific area. It can become worse when you try to make a specific movement. For example, an injury to the muscles in the arm can make it difficult to complete one specific range of motion. So, you will not feel pain when you move your arm. Only when you try to rotate it in a specific way, you feel pain. The sharper and more specific pain needs medical attention. It is the indication to make an appointment with a doctor or physical therapist.

Incidents Triggering Muscle Soreness After A Workout

So, when can you expect aches or pain? You will develop muscle soreness after a workout or after one of the following incidents:

  • You start a workout regime or program for the first time.
  • Increasing the intensity of the exercise you have in your program already. For example, increasing the weight you lift during the workout, the speed, or the number of repetitions.
  • Performing some type of activity again and again without taking a rest between them.

So, why do such incidents cause soreness? After the above-mentioned incidents occur, you can suffer from small micro-tears in the muscles. It can trigger pain and result in the development of inflammation. You either suffer from pain immediately or one or two days after (due to DOMS) the workout session. This process is similar to building muscles. As your muscle build back after suffering from the tears, they can recover. Once recovered, the muscle feels stronger. It is a normal part of the strength-building and muscle-building process. While a little bit of soreness can help you with fitness goals, if your muscle gets damaged, see a specialist. The degree of damage can depend on the hydration levels and your genetics. Experiencing this level of extreme soreness can result in skipping of workout.

Steps To Decrease Recovery Time Of Soreness After A Workout

It is normal to feel sore after a workout. You are not alone as even professional athletes and bodybuilders carry the risk of muscle soreness. It is the indication of muscles becoming strong. So, you never have to become alarmed. When you exercise, the additional pressure on the muscles and fibers causes them to break down. The damaged fibers try to repair themselves. Hence, they become larger and stronger than before. It also means your muscles become better prepared to handle stress the next time you try a workout. But, not all people are alike. Some suffer from monumental soreness when they start a new exercise routine or add intensity to it. How can such people feel normal by overcoming soreness after a workout? While time can heal the problem and make you feel good, some things can help you overcome pain and speed up the healing process.

Try To Get Some Light Movement

When you feel too sore and find it difficult to exercise, you tend to stop any activity. But, it can do more harm than good. When you feel as such, remember, activity can only help you overcome this soreness. With increased activity, you can boost blood circulation. It will improve blood flow throughout the body. Enhanced blood circulation means your body gets the necessary oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissue. It will speed up the repairing of small tears. While more studies are required to establish this fact, everyone agrees that improved blood circulation can help with carrying oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. When the nutrients reach the muscles faster via blood flow, the faster they can get to work. So, you will get the results faster.

But, it does not mean you need to get back to the already scheduled activity. You can try some gentle activities to improve blood circulation. You can try going for a walk or hop on a bike. If it is possible, you can try some light strength training. With strength training, you can boost blood flow. So, strength training can offer positive results. With strength training, you can get blood flow directly into the muscles. But, when it is specified as light, you must limit it to superlight. You must never cause more damage to the muscle fibers. Always use just 25% to 50% of the normal weight you use. You must stick with bodyweight exercises.

Focus On Hydrating

Increased soreness of muscle can occur when you become dehydrated. A link exists between dehydration and soreness, ultimately leading to DOMS. Initial researches conclude this theory. But, scientists are looking for more evidence to related increased soreness after a workout to dehydration. If established, hydration can minimize the problem. What is the theory behind this finding? It is based on the principle that water can aid in flushing out toxins and waste products from the body. When you try some exercises, your muscles can break down. It results in releasing of toxins and waste products. For better functioning of the body, the body has to filter the toxins. Accumulation of the toxic waste can lead to increased soreness.

Make Time For Light Stretching

After the workout, you need to make time for light stretching, with emphasis on light. When you stretch, it can release the tightness of your muscles and boost the range of motion experiencing due to soreness. So, you tend to feel better. But, it is not the actual healing process as the tears in the muscle remain. Stretching may not help with the faster repair of the muscle. It can offer you temporary relief from the problem and avoid it from escalating. Unlike pre-workout stretching, you need to give importance to static movements, unlike dynamic stretching. When you complete the stretching, it will help you increase the range of motion. You may not feel any difficulty stretching as the muscles remain warm after the workout. So, you can get a good stretch.

Try to refrain from overstretching. You need to maintain caution as overstretching when you have tight muscles can make them even tighter. Why? Your body tries to resist the stretch. So, stick to light stretching. But, how can understand the stretching is too far? Always listen to your body. Stretch until you feel tightness. After five to ten seconds, you can let up. Then, repeat the process. Make sure you never get to the point where the stretching feels unbearable. If it becomes too painful or uncomfortable to think about stretching, you need to skip it. Light stretching is all about getting temporary relief. Never overdo it to make the problem worse.

Get Enough Protein To Prevent Muscle Soreness After A Workout

It is essential to get enough protein from the diet. Protein is a significant building block for muscles. It is also helpful in maintaining muscle. So, including this nutrient will help your muscle recover from a tough workout. Make sure you eat enough protein needed to prevent long-lasting or recurring soreness from the workouts. Double-check that you include enough protein in the diet after you suffer from discomfort. Consuming enough protein is as vital as including light stretching in the routine to prevent soreness after a workout.

Never exceed the amounts of protein needed. Since people have a varying nutrient requirements, everyone may not need the same level of protein. But, people who work out must aim for 1.4 grams to two grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight. For example, if you are an active person weighing around one-fifty pounds, then you need a total of ninety-five to one-thirty-six grams of protein a day. You can split it between the meals throughout the day to see the difference.

