How To Increase Creatinine Levels – Symptoms, Causes And Diet Tips

If you are thinking about how to increase creatinine levels, then this article is the right one for you. Creatinine refers to the chemical waste produced by the body. It is the waste product of creatine, an amino acid produced as well as stored by the liver. In normal cases, creatinine levels indicate normal muscle metabolism. After breaking it down, the chemical enters the bloodstream. Your kidney is responsible for removing the creatinine from the bloodstream. Finally, the chemical exits your body through urine. The entire process keeps the creatinine levels normal in the body. When you see symptoms causing discomfort, you see a doctor who suggests different tests to detect creatinine levels. Usually, creatinine levels are checked to detect how your kidney functions.

When the tests indicate higher or lower levels, your doctor suggests other diagnostic tests. In usual cases, low levels mean you have muscle problems like loss of muscle mass. It can occur due to various underlying reasons. Wondering the next step to take? Then, read ahead to know more.

Testing And Effects Of Creatinine: The Need To Increase Creatinine Levels

Your body produces creatinine. It is a chemical produces as a result of regular wear and tear of your muscles. In normal cases, the chemical passes through your bloodstream and filtered by the kidney. It is then flushed out of the body through urine. While creatinine is usually regarded as a waste product, several studies indicate its role in fighting any disease. Evidence suggests it can help stop the growth of bacteria in your body and avoid any infection or disease.

Testing And Detecting When To Increase Creatinine Levels

For detecting when you need to increase creatinine levels, you need to undergo a creatinine clearance test. It is usually suggested by the doctor for detecting the performance of your kidneys in removing creatinine from the bloodstream. For the sample, you need to submit a urine sample. The lab technicians collect the timed urine samples (the urine passed during a specified period, like 24 hours). The test measures the amount of creatinine removed from the body by the kidneys. While the low levels may not cause a severe problem, high creatinine levels can result in problems like uremia. It is a life-threatening condition caused due to the accumulation of waste products in the blood. It requires further investigation to detect the cause of kidney health and get the right treatment.

Underlying Problems Resulting In The Need To Increase Creatinine Levels

While increased levels of creatinine indicate something serious, low levels may not indicate a serious issue. It can occur due to simple issues, which are easy to manage at home. But, some mild to severe problems with the liver or muscles can result in low levels. Here are some of the common causes that result in the need to increase creatinine levels:

Low Muscle Mass

Creatinine levels decrease with increased age or suffering from illness. It occurs because the levels are linked with muscle mass. Muscle mass decreases with your age or when you develop any illness. It indicated your muscles are less strong or are deteriorating due to illness like muscular dystrophy (MD)

Liver Problems

Your liver makes creatinine. When the liver is not functioning properly due to any damage or problem, then it fails to make the necessary amount of creatinine. People suffering from chronic liver disease see a 50% reduction in creatinine production. It means you can there are low levels of creatinine in the blood. The doctor can suggest a serum creatinine test to detect any liver problem. A simple blood test can reveal a lack of creatinine production.

Changes In Diet Resulting In Need To Increase Creatinine Levels

When you eat a diet lacking in protein, then it increases your chances of low creatinine levels. While creatine is made naturally in the body, you get a small amount of it from the food you consume. So, the diet you choose has a direct link to the creatine levels. People following a low-protein or plant-based diet can experience low levels of creatine. It is a temporary issue that you can manage with some changes in the diet. To increase creatinine levels, you need to change the diet. Including meat in your diet can help manage the problem. When a person suffers from any illness making it difficult to eat or go for prolonged periods without eating food, then it can lead to low levels of creatinine.


Pregnancy is one of the common causes of low creatinine levels. It is a temporary situation that reverses after you give birth. Your doctor always monitors the condition to ensure it does not escalate to serious levels.

