How To Use Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

Remedies like using camphor oil for treating acne offers hope for people suffering from skin problems. Acne is a common skin condition most people face during their adolescent years. But, the problem can affect anyone, at any time in their life. If the condition is severe, it is better to take assistance from a dermatologist. Home remedies like using camphor can offer relief to some people. Camphor refers to an organic compound that is used commonly in topical creams, ointments, and other products. Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) trees are native to countries like Vietnam, Japan, China, and Madagascar. The essential oil is extracted from the camphor tree wood. It is processed using steam distillation to derive the essential oil.

While camphor oil has a strong odor, your skin can easily absorb it. The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil offer pain relief when you apply it topically. It also relieves itching and irritation. Camphor is a common product in chest decongestant like Vicks VapoRub. It also relieves inflammatory conditions. Read ahead to know more about it.

Acne And Why You Need To Use Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

Acne refers to the skin condition causing red, swollen, bumps to appear on your face. It occurs when the hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. The clogging of pores can result in the development of whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples. The development of swollen pimples is common among people in their teenage due to hormonal fluctuations. But, acne can affect people of all ages. Acne is a persistent condition requiring immediate attention. With proper care and attention, you can see slow healing of the bumps. But, when some pimples go away, new ones can crop up.

Since severe acne can cause scarring, it can affect your self-confidence. You feel emotionally distressed and isolate yourself from the public. To lower the risk of acne-related problems, you need to take action. Using camphor oil for treating acne is effective due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

About Camphor Oil

Camphor oil is derived from the camphor tree. The tree belongs to the evergreen species. It is a non-deciduous tree with red leaves. The leaves turn dark green when it ripens. To get camphor oil, the leaves and stems of the tree undergo steam distillation. After scorching, you get three types of camphor oil. The common types obtained after steam distillation are brown, yellow, and white. Out of the three, only while camphor oil has medicinal uses. The essential oil has a distinctive odor with a strong taste. When it is applied to the skin, it is easily absorbed. Today, camphor is also made from turpentine. It is safe to use when you stick to the correct dose. When you exceed the dose, it can lead to complications.

Never use the product in high doses as it has several side effects. Applying it on broken skin can cause toxic results. Learn the benefits of using camphor for treating acne and how you can include it in your skincare routine for better results.

Uses Of Camphor Oil

You can use camphor oil for treating acne. It also has several other topical uses due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties. Apart from treating skin conditions, it also improves respiratory functions and offers relieves pain. Several scientific studies indicate the efficacy of camphor oil in managing different ailments.

Camphor Oil For Treating Acne And Other Skin Problems

Camphor oil is used in creams and lotions to ease skin irritation, itchiness, and inflammation. It is effective in improving the overall appearance of your skin. The essential oil contains antibacterial and antifungal properties with the power to heal infections. According to a study conducted in the year 2015 on animals, camphor oil is effective in treating wounds and wrinkles caused due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is an effective ingredient in popular anti-aging cosmetics. You can use camphor oil for treating acne and increasing elastin production. It also boosts collagen production to offer youthful-looking skin. To get the desired results, you need to treat the affected area at least once a day.

Relieves Pain

When you apply products containing camphor, it helps relieve pain and inflammation. According to a study conducted in 2015, people who used a spray containing the following natural ingredients found relief from mild to moderate pain:

  • Menthol
  • Camphor
  • Essential oils of eucalyptus and clove

The participants of the study applied the spray on their joints, lower back, and shoulder for two weeks. At the end of the study, people who applied it for the specified period observed a change. While applying products containing camphor, you feel a tingling, warming, or cooling sensation. You can apply the spray or ointment several times a day to see results.

 Heals Burns

The balm and creams containing camphor can heal burn wounds. A study on animals observed that the ointment containing the following decreased healing time of second-degree burns:

  • Camphor
  • Honey
  • Sesame oil

Using the ointment is more effective compared to using Vaseline according to the study. For better results, you need to apply the ointment to the affected area at least once a day.