Heat/Ice Therapy To Ease Pain

While most people debate on the better option among hot and cold therapy, you can decide on choosing the right one based on your preferences. Make sure to choose the option feeling good for you. But, you need to understand that the effects this therapy offers may last for a short time. But, it offers great relief when you experience soreness after a workout. Any fleeting relief is worth a try.

So, what’s the difference between the two therapies? Ice therapy can reduce the swelling developing due to severe soreness. Placing an ice pack can bring down the pain-triggering tension by easing the swelling. Elevating the area affected (for example legs) by soreness will ease the problem. Heat can ease pain signals and minimize tension. It is the reason why taking a warm bath makes you feel better. Also, heat can improve blood circulation that can ease soreness after a workout.

Methods To Prevent Muscle Soreness After A Workout

You now know the tips to manage the soreness after a workout. But, there are some effective ways to prevent DOMS or aching from developing in the first limit. The tips will help you in limiting the problem. So, check it out:

Ease Into Workout Gradually

Start a new workout or adding intensity to it? Take it slowly to prevent aches and pains. Too-much-too-soon can only increase the risk of suffering muscle tears. Start slowly with small movement or increase the intensity gradually to prevent soreness after workout less likely. Progressing slowly with new workout types can help you prevent the problem. For example, if you are doing strength contraction, you may complete equally timed contraction. Meaning, you spend the same amount of time lifting the weights and lowering them. To incorporate eccentric training, you need to add it gradually to the routine. If you complete four sets of the normal bicep curls earlier, you can do one or two sets of eccentric bicep curls for the first time.

You need to give your body the time to adjust to the new workout routine. Similarly, when you wish to start a new type of training, you need to choose the beginner’s version having a short period. This will help you learn the moves first instead of throwing your body right in the workout.

Foam-roll To Prevent Soreness After Workout

To prevent soreness after a workout, you can try foam rolling. It will reduce the intensity of muscle tears or injuries. So, you will feel less sore after the exercise sessions. According to a review of several studies published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, after an intense exercise self-myofascial release reduces the muscle soreness perceptions during the next days. You can try the self-myofascial release on a roller massager or foam roller to get the desired results. Wondering why? This action can enhance the blood flow in the area. With improved blood circulation, you get more oxygen in the area. Hence, it aids in the reduction of the possibility of suffering from soreness or DOMS. Other therapies such as percussive therapy devices can also help you feel better.

 When To See A Doctor To Manage Soreness After Workout

It is natural to feel soreness after a physical workout. But, when you carry out activities causing immense discomfort that can prevent you from carrying out the daily activities of your personal or professional life, then it means you have done too much. It is the signal provided by the body to slow down. Your body also indicates the problem when you feel discomfort for more than 72 hours. But, they can ease when you take necessary precautions and undergo some therapies at home suggested. But, not all soreness after a workout comes under the normal category.

If you feel pain immediately or while doing the exercise, it may point to something abnormal. It is an indication that either you are doing the exercise wrong or it does not suit your body. Such type of pain is a signal from the body to stop the activity altogether before you suffer from serious muscle or joint damage. Severe cases like a breakdown of muscles can make you ill.

Watch Out For Serious Issues Causing Soreness After A Workout

When you are recovering from soreness after a workout, you need to look out for signs indicating something serious. Some people may develop a serious syndrome known as rhabdomyolysis. It develops due to the death of the overworked muscle fibers and the release of myoglobin protein into the bloodstream. Rhabdomyolysis is a serious problem as the protein can lead to kidney damage and in serious cases, failure of the organ. It is a medical condition requiring immediate attention from the doctor. So, take action immediately when you see warning signs. Here are some of the signs you need to check out:

  • Severely swollen limbs
  • Unbearable and severe pain
  • Severe swelling resulting in loss of joint range of motion
  • Decreased urine production
  • Severe weakness
  • Dark-colored urine (cola-colored urine)

Seek medical attention immediately when you see such issues cropping the following day after your workout session. Wait for a few days to check if the discomfort eases. When you fail to find relief after a couple of days, it means you have suffered an injury. It is the sign indicating the need to see a healthcare professional. But, simple soreness that may go away with some TLC will not affect your health. So, never think of quitting the plan due to soreness after a workout. Never feel discouraged as your muscles will get better. Your body will thank you later for the exercise.

See A Physical Therapist For Severe Soreness After A Workout

If you are worried about soreness after the workout too much, get assistance from a physical therapist. This professional is a valuable resource when you embark on a workout journey. With professional assistance, you can undergo a variety of pre-activity assessments. These tests will determine your body’s readiness for exercise. Based on this report, your physical therapist can recommend specific types of exercises that can aid in the preparation of desired activities. The specialists can discuss the best strategies needed for introducing and progressing exercise activities while reducing the chances to suffer from injuries.

In case of an unfortunate situation like suffering an injury during the exercise, the physical therapist can aid you in recovering from the problem. After the initial pain management, the physical therapist can suggest the different ways to detect and address the factors contributing to the injury. This will help prevent further injuries or other problems. Also, the specialists can offer specific recommendations regarding reintegrating physical workouts into your routine as appropriate. To achieve the goal of pain relief, physical therapists choose hands-on care, educating the patients, and suggesting movements to manage the problem.


Starting a workout program in your hectic schedule can become challenging. You need to find time to exercise, maintain a balance of your routine, and set achievable goals. On top of that, when you suffer from soreness after a workout, it becomes difficult to follow the routine and stay on track. There are high chances of procrastination and you may not feel motivated to get to the gym when your body has aches and pain. Remember, soreness and moderate pain indicate the rods your muscles take for becoming stronger. Consider it as a motivation to keep you on track of fitness goals. Take care at home and manage the condition. But, severe pain requires medical attention. So, never ignore chronic pain. With better care and determination, you can reach your fitness goals.


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