How To Lower Creatinine Levels- Causes, Symptoms, Remedies

How to lower creatinine levels? It is a common thought you may have when you get the results indicating high levels of creatinine. So, what is creatinine? It is the blood chemical waste product. It is usually produced when you use the muscles. Some people can see elevated levels of the chemical when they eat lots of protein. In normal cases, the blood transports creatinine to the kidneys. Your kidneys work to filter it through the urine. When you suffer from kidney problems, the chemical can build up in the body. It results in uremia, a severe condition causing life-threatening complications. Therefore, you need to bring down the creatinine levels. Read ahead to know more about it and the effective steps to keep the levels normal.

Underlying Issues Resulting In The Need To Lower Creatinine Levels

You need to understand why an increase in creatinine level occurs. Different problems can result in enhanced levels of chemical toxin. Some conditions are more severe compared to others. But, you need to lower creatinine levels to prevent complications. Here are some of the causes of the condition:

Eat Protein-Rich Diet

Most athletes and bodybuilders consume a protein-rich diet to strengthen and tone their muscles. Eating a protein-rich diet can cause creatinine accumulation in the body. It is specifically true for people eating red meat regularly. Cooking red meat can convert creatine into creatinine. It increases the chances of high creatinine levels. Taking creatinine supplements for bodybuilding can increase the levels of creatinine in the urine and blood.

Strenuous Exercise

When you indulge in physical activities for a long time, then your muscles can generate creatinine in the blood. So, people who exercise for a long time can see an increase in the creatinine levels.

Renal Impairment/Failure

When you suffer from kidney disease, it cannot filter creatinine out of the body. Glomerular filtration becomes difficult. Glomerular filtration refers to the outflow of the filtered fluid, which passes through the kidney. So, when you suffer from renal impairment or failure, it can lead to excess creatinine levels.

Muscle Destruction

If you are suffering from any condition triggering the breakdown of muscles, then creatinine levels increase. The condition can lead to a breakdown of muscle tissue. It enters the bloodstream and starts affecting the kidneys. The inability of kidneys to flush out toxins can result in severe complications.


Suffering from thyroid disorders can also result in high creatinine levels. The dysfunction of the thyroid gland can affect kidney function. Problems like hypothyroidism can reduce the ability of your kidneys to filter the waste properly out of the body.

When You Need An Intervention To Lower Creatinine Levels: Symptoms

Like protein in the urine (proteinuria), higher levels of creatinine levels indicate some underlying health problem. So, it is not a problem itself. You need to take steps to lower creatinine levels when you suffer from kidney issues. It can trigger several symptoms. If your high creatinine levels occur due to kidney problems, then it causes fluid retention and bladder issues. Kidney problems cause hindrance with the organ’s function. So, the kidneys cannot remove the waste and toxins from the body, which can lead to the following signs:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chest Pain
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in the urination appearance and frequency
  • Itchiness
  • Fluid retention or swelling

Creatinine Test: Detecting When To Lower Creatinine Levels

How can you detect you need to lower creatinine levels? Your doctor can suggest a creatinine test. It is tested over a 24-hour period. You need to collect the urine over a 24hour period and bring it to the doctor. The lab technicians test the urine to measure the creatinine amounts in the urine. It is compared to the creatinine levels in the blood. This helps your doctor detect the amount of waste filtered out of the body. It can help reveal the functioning of the kidney. In some cases, people register high levels of creatinine due to acute kidney problems. In such cases, the doctor needs to take immediate action. So, the test after collecting urine for 24 hours becomes inconvenient. So, the doctor can suggest a simple blood test. Using a formula, the doctor can estimate the creatinine clearance.

Home Remedies To Lower Creatinine Levels

If you are suffering from high creatinine levels, then you need to see a doctor. The doctor can diagnose the actual problem triggering the spike. Health complications like kidney disease need treatment suggested by the doctor. But, to make the treatment more effective, you can try some home remedies. These remedies are also effective when your creatinine levels increase due to other issues. Before trying any of them, discuss it with your doctor.

Drink Lots Of Water

When you lose excess fluids from the body, it causes excessive dehydration. It is one of the causes of increased creatinine levels. So, you need to replace the fluids lost due to profuse sweating. It is recommended to drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. You may find it difficult to drink the amount of water specified. So, you can limit the amount of water to a couple of hours before going to bed. With an increased intake of water, you feel an increased urge to urinate.

