Interstitial Cystitis Pain – Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Ways To Manage It

Interstitial cystitis pain is a part of a broader spectrum of diseases known as bladder pain syndrome. It is a chronic condition triggering several symptoms like pelvic pain, bladder pressure, and bladder pain. Due to the symptoms, you can feel severe discomfort. The severity of the problem may range from mild to severe. Due to the condition, your bladder becomes sensitive. But, tests may not show the presence of infection, which causes sensitivity.

About Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Your urinary bladder is responsible for holding urine. It is a hollow, muscular organ that expands until it becomes full. Then, the bladder signals the brain regarding the time to urinate. This message is communicated to the brain through the pelvic nerves. It results in the urge to urinate more in people. When you suffer from interstitial cystitis or IC, the signals can get mixed up. So, you have an increased urge to urinate more often. But, you pass only a small volume of urine compared to normal. The condition is more common among women compared to men. It also has a long-lasting impact on the quality of life. Unfortunately, the condition has no cure. But, the therapies and medication can control the symptoms. It offers relief and improves the quality of life.

Symptoms Linked To Interstitial Cystitis Pain

The signs and symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis pain vary from one person to another. Also, if you have IC, the signs may vary over a period. It may flare periodically in response to certain common triggers like sitting for a long time, menstruation, excess stress, sexual activity, and exercise. The symptoms associated with the condition include the following:

  • Develop pain in the pelvic region or between the anus and vagina in women
  • Suffer from chronic pelvic pain
  • Develop pain in the perineum (the area between the anus and scrotum in men)
  • You feel an urgent, persistent need to urinate
  • Need to urinate more often even in small amounts throughout the day as well as night (in some cases up to 60 times a day)
  • Suffer from pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain or discomfort while the bladder fills and relief after urinating.

The symptoms and their severity are different for affected people. So, some may experience flare-ups while others can see symptom-free periods. You can confuse IC with chronic urinary tract infection as both conditions have similar signs and symptoms. But, with IC, you may not suffer from an infection. But, your signs can worsen when a person with IC develops a urinary tract infection.

See A Doctor For Interstitial Cystitis Pain

You need to consult a doctor immediately when you experience chronic bladder pain. If you experience urinary urgency or increased frequency to urinate, you need to contact the doctor.

Causes Linked To Interstitial Cystitis Pain

So, what causes IC pain? The exact cause of developing interstitial cystitis pain remains unknown. Several factors likely contribute to the condition. For example, people suffering from IC may have a defect in the epithelium (the protective lining of the bladder). Due to the defective lining, you can develop a leak. So, it allows toxic substances present in the urine to irritate the wall of the bladder. Several other possible causes (not proven) can also contribute to the condition:

  • Heredity
  • Autoimmune reaction
  • Develop an infection
  • Allergic reaction

Risk Factors Linked To Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Some of the factors make certain people more susceptible to IC compared to others. Here are the factors triggering a high risk of developing interstitial cystitis pain:

Your Sex

The condition is more common among women compared to men. While men may suffer similar symptoms linked to IC, it can develop due to inflammation of the prostate gland. The condition is known as prostatitis.

Your Skin And Hair Color

People having fair skin along with red hair are more likely to develop interstitial pain compared to others.

Your Age And Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Children or adolescents are less likely to suffer from the problem. People who are diagnosed with IC are usually thirty years or older.

Suffering From Chronic Pain Disorder

People suffering from chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome can suffer from IC pain. Therefore, people with such conditions need to maintain caution.

Complications Associated with Interstitial Cystitis Pain

When you experience the symptoms associated with IC pain, you need to seek medical assistance. Without proper intervention, the condition can result in the following complications:

Reduced Bladder Capacity

Affected people can suffer from reduced bladder capacity. IC can lead to stiffening of the bladder wall. Only a normal bladder wall can hold urine. Due to bladder stiffening, it holds less urine.

Lower Quality Of Life Due To Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Frequent urination is one of the symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis pain. Pain and frequent urination can interfere with personal and professional life. It can affect social activities and other areas of your regular life.

Sexual Intimacy Problems

Apart from causing you discomfort, IC can affect your intimate relationships. Due to frequent urination and pain, your relationships can suffer. You will face problems in sexual relationships.

Emotional Troubles Due To Interstitial Cystitis Pain

When you suffer from chronic pain, it can affect your sleep. Interrupted sleep can lead to emotional stress. So, you can face several problems, including depression.