Symptoms Indicating The Need To Increase Creatinine Levels

How do you know when to take action to manage creatinine levels in the body? Here are some of the symptoms indicating the need to increase creatinine levels:

Low Muscle Mass

Low levels of creatinine indicate underlying medical conditions affecting the muscles like muscular dystrophy or muscle loss. It can trigger the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty exercising
  • Lack of strength
  • Frail or thin body

Liver Disease

When a person suffers from chronic liver disease, it causes a drastic drop in the serum creatinine. It occurs as a result of reduced hepatic production (50%) of creatinine. Due to the problem, you can see signs like:

  • Inflamed liver
  • Accumulation of extracellular fluid
  • Fatigue
  • Edema
  • Pain in the upper side of the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Malnutrition
  • Muscle mass loss

Diet-Related Loss Of Creatinine

When you never get enough protein from the food, it can lead to the condition. In such cases, the signs associated with the condition are:

  • Losing weight
  • Feeling dizzy or faint

In the majority of cases, the signs may not indicate the exact cause of low creatinine levels. Some people suffer from it due to other health problems. To determine the exact issue, a medical professional tests the creatinine levels in the blood and urine to diagnose the problem. Further tests are required to diagnose the exact issue.

Risk Factors

Some people are more prone to low creatinine levels compared to others. Some people need special care to increase creatinine levels. It is usually common among people with diminished muscle mass. Here are the factors influencing the occurrence of the problem:

  • Elderly people
  • People experiencing severe weight loss
  • Malnourished people
  • Bed bound and/or chronically ill patients
  • People who are bound to their wheelchairs

Diagnosing When You need To Increase Creatinine Levels

When you see the symptoms associated with the problem, you need to see a doctor. The doctor can suggest lab tests to measure the creatinine levels in the blood or urine. Also, to detect the reasons for the low creatinine levels, the doctor suggests further tests. Here are some of the diagnostic options used:

Lab Tests

To determine if you need to increase creatinine levels, the doctor can order a serum creatinine test. You need to submit a sample of your blood in the lab for measuring the creatinine levels in the bloodstream. Your doctor can also measure the levels by testing the urine. So, you need to provide a urine sample for proper assessment.

Other Tests

To determine what causes the low creatinine levels, your doctor suggests other tests. Only with proper diagnosis, your doctor can develop a treatment plan to increase creatinine levels. The tests are needed to check if you suffer from any muscular disease. Here are the tests:

Muscle Biopsy

A muscle biopsy refers to the procedure during which the doctor removes a piece of muscle tissue from your body. It is examined under the microscope in a lab. The muscle biopsy can help detect the problems associated with the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, vascular system, or connective tissue.

Muscle Enzyme Test

It is the test used to find the damaged muscles in the body. The test can even detect the weakness or damage of the heart muscles. CK or creatine kinase is the enzyme detected in the muscles. Enzymes are the proteins needed by the cells in your body to complete their jobs. When you see a sharp rise in the CK enzymes, it indicates the damage of muscle cells in the body. So, it is the test used to conclusively uncover muscle damage.

After identifying the exact cause of the condition, your doctor discusses the treatment plans available to manage the problem without causing any complications.

Decoding Results Of Lab Tests To Detect If You Need To Increase Creatinine Levels

The creatinine levels can vary based on body sizes as well as muscle mass. Your doctor can suspect the problem when you show some signs of low creatinine. If your lab test indicates below the normal range (normal range for men 0.6-1.2 mg/dl and 0.5-1.11 mg/dl for women), then your body has trouble producing the chemical. It is linked to simple issues like your diet or any underlying condition triggered by the disorder of muscles or diet.

But, higher levels than the normal ranges indicate you have accumulated too much creatinine in the body or your body is finding it difficult to filter and remove the chemical properly. It can arise due to intense physical exertion due to exercise or eating a high-protein diet. Your doctor will assess the condition further to detect the exact reason as kidney diseases can lead to high creatinine levels. It results in the inability of the kidney to get rid of toxins and waste from the body and prevent them from keeping the body clean.

Treatment To Increase Creatinine Levels

When your doctor detects low levels of creatinine in the blood or urine, the doctor can suggest further tests to diagnose the underlying problem. Based on the diagnosis, the treatment option available are:

Manage Liver Disease

If you are suffering liver problems, then the treatment focuses on preventing further damage to the organ. So, the doctor can suggest the following:

  • Make lifestyle changes like quitting alcohol.
  • Eat a healthy diet with all nutrients to enhance the health of your liver.
  • Take medication to prevent signs associated with the condition.

