How to Use Fenugreek for Diabetes Treatment?

You may have heard many people advising to use fenugreek for diabetes treatment. Is it hearsay or does it have any truth in it? High blood sugar is a health condition affecting any person at any point in their life. This is one of the most common diseases affecting people across the globe. Several studies indicate the effectiveness of using fenugreek in reversing high blood sugar. If you or your dear ones have high blood sugar levels, then you are trying to find the safest methods to help manage the disease. The online forums and articles suggest the use of herbal supplements to manage or reverse the condition.

Do, you know that 22% of the people suffering from high blood sugar use herbal therapy simultaneously to manage the problem. But, not all are effective. Fenugreek is different from other remedies as it has proven effects. It is important to take the supplement in the right dose for getting the best results. Read ahead to know more about the right way to use fenugreek seeds to manage your high blood sugar, its benefits, and its side effects.

About Fenugreek

Fenugreek for diabetes treatment is effective as it slows down digestion and lowers the sugar levels in your blood. Before going into the details, you need to know more about the herb. This herb is similar to clover. It is the native of western Asia, Southern Europe, and the Mediterranean region. The leaves are used as a vegetable in the form of fresh leaves, sprouts, and microgreens. The seeds of the herb are used in cooking and also to prepare medicines. Fenugreek is also used to hide the smell and taste of other medicines. The seeds smell and have a taste somewhat similar to maple syrup.

Fenugreek For Cuisines

In India, Fenugreek is used for diverse purposes. The herb is used as a vegetable and the seeds are a significant part of cuisine as it acts as a spice. Indian recipes use the fresh and dried form of the herb. It also uses the seed as a whole or in powdered form. Fresh and dried leaves of the herb are used to finish dishes like curries, sauces, soups, and vegetable dishes.

Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

The herb has well-known health benefits. Do you know that the herb is used in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine to cure several ailments? Apart from using it in cooking, its medicinal properties help manage different health problems including diabetes. The effectiveness of fenugreek for diabetes treatment is attributed to the presence of different active compounds in it. The herb contains phytochemical components along with the following nutrients like:

  • Yamogenin
  • Trigonelline
  • Calcium
  • Chlorine
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

It is also used as alternative medicine. Many people take the supplement of the herb for ensuring good health.

Know More About Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes means you have high blood glucose levels. This is a metabolic disease, which means your body is not making enough insulin or cannot use insulin effectively. You need insulin hormone to move sugar from the blood into the cells. This is used for energy or stored in the cells. With high blood sugar levels, you need medical intervention. Untreated high blood sugar levels can affect different organs of the body. So, it can damage your eyes, nerves, kidneys, and other organs.

Types Of Diabetes

Most people opt for the herbal method of using fenugreek for diabetes treatment. But, do you know that there are different types of diabetes? Here is the classification of the condition:

Type 1 Diabetes

This type of diabetes develops due to autoimmune disease. So, people developing the condition have an immune system that attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas. The pancreas is the organ producing insulin. While the exact reason for the attack remains unclear. Around 10% of the people suffering from high blood sugar levels have this type of condition.

Type 2 Diabetes

It is the most common condition affecting people. It develops when your body develops resistance to insulin. So, it causes sugar to accumulate in your blood.


Prediabetes as the name indicates is the condition when you suffer higher than normal blood sugar levels. But, it is not high enough for the doctor to diagnose it as type 2 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

It is the high blood sugar level, developing during pregnancy. This condition occurs because of the insulin-blocking hormones produced by the placenta. The placenta is essential for the growth of the baby.

Diabetes Insipidus

It is a rare condition, which is not related to high blood sugar. While it has a similar name, this condition results in the kidneys removing too much fluid from the body.

Symptoms Of Diabetes

When do you need to use fenugreek for diabetes treatment? You need to think about it when you see the symptoms of the condition. Each type of high blood sugar has unique symptoms, causes, and treatments. Here are some of the symptoms of the disease that must prompt you to take action.