Treats Arthritis

You have certain over-the-counter products containing camphor, which offers pain relief by managing inflammation and swelling caused due to conditions like arthritis. Such products offer a hot and cold sensation after you apply them to your skin. Such sensations distract you from pain. The anti-inflammatory properties exhibited by camphor treat arthritis. You need to apply the topical creams containing camphor several times a day on the affected areas to get pain relief.

Camphor Oil Treats Toenail Fungus

Camphor oil has anti0fungal properties. So, it is effective in treating toenail fungus. According to a 2011 research, products containing camphor oil like Vicks VapoRub can effectively treat toenail fungus. Apart from camphor, Vicks contains eucalyptus oil and menthol. The study conducted on a small group of people revealed that the majority showed positive results after using the ointment for 48 weeks. To get effective results, you need to apply Vicks on the affected toenail a few times each day.

Offer Relief From Congestion And Coughing

Camphor oil is effective as a decongestant and works well as a cough suppressant. A study conducted in 2010 reveals the efficacy in relieving the following problems:

  • Congestion
  • Night cough
  • Sleep problems in children
  • Upper respiratory tract infections

To get the desired results, you need to place two teaspoons of Vicks in a bowl of water. Now, hold your head over the bowel. Cover your head with the towel while you inhale the vapors. You can also feel relief when you apply the balm over your chest. Applying it on your feet and covering them with socks can alleviate cough and congestion problems. But, you need to avoid putting it in or around the nostrils. Also, never boil the water after putting Vicks in it.


Apart from solving skin problems, camphor oil can offer antispasmodic effects. Studies indicate the effectiveness of using camphor products as a muscle rub to relieve the following issues:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Stiffness of muscles
  • Muscle cramps

The antispasmodic properties offer relief. Camphor oil also contains relaxant properties that can offer relief from sore muscles. Apply camphor oil or products like Bengay on the sore muscles to get relief.

 Using Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

How effective is camphor oil for treating acne? It is a significant question entering your mind. Camphor essential oil is used for medicinal purposes for several centuries. According to a review published in the year 2017. The use of camphor essential oil is effective to treat acne. It is also helpful in managing other skin conditions developing due to excess oil production. The acne-fighting substance of camphor is recognized by the American Botanical Council. While camphor in excess quantities can cause harmful effects, using a little for spot treatment is safe and effective. Camphor contains bioactive components similar to the ones found in tea tree oil. The acne-fighting essential oil is used in many cosmetic products to ease acne.

According to a clinical trial, people suffering from acne found relief when they used tea-tree oil combined with camphor. The combination can treat mild to moderate acne and manages the symptoms. Wish to know how camphor helps manage acne, read ahead:

Antioxidant Properties

Camphor oil is rich in antioxidants. Applying it to your sin prevents any damage. It heals and repairs your skin as the antioxidant activity can breathe life back into your skin. You will look youthful with a glow.

Anti-inflammatory Features

You can use Camphor oil for treating acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It lowers inflammation, redness, and swelling caused due to acne development. Due to the calming sensation, you will feel relief from the breakouts.

Use Camphor Oil For Treating Acne Due To Astringent Properties

Camphor oil has astringent properties. It helps cleanse your skin, tighten the pores, and dry out excess oil. These are the common issues leading to the development of pimples or acne. So, using camphor oil is ideal for acne-prone skin types. The tightening of skin pores prevents clogging. It also balances the oil production in your skin. Therefore, using camphor oil on oily skin keeps breakouts at bay.

Different Ways To Use Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

If you think acne is a problem only adolescents, then you are wrong. Acne is a problem affecting people of all ages. The condition is more prominent in women compared to men. So, they can feel embarrassed and avoid social situations. You have numerous methods to manage the condition. But, all of them may not offer the same results in people. When one technique works for some people, it may fail for others. Using camphor oil for treating acne is one such method to treat the issue effectively. Camphor oil contains anti-bacterial and anti0inflammatory properties. So, it alleviates inflammation and heals the problem. Here are some of the effective methods to use camphor oil to heal acne.

