How To Get Rid Of Tinea Versicolor: Symptoms, Causes, And Diet Tips

Do you see rashes on your skin? It can occur due to tinea versicolor, also known as Pityriasis Versicolor. It is one of the most common skin infections affecting people. The skin rash caused due to fungus affects people living in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. You suffer from the fungal skin infection due to the overgrowth of fungus already existing on your skin. Due to skin infection, you can develop discolored patches on the body. While the condition is not dangerous or cause serious issues with your health, it can make you embarrassed.

More About Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor refers to the most common fungal infection affecting your skin. It disrupts the normal pigmentation of your skin. As a result, you develop small patches of skin that look like a rash. It may appear lighter or darker compared to your normal skin tone. So, the affected area stands out compared to the surrounding skin. You mostly develop the fungal infection on your shoulders and trunk. The fungal infection is common in teens and young adults. Going out in the sun can make the condition worse as the patches become more apparent due to the tanned surrounding skin. While the condition is not painful or contagious, you feel embarrassed or self-conscious.

You can try some home remedies or over-the-counter anti-fungal products like lotions, shampoo, or cream to treat the condition. But, you need to see a doctor when the skin color remains uneven for several weeks or months. It is also essential to get medical assistance when the condition recurs, especially in humid and warm weather.

Symptoms Associated With Tinea Versicolor

When you develop a fungal skin infection, you will develop certain symptoms. The most common signs associated with tinea versicolor are:

  • Develop skin patches with discoloration
  • The appearance of rash-like infection appearing lighter on the chest, back, upper arms, and neck
  • Tinea versicolor signs and symptoms include:
  • Scaling
  • Mild itching
  • Scaling

See A Doctor For Tinea Versicolor

It is important to see a doctor or dermatologist when you experience the following:

  • The self-care methods you opt for does not improve the appearance of your skin
  • When the fungal infection returns
  • The patches spread to other areas and cover large areas of the body

Causes Of Tinea Versicolor

In the majority of the cases, the fungal infection is caused by the fungus Malassezia globose. But, people can also develop the infection due to the overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia furfur. In normal cases, these yeasts are present in the human skin. But, under certain circumstances, these yeasts overgrow. So, it starts affecting your skin, resulting in rashes. While the circumstances causing the problem are known, the exact condition why the initiation of the disease process occurs remains poorly understood. When the fungus present on your skin multiplies, it results in the infection. It multiplies in a yeast-like fashion. You can find the fungus triggering the problem with healthy skin. The fungal overgrowth causes the problem. The factors resulting in the overgrowth include:

  • Residing in hot and humid weather condition
  • Have an oily skin
  • Suffer from hormonal changes
  • You have a weak immune system

Diagnosing Tinea Versicolor

Fungal skin infection does not cause any issues to your health. But, when you develop these rashes or discoloration on visible areas of your skin, it makes you feel embarrassed. So, you need to consult a doctor to get advice. It is also essential to see a healthcare professional when you suspect some serious underlying problems result in the discoloration. In the majority of the cases, you need to see a medical professional when any one of the following occurs:

  • When over-the-counter medications and self-care measures at home does not alleviate the problem
  • The rash spreads to other areas of the body and covers a large area
  • When the fungal infection recurs

The doctor will perform the following to diagnose the problem conclusively:

Physical Assessment To Detect Tinea Versicolor

Doctors diagnose fungal skin infection by simply looking at it. It is the most common diagnosis method. During the physical assessment, the doctor checks the infected area under a Wood’s lamp. If you have the fungal infection, then the infected area looks green. So, greenish color confirms the infection.

Scrape Off Infected Skin

If a simple examination does not provide a clear picture, then the doctor scrapes off the infected skin. The skin as well as the scales from the affected area has a distinctive greenish color when observed under the microscope or Wood’s lamp. If children suffer from the problem, then the doctor takes the sample skin cells by lifting it off using clear tape. The tape is firmly attached to the affected area and then pulled. The sample cells are attached to the clear tape. It is stuck directly onto a slide and checked under a microscope.