Avoid Vanadium And Creatine Supplements

Vanadium and creatine supplements are commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes to gain muscle mass. But, these supplements can provide your body with extra creatine. When the levels of creatine exceed, it can trigger harm to your body. It increases pressure on vital organs like the heart and kidneys. So, it can lead to heart problems or develop muscle cramps.

Limit Strenuous Activities

Physical activities can speed up the conversion of creatine to creatinine. So, when you push your body to complete strenuous physical activity or exercise regularly, then it can increase your creatinine levels in the blood. If you have high levels of it, limit your physical exertion to lower creatinine levels. Avoid over-training to maintain your physique.

Drink Barley Water To Lower Creatinine Levels

Barley is a cereal grain with diuretic properties. It means you will urinate more. Barely water is suggested for pregnant women to avoid water retention. So, the cereal can help clean the kidney by flushing out the toxic waste. It can also eliminate the additional storage of creatinine. Barely cereal also high amounts of fiber. Therefore, it improves digestive health. You can put barely grain in water and boil. You can drink the water after straining out barely.

 Get Good Sleep

It is one of the home remedies to lower creatinine levels. Getting sufficient sleep is also beneficial to prevent several other health problems. When you sleep, your body gets rest. So, many functions of the body decrease. It can affect the conversion of the creatine to creatinine. Sleep can slow down this conversion. Also, getting proper sleep will give the kidneys sufficient time to remove the creatinine from the body effectively. To lower the creatinine levels, you need to get at least six to eight hours of sleep.

Can You Lower Creatinine Levels With Diet?

Do you know that you can lower creatinine levels by making some changes to your diet? Here are some of the tips you can follow to ensure you can reduce the creatinine naturally.

Reduce Sodium Intake

Sodium is a mineral naturally found in several foods. It is the major component of table salt. A healthy diet must have no more than 2300 milligrams of sodium a day. When you consume excess sodium, it can trigger several issues in the body. So, limiting the sodium amount is necessary to see changes in the creatinine levels. High levels of sodium in your diet can result in the body holding on to water. It also limits urination. So, the toxic waste remains in the body as it has no outlet to go out of the body. Stay away from the following food items:

  • Fast foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Heavily processed foods

To avoid the risk of high sodium levels, you need to limit fast food consumption. Try making your own meals at home. It will effectively limit the amount of sodium you consume. Making food at home will also offer complete control of its addition. So, you can reduce it. You can also substitute salt by adding herbs or other spices to the food. It will make the food flavorful and keep your sodium levels in check.

Check Your Protein Intake

When you consume excess protein, it can affect your kidneys. Processing protein may feel hard on the kidneys. So, people who wish to reduce the creatinine levels need to follow a low-protein diet. Eating high proteins like red meat can increases the levels of creatinine. It is because red meat is muscle tissue, which contains creatine. When you cook it, it breaks down into creatinine. So, when you eat cooked red meat, it increases their levels. So, eating led red meat and other foods like fish can increase creatinine levels. The other foods increasing the creatinine levels are:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Red meats
  • Red meats

So, you need to restrict your red meat or fish in your diet. Instead, you can incorporate vegetable proteins like beans to get the necessary protein.

Avoid Phosphorus Rich Foods To Lower Creatinine Levels

People with high creatinine levels usually suffer from kidney diseases. Kidneys need to excrete this substance from the body. So, when the kidney fails to work properly, it can result in the building of phosphorous. So, when the doctor suggests a blood test to detect the problem. During such an event, calcium is pulled from the bones. It starts collecting in your blood vessels and skin. In such cases, you have a high chance of suffering from bone disease. It makes you prone to bone breaks. Therefore, try to avoid food rich in phosphorus like:

  • Cheese
  • Bran
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Bacon
  • Tahini

Limit Potassium Intake

Potassium is a mineral linked to muscle function. Without the mineral, the muscles may not work properly. But, an excess amount of potassium in your body can trigger several health complications. Most people see a spike in potassium levels due to abnormal kidney function. Higher levels can affect your heartbeats and lead to heart attacks. You need to limit the potassium intake. Limit the following foods rich in potassium as it can cause adverse effects:

  • Chocolates
  • Avocados
  • Cocoa powder
  • Nuts
  • Prunes

Herbal Remedies To Lower Creatinine Levels

Certain herbs have shown promising results in reducing the high creatinine levels. But, you need to consult a doctor before taking any of the herbs. If you are suffering from kidney disease, then getting the suggestion from a doctor before taking the suggested remedies. Here are some of the remedies:

Chamomile Tea To Lower Creatinine Levels

Chamomile is known for its sedative-like effects. So, using it can lull you to sleep. We have discussed earlier how sleeping well can reduce creatinine levels. So, drinking chamomile tea can lower your creatinine levels. Add two to three teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in boiling water. Allow it to steep for at least three to five minutes. Now, strain the tea and drink it.

