Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

Instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica is perfect for people who suffer from sleepless night due to low back pain. If changing the position from standing to sitting or vice versa is not easy as earlier, it means you need to take action. Along with these symptoms, feeling nagging discomfort in the leg means you suffer from issues with the sciatic nerve. You can suffer from lower back pain due to different problems. Sciatica is only one among the different reasons. Seeing a doctor can help you identify the actual problem. Your doctor can suggest the right remedy for the problem causing the trouble. Trying the yoga poses in combination with the medical therapy suggested by the doctor can offer great relief.

About Sciatic Nerves And The Pain Triggered By Them

Sciatic nerves refer to the long nerves in your body with a thickness similar to your little finger. You can see the nerves extending from the lower lumbar spine to the back of the legs. It passes your buttocks and extends to the feet’ soles. When you suffer from a sciatic nerve problem, you experience pain in the following areas:

  • Foot
  • Legs
  • Calf
  • Buttocks
  • Lower back

People At Risk Of Sciatica

Are you at risk of suffering from sciatica? It is not a problem affecting everybody. Some people are more vulnerable to the problem compared to others. People who can suffer from the issue include:

Common Problems Triggering Sciatica

  • If you lead a sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise
  • You work in a sedentary position for a long time
  • You smoke
  • Suffer from obesity
  • These are common problems triggering the problem.

Other Causes Of Sciatica

Other than the common problems, you can suffer from sciatica when you suffer from the following problems:

  • Back injuries
  • Slipped disc
  • Back injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Compressed nerve fibers
  • Bending or sitting for a long time
  • Narrowing of the spinal cord in the lower back
  • Piriformis syndrome (due to the condition, the piriformis muscle in your rear region suffers spasms or tightens that irritates the sciatica nerve)

Why Do You Need To Try The Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica?

People look for instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica due to the pain triggered by the condition. While the pain intensity varies from one person to another and differs from episode to episode. Some people suffering from only mild, nagging pain. Such mild discomfort may not affect your life. You can continue your work even with mild pain. But, others may suffer from unbearable shooting makes. Severe pain makes it difficult to stand or walk. In such cases, affected people feel the following symptoms:

  • Soreness
  • Throbbing pain
  • Tingling
  • Heat
  • Electric Shocks

The condition usually affects one part of the body. You need to check with your doctor if sciatica is the condition triggering pain. While medication may or may not help manage the condition, studies indicate trying yoga poses to deal with the problem. The holistic practice acts as a preventive measure to protect against pain. The non-invasive regime can help you deal with pain triggered due to sciatica. While most people heal from the problem with yoga, in some cases, it causes permanent nerve damage. You need to seek immediate medical attention when you observe one or more symptoms:

  • Weakness in the affected leg
  • Loss of feeling in the affected leg
  • Loss of bladder or bowel function

Can Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica Help?

When the sciatic nerve gets compresses, irritated, or suffers from an injury, it can result in sciatica. The sciatic nerve runs along your lower back, buttocks, thighs, and the side of the legs. So, any problem occurring to the lower vertebrae or the region where the nerve runs can result in pain. When the nerves along the region suffer from tightness, overuse, or injury, it leads to a painful condition. Due to the problem, you can suffer from sharp, burning, or throbbing sensations. It radiates down your leg. Due to the problem, you can suffer from the following symptoms:

  • Tingling sensation
  • Numbness
  • Inflammation

More often the problem develops only on one side of the body. Depending on the person developing the condition, the symptoms vary from minor nuisance triggering moderate discomfort to serious pain leading to severe distress. According to a study conducted in the year 2013, certain yoga poses help manage the pain triggered due to sciatica. Instant reliving yoga asanas for sciatica can help manage several issues like:

  • Reduce chronic lower back pain
  • Lower the use of pain medications
  • Improves limitation in mobility or activity

Different Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

You can try some effective yoga poses to soothe and heal sciatica. The therapeutic applications of yoga can also prevent the condition from developing. Let’s see the best one you can include in your routine:

One Of The Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica: Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Balasana or the child’s pose is one of the instant relieving yoga asanas to tune into your body and get relaxation. By trying the yoga pose, you can lengthen and stretch your spine. Regular practice of the yoga pose can boost flexibility. It promotes openness in different parts of the body like the lower back, thighs, and hips. It is the resting posture usually tried between challenging yoga poses. The resting posture helps you gently stretch different parts of the body. You can stop what you are currently doing and connect with your breath.