Diabetes symptoms are caused by rising blood sugar.

General Symptoms Of Diabetes

People suffering from any type of diabetes experience some common symptoms. The general symptoms associated with high blood sugar levels include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Enhanced hunger pangs
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Blurry vision
  • Frequent urination
  • Sores/injuries not healing properly

Symptoms In Men

When men suffer from diabetes, they show some common signs. Here are the general symptoms associated with high blood sugar in men:

  • Poor muscle strength
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Decreased sex drive

Symptoms In Women

Increased blood sugar levels in women can show some signs. These signs are common in women. Here are some of them:

  • Dry Skin
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Yeast infection
  • Itchy skin

Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes

People suffering from type 1 diabetes can suffer from the following symptoms:

  • Increased thirst
  • Extreme hunger
  • Weight loss without any cause
  • Blurry vision
  • Frequent urination
  • Feel tired or exhausted
  • Frequent mood changes

Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes

The symptoms of the condition can trigger several signs in your body. So, you need to take action when you see the following:

  • Increased thirst
  • Feel hungry frequently
  • The urge to urinate increases
  • Feel tired or exhausted
  • Blurry vision
  • A wound or sore heals slowly

Due to the condition, you suffer from recurring infections. It occurs due to the slow wound healing. High levels of glucose in the blood make it difficult for infection or wound to heal properly.

Gestational Diabetes Symptoms

Pregnant women usually never have any symptoms associated with gestational diabetes. It is detected during the routine oral glucose tolerance test or blood sugar test. This condition is often detected when tests are performed between 24th to 28th weeks of gestation.

Using Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

When you have high blood sugar, it can trigger several complications. High blood sugar can affect different body parts and result in the following:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Nerve damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Eye damage
  • Foot damage
  • Skin problems
  • Hearing impairment
  • Depression

With millions of people around the world suffering from the condition, this has become an epidemic. High blood sugar is known as a silent killer. Do you know this condition is turning dangerous to people in several countries, including India? The World Health Organization has warned about the alarming increase in the number of people suffering from high blood sugar levels in the coming years. The lifestyle disease can become prevalent due to unhealthy food habits, lack of exercise, and the stress of busy schedules. This alarming situation calls for the immediate need to get high blood sugar levels under control using medication or home remedies. Using fenugreek for diabetes treatment is a favorite choice among people as the remedy is available on your kitchen shelf. Many believe it is better than the chemical-laced medications. If you are not convinced, then you need to read ahead to know the benefits of the fenugreek plant and how you can use it to manage your blood sugar levels.

The Benefits Of Using Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Why do most people choose fenugreek for diabetes treatment? Here are some of the main reasons this herbal remedy is the favorite choice of many people:

Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment As It Improves Digestion

The seeds of the fenugreek plant have a high amount of soluble fiber. So, when you consume the seeds, it can slow down the digestion process. It also increases the sugar absorption. It has a positive effect on your blood sugar levels. Therefore, consuming Trigonella daily can reduce high blood sugar levels.

Improves Glucose Tolerance

Taking Trigonella enhances your glucose tolerance. Adding it to your diet can reduce then rise in post-meal glucose levels.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Including Trigonella seeds in your diet lowers the LDL levels (bad cholesterol). It also reduces the triglycerides while aiding the release of HDL (good cholesterol).

Research Regarding Use Of Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Several researchers from different universities around the world have studied the use of fenugreek for diabetes treatment and its effectiveness. Many have come up with the amazing benefits of using it as a natural solution to reduce high blood sugar levels. Different studies establish the effectiveness of using the natural herb for dealing with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. But, it is not good to manage gestational diabetes. It is because fenugreek can induce labor in pregnant women. So, it is risky for pregnant women. According to a study conducted in India, adding 100 grams of fenugreek powder (defatted) in the diet can have a positive influence on the high blood sugar levels. In insulin-dependent patients, this reduces fasting blood glucose levels.

