Horsetail Extract: How It Promotes Healthy Hair Growth Nutrition

Many people swear by the positive effects of horsetail extract in promoting healthy hair growth. If you are thinking that it is like the other advertisements promoting vitamins and supplements promising amazing results, then you are mistaken. Horsetail is an ancient herb. The venerable plant has astonishing properties that can offer effective results for your hair growth. It is used for thousands of years to treat different ailments. People have started identifying the potent effects of the herb. It has anti-inflammatory effects. It also has antioxidants, which makes it one of the prized supplements for various issues. You have several products available in the market promising hair growth, not everyone works. Some of them may work better than others. Instead of using the cheap supplements containing placebos with no effective results, you can give the ancient herb a try.

Horsetail is an ancient plant with the scientific name Equisetum arvense, characterized by hollow stems. It has been used as an herbal therapeutic since ancient times. Horsetail is a type of fern and resembles the tail of a horse, hence the name it was given. The extract taken from the plants has a strong antioxidant with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory potential that can be used as natural medicine.

What Is Horsetail Plant Extract?

The horsetail plant extract is taken from the Equisetum arvense or horsetail plant. It is the plant coming under the fern family. Do you know that the plant has existed since the Paleozoic era? Paleozoic era refers to the period about 542 million years to 251 million years ago. In prehistoric times, the horsetail plant grew up to ninety feet tall. During the period, the plant known as calamites existed as shrubs and trees. Wondering how it gets the name? The branched plant has the appearance of the horse mane. Today, people accept the name of the herb due to its hair growth abilities. People using the herb can grow thick and luscious hair that resembles the horse’s tail. The natural herb extract is aptly named and is natural.

Other Benefits Of Horsetail Plant Extract

You can observe the use of this popular fern in several remedies since the times of the Roman and Greek Empires. The herb possesses several medicinal properties. Using it is beneficial for your skin, hair, and bone health. Due to its benefits, healers have used it throughout history to treat several complications. You can consume the herb in diverse ways. Apart from using horsetail extract for hair, you can use it for the following situations:

  • To treat fluid retention (Edema)
  • Ward of urinary tract infection
  • Prevent the formation of kidney and bladder stones
  • Promote kidney and bladder health
  • Treat joint diseases
  • Manage osteoporosis (weak bones)
  • Cure tuberculosis
  • Treat osteoarthritis
  • Manage frostbite
  • Treats gout
  • Speed wound healing
  • Offer soothing effects on burns

The herb is used for medicinal properties. But, it is also good to include it in your diet. The Romans considered eating it. In Japan, you can find menus with a dish containing the herb or the war stems of the young herb. It is a natural plant offering several goodness. The miracle ingredient has potent properties for your overall health benefits.

Why Is Horsetail Extract Beneficial For Hair?

Horsetail extract can help people manage several ailments. But, it is effective in boosting hair growth. The evidence linked to the claim remains anecdotal, but different scientific studies suggest the effectiveness of the claim due to the following in the herbal extract:

  • Silicon content
  • Collagen impact
  • Antioxidant properties

Silicon Component In Horsetail Extract For Hair Growth

People who support natural remedies for hair care insist on the effectiveness of silicon in the herbal extract. They feel it is the perfect component for good hair. According to the supporters, silicon has shown effective results in promoting hair growth when taken in daily doses for over nine months. The hair became strong and resistant to breaking. Another study involving people taking oral tablets containing the herbal extract showed improved hair growth. Silicon component in the extract also offers other benefits like:

  • Offers a texture, which helps clean the hair and scalp effectively
  • Improves the speed of hair growth
  • Reduces problems like dandruff that causes hair loss
  • It boosts the scalp circulation

Collagen For Better Hair

Advocates of horsetail extract feel it is the perfect ingredient for your hair due to the impact of collagen. The extract contains calcium and collagen. Both of them are essential for bone regeneration and hair health. So, using the extract will boost hair growth and improve its appearance. The claims are based on the 2018 study indicating the effectiveness of the extract in promoting hair growth. It occurs due to the biosynthesis of collagen, which improves the formation of the cartilage as well as the bone tissue while treating osteoporosis.