Diagnosing Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Since several underlying issues can trigger the symptoms associated with IC, you need to make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor can suggest different tests to detect the actual problem:

Medical History

Your doctor asks you to describe the symptoms you suffer. You must also inform the doctor regarding the health issues you face and the medications you are taking.

Maintain Bladder Dairy And Inform Results

Your doctor will ask you to keep a bladder diary. In the diary, you need to record the volume of fluid you drink and the volume of urine output. You have to pass this information to the doctor for diagnosing the problem.

Pelvic Exam

Interstitial Cystitis Pain – Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Ways To Manage It 1

The doctor performs a pelvic exam. During the exam, the doctor examines the external genitals, vagina, as well as the cervix. The doctor feels the abdomen to assess the health of the internal pelvic organs. During the examination, the doctor also checks the rectum and anus.

Urine Test

Your doctor suggests providing a sample of your urine for analysis. In the lab, the technician checks for the presence of a urinary tract infection.

Cystoscopy To Detect Interstitial Cystitis Pain

The doctor can suggest a cystoscope to show the lining of the bladder. The test involves inserting a thin tube with a tiny tube through the urethra to check the insides. During the test, the doctor also injects a liquid into the bladder to measure the bladder capacity. The doctor performs the procedure referred to as hydrodistention. The test is conducted after numbing the area with anesthetic medication to ease the discomfort.


During cystoscopy under anesthesia, your doctor may remove a sample of tissue (biopsy) from the bladder and the urethra for examination under a microscope. This is to check for bladder cancer and other rare causes of bladder pain.

Urine Cytology

It is the test used to rule out serious problems like cancer. The doctor collects a sample of urine to examine the cells. The presence of malignant cells indicates cancer as the underlying cause of the symptoms you observe.

Potassium Sensitivity Test

With the potassium sensitivity test, the doctor places instill. Instills mean two solutions namely water and potassium chloride into the bladder. It is placed one at a time. The doctor records the reaction. If you feel more urgency or pain with the potassium solution compared to water, then the doctor diagnoses IC. People with normal bladders will not feel the difference between the two solutions.

Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis Pain

You have no specific cure available for IC. An effective treatment working for everyone does not exist. In most cases, the doctor suggests one of more treatment options to offer relief from interstitial cystitis pain. Here are some of them:

  • Oral medications
  • Bladder instillations
  • Electronic nerve stimulations
  • Surgery

Some people may see the condition going away after some time, while others need to get treatment to manage it. The treatment for IC mainly focuses on controlling the symptoms.

Natural Ways To Manage Interstitial Cystitis Pain

IC or bladder pain syndrome has different treatment options. You can consult a doctor to determine the actual treatment that will work well. But, you can explore some natural ways to manage IC. These natural healing options can alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition. Here are some of them you can try after consulting with your doctor:

Drink Baking Soda Mixture

Baking soda is used in several home remedies. Form brushing your teeth with baking soda to treating skin problems, baking soda has proven effective. The alkaline nature of baking soda neutralizes the acids in the stomach. So, it helps alleviate inflammation and other symptoms associated with IC. To try this method, you need to mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in one glass of water. Mix it well and drink the mixture. You can drink the mixture one time on the days you see the symptoms flaring up.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties. It is well-known for its healing properties. Aloe Vera exhibits these properties due to the presence of mucopolysaccharides. It is effective in managing the symptoms triggered by the IC. When you consume aloe vera, it replenishes your bladder’s mucosal surface. So, it heals the defective surface and manages the symptoms triggered. To get the desired benefits, you need to drink a one-fourth cup of aloe vera juice daily. If you find it difficult to get the aloe vera juice, then talk to your doctor regarding the aloe vera supplements. Your doctor can suggest the exact dose of aloe vera supplements you can take. It is possible to include supplements up to 500 mg to manage the symptoms.

Take Vitamin D To Manage Interstitial Cystitis Pain

The intake of vitamins will offer several benefits to your body. It can manage IC pain and associated symptoms. You can consume foods rich in Vitamin D, especially vitamin D3. Consume foods like shrimps, fatty fish, egg yolk, cheese, mushrooms, and shrimps. You need to take 20 to 25 mcg vitamin D to get the desired effects. You can take an activated form of vitamin D as supplements to get the anti-inflammatory effects. When you take the supplements, it is essential to consult the doctor. The doctor can suggest the right amount of vitamin D needed for getting the benefits. The activated vitamin D, also known as calcitriol can manage the symptoms.