How To Practice One Of The Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica?

You need to start on your hands and knees for performing the yoga asana. Spread the knees as wide as your mat. While maintaining the pose, you need to keep the top of the feet on the floor. Make sure your big toe touches the floor. Now, bring the belly to rest between the thighs. Root your forehead to the floor. If you feel uncomfortable placing the forehead on the floor, you can use a block or two stacked fists. You need to focus on relaxing the eyes, jaws, and shoulders in the pose. Your forehead has an energy point at its center. When you rest your forehead, it offers a soothing effect.

The yoga pose relieves sciatica and manages stress at the same time. It offers Flexibility to the internal organs and aids in keeping them supple. You can stretch and lengthen the spine. You also find relief from neck and lower back pain when you perform the yoga pose with support to the head and torso.

Downward-Facing Dog

Downward facing dog refers to a forward bend and aligns your body. It stretched several parts of the body like a hamstring. So, it aids in relieving pain as well as tightness. The yoga pose also promotes strength like the back, legs, and arms. It also relieves back pain. The yoga pose comes under the category of mild inversion. So, it acts in the reversal of usual forces influencing the spins. The pose improves blood flow to the brain. The yoga pose helps stabilize the spine and enhances the strength of abdominal muscle.

You can start on your hands and knees. Try to lift your hips towards the ceiling while pressing into your hands. Bring your head down in line with your upper arms or make sure your chin remains in towards the chest. Tilt your pelvis slightly forward while you bend your knees. You can move the body in any variation depending on what you feel appropriate. You have to hold the pose for up to a minute.

One Of The Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica: Half Moon Pose

Ardha Chandrasana or half-moon pose is one of the most effective and instant reliving yoga asanas for sciatica. The pose offers several health benefits as it can strengthen, stabilize, and balance the body. Including the pose in your regular exercise routine will increase flexibility and relieves tension. You can stretch different parts of the body like thighs, glutes, and the spine. To complete the yoga pose, you need support. You can do this pose against the wall. For added support, you can place a block under your hand.

How To Do Half Moon Pose?

You can start in a standing pose like a Triangle pose. Place your right foot in front. Now, you need to bend the right knee deeper in such a manner that you yield the body weight into the right foot. Place your left hand on the hip. Try to reach your right hand to the floor as you slide the left foot. Make sure your left foot moves only a few inches. Your hand must reach the right of the right foot. Lift your leg now to make it parallel to the floor. You can press out through your left heel to achieve the pose. Open your hip and rotate the torso while you gaze forward.

For deeper exercise, you need to lift your left hand towards the ceiling. Turn your gaze upward. You can hold the pose for up to one minute. You need to return to the starting position slowly by exhaling. While releasing, you need to bend your right leg and lower the left leg to the floor. Repeat the same on the opposite side.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

It is a soothing pose stretching and strengthening your spine. It promotes blood circulation and boosts your flexibility. To try this pose, you need to lie on your stomach. Place your hands under the shoulders. Now, squeeze the elbows into the body. While inhaling, lift your shoulders, chest, and head. Keep your chest open and maintain a slight bend with the pose. It must engage your lower back, thighs, and abdominal region. Hold the pose for thirty seconds. After the suggested time, release the pose. Take a rest and repeat it one to three times.

Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

It is an effective yoga pose that strengthens your thighs, glutes, and spine. You can try the yoga pose for stabilizing your lower back and core. Completing the pose can improve blood circulation and boost flexibility in your hips. You need to lie on the stomach for starting yoga. Make sure you interlace the fingers at the base of your spine. Lift your head, chest, and arm. Try to raise them as high as possible. Now, bring your arms up and away from the body.

For getting deeper experience, you need to raise one leg at a time or raise both of them. It will engage your lower back, glutes, and abdominals. Hold the pose for thirty seconds. Release the pose and return to the start position. You can rest your body for a few breaths by gently moving the hips from one side to another. Once your body relaxes, you can repeat the pose at least one or two times.

Wind-Relieving Pose/Knees-to-Chest Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

It is one of the instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica that relieves the tightness you feel in the glutes, hips, and lower back. It is an intense pose. So, you need to do one leg at a time to reduce the intensity. Start the asana by lying on the back. Draw both your knees towards the chest. Now, draw your knees and ankles together in such a manner to reach the hands around the shins or the back of your thighs. If your hands can touch, try to interlace the finger, else you can take hold of opposite elbows. You can deepen the stretch by lifting your head and tucking the chin into your chest. Maintain the pose for up to one minute.

Reclined Pigeon Pose/ Supta Kapotasana

This yoga pose can support your lower back. The pose on your back puts less pressure on your hips. When you do the reclined pigeon pose, it stretches your hips and glutes. The yoga pose also stretches the piriformis muscles. So, how can you do this pose? To start, you need to lie on your back with the knees bent. Make sure your heels stay inward towards the hips. Now, bring your right ankle to the bottom of your left thigh by bending the right knee. Stay in the position if you feel a deep stretch. Else, you can go deeper by lifting the left foot and drawing your left knees in towards the chest. To hold behind the left shin or thigh by interlacing the fingers. You need to hold the pose for up to a minute. Repeat the same on the opposite side.

One Of The Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica: Bridge Pose

Popularly known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, the bridge pose has several benefits. It stretches your spine and relieves pain. You feel the accumulated tension slipping away when you do the yoga pose. The yoga pose has a gentle stimulating effect on the body. It improves blood circulation and works on your core, glutes, as well as, legs. To try the pose, you need to lie on your back on the floor. Keep your heels bent and place your heels towards the hips. You can bring down the arms alongside your body while the palms face down.

Now, lift your spine from the floor slowly. You can raise the hips as high as possible. You need to feel comfortable while raising the hips. To maintain the alignment, you need to place a block between the thighs or knees. Gradually, ease your hips back to the initial position. You can repeat the movement ten times. Relax your body in the starting position. You have to hold the yoga pose in the top position for one-minute maximum.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

When you perform the half lord of the fish’s pose, it twists your body. With the pose, you feel the spine stretching and lengthening. So, it can ease pain and tension. When you perform the twist, you can feel the movement from the lower back. So, how to do this effective yoga pose? To start, you need to sit on the floor with the legs straight. Now, bring your left foot to the outside of the right thigh by bending the knee. Bring your right foot near to the left buttocks by bending it. While inhaling, you need to bring the right arm just besides the right ear. This will lift and strengthen your spine.

When you exhale, you need to twist the torso to the left. While doing so, you must bring the right elbow to the outside of the left knee. Place the left palm on the floor. You can turn your head and gaze in any direction you feel comfortable. Hold the pose for at least a minute. Repeat the same step on the opposite side. This yoga pose is one of the instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica. It also stretches the upper back, side body, and neck. It also improves your spinal mobility. Remember, it is important to keep such areas loose to avoid injuries due to repetitive stress. The twist will also help manage constipation.