Manage Muscle Disease To Increase Creatinine Levels

For people suffering from muscle disease, then the doctor can suggest the following to treat the condition and increase creatinine levels:

  • Physical therapy
  • Medication
  • Surgery

The treatment options help you increase muscle mass and remain mobile.

How To Increase Creatinine Levels: Diet Tips

People with low creatinine levels always search for natural methods to boost their levels. For people wondering how to increase creatinine levels, concentrating on the diet can offer results. People with a specific diet and lifestyle can see the lowering of creatinine levels. If you are a vegetarian, then you are not getting enough protein in your diet. In such cases, low creatinine levels can bother you. Similarly, people who perform high-intensity exercise can also see the levels lowering. Taking a supplement to boost the levels becomes a necessity. Some people who suffer from an underlying health condition can see the difference. So, it is better to see a medical professional discuss the symptoms and get the necessary treatment options. Here are some of the options to increase it with the diet.

A Balanced Diet

If you are consuming a well-balanced diet, then your body produces creatinine levels naturally. A healthy amount of calories according to your height and weight will boost the creatinine production in your body. But, you need to eat a balanced diet every day without fail. Such people who pay attention to their diet and indulge in moderate activity never need any supplement other than their diet. The deficiency of creatinine means you are malnourished. It can also occur due to the normal aging process. When you make changes to the diet by taking enough nutrients and calories to sustain and overcome the creatinine deficiency. Here are some of the pointers for eating a well-balanced diet:

  • Fill your diet with healthy food options
  • Choose fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Include protein-rich food like dairy, eggs, and meat
  • Eat whole grains
  • Choose food based on your age, weight, and height

When you eat the right amount of well-balanced food items, you can see a difference in the creatinine levels.

Eat Red Meat

If you are a non-vegetarian, then try to eat more red meat. You can include red meat daily or weekly to increase creatinine levels. So, for people who suffer from a low creatinine level, adding read meat to the diet can show a big difference. It is because all types of meat, especially red meat has high levels of creatinine. It will boost the number of creatinine levels in the bloodstream. Eating chicken meat will make an improvement in the creatinine levels, red meat yields quicker results. Cooked red meat can boost the levels effectively. It is because the heat from cooking can boost the creatinine in the meat to increase. So, you can include the following in your diet at least four to five times a week:

  • Pork chops
  • Steak
  • Hamburger
  • Other red meats

Increase Protein Intake

Red meat is a good option for boosting the creatinine levels. But, what will vegetarians do to increase the levels as they cannot consume red meat? If you are vegetarian, then increase your intake of proteins when you suffer from low protein levels. It is an effective method for vegetarians to overcome protein deficiency or low creatinine levels. Manage the condition by adding vegetarian-friendly protein to your diet. Include at least one type of protein for a meal every day to see the result. Wondering the food items you can choose? Then, here are some of the foods you need to include in your diet to boost the protein intake:

  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Lentils
  • Greek yogurt
  • All types of beans

Drink In Moderation

In many articles, you may have read about the side-effects of using alcohol in excess. Excess consumption of alcohol can affect different parts of your body. But, do you know that in moderation, alcohol can increase your low creatinine levels. Drinking alcohol can raise overall creatinine levels. While you learn regarding the use of alcohol, never consume it in excess or take it as a type of medicine.

You can see effective results only when you drink alcohol in low to moderate doses. Here are some of the tips you need to follow while drinking alcohol:

  • Women must have control over alcoholic beverages. They need to restrict themselves to drinking just one alcoholic drink a day. Men can stop consuming alcohol after two drinks.
  • Avoid sugary alcoholic drinks like Mai Tai, daiquiris, or sweet martinis. Instead, it is better to stick to stout beer or red wine.
  • Never consume alcoholic drinks when you have some serious underlying condition like kidney disorder or kidney disease. Consuming alcoholic drinks can only worsen the existing condition.

So, taking alcohol to increase creatinine levels only works for people who have no other serious health problems.