Coconut Oil And Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

Do you know coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties due to the presence of high levels of lauric acid? So, coconut oil can kill bacteria triggering acne. The applying coconut oil on your skin can eliminate harmful bacteria, offer hydration, and reduce acne scarring. When you combine it with camphor oil, it penetrates deep into your skin to dissolve dirt and unclog pores. Therefore, it effectively helps manage acne.

To use camphor oil for treating acne, you need to mix half a teaspoon of the oil with one cup of coconut oil. Mix it well and transfer it into a jar or bottle for ease of use. To prepare this mixture, you need to spend only a few minutes. Take around one teaspoon of the mixture and apply it to the affected areas. Massage the area softly and allow the oil to penetrate your skin. You need to leave it overnight. You can your face with lukewarm water and a cleanser in the morning. Try this method every day to see effective results.

Camphor Oil Steam Massage

Steam massage is an effective way to use camphor oil for treating acne. Steaming aids in the opening of the skin pores. Adding camphor oil to the water makes sure your pores absorb it. Then, camphor oil penetrates deep to purify your skin. This method is effective in clearing out acne within a few weeks. You need to follow the method regularly to get the suggested benefits. But, take care while following it as you must refrain from using more than one tablespoon of camphor oil per quart of water. Substituting camphor oil with other products containing camphor such as Bengay or Vicks VapoRub can cause more harm than good.

To try this method, you need a pot of boiling water to steam. The pot must have a lid to retain steam in it. Add a few drops of camphor oil to it. Use a mild cleanser to clean your face and pat dry. Place the boiling water on the table and lean over it. Use a towel to cover your head. Steam your face for twenty minutes. You can try this method twice a week for better results.

Using Camphor Oil For Treating Acne By Combining It With Other Oils

Almond oil and castor oil have proven effective for managing several skin problems. Women around the world use it to manage different skin issues. You can combine the two oils with camphor oil for treating acne. Wondering how it can offer excellent results? Castor oil is effective in drawing out dirt and bacteria from your skin. It also moisturizes your skin. Castor oil can boost collagen production in your skin, which helps heal scars. Using it on your skin can soothe inflammation caused by acne. Almond oil is also well-known for its skin-beneficial properties. The oil contains fatty acids, which aids in dissolving excess oil present on your skin. Almond oil contains retinoids that reduce acne appearance and improve cell turnover. Almond oil can reverse issues on your skin due to sun damage.

How To Make The Facemask?

To make the oil mixture, your need to mix half a cup of castor oil, half a cup of camphor oil, and half a cup of almond oil in a jar or bottle. Mix the oils for at least two minutes. Before going to bed at night, you need to apply the oil mixture. Use a mild cleanser to wash your face and pat dry. Take a teaspoon of mixed oils and apply it to your skin. Massage the oil into the problem area. The next morning, you can wash off the oil from your face using a cleanser and lukewarm water. Try this every day to see a reduction in acne.

A Facemask With Rosewater And Gram Flour

Indians are using gram flour to make their skin flawless for centuries. Gram flour and rose water have a cooling effect on your skin. Adding camphor oil can ease the inflammation and aggravation caused by acne. Applying the face mask of gram flour, rosewater, and camphor oil also tightens the skin pores. It controls oil production, which triggers the breakouts. So, the mask can heal and avoid the occurrence of pimples. You can prepare the mask easily by combining all the ingredients to make a smooth paste. Take one tablespoon of gram flour, two teaspoons of rose water, and half a teaspoon of camphor oil. Combine them to get a smooth paste.

Before applying the face mask, you need to wash your face with a mild cleanser. Pat dry and apply the face mask. Focus on the affected areas of your skin. Leave it for about fifteen minutes. After 15 minutes have passed, you need to rinse off the mixture from your skin. Pat dry. You need to apply it at least two to three times a week for getting the desired benefits.