One Of The Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica: Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

Viparita Karani or legs-up-the-wall pose is the restorative pose. So, it allows your body to relax, rest, and recover. You can place a folded blanket, cushion, or bolster under the hips for added support. You can also place your hips closer to the wall. Try to find the right spot you feel comfortable with. Now, sit with the right side against the wall. After you lie back, you need to swing the legs along the wall. You can bring the hips closer to the wall to ensure the pose offer comfort. You can place your arm in any comfortable position. Try to relax by allowing the body to fall heavy. For added comfort, you can place a pillow or blanket under the head. Remain in the pose for at least twenty minutes.

Tips To Remember While Trying Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

While you can try instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica, you need to remember certain points to prevent any discomfort or complications. At times, you need to avoid yoga poses as they can make the symptoms worse. You need to listen to the body and honor its wish. Never push yourself hard into completing the poses. If you feel uncomfortable with the poses, avoid it. You need to experiment with the poses to see the one working the best for you during any given day. It is better to avoid practicing any pose triggering pain or discomfort.

Poses To Avoid

You need to avoid certain yoga poses when you suffer from sciatica. Seated or standard forward bends (apart from downward-facing dog) are a big no when you are suffering from sciatica. It is because such poses can strain your pelvic region and lower back further. If you are interested to do forward bends, choose a supine position to complete the pose. You can try them while lying down or facing up. It will offer support to your lower back and hips.

Use Support

In normal cases, sciatica affects only one leg. So, you will find that you can complete certain poses on just one side of the body. Never let it bother you as you will feel fine. You can freely bend the knees in any possible. If needed, you can place cushions under the knees in any seated pose when it triggers discomfort.

Maintain Caution During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant and suffer from sciatica, you may feel tempted to try the yoga poses. But, you need to avoid the instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica that strains or compresses your stomach. So, you need to avoid twists, strong backbends and poses putting pressure on the belly. You can use a cushion or bolsters to modify the poses as required to safeguard your unborn child’s and your health.

Preventive Tips Apart From Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

While you can try instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica, the key remains the prevention of the condition. Is it possible to prevent the problem from developing? It is not always possible to avoid sciatica as the condition can recur in the future. You can take some steps to protect your back and prevent the problem:

Include Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle can trigger several health problems. Including exercise offers several health benefits. Including exercises to keep your back strong will avoid sciatica. You need to include exercises paying special attention to the core muscles. So, the workout must engage the abdominal muscles and the muscles in the lower back. It helps you achieve proper posture and alignment. You can consult a medical professional to recommend certain activities.

Maintain Posture Apart From Including Instant Relieving Yoga Asanas For Sciatica

Instead of thinking about the instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica, you can invest in a good chair for maintaining the right posture. It is important to maintain the perfect posture while sitting. So, you need to choose a good seat having proper back support. It must have a swivel base along with armrests for offering comfort. You can place a rolled towel or pillow in the mall of your back while you sit to maintain the normal curve of your back. Always keep your knees and hips level for better posture.

Use Good Body Mechanics

Following good body mechanics is essential to avoid sciatica. So, if you stand for extended periods due to work, then you need to rest one foot on a small box or stool from time to time to take the load off your feet. Maintain caution when you lift heavy objects. Make sure your lower extremities do the work and avoid pressure on your back. You need to move straight up and down. It is essential to keep the back straight and try to bend only at the knees. While lifting heavy objects, try to hold the load closer to the body. You must refrain from lifting objects and twisting simultaneously. If you are planning to lift a heavy object or it feels awkward, try to find a partner to lift the object.


Instant relieving yoga asanas for sciatica works well for most people. Many studies indicate the effectiveness of the holistic practice in managing pain. Trying these poses may help you feel better. But, remember to practice the poses with ease and gentleness. You need to place your safety above anything else. If possible, you need to go to yoga classes or attend a private yoga session. Checking with a professional while performing the poses ensures you are on the right track. A professional yoga teacher can help you make sure you are practicing the pose correctly. See a doctor or physical therapist when sciatica pain lasts for more than a month, suffer from unbearable pain, or observe unusual symptoms.


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