Increase Creatinine Levels In Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, women can see a lot of changes. As each week of pregnancy passes, women can see a dip in their creatinine levels. It occurs mainly due to hormonal changes caused to nourish the growing fetus. It is a normal occurrence, which you cannot help. During a normal pregnancy, your blood volume increases along with the kidney function. So, it results in filtering out of normal-than-high creatinine out of the blood to the urine. You flush it out of the body via urine. In normal cases, the creatinine levels return to normal after you deliver the baby. But, when it becomes dangerously low during or after the pregnancy, you need a doctor’s assistance to address the problem. Based on your condition, the doctor can suggest changes in the diet or prescribe creatinine supplements to benefit your condition.

Avoid Fasting

If you wish to increase creatinine levels, then avoid fasting. Fasting is followed by people to reduce their body weight or for religious reasons. During a fast, your body receives fewer nutrients. So, it results in a sharp dip of the creatinine levels in the blood. Not eating food for extended periods can worsen the problem. So, you need to consume a little amount of food. If you need to fast, then plan in such a way as to allow a little food intake each day. People suffering from an eating disorder may not consume food like normal individuals. They can go without food for an extended period. So, it is better to talk to a medical doctor or professional therapist for getting assistance.

Increase Creatinine Levels For People Exercising Frequently

If you have included exercise in your daily routine, then the low creatinine levels can bother you. So, the doctor suggests taking steps for people working out regularly to keep the creatinine levels normal. The doctor can suggest taking creatinine dietary supplements. It is usually suggested for weightlifters to increase build bulk and muscle mass. Dietary supplements are only suggested for people who are working out at least five to six times a week. It is also prescribed for people who perform high-intensity exercises. It is essential for people who are working out to take supplements when workout intensity ranges from low to medium. Else, taking the supplements will increase the creatinine levels more than required by the body. In serious cases, the supplements can raise the creatinine levels dangerously. So, follow the doctor’s orders.

Exercises To Increase Creatinine Levels

Apart from diet, you can also include some exercises in your routine to increase creatinine levels naturally. You need to choose low-intensity exercises to build your muscle mass. Do you know creatinine for your body is derived from the skeletal muscles? So, when you suffer from low creatinine levels, you can perform some gentle exercises to increases the creatinine levels. It increases because of the increases in skeletal muscles. With an increase in muscle mass, you can see a rise in creatinine levels. Here are some of the low-intensity exercises you can try:

  • Swimming
  • Jogging
  • Jumping rope

But, you need to restrict these exercises to twenty to thirty minutes. Overtaxing the body can only in more harm than good.

 Exercises To Improve Low Muscle Mass

In most cases, low creatinine levels indicate low muscle mass. So, you need to try some exercises to improve muscle mass. Here are some of the exercises you can try:

  • Squats
  • Lifting weights
  • Pull-ups
  • Lunges
  • Military press
  • Pulldowns
  • Seated dumbbell press
  • Bench press
  • Weighted abdominal crunches
  • Leg raises

While some of the exercises suggested are easy to do at home, to complete others, you need to visit a gym. You need equipment to complete the exercises and strengthen the muscle tone.

Prevention Tips

To prevent the lowering of creatinine levels, you need to make some changes to your lifestyle. Here are some of the tips you can follow to increase creatinine levels and avoid any complications:

Healthy Diet

You need to include a healthy diet with important nutrients. All vitamins, including vitamin D, are essential to keep the creatinine levels normal.

Workout Regularly

You need to work out regularly to keep the creatinine levels under control. Include exercise that will keep the levels normal.

Get Enough Sleeping

You need to sleep well to avoid the complication of developing kidney disease. It is important to keep the kidneys healthy for normal creatinine levels.

Sufficient Intake Of Carbohydrates

Your diet must consist of the necessary amounts of carbohydrates to ensure the creatinine levels stay normal. Your body must get enough carbs for functioning normally.

Drink Water

You need to drink at least six to eight glasses of water. It will help retain the water balance and prevent dehydration.


It is easy to increase creatinine levels as a simple underlying problem trigger the condition. In some cases, an underlying medical issue can lead to the problem. So, you need a doctor’s assistance to manage the problem. The tips and exercise suggested will help improve muscle problems and increase muscle mass in the long run. Always discuss the options with the doctor and stick to it for better results. For simple issues, diet and exercise tips will offer great results. But, muscular diseases triggering the problem need treatment. So, always see a doctor before trying the home remedies.



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