Treatment For Tinea Versicolor

In most cases, your doctor suggests over-the-counter creams, lotions, or shampoos for the condition. It alleviates the fungal infection. You need to apply it directly to the infected skin to see results. But, in some cases, oral pills are prescribed to heal the problem. The type of treatment suggested by the doctor depends on the size of the infection, its location, and the thickness of the affected area. The treatment options include:

Topical Anti-Fungal Products

You can apply the topical anti-fungal products directly on the skin as they are available in cream, shampoo, or lotion form. It is also available in the form of soap. So, you can use the product to keep the yeast growth under control. But, when you buy the product, look for the following in the ingredient list:

  • Ketoconazole
  • Clotrimazole
  • Miconazole
  • Selenium sulfide
  • Zinc-pyrithione
  • Terbinafine

Anti-Fungal Pills

If you suffer from severe ore recurrent cases of tinea versicolor, then your doctor prescribes anti-fungal pills. It is also suggested for people who want a quick and simple solution to their skin problem. These pills require a prescription from the doctor or dermatologist. It is also essential to talk regarding the side effects caused by the medication. So, you need the doctor’s monitoring while taking the pills.

You need to remember that the treatment usually alleviates fungal infection, but you need to wait for some months to see the discoloration resolving. Even after getting successful treatment from the doctor for the condition, your skin color remains uneven for several weeks or months. Also, you have high chances of suffering from the infection again, especially when you live in hot as well as humid climatic conditions. Always follow the instructions of the doctor. In persistent cases of the infection, you need to take the medication once or twice a month to prevent the condition from recurring.

Home Remedies For Tinea Versicolor

Are home remedies available for the fungal infection? Yes, you can try some natural treatments at home. It is effective when the infection is mild. Stop trying the remedies when it causes irritation or worsens the problem.

Onion Paste

Can things from your kitchen help ease fungal infection? Yes, because items like onion can alleviate the fungal skin infection as it has antifungal properties. The staple item in your kitchen contains sulfur compounds that can work against Malassezia fungus. You just have to crush the onion into a paste and apply it to your affected area. Repeat the process for a couple of days to see the difference.

Neem Leaf Paste

Neem leaf has antifungal properties. According to researches, neem has exhibited effectiveness in dealing with several skin problems. It can also alleviate the rashes caused due to fungus. Apply neem paste on the affected area or add neem leaf to your bath water to see its effects. You can also add neem leaf decoction to the water you use to take a bath and soak in it for some time to see good results.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil or Melaleuca alternifolia is an essential oil with antifungal properties. You can use it to heal several skin problems, including tinea versicolor. The components in tea tree oil have shown effective results against fungus triggering the problem. So, you can use the essential oil directly on the skin to see results. Apply it two times a day to alleviate the fungal infection.

Coconut Oil

If you are looking for a natural remedy to heal the fungal skin infection, then coconut oil is the best choice. It is the topical treatment suggested for many of the skin infections. Coconut oil contains fatty acids in a medium-chain arrangement. So, it acts as a natural fungicide. You can apply the oil directly to the affected area. As the oil is mildly scented, you can apply it and leave it on. It is effective in alleviating different fungal infections like Athlete’s foot. Use the beautifully textured and versatile oil to manage skin infection.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory along with antifungal properties to ensure it fights off both fungus and offers relief from swelling. So, it is doubly effective for people who suffer from rashes as well as pain. As the protein fights off the fungus, it also heals your skin.

You can try these home remedies when you have mild cases of rashes caused due to tinea versicolor. But, if you see no relief with the condition after trying these remedies, then see a doctor as you may need prescription treatment to deal with the infection.

