How To Use Green Tea For Acne Treatment

Acne is a common problem faced by many. Green tea for acne treatment is effective according to many people. While you can find a cure for the breakout on different platforms every day, not all work. Some may cause irritation to your skin or worsen the breakouts. For severe cases, you need to see a dermatologist. The doctor prescribes over-the-counter or prescription medication to deal with the problem. If you have mild to moderate acne and you want a natural remedy, then green tea is the right choice. You can drink or apply it on your skin to see the results. Tea is an effective herbal remedy used by people for several centuries. It cures different ailments like hair loss to indigestion. Tea contains antioxidants, which offers great benefits to your health.

If you are looking for a non-chemical treatment option for your breakouts, then green tea is perfect. Several studies indicate the effectiveness of green tea in managing skin problems. You can consume green tea or apply the tea or its extract on the skin to improve redness, irritation, and lesion caused by the pimples. Read ahead to know how you can use it to manage your breakout and get clear skin.

How Using Green Tea For Acne Treatment Is Effective?

A confident person can face any problems with ease. So you know your visual appeal can play an important role in enhancing your self-confidence? But, when you develop acne, it makes you feel self-conscious. You feel embarrassed to go out. You can use green tea for acne treatment. If you are thinking it is only helpful for your skin, then you are mistaken. Green tea has several other health benefits. Drinking green tea every day will offer the following benefits:

  • Improve your mental awareness
  • See changes in your blood pressure levels
  • Change in cholesterol levels
  • Help manage genital warts when used along with specific medications

Factor Influencing Effectiveness Of Green Tea

How green tea effective in handling breakouts? It contains substances known as catechins. It is the plant-based compounds, also known as polyphenols. Polyphenols contain anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibiotic properties. So, they attack free radicals triggering skin problems. While other food items contain plant-based compounds, green tea is rich in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). Studies indicate EGCG, a polyphenol is effective in managing oily skin and breakouts. Apart from having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, the EGCG in green tea lowers lipid levels. It is also anti-androgenic, which helps reducing oil or sebum secretions in the skin.

Your body naturally produces androgens. The fluctuating or high androgen levels stimulate the sebaceous glands. So, it starts producing more sebum. Excess sebum clogs the pores and boosts bacterial growth, resulting in hormonal acne. EGCG in green tea helps break this cycle. So, it helps manage breakouts on your skin.

Why Do You Need To Use Green Tea For Acne Treatment?

While green, black, and white tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. It belongs to the Theaceae, the flowering plant family. This plant’s leaf buds and leaves are used to produce tea. The unique flavor and look of each tea are obtained by its specific preparation. Green tea is usually prepared from the Camellia sinensis plant’s fresh leaves. For preparing the tea leaves, it is lightly steamed and dried. It is usually done quickly to prevent the oxidation and browning of the leaves. When it oxidizes, the leaves become darker and become black tea as well as oolong. So, why you need to use green tea for acne treatment? Here are the reasons you can use the natural product for preventing pimples:

Use Green Tea For Acne Treatment As It Is A Powerful Antioxidant

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that are beneficial for your body as well as skin. Do you know the effects of antioxidants? Antioxidants are beneficial for your body and skin as it protects from free radicals. What are free radicals and how they damage your body? Free radicals are the unstable atoms, containing an odd number of electrons. These atoms can steal or get electrons from other molecules. So, it can cause damage. Free radicals are also called as oxidant radicals. They are deactivated by antioxidants. So, when you consume green tea, it helps protect your body from free radical damage. While other foods items also contain antioxidants, green tea is one of the most popular choices to keep your body and skin healthy.

Effective In Reducing Inflammation

While antioxidants in green tea can offer beneficial effects to your body, it may not do anything to improve pimple breakout on your skin. So, you may think about including other food items. But, what makes green tea different from others is the presence of catechins, a type of polyphenols. Polyphenols refer to the compounds you can find in people. It has several health benefits for people. Apart from having antioxidants properties catechins also possess anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea contains catechins, which can effectively reduce skin inflammation.

It Prevents Hormonally-Induced Breakouts

When you suffer from breakouts due to an imbalance in hormones, then green tea can prevent them. You may have noticed the higher frequency of acne when a person undergoes puberty. So, if you see the prescriptions suggested by dermatologists, you can observe that the doctor gives anti-androgen medications (for example, spironolactone) and birth control pills to get the breakouts under control.

Green tea is high in EGCG (polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate) that can lower the androgen levels in the body. So, the EGCG in green tea helps block IGF-1. IGF-1 refers to the growth factor peaking in your adolescence. This is the reason why you see acne at its worst during the adolescence. When your body produces high levels of IGF-1, it results in the sebaceous glands pumping out more oil. It makes the skin sticky as they can clog your pore and cause inflammation. Green tea successfully prevents it and reduces hormone-induced breakouts.