Antioxidants In Horsetail Extract Promoting Hair Growth

Horsetail contains antioxidants in it. It helps maintain your hair health. Antioxidants are useful for your hair as it provides multiple benefits. It boosts the immune system and fights the underlying issues causing hair fall. The herbal extract is one of the natural sources of antioxidants and phytochemicals. Here are some of the benefits offered:

  • Antioxidants can effectively fight sun damage by offering protection to the cuticles.
  • If you are suffering from hair fall due to alopecia, antioxidants help fight it off.
  • It prevents premature graying of hair.
  • Antioxidants can promote blood circulation, which improves the nutrient supply to the scalp cells.
  • It is effective in reducing frizz and prevents split ends.

Taking the herbal extract can offer antioxidants to the scalp. So, it prevents hair follicle damage caused by free radicals. In older people, free radical damage results in hair loss. Many people who have used the extract have raved about the antiseptic and astringent properties of the extract. If you are using a shampoo or conditioner containing the extract, it can prevent excessive oiliness of the scalp and clean the dirt accumulated. It is a powerful and useful remedy for psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, and other skin problems. The herbal extract promotes blood circulation and offers nourishment to the hair follicles. So, it keeps the hair healthy and beautiful.

A Word Of Caution While Using Horsetail Extract

Additional scientific research is required to learn more about the ability of horsetail extract to prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth. A 2019 review of research has indicated insufficient evidence proving the effectiveness of the herbal extract. So, you cannot think it is the most effective remedy available with your eyes closed. Also, people with dry hair using the horsetail extract need to maintain caution. The powerful antiseptic property of the herbal extract can cause further dry out the hair.

The Right Dose To Take Horsetail Extract For Hair Growth

To get effective results, you need to take the herbal extract in the right doses. Without proper dosage, you may not see the desired results. Here are the different ways and doses of extract to promote hair growth.

Dried Horsetail Extract

You can create a hair rinse using the herbal extract at home with ease. For making the hair rinse, you need two to four teaspoons of dried horsetail and mix it in a cup of boiled water. Make sure the water is hot and not boiling. Allow the dried horsetail to seep into the water for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Allow it to strain. You can now drink this warm tea. Drink the tea at least two to three times a day with honey. Taking the tea internally will help your hair to grow. It also boosts nail and skin health. . Taking the extract in the form of tea provides less amount of the extract compared to taking it in oral supplements form.

Supplement Form

You can take the extract in the supplement form to achieve great hair. You can see your hair becoming healthy and thick when you take the extract in the pill or capsule form. The safe dose of taking the extract is about 300mg. You need to take the supplements three times a day. Taking it in the oral pill or capsule form is easy because you need no preparation or application like shampoo or oil.

Horsetail Extract In Oil Form

Source: Amazon
Horsetail Extract: How It Promotes Healthy Hair Growth Nutrition 1

Horsetail extract oil is another way of using the supplement. Some companies can manufacture oil containing horsetail herbal extract. You can apply the oil directly to the scalp. It is safe to apply and does not trigger itching or burning sensation on your skin. Applying it as oil promotes direct absorption of the extract through the skin. So, it promotes hair growth.

These days, you can find different supplement promoting hair growth in the markets. Some of the supplements contain vitamins and minerals to promote hair and nail growth. You can also find the all-in-one solution for healthy hair, skin, and nails. But, every supplement is not safe to use. So, check with your doctor before you start including the supplements.

Special Warning To Heed Before Using Horsetail Extract

Not everyone can use the herb for hair growth. Some people need to stay away from it due to the complications. Learn more about it.

Use It Only Short-Term

Horsetail extract is not a supplement you can take for a long time. Taking it long-term can trigger severe issues. Short-term use of the extract can result in the development of mild side-effects like

  • Stomach discomfort
  • Increased urination
  • Diarrhea
  • Taking the extract for a long time results in nerve damage. Due to the nerve damage, the affected person can observe the following:
  • Visual disturbances
  • Confusion
  • Trouble Walking
  • Amnesia

Allergic Reactions Due To Horsetail Extract

Taking horsetail extract can trigger an allergic reaction in some people. In such cases, the affected person can see the following symptoms:

  • Wheezing
  • Skin rash
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Swelling of the face

When you see the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to discontinue the extract immediately.