Stinging Nettle To Lower Creatinine Level

Stinging nettle is a natural diuretic. It is a powerful herb with the ability to remove chemical waste from the body. You need to take two teaspoons of the powder of the dried Stinging nettle leaves. Put it in boiling water and allow it to steep for at least ten minutes. Strain the tea and drink it once a day to see the desired results.


Cinnamon is a spice used to enhance the taste of any dessert. It is also great to stimulate kidney function. Cinnamon is also diuretic in nature. So, it can enhance the output of the kidneys. Using cinnamon regulates the blood sugar levels along with bringing down the creatine levels in the body.

Dandelion Root To Lower Creatinine Levels

Dandelion root is a natural diuretic. It is the most common herb helpful in lowering the creatinine levels. It also improves your kidney function.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian ginseng is a plant. The root is used in ancient medicinal practices for several centuries. Siberian ginseng is referred to as an adaptogen. The root offers several beneficial health effects like treating stress and fatigue. You can use this root to improve kidney function.


Astragalus is popular in traditional Chinese medicine. The herb is used for centuries in treating several health ailments. It has immune-boosting properties. The anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects make it a common ingredient in several Chinese herbal medicines. Astragalus is an enticing flower with diuretic effects. So, it can flush out the accumulated toxins and creatinine. Using it will also improve your metabolism along with eliminating the excess fluid accumulated in the kidneys.


It is a well-known herb with several beneficial properties. Using safe can help improve your kidney function and its circulation. So, using it can avoid kidney failure, which increases the creatinine levels. By safeguarding your kidney health, you can maintain normal levels of creatinine.

Rhubarb To Lower Creatinine Levels

Rhubarb is a vegetable that is a good source of dietary fiber, magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, potassium, calcium, manganese, and potassium. It is very low in cholesterol and has low levels of sodium and saturated fat. Rhubarb is a natural diuretic, which can increase urination frequency. So, it helps eliminate the toxic metabolic waste from the body. You can take a single stalk of rhubarb. Put it in boiling water. Drink it twice a day to see an improvement in the creatinine levels.

Corn Silk To Lower Creatinine Levels

Corn silk refers to the long, shiny fibers. You can find it at the top of the ear of the corn. In usual cases, this layer is often discarded. But, according to some recent studies, it has many useful properties. Corn silk acts as a diuretic. So, it can lower creatinine levels. Not convinced? According to a 2013 study, using the corn silk extract improved kidney function. The study conducted on rate models also showed reduced creatinine and urea improvement during the blood test.

Home Remedies To Lower High Creatinine Levels

There are some home remedies for people wondering how to lower creatinine levels. The remedies are effective in bringing down the high creatinine. But, before trying any of these methods, you need to consult your doctor. Never self-diagnose the problem and try these remedies without getting the all-clear from the medical professional.

Lower High Creatinine Levels By Using Apple Cider Vinegar

You need to take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a glass of warm water to try this method. Using honey in this mixture is beneficial. The acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar will help dissolve kidney stones. The anti-microbial properties are also helpful in warding off bacterial infections. So, drinking the mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey, and warm water daily will prevent the blood creatinine levels from spiking. For getting better results, you can drink this mixture with a high-carbohydrate diet.

Drink Bitter Gourd Juice

Bitter gourd is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in fiber and antioxidants. So, consuming bitter gourd offers therapeutic effects. It is also beneficial to bring down the creatinine levels as it acts as a natural diuretic. It improves blood circulation and tones your kidneys. For getting the desired results, you need to drink half a cup of bitter gourd juice. Drinking the juice once a day can help lower the creatinine levels naturally. But, stick to the suggested dose as it has high potassium levels. So, consuming it more can affect the kidneys.