Apply Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains analgesic properties to reduce bladder inflammation as well as pain. Applying coconut oil in the lower abdomen can help offer relief from pain triggered due to IC. You can mix virgin coconut oil with any essential oil and apply it topically to the lower abdomen. You can also consume one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil. Doing it daily can offer you relief from the discomfort triggered due to IC.

Consume Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotic yogurt has anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective in reducing the inflammation developing inside the body caused due to IC. Probiotics are a well-known natural remedy to combat urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis pain. It is a simple natural method to manage the condition. You need to consume one small bowl of probiotic yogurt. Consume it once in a while to see results. For best results, you can consume probiotic yogurt every two to three days.

Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea is good for your health. Green tea contains polyphenols, which has antioxidant properties along with significant anti-inflammatory properties. So, it helps protect the bladder cells from suffering from further oxidative damage and stress. You can boil half a teaspoon of green tea in one cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for five to seven minutes. Now, strain the liquid. Drink the warm tea twice a day for optimum benefits. It will protect your bladder cells from suffering from stress or further oxidative damage.

Drink Ginger Tea To Manage Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Ginger contains gingerol. It is the main compound of the ginger root, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, consuming ginger can reduce pain and inflammation you can develop in the bladder as a result of IC. You can make ginger tea and drink it to see the effects of ginger. For making ginger tea, you need to take one cup of hot water. Put one teaspoon of minced ginger in the hot water and allow it to steep. Wait for five to seven minutes before straining the ginger tea. You need to consume ginger tea before it gets cold. Drink two to three cups of ginger tea a day to see the benefits.

Chew Garlic To Get Relief From Interstitial Cystitis

Using garlic in your cuisine makes it tastier. But, it is also an effective home remedy for many ailments as garlic has allicin. It has anti-inflammatory properties to prevent any infection. So, you can use it to manage the symptoms of IC. Using garlic can prevent the degeneration of your urinary bladder. It is a simple and effective home remedy to manage the condition. You can simply chew two or three pods of garlic every day. If you do not like the taste of raw garlic, then add it to your favorite cuisines.

Drink Turmeric Water

Turmeric has curcumin as its main component. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. So, it can manage the symptoms associated with IC. Using turmeric also prevents further oxidative damage from occurring to the bladder. For getting effective results, you need to drink a glass of hot water mixed with turmeric powder. Take half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it in a glass of water. You must restrict the drinking of the mixture to not more than two times a day. You can do this every time you observe the surfacing of the symptoms.

Marshmallow Root Tea

Marshmallow root is the native of North Africa, West Asia, and Europe. The perennial herb is a folk remedy used for thousands of years to treat several health problems, including skin conditions, respiratory issues, and digestive conditions. Marshmallow root contains mucilage in it, which has healing powers. It is usually used in cough syrups and skin products. The herb contains anti-inflammatory properties. So, using it will soothe the inflammation and heal the pain.

You need to take a medium-sized jar and marshmallow root as required. Now, fill one-fourth of it with the marshmallow root. You have to fill the jar with warm water. Allow the marshmallow root to seep into the water. Wait for at least four to twelve hours before straining and drinking the drink. You can drink this tea at least two cups a day to see results.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies To Manage Interstitial Cystitis

Apart from trying natural and medical treatments, you can make some changes in your lifestyle to get relief from symptoms. Trying these strategies at home will boost the effectiveness of the treatment you undergo. So, you will get symptoms relief by trying the strategies suggested below:

Dietary Changes

The food you eat has a direct link to bladder irritation. While certain foods relieve the discomfort of IC, others irritate the bladder and worsen the problem.

Foods To Avoid For Preventing Interstitial Cystitis

Some of the food items are known as common bladder irritants. Eliminating the “four Cs” that trigger the discomfort of IC will help manage the problem. It includes the following:

  • Carbonated beverages
  • Foods containing a high concentration of vitamin C
  • Caffeine in all its food forms (it includes chocolate)
  • Citrus products

So, you need to avoid similar foods triggering irritation lie spices, alcohol, pickled foods, and tomatoes. In some cases, artificial sweeteners can aggravate the symptoms in people. If you think certain foods irritate the bladder, then you need to eliminate them from the diet. You can reintroduce them slowly one at a time. It will help you pay attention to the ones worsening your symptoms.