Tinea Versicolor Diet Tips

Do you know that you need to get treatment for the skin condition? Without treatment, the affected area develops into red, itchy bumps. You can also develop discolored patches on your sin. With medical treatment, you can manage the condition. See a doctor for receiving the right treatment to handle the problem. Is taking medication enough to manage the problem? Your diet plays an important role in managing and preventing the recurrence of yeast infection. The correct diet can help manage the problem and its recurrence of the skin condition. With a proper diet, you can get rid of the skin condition naturally. Here are some tips:

Food You Need To Avoid To Prevent Tinea Versicolor

When you suffer from skin infection caused by the fungus Malassezia globose, then you need to include a specialized diet. This diet must avoid the following foods as it can worsen the infection:

Avoid Sugar To Prevent Tinea Versicolor

Sugar exists in simple and complex forms in many of the food sources. Apart from the common food sources, you can also find sugar in other food items. Do you know that the simple form of sugar you consume contains less protein and fiber in it? So, it is easy to transform the sugar for fueling yeast overgrowth. So, if you already suffer from the condition, then it worsens when you consume a sugar-rich diet.

For observing positive results, you need to avoid sugar from the diet. It is the primary action you need to take to prevent yeast overgrowth. But, it is not easy to get rid of sugar from the diet as you think. Many people are addicted to sugar and cannot consume food items without it. While it is not possible to cut out sugar entirely from your diet, you can make subtle changes. So, you can limit the consumption of hot beverages with sugar and try not to sprinkle sugar over your foods like cereal. Such small changes can make a big difference.


As vinegar is concentrated with yeast as it is made from old wine, you have to avoid it. It also extends to the food products containing vinegar. So, you have to refrain from consuming condiments like:

  • Ketchup
  • Salad dressings
  • Mayonnaise
  • Flavoring for fries
  • Dipping sauce (usually Italian dishes)

The high concentration of yeast-like toxins and byproducts contained in vinegar makes the skin condition worse.

Barley Malt

Barley malt is commonly available in the beer industry. It contains maltose that is fermented into beer. It is usually added to food products as a flavoring agent. Barley malt supports the growth of yeast, which will worsen the infection. So, you need to avoid the following foods:

  • Breakfast cereals
  • Crackers
  • Grain-based food
  • Bread

Always check the ingredient list of the food you buy as consuming such items can only make your skin condition worse. Try to avoid the barley malt entirely from your diet.

Baked Foods

Baked foods refer to any type of food item that needs baker’s yeast for the rising of the dough. So, people who are suffering from fungal skin infection or have a high risk of the problem need to stay away from such food items. So, you need to avoid the following:

  • Pastries
  • Bread
  • Pizzas
  • Cake

Instead, you can add food items made from yeast alternatives like baking powder, a combination of baking soda and acid, or sourdough starter.


Fruits are good sources of fructose, a naturally occurring sugar. So, people who are at high risk of tinea versicolor need to stay away from fruits. While it is important to include fruits for a balanced diet and get good nutrition, the fructose in fruits can accelerate yeast growth. Since it is not possible to eliminate fruits from your diet, you need to follow diet adjustments to ease the symptoms associated with the infection. You need to go through a period of trial and error to know the effects of consuming fruits. Eliminate fruit from the diet for a month, to gauge the effectiveness in easing the symptoms of the fungal infection.

Stop Nuts Consumption To Avoid Tinea Versicolor

All types of nuts, especially peanuts can grow mold spores. Scientists indicate some type of mold spores are toxic. So, if they develop unchecked, then it facilitates or encourages the growth of yeast inside the body. It is important to eliminate nuts from the diet when you face a high risk of developing the fungal infection. Refrain from including nuts or food products containing nuts to avoid worsening of infection.


You can find a more concentrated source of carbohydrates in alcohol. Apart from containing high calories, it is also not good for your health. Most people find it difficult to expel it from their diet. But, do you know alcohol is produced by the process of fermentation. So, when you consume alcohol, yeast growth is encouraged in the gut. It negatively impacts your skin condition. Try to give the drink a break. By quitting alcohol, you can address long-standing skin condition caused due to yeast.