Include Onion In Your Diet

You need to include an onion in your diet. Add half an onion to your salads or curries to bring down the creatinine levels. Onions are a natural antioxidant. So, it helps improve your kidney functions. Onions also contain PGA prostaglandin. It is helpful in lowering blood pressure. Do you know that onion can act as a mild diuretic? Therefore, it can help flush out the urine from the body. Onion also contains vitamin C. It aids in restoring kidney function and manage blood creatinine levels.

Include Pineapples

Pineapples have low sodium and are a rich source of vitamin C as well as fiber. You can include it in your diet without worrying about calories. It is a fat-free fruit, which helps bring down the creatinine levels in the body. You need to consume half a cup of fresh pineapple. The freshly cut pineapples are more effective in offering you desired results. You can do this once a day.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea is beneficial for your overall health. It is used in weight loss and curing several skin ailments. Do you know it can also reduce the creatinine levels? Drinking green tea will help lower creatinine levels naturally. Take one cup of hot water and put a green tea bag in it for at least ten minutes. Allow the tea bag to steep. After it cools, you can add honey to it. Drink green tea. You can drink the tea at least two to three times a day. Drink green tea daily as it offers several benefits to your health.

Include Garlic In Your Diet

Garlic can enhance the taste of the dishes you prepare. It is also beneficial for your body. Garlic contains allicin. It is known for the anti-inflammatory properties. Also, garlic is a well-known diuretic. So, eating garlic will help flush out the toxic waste from the body. Garlic can also reduce creatinine levels. Adding garlic to your cuisines can also increase the plasma iron levels. So, it can replace the lost hemoglobin as a result of spiked creatinine levels in the body. You can directly chew four to five garlic cloves once or twice a day. If you are not a fan of raw garlic taste, then you can add minced garlic to the foods or salads you prepare.

Make Ginger Tea And Drink It

Drinking ginger tea is one of the natural remedies to bring down creatinine levels. Ginger roots are rich in compounds like flavonoids and ethanol. These compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So, it protects your kidneys from injury and damage while reducing the elevated creatinine levels. The diuretic properties of the ginger improve the kidney’s filtration ability. To make the ginger tea, you need to take one inch of the ginger. Add it to a cup of hot water. Allow the ginger root to steep. Wait for at least ten minutes. You can add a little honey to the ginger tea and drink it. For optimum benefits, you need to drink ginger tea three times a day.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. So, scientists are trying to find other benefits. Cranberry juice has certain chemicals with antioxidants and can fight free radicals. Free radicals are harmful to your health. Most people drink cranberry juice due to its ability to fight age-related damage to the tissues of the body. Cranberry juice also has diuretic properties. So, it can improve kidney health naturally. The juice also contains a compound called quinic acid. So, it protects the kidney from the stone formation. This property helps the juice lower creatinine levels naturally in the body. You can consume a medium cup of cranberry juice daily. You can do this once every day to see results.

Drink Coconut Water

Tender coconut water has nutrients. It is a rich source of antioxidants like vitamin C. So, it is the best solution for people thinking about how to lower creatinine levels. You can drink a glass of tender coconut water daily. Wondering how drinking tender coconut water will help with the condition? It is because tender coconut water acts as a natural diuretic. So, it increases urine output. It also keeps the kidney stone-free and healthy. When you drink coconut water, it aids in the kidney’s ability to filter waste. Limit your coconut water consumption and stick to the suggested levels. It is because excess consumption of tender coconut water will affect the kidneys.

Consume Oranges

Oranges are rich sources of vitamin C. It is also rich in antioxidants. So, it improves kidney health. When you consume oranges, it increases the citrate levels in your urine. So, it prevents the formation of kidney stones. When you have no kidney stones, it can prevent the creatinine levels from shooting up. So, you can drink a quarter to a half glass of orange juice. Drink the orange juice once a day. Continue it every day to prevent the blood creatinine levels from rising. But, always stick to the suggested level as consume too much orange juice can increase the potassium content in the body. High potassium levels in the body can cause harm to the kidneys.


You need to take steps to lower creatinine levels before it escalates to complicated issues. So, you need to take steps to manage the problem. For simple cases, you can try home remedies. When you suffer from underlying health conditions like kidney problems, then get medical treatment to improve the expulsion of high levels of waste product in the blood. Consult a doctor to rule out the presence of any underlying health problem. With early intervention, you can manage the problem without facing any adverse effects.


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