For people suffering from type 2 diabetes, adding 15 grams of fenugreek powder to the meal of the affected person reduces the post-meal glucose levels. The reduction of blood glucose levels is evident in the different research study reports. So, diabetic patients can use fenugreek seeds for controlling their blood sugar levels. If you have a history of people with diabetes in your family or suffer from prediabetes, then you can add fenugreek to your regular diet to keep the sugar levels under control without the use of any medication.

The Different Methods To Use Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

You can use fenugreek for diabetes treatment in different ways. If you wish to include natural herbs to manage your blood sugar levels, then you try the ideas suggested below in the daily routine to get effective results.

Make Tea Using Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Do you love tea in the morning? Then, you can substitute it with fenugreek tea as it is the diabetes-friendly option. It is a healthier option to start your day without spiking blood glucose levels. For making the tea, you need one tablespoon of dried fenugreek leaves as well as one tablespoon fenugreek seeds. You need to boil one cup of water in a saucepan. Next, add the suggested leaves and seeds into the boiling water. Allow it to strain and transfer it to a cup. If you feel the tea is bitter, then add one teaspoon of honey to make it easier to drink it. Consume this team at least twice a day, in the mornings and evenings. After some time, you can witness a great change in the blood glucose levels.

Making Powder Using Plum Seed, Neem, Bitter Gourd Powder, And Fenugreek

While making the mixture of these may sound complicated and difficult, it has proven to offer results. This potent combination can keep your blood sugar under control. You need to spend some time procuring the ingredients. It may sound tedious and complicated, but trust me, this powder combination is the easiest way to keep diabetes under control if you can procure the ingredients. You need to get fenugreek powder, plum seed (Jamun seed) powder, neem powder, and bitter gourd powder. Store it in a glass jar and store it in a dry place. Keeping it in a cool place is advisable.

Now, take one tablespoon of all the powders and mix them in a big plastic bowl. Take one teaspoon of the mixture with water. Use it at least two times a day before food. It is preferable to take it before lunch and dinner. This will ensure good health.

Control Diabetes With Fenugreek Tincture

You can take Trigonella in tincture form to control high blood sugar. It is another form to use the herb for supporting diabetes health. For making the tincture, you need two tablespoons of dried fenugreek leaves and two tablespoons of Trigonella seeds. Boil a cup of water in a saucepan and bring it to boil. Switch off the flame and place the Trigonella seeds and leaves in it. Let it steep for half an hour. Strain the liquid and store it in a glass jar. You can take half a teaspoon of this tincture at least thrice a day for the best results.

Use Yogurt And Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Yogurt is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. When you combine Trigonella seeds to it, it makes a perfect combination to control blood sugar levels. For using it, you need to combine one tablespoon of Trigonella seeds powder to one cup of plain yogurt. Mixing the fenugreek powder in a cup of low-fat yogurt is beneficial for your health. You can take this mixture at least twice a day.

Water And Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

It is the most popular method to use fenugreek for diabetes treatment. You need to soak fenugreek seeds before consuming them. For using it, you need two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water in a container. Place it aside overnight. You need to use the soaked seeds the next morning on an empty stomach. You need to consume it before breakfast to reduce the high blood sugar level. To see positive results, you need to repeat this process every day for at least a month. It will bring down the high glucose levels.

Use Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment By Using It As Spice

Fenugreek does not taste good. It is bitter in taste and you may find it difficult to consume it alone. So, you need to add it with other ingredients in your recipe to get its benefits. You can add it in your rice or favorite curry like a spice to reap the goodness of the seeds. But, remember you need to add it as a spice ingredient after you cook the food. Adding it after the food is ready, the nutritional value of the seeds does not reduce. It only reduces when you heat Trigonella.

As suggested several times, you need to consult your doctor before trying these remedies. It is because Trigonella can cause problems with the medications you are already taking. So, seek a medical opinion to evaluate the pros and cons of using Trigonella.