Contraindications Caused Due To Horsetail Extract

Contraindications refer to situations like undergoing treatments, taking drugs, or suffering from illness in which you cannot use the herbal supplement or specific medications. You must refrain from using horsetail extract when you suffer from one of the conditions suggested below:

Alcohol Disorders

People consuming excess alcohol and who suffer from an alcohol use disorder suffer from a decreased ability to use thiamine. Using herbal extract can further decrease the body’s ability to use thiamine. It can lead to thiamine deficiency.


No clinical studies exist determining the safety of using the herbal extract during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Therefore, avoid using the herbal extract as it remains unclear if it causes potential complications to your unborn child or not.


The herbal extract can lower blood sugar levels. Without close monitoring, your blood sugar levels can go to dangerously low levels, which can put you in a coma.

Thiamine Deficiency

It is the most common medical problem occurring due to taking the herbal extract. The extract can break thiamine in half. So, it renders it ineffective for the body to use. It leads to thiamine deficiency. Long-term use of the herb can trigger harmful effects due to the presence of an enzyme known as thiaminase. The enzyme breaks down vitamin B1 (thiamine) and makes it useless.

There are horsetail products in the market with the label “thiaminase-free”. You may think it is safe to use such products. Since herbal supplements have no government regulation, the label may not reflect the truth about the product. Therefore, the labels can mislead you. There is no reliable medical research evidence to support the claim that thiaminase-free products are safe to use.

Low Potassium Level (Hypokalemia)

The diuretic (fluid flushing) properties of the herbal extract, remove too much potassium from the body. So, along with the fluids, it can flush out essential minerals from the body and lead to low potassium levels.

Drug Interactions To Remember While Taking Horsetail Extract

While horsetail extract can offer several benefits, it is not advised to take when you take certain medications. The herbal extract can interfere with the following medications:

Taking Lithium

When you take the herbal extract, the diuretic effects can lead to excess lithium excretion from the body. It results in severe changes in lithium levels. The fluctuations in lithium levels can trigger serious side effects.

Horsetail Extract Interferes With Diabetic Drugs

If you have high blood sugar levels, then you need to check your diet, take medications as prescribed, and get exercise. You need to take oral medication or insulin to control the sugar levels. But, taking the herbal extract will reduce the blood sugar levels. The dangerously low blood sugar levels can put your life in danger. To avoid severe complications, it is better to avoid taking the herbal extract.

Take Diuretics

Doctors prescribe water pills or diuretics to people who suffer from edema or water accumulation in the extremities. People taking water pills decreasing potassium levels in the body like chlorothiazide (Diuril), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), furosemide (Lasix), and hydrochlorothiazide need to stay away from the herbal extract as it also has diuretic effects.

Use Of Nicotine Patches/Gum

If you are trying to kick the smoking habit, then you may have started using nicotine patches or gums. Such patches and gums contain less nicotine compared to cigarettes. It helps control your nicotine urge, fights any withdrawal symptoms, and supports your willpower to quit smoking. Such people must stay away from the horsetail extract. It is because the extract contains nicotine. So, it makes you crave cigarettes, which you are trying to quit.

Horsetail Extract Interaction With Lanoxin (Digoxin)

People who suffer from heart irregularities like arrhythmias need to take prescription medications. If you are prescribed digoxin or suffer from heart issues, taking the herb supplements can cause more harm. You need to avoid it as the herb can lower the potassium levels. The reduced potassium levels can affect how your heart beats and worsens cardiac arrhythmias.

Final Word Before Thinking About Using Horsetail Extract

Before you take any herbal supplements, consult a doctor. Consulting a healthcare professional is essential to rule out any possible complications. Herbs can interfere with your medications or trigger an unwanted reaction. It can worsen your existing health problems. Therefore, consulting the doctor is essential. Before taking any type of herbal supplement, you should first consult with a professional health care provider, particularly if you take prescription medications. Over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, or supplements can interfere with herbs like horsetail extract. Therefore, use it with caution. Follow the advice and recommendations of the healthcare provider on the use of the extract and other medicinal herbs.

The herbal extract has no official approval. According to different experiences, people who have used the extract have suffered serious safety issues. Taking the wrong species of horsetail like Equisetum palustre can trigger serious issues due to the poisonous nature.