Green Tea Extract Exhibits Antibacterial Qualities

Another interesting quality green tea has is its ability to fight bacteria. Green tea shows antibacterial effects against some of the most common bacteria that contribute to acne breakouts, namely propionibacteria acnes and propionibacteria granulosum as well as Staph

Different Effective Methods To Use Green Tea For Acne Treatment

While consuming and applying green tea is beneficial for your skin, see a doctor when such home remedies fail to offer relief. In usual cases, people suffering from mild to moderate acne can try these effective remedies using green tea at home to see the difference in skin appearance.

Green Tea Face Mist For Breakouts

It is a simple face mist offering soothing effects to your skin. When you spray this mist on your face, it minimizes the redness caused due to the breakouts. It also helps treat existing acne. Green tea contains EGCG that helps manage pimples. For faster and effective results, you need to consume green tea regularly.

Steps To Make And Use Green Tea Mist

You need to brew green tea by putting the leaves in boiling water. Allow it to strain for a few minutes. Let it cool completely before transferring to a spray bottle. Before using this spray, you need to wash your face using a cleanser. Rinse it off with water and pat dry with a soft towel. Now, spritz the green tea mist on your face. Allow it to dry. After that, apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Repeat this step two times a day to see results.

Combination Of Honey And Green Tea For Acne

You can find honey in your kitchen. So, it is a simple and easy home remedy to deal with acne at home. Honey is well-known for its wound healing and anti-microbial properties. Using honey restricts the growth of P. acnes bacteria. Since the bacteria causing the breakouts is reduces, you can see the difference on your face.

How To Prepare The Combination

You need to prepare green tea by boiling the leaves in water for a few minutes. Strain the liquid and extract the leaves. Now, add organic honey to the leaves. Before applying the green tea leaves and honey mixture, you need to cleanse your face. Rinse off the cleanser and pat your face dry. Now apply the mixture and leave it for at least twenty minutes. Rinse your face with cool water and pat dry. You need to repeat this method for at least three to four times a week to see visible results.

Potent Combination Of Green Tea And Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is well-known for its antimicrobial properties. While no scientific studies indicate the claim, many people swear by the effectiveness of ACV in managing breakouts. Many people use ACV in home remedies to manage various skin issues. It is effective in toning skin and minimizes the pores on your face. ACV also balances the pH levels of the skin. Combining it with green tea is effective in acne treatment. You can use the mixture as a facial toner after cleansing your skin. To make the facial toner, you need to mix three fourth cups of brewed green tea with one-fourth cup of apple cider vinegar. You can store the mixture in a glass jar for storage. You can store this mixture in the refrigerator for future use.

Before applying the toner, you need to cleanse your face. Rinse off the cleanser and pat your face dry. Now, saturate a cotton pad with the mixture. Dab it on your face and allow it to dry.  Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer. You need to repeat this step for at least two times a day to see results.

 Combining Tea Tree Oil And Green Tea For Acne Treatment

Tea tree oil is well-known for its antimicrobial properties. Using 5% topical tea tree oil can effectively deal with mild to moderate acne. When you combine it with green tea, it offers great results. You need to brew half a cup of green tea by putting the green tea leaves in boiling water. Strain the liquid and allow it to cool completely. Now, you need to put three to four drops of tea tree essential oil in the green tea. Store it in a glass jar to use it in the future.

Cleanse your face before applying this mixture. Rinse off the cleanser and pat your face dry. Saturate a cotton pad with the green tea and essential oil mixture. Dab it on your face. Allow it to dry. You can use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to hydrate your skin. Apply this mixture for at least two times a day for best results.

Aloe Vera And Green Tea For Acne Treatment

Aloe Vera is a natural product with an anti-acne effect on your skin. Aloe Vera contains mucopolysaccharides. It keeps your skin hydrated as it binds the moisture to your skin. When you apply it to your skin, it stimulated fibroblasts. Fibroblasts produce collagen as well as elastin. So, it keeps your skin looking young and ease the fine lines. When you combine aloe vera with green tea, you can get a mixture effective in fighting acne. You need to make green tea by boiling water and putting the tea leaves into it. Let the tea seep into the water to get a strong solution. So, you need to simmer the liquid for a few minutes. Allow this solution to cool.

Now, take one tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel and combine it with the tea mixture. You can transfer this mixture into a glass jar for future use. Before using this mixture on your face, you need to wash your face with a cleanser. After rinsing it off with water, pat your face dry with a soft towel. Saturate a cotton pad with the mixture and dab it on your face. After it dries, you need to apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer. You need to use it at least two times a day. Store the remaining mixture in the fridge for future use.