Bladder Training

To improve your symptoms, you can practice bladder training. Bladder training involved timing the urination. You use the bladder retaining technique to control your urge to urinate. So, with timed urination, you go to the toilet according to the time instead of going when you feel the need. You urinate at set intervals (like every half an hour or so). With bladder training, you need to go even when you feel no need to urinate. You can gradually increase the wait between the bathroom visits. With bladder training, you use relaxation techniques to control urinary urges. Distracting yourself with other activities or breathing deeply or slowly helps to overcome the urge to urinate.

Wear Loose Clothing

Can your clothing affect the flaring of IC? Yes, it can contribute to the recurrence of the condition. Wearing tight clothes that squeezes your abdomen region (waist or pelvic area) will worsen the symptoms. So, you need to stay away from clothes as well as belts putting pressure on the abdomen. Select loose clothes putting no pressure on your abdomen.

Reduce Stress To Prevent Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Stress is a negative emotion triggering several ailments in your body. It can also increase the chances of inflammation of the bladder. When you suffer from stress, it can create free radicals in the body. It also makes you vulnerable to inflammation. So, you need to take steps to reduce the presence of free radicals and oxidation in the body that attacks the bladder. Also, stress increases the cortisol levels in the body. IC patients are more to severe outbreaks when their stress increases. So, take steps to manage steps. You can try effective methods like biofeedback or visualization to eliminate the condition from worsening.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is not good for your health. Cigarette smoke irritates the bladder and worsens the symptoms linked to IC and its frequency. Also, long-term smoking can lead to constant coughing, which puts excess pressure on the abdominal region. So, it increases the pain associated with the pelvic floor muscles. People who smoke need to stop if they have experienced IC episode before. Smoking can also lead to bladder cancer. If it is impossible to quit smoking, get medical assistance to kick the bad habit.

Exercise Regularly To Prevent Interstitial Cystitis Pain

When you exercise, it releases endorphins. It acts like painkillers. So, endorphins are nature’s pain relievers. When you exercise without putting pressure on the abdomen, then it helps reduce the symptoms associated with IC. You can try aerobic exercises like swimming can help you feel good. Water aerobics offers support to your bladder when you are in the pool. Long walks will also make you feel good. You can try stretching exercises to reduce the symptoms. But, vigorous exercises placing pressure on the bladder will backfire. So, include aerobic exercises to manage interstitial cystitis pain.

Alternative Medicine To Manage Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Some people try complementary and alternative therapies to get relief from pain triggered due to IC. Here are two of the therapies with proven effects of treating the condition:

Guided Imagery To Manage Interstitial Cystitis Pain

It is the type of therapy, which employs the visualization concept along with direct suggestion by making use of imagery to aid in healing. The alternative therapy for interstitial cystitis works on the hope that your body will follow the suggestion of the mind.



It is the traditional Chinese medicine offering relief from many ailments. It follows the principle that illness occurs as a result of an imbalance of life forces. Chinese believe a harmonious balance exists between the life forces, Ying, and Yang. The disturbance in the balance of forces results in illness. The energy flowing in the body is accessible using the 350 acupuncture points. So, a practitioner inserts needles during the acupuncture session to bring the energy flow back in a proper balance. The numerous thin needles can offer relief from pain and other symptoms. Many doctors believe acupuncture can boost the activity of the natural painkillers in the body. It helps manage the pain triggered due to IC.

These treatment options are not studied to know the effectiveness of getting relief from interstitial cystitis pain. So, before you try any of them, consult with the doctor. Your doctor can offer suggestions to help know the effectiveness when you try them.

Coping And Support While Suffering From Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Interstitial cystitis pain can affect the quality of your life. The pain makes it difficult to perform your regular tasks. While treatments can help you manage the discomfort, at times, it can make you feel depressed. So, you need constant support from your family and friends. Since the problem is linked to urinary infection, you will find it difficult to disclose your condition. But, you can talk to your close family or friends to get the necessary support. If you cannot share it with family or friends, then join a support group. The support groups lend a sympathetic ear to your problem. You can also gain useful information.

It is important to find a good doctor who can offer enough support and customized treatment to improve the condition as well as your quality of life. Find a qualified doctor who can help you relieve the bladder pain, urinary urgency, and frequency. A qualified doctor can also offer useful information about the problem and how you can cope with it better.


Interstitial cystitis pain is a chronic condition. While the condition is not life-threatening, it can reduce the quality of life. The disease may not escalate to cancer. The condition can affect the quality of life in affected people. So, people affected by IC need to develop coping skills to manage the problem. Having good support along with family and friend’s support is crucial to deal with the issue. Get the necessary medical assistance to manage it.


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