Make A Facemask With Camphor Oil And Fuller’s Earth

Fuller’s earth is also known as Multani mitti. It is used in the skincare regime of women to get the beautiful and clear skin. The acne-clearing properties of Fuller’s earth make it one of the best ingredients to heal your acne and offer glowing skin. You can make a face mask using Fuller’s earth and camphor oil for added benefits. You can make the facemask by combining two tablespoons of Fuller’s earth with one and a half teaspoons of rose water and half a teaspoon of camphor oil. This mask is an effective way to use camphor oil for treating acne as Multani mitti can draw out excess oil. It can flush out the bacteria and other impurities from the skin. So, applying the paste to your skin can make your skin feel soft and smooth.

Combining all the ingredients and making a paste will only take two minutes. Apply the paste on your face and wait for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse the mixture off your skin. Pat your skin dry. You can once or twice a week to see the results.

Things To Keep In Mind While Using Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

It is important to keep in mind that camphor oil can trigger certain problems. Therefore, using it with caution and following the suggested dose is essential to prevent any complications. Here are some of the main things you need to know while using it:

Avoid Using Undiluted Camphor Oil For Treating Acne

In normal cases, camphor causes no problems for adults. But, you need to use it correctly and never exceed the suggested dose. It is ok to use creams and lotions containing small amounts of camphor oil on your skin. But, avoid using undiluted camphor or any products containing more than 11% camphor. Before you apply camphor oil or products containing camphor on your skin, do a patch test. Apply a small amount of the product to your inner forearm. Wait for twenty-four hours to check if the product causes any reactions. If you suffer from no side effects, then you can use it without any worry. Some people can suffer from minor issues like irritation or redness. With no signs of escalation or discomfort, you can quit worrying about using the products.

Camphor Oil Poisoning

Topical application of camphor oil is not suggested when you have broken or injured skin. It can result in excess absorption of camphor to toxic levels. When camphor poisoning occurs, you can develop the following problems:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing

If you see uncomfortable symptoms, you need to consult a doctor immediately. Avoid camphor oil in contact with your eyes.

Avoid Oral Usage

If you think taking camphor oil will solve your skin problems quickly, then you are mistaken. The oral intake of camphor can cause serious complications. It is because the camphor oil is not purified traditionally. So, it can trigger severe reactions when you take it in minimal dosage.

Refrain From Using Camphor Oil During Pregnancy/Breastfeeding

When you are pregnant, you need to refrain from actions causing harm to yourself or the unborn baby. Taking camphor orally is not advised during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It can cause severe side effects. While the safety of applying camphor oil to the skin during pregnancy or breastfeeding remains unknown, it is better not to take the risk. For ensuring the safety of your baby, you need to avoid using camphor during the pregnancy or while breast0feeding.

Never Give Camphor Oil To Children

Camphor in any form is dangerous for children. It is unsafe to apply it to the skin. Children have sensitive skin. So, they can suffer from severe side effects due to applying the oil to their skin. Taking camphor orally is a big no as it can lead to poisoning. Several accidental poisoning cases in children are reported when they come in contact with the product. It affects the central nervous system, leading to unwanted symptoms like

  • Delirium
  • Seizures/convulsions
  • Depression
  • Lack of coordination
  • Coma
  • Death

Since taking camphor oil in any form is not safe for children, it is better to keep all the products containing camphor from the reach of children.

Risk Of Liver Damage

Taking camphor oil orally or applying it in excess on your skin can cause liver problems. Some studies indicate potential liver damage as a serious side effect of using camphor oil in high doses. People who already suffer from liver problems need to stay away from camphor oil. Using it can worsen liver disease worse.


Using camphor oil for treating acne alone will not offer the desired results. You need to include a healthy diet and a good skincare routine for effective results. While a healthy diet caters to your nutritional needs, good skin care prevents any issues from developing. Dealing with acne is not as easy as it sounds. You need to have a good skin care routine to avoid potential breakouts. Simple remedies like using camphor oil can lighten the load. Remember, you must strictly follow the dosage to eliminate any complications.


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