Food You Need To Include To Overcome Tinea Versicolor

We have discussed the foods you have to avoid, now you need to know regarding the food items beneficial to overcome the fungal infection. Here are some of the food items you need to include to alleviate tinea versicolor:

Overcome Tinea Versicolor By Eating Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and minerals. Apart from maintaining a good balance between the healthy bacteria in your body, it also alleviates different fungal infections. Yogurt prevents the growth of fungi triggering the infections. Also, the probiotics present in yogurt boost your immunity and promotes quick healing from the fungal infection.

Raw Vegetables

Raw vegetables are an excellent source of antioxidants. So, including a considerable quantity of vegetables will help boost your immune system. You can include the following to beat or prevent the fungal infection:

  • Green Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Green Peppers
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Onion
  • Sweet potatoes

You need to include these vegetables at least four times a week.

Whole Grains

Whole grains contain antioxidants like fresh vegetables. So, you need to include it in your diet for overcoming the fungal skin infection. Here are some of the whole grain variants you can include in your diet:

  • Oatmeal
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Couscous

Garlic To Alleviate Tinea Versicolor

Garlic offers a unique taste to your cuisine. But, do you know it also has allicin? It contains anti-fungal properties that can heal fungal infections. So, including two or three cloves of garlic in your meal will heal the symptoms associated with the fungal skin infection. You can also take two cloves of raw garlic to prevent the recurrence of the infection.


Spices like cloves are beneficial as they can alleviate the symptoms of tinea versicolor. How to include clove in your diet? Here are some of the ways:

  • Chew cloves
  • Make clove tea by putting the spice in boiling water. Strain the mixture after simmering it. Drink the tea.

Tinea Versicolor Prevention Tips

If you have suffered from tinea versicolor before or are at risk of the problem, then you need to brace yourself for recurrent episodes of skin infection. It is quite common as the yeast responsible for the recurrent episodes is a normal fungus, which resides on your skin. So you need to follow some tips to prevent the problem:

Good Hygiene

You need to keep your body clean. Use a medicated cleanser at least once a week for at least ten minutes for a few months after you get over the infection. These cleansers prevent a favorable environment for the yeast to thrive. So, it keeps the infection from returning. Using a medicated cleanser is important when you live in a warm as well as humid area.

Avoid Oily Skin Products

Malassezia yeast can grow in an oily environment. So, you need to avoid excess oil. Choose only oil-free, skincare products. When you purchase cosmetic products, select ones with label reading non-comedogenic.

Limit Sun Exposure

People suffering from TV notice the rashes mainly during midsummer. Limiting sun exposure is essential to stop the condition from triggering or worsening. Another reason to limit sun exposure is that the rashes developed become visible when your skin tans. The color difference makes the condition look worse.

Use Antifungal Shampoo

If you have experienced skin infection before, then you need to take good care, particularly during warm and humid climates to prevent a recurrence. So, when you are on holiday during summer times, use antifungal shampoos. Using it once a day for a few days before you go on a holiday or go outside the warm as well as humid climates can prevent pityriasis Versicolor from returning. Since the antifungal shampoos are available without a prescription, you can buy it from pharmacies with ease.

Apply Sunscreen

If you are going out, you need to prevent excessive sun exposure. Using a sunscreen before going out is advised to prevent suffering from such skin problems. Choose a broad-spectrum product with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30. Opt for a non-greasy formula to prevent the oiliness of your skin.

Decrease Sweating

The fungus causing the infection thrives in warm and moist areas. So, it can worsen when you sweat a lot. Therefore, choose your clothing with care. Avoid wearing tight clothing as it can prevent air circulation and makes you sweat a lot. Also, choose breathable fabrics for your clothes as it promotes air circulation and keeps you cool. Therefore, opt for breathable fabrics like clothes to prevent skin infection from affecting you.


Tinea versicolor is not a serious or harmful infection. The infection only affects the topmost layer of your skin. Unfortunately, you can suffer from more than one episode of the infection as the yeast triggering it naturally grows on your skin. So, if you have suffered from the problem once, then the chances of recurring increases. Schedule an appointment with the dermatologist to ensure you get a treatment plan. You need to follow the treatment options at home to ensure the condition alleviates and does not return. With proper care and management, you can control the infection and avoid embarrassment.


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