The Right Amount Of Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Taking the right amount of fenugreek is essential to control blood sugar levels. Increasing or decreasing the dose may not offer the result you desire. While fenugreek is used for different ailments, the dosage for each varies. The recommended dosage of fenugreek for diabetes treatment falls between 2.5gms (grams) to 15gms. The exact quantity depends on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, and the physical stature (weight and height).

Ideal Dose Of Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Studies indicate the effectiveness of Trigonella in small amounts in the blood sugar levels. Patients who intake 12.gms (grams) of fenugreek powdered have observed improvement in their sugar levels. But, it is essential to take the quantity divided equally into two times a day. You need to note that people taking just 2.5gms of fenugreek powder have observed improvement in their blood glucose levels.

Alternative Form To Take Fenugreek For Diabetes

Not all people like the bitter taste of Trigonella. So, if you are uncomfortable taking in the raw form, then you have an alternative option available. Trigonella is available in capsule form, which overcomes the strong and pungent taste. Taking fenugreek for diabetes treatment in capsule form once or twice a day can see improvement in their blood sugar level. A dose of 500mg (milligram) from a reliable brand offers you the desired result.

Apart from using fenugreek in its proper dose, you need to know its safety profile before using it. Knowing how Trigonella affects your overall health is necessary before you start using it.

Side Effects When You Use Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

While cooked fenugreek seeds may not trigger complications, you cannot deem the raw counterpart as completely safe. While the consumption of raw fenugreek can trigger certain issues, it is not dangerous for your health. But, eating it can cause a certain degree of discomfort. As the seeds are not unhealthy, you never have to avoid it. But, stop using it when you are allergic to it. To proceed forward with caution, you need to know the side effects associated with its consumption.

Trigger Allergies When You Use For Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Some people can suffer from an allergic reaction. It is because of the immune system’s reaction to certain compounds found in the fenugreek seeds. So, consuming the seeds can trigger skin irritation and redness. It is important to check if you are allergic to fenugreek seeds before using it to control the blood sugar levels.

Body Odor And Urine Smell

Consuming fenugreek seeds in excess can make your sweat as well as urine smell pungent. Just like asparagus urine (the change in color of urine after consuming asparagus), body and urine odor is one of the side effects of consuming the seeds. This occurs as the Trigonella Foenum contains soletone, an aromatic compound.

Gastro Problem While Using Fenugreek For Diabetes Treatment

Taking Trigonella Foenum in large doses can cause gas as well as bloating in certain individuals. In small quantities, these seeds may not trigger any issues. But, consuming in large quantities can also cause indigestion and nausea.

React With Other Medication

Fenugreek can react with other medications, especially medications used to treat blood clotting disorders and blood thinners. Therefore, before trying the treatment at home, you need to talk to your doctor regarding the medication you are currently taking to prevent any complications. People who are taking medications to control their blood sugar levels need to consult their physician before trying any of the methods to use fenugreek for diabetes treatment. It is because when combined with regular diabetes medications, fenugreek lowers the blood glucose levels dangerously.

Induce Early Labor

Pregnant women need to limit the consumption of raw Trigonella Foenum as it is used for inducing labor. Naturopaths often suggest using fenugreek seeds to induce contraction as well as relieve pain associated with birth. In older times, pregnant women experiencing prolonged labor consumed these seeds to speed up the labor process. Therefore, avoid consuming raw seeds and limit its usage to cooking.


You can use fenugreek for diabetes treatment to keep the sugar levels under control. Without proper intervention, uncontrolled diabetes can trigger severe and life-threatening complications. While the seeds and leaves of fenugreek taste bitter, it is the perfect herbal remedy to keep the sugar levels under control. But, before using it, you need to consult the physician to ensure it is safe. When you take blood sugar reducing medications along with fenugreek, it increases the risk of the sugar levels going too low. The condition known as hypoglycemia poses a risk to your life. So, take the herb after consulting with the doctor to know the right dose of the herb as well as the medication. It will help you improve the quality of your life.


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