Use Lemon And Green Tea Mixture To Treatment Acne

Lemon juice contains citric acid and vitamin C. Lemon juice is a well-known ingredient for skin remedies you can try at home. It is used for glowing and healthy skin due to its astringent properties. Vitamin C tightens the pores on your skin. It brightens your skin as it has mild bleaching properties. When you combine green tea and lemon juice, it can fight off acne. But, applying this mixture on your skin can make it photosensitive. Therefore, to keep your skin safe, you need to apply sunscreen before going out.

For preparing the lemon and green tea mixture, you need to first brew green tea. You need to take a quarter cup of cooled green tea and add juice from a lemon to it. You can transfer the mixture to a jar for future use. Wash your face with a cleanser and rinse off. Pat it dry with a towel. Then, use a cotton pad to saturate the mixture and dab it on your skin. Allow it to dry. You can apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer to lock the moisture on your face. Repeat the process two times a day. Store the mixture in the fridge after using it.

Effective Method To Use Green Tea For Acne With Olive Oil

Pimples or zits develop due to the clogging of pores. So, you need to cleanse your face to get rid of dirt and oils accumulated in the pores. Olive oil is well-known for its cleansing properties. So, using olive oil can remove any traces of makeup as well as dirt without affecting the natural pH balance of your skin. After cleansing, apply the brew of green tea to reduce inflammation and calm your skin.

Steps To Follow While Using Olive Oil With Green Tea For Acne Treatment

Before using, you need to ensure you have the green tea brew. You will just need two to three tablespoons of brew for this treatment. You can transfer the brew into a spray bottle for ease of application. Always pour the cool brew into the spray bottle. Then, you can follow the step:

  • Massage your face with one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Let the oil stay on your face for a few minutes.
  • Use a soft towel to remove oil from your face by dipping the washcloth in a warm cloth and wiping the face.
  • After wiping oil, you need to use a face cleanser to remove the traces of dirt, oil, and other residues.
  • Rinse the cleanser using water and use a soft towel to pat your face dry.
  • Now, spritz the green tea on your face and allow it to dry.

You can follow this method every day to see results.

Prepare Green Tea Face Cream

If you search the internet, you can find DIY green tea face cream. This cream offers effective results. It repairs your skin, brightens, and makes you look young. For making the cream, you need pure beeswax, loose green tea, coconut oil, almond oil, and essential oil (Rosehip oil). Using the double boiling method, you need to combine the wax and all oils. After the ingredients blend, you need to put loose green tea. Let it simmer for at least fifteen minutes. After straining this mixture, you need to blend it to get the cream. While the preparation may take time, you can use this cream with ease on your skin.

Green Tea For Acne: Tips To Pick The Best Quality Green Tea

It is important to choose the right tea to get the benefits suggested. So, you need to select green tea with the highest level of antioxidants. You need to focus on the high levels of EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) in the product. Since the antioxidant content of green tea varies from one brand to another, you need to navigate through the tricky process to get satisfaction from the product you choose. You need to maintain the utmost caution while finding the brew for drinking or application. Only with careful selection, you can get the benefits of the green tea. Here are some tips to make the right selection:

Perform Research To Find The Best Green Tea For Acne Treatment

Before selecting a specific brand, you need to perform a bit of research. Always check the label of the brand. It will contain the amount of EGCG present in the product per serving. You can browse the bran’s website to detect the EGCG levels. Make sure you note down the EGCG content of top brands. Find the one with the highest levels of EGCG to get effective results.

Opt For Loose Leaves

Studies indicate the loose leaves have higher antioxidant content compared to tea bags. While tea bags may see as a convenient option, you need higher antioxidant levels to fight off acne. So, you can choose loose leaves to see results. But, in some regions, it becomes difficult to get loose leaves. In such cases, you can purchase tea bags containing high EGCG content.

Find Fresh Batch

For effective results, you need to always use fresh green tea. Also, the product has a shelf life of just six months. Therefore, when you plan to use green tea for acne treatment, pick a fresh batch. As time passes, the leaves lose their freshness. So, you cannot enjoy the benefits of green tea.

Check Harvest Time

Harvest time is also an important factor while you choose the product. Remember, the first harvest of green tea is always has the best quality compared to the second one. The first harvest is the best due to the high-quality leaves. It is also picked between March and April (the early months in a year). Therefore, choose the first harvest of green tea.

Pick Organic Brand

To get effective results, it is essential to pick organic green tea. Organic products are harvested without the use of pesticides or other chemicals. So, they retain the natural qualities of the product. The use of pesticides or other chemicals during cultivation can change the properties of green tea and can cause more harm than good.


Green tea is beneficial for your overall health. You can also use green tea for acne treatment, for beautiful and clear skin. It can heal zits on your skin and make it brighter. You can use it orally or topically to boost your immunity and heal inflammation. So, you can use it as an effective home remedy to heal acne. But, this treatment may not work when you suffer from hormonal or cystic acne. For such conditions, you need to see a dermatologist get specific treatment. The medications prescribed will help heal the problem and overcome any embarrassment caused due to the zits on your skin.



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