Other Tips To Promote Healthy Hair Growth

Apart from using horsetail extract, to promote healthy hair growth, you need to follow some tips to prevent hair loss. Most of us stress the hair to its limits. You try out a new color or undergo bleaching to follow the current fashion trend. Some of us may strengthen the hair or chemically treat it. Undergoing so many hair treatments using several hair care products can only prove harmful. Exposure to environmental pollution also affects the quality of your hair. To avoid hair fall and hair loss, you need to take some steps to upkeep your hair. Here are some of the tips to care for your hair to boost hair growth and make your tresses look attractive:

Apply Hair Mask Frequently

Use a hair mask frequently to strengthen your hair. Hair masking is the process of providing conditioning to the hair. The prevailing condition will infiltrate your hair and offer hydration. When you apply a hair mask, it forms a thick coating on the hair. It preserves the natural oils and keeps your hair conditioned. Hair conditioning can hydrate your hair and reduce its breaking. It also boosts hair growth. Apply hair mask even when you consider your hair has no damage. Apply the mask at least once a week and leave it for a longer duration compared to the usual conditioner. Depending on the mask you apple, the time to remove it differs. But, wait for at least fifteen minutes before washing it off to get the best results.

Quit Using Products Containing Sulfates

With the recent hype regarding using organic products for hair, you may have observed people mentioning sulfates in a negative light. Sulfates are harmful components that you need to avoid your hair care. They are compounds known as surfactants used in superficial and laundry liquids. They are used in hair care products as they can spread easily on the scalp and lather well. It offers a squeaky clean feel by removing all oil and dirt deposited on your scalp. But, the chemical compound can wear away the keratin present in your hair. Using sulfates can leave deposits on your scalp, which fixes itself to the keratin. So, it forms a coating avoiding natural oil infiltration. In the long run, it can lead to your hair becoming desiccate and frail.

To avoid such hair issues that can lead to severe complications like hair loss, you need to choose sulfate-free options. Choose organic hair care shampoos and conditioners that will clean your hair. It also holds the natural steadiness in your hair. Select a shampoo/conditioner containing natural ingredients. It clears all dirt accumulated on your scalp gently and leaves your hair smooth.

Maintain Caution With Wet Hair

While your hair can seem strong, it can become weak when it is wet. So, if you start combing your wet hair, then it can result in hair loss or breakage. Hair loss is evident when you take a bath. Your hair strands have a protective shield surrounding them, which entitles the cuticle. When your hair becomes wet, the protective shield becomes weak. So, your hair strands become delicate and weak. When you strain hair to its limits, it fragment. It leads to defects. So, it results in making your hair coarse and desiccated. To avoid hair loss when it becomes wet, you need to follow a few things.

  • After washing your hair, you need to constantly blot the hair.
  • Never rub the hair with the towel.
  • After blotting, untangle your hair using fingers or a wide-toothed comb. It avoids widening of the hair cuticles.
  • Using a detangling spray uniformly over your hair can avoid breakage caused due to tangles.
  • Use blow-dry on average heat setting to cool setting. It will avoid damages caused due to heat.
  • Never nap or sleep with wet hair.
  • Combing the hair in daybreak can cause distress to the hair.

Avoid Tangling Of Hair

Hair tangles can result in hair loss. So, do not encourage tangles. People who have thick and heavy hair or use hair extensions can attest to the fact that the tangles can cause hair breakage or hair loss. Using a brush through your hair tangles can destroy the cuticles. It also results in the unbridling and intertwining of other tangles. It mostly affects women who throw their hair in a disordered twist. Most of us may have done it due to our busy schedules. Once you take your hair out, you can see oily roots, dry hair tips, and tangled hair inside. Tying your hair tight can lead to severe hair breaking and loss.


Horsetail extract is used by people for a long time as an herbal remedy to treat several ailments. Recently, it has gained popularity as one of the natural herbs to promote hair growth. It is also used for skin, nails, and as a diuretic to treat urinary conditions. You can use the extract in the form of tinctures, capsules, or tea according to your convenience. But, before you include it in your daily routine, consult your doctor. Your doctor can offer guidance regarding the right way to use the extract without causing any complications. But, if your doctor does not support the use of the extract, then avoid it. The extract has no official approval to use. So, pregnant and breastfeeding women, heart patients, people taking antiretroviral drugs, and individuals suffering from low vitamin B1 levels need to stay away from the extract.



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