Home Remedies For Hand Foot And Mouth Disease (HFMD)

Hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) refer to the contagious viral infection affecting children. But, the infection appears mild, it can cause severe discomfort to the children. Kids who suffer from HFMD develop sores in their mouth along with a rash on their feet and hands. Do you wish to know more about it to take ample precautions to deal with the problem? Then, read ahead to get more information.

Symptoms Of Hand Foot And Mouth Disease

How can you identify if your child or anyone in the family suffers from Hand Foot and Mouth Disease? When you see one or more of the following signs, it may indicate the viral infection:

  • Suffer from fever
  • Develop sore throat
  • Develop painful, blister-like lesions appears red on gums, tongue, and inside the cheeks
  • Feeling unwell
  • Loss of appetite
  • Develop red rash with no itching, but causes blisters on soles, palms, or at the buttocks
  • Irritability in infants and toddlers
  • Loss of appetite

The virus-causing HMFD has an incubation period of three to six days. It means once you get infected, it takes three to six days for the onset of signs of the disease. In most cases, people affected develop fever as the first sign, followed by a sore throat. Then, they find it hard to eat properly. It leads to a general feeling of unwellness. After a day or two the affected person develops a fever, they can see painful sores developing in their mouth or throat. Following the sores, they can develop a rash on their hands, feet, or their buttocks within one or two days.

In some cases, your child may develop sores in the back of their throat and mouth. It is an indication that the child has another viral illness known as herpangina. It is a related viral illness triggering symptoms such as high fever or in some cases seizures. In rare cases, sores develop on the hands, feet, or other body parts.

See A Doctor For Hand, Foot, And Mouth Illness

HFMD is usually a minor illness causing fever for a few days. It can also trigger only a few days of mild symptoms causing you or your child discomfort. But, you need to make an appointment with the doctor when the mouth sores or sores developing in the throat make it difficult to drink fluids. Also, contact the doctor if the symptoms seem to worsen after a few days.

Causes Of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease develop commonly due to coxsackievirus A16 infection. This virus belongs to the nonpolio enteroviruses group. Other types of enteroviruses can also cause HFMD. The viral infection spreads from one person to another due to coming in contact with the infected person’s:

  • Throat discharge or nasal secretions
  • Fluid from blisters
  • Saliva
  • Stool
  • Respiratory droplets sprayed into the air after a cough or sneeze
  • Common in a child care setting

While your child remains more contagious with the disease during the first week of the infection, the virus remains in their body even after the symptoms disappear. So, the virus can spread to others for weeks after the signs disappear. Some people, especially adults remain asymptomatic like coronavirus infection. While they may not show any signs, they can spread the disease to others. The outbreak of the disease occurs commonly during the summer and autumn seasons. It spreads during temperate climates. In regions with a tropical climate, the disease outbreak occurs year around.

Difference Of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease From Foot-And-Mouth Disease

While the name may sound similar, HFD (Hand Foot and Mouth Disease) has no relation to the foot and mouth disease (also known as a hoof-and-mouth disease) that affects farm animals. Foot-and-mouth disease is an infectious problem. But, you cannot contract the HFMD disease from pets or any other animals and you cannot transmit the disease to them.

Risk Factors Associated With Hand, Foot, And Mouth

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease usually affect young children. It is common in children below ten years of age. Children under five years are more susceptible to the disease compared to others. Children in care centers are prone the HFMD outbreaks as the infection spreads from one child to another with personal contact. Hence, parents of children visiting daycare or other care centers need to maintain caution. As the child gets older, they develop immunity to HFMD as the body builds antibodies after exposure to the virus triggering this disease. But, in certain cases, adolescents and adults can develop the disease.

Complications Linked To Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Complications rarely arise due to hand, mouth, and foot disease. But, they do develop. Here are some of the issues linked to the condition:


Parents of children suffering from HFMD need to look out for this issue. Mouth sores can make it difficult for your child to eat or drink. The sores can even develop in the throat, making it difficult to swallow. Your child feels pain while swallowing. So, they skip eating or drinking leading to dehydration. It is important to give them small sips of fluids frequently during illness. If they develop severe dehydration, immediate medical become necessary. They need fluids via IV (intravenous) to manage dehydration.

Nail Loss

Due to the presence of coxsackievirus in the body, some people may lose a few of the fingernails or toenails. But, it is not a big problem as the nails grow back.

Severe Complications Due To Hand, Mouth, And Foot Disease

While HFMD usually causes a minor illness with a few days of fever and other mild signs, in some cases people may develop serious complications. This rare form of coxsackievirus can lead to serious complications as it affects the brain. Here are some of the rare yet fatal complication linked to the condition:

Viral Meningitis

It is the infection and inflammation developing rarely in the meninges (membranes). It also affects cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain.


Encephalitis is a rare but severe condition causing life-threatening complications as it leads to brain inflammation.

Prevention Of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Preventing this contagious disease will eliminate the risk of uncomfortable symptoms. Here are certain precautions you can take and ask your child to follow to ensure they lower the risk of contracting hands, foot, and mouth disease:

Wash Hands

With the coronavirus infection, everyone has learned to wash their hands frequently. The same is applicable to avoid this infection too. You need to ask your child to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after they use the toilet, before preparing food, and after eating food. You need to wash your hands after changing your child’s      diaper. When you have no soap or water available, use hand wipes or hand sanitizers with germ-killing alcohol.

Disinfect Commonly Used Area

You need to clean and disinfect the high traffic areas as well as surfaces to keep them germ-free. Focus on cleaning these surfaces first with soap and water. Then, you need to clean the area with a diluted solution of water and chlorine bleach.

Ensure Good Cleaning Schedule

If you are sending your child to child care centers, make sure they follow a strict cleaning schedule along with disinfecting the common areas, toys used by children, and other high-contact areas. This virus can stay in these areas for many days. Also, make sure your baby’s pacifiers remain clean.

Teach Your Child Good Hygiene

You need to teach your child the importance of good hygiene and show them how to keep themselves clean. You need to explain to them why they must refrain from putting their fingers, hands, or other objects into their mouth.

Isolate Contagious People

Hand Foot and Mouth Diseases are highly contagious. It means the virus can spread from one infected person to the other easily. Therefore, people affected by the illness must limit their exposure to others while they observe active signs and symptoms of the disease. If your child suffers from the disease, you need to take the child out of the daycare center or school until they feel fine. If you suffer from the problem, stay at home.

Diagnosing Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

If your child has developed symptoms indicating Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, you need to make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor can assess the presence of this infection and eliminate other viral infection by evaluating the following:

  • The age of the affected person
  • The pattern of signs and symptoms
  • The appearance of the rash or sores

Your doctor may take a throat swab or stool specimen and send it to the laboratory to determine which virus caused the illness.

Treatment For Hand, Mouth, And Foot Disease

You have no specific treatment to cure hand, mouth, and foot disease. You can take steps only to ease the symptoms. With care, you can prevent the problem from spreading to others and get relief. The signs and symptoms associated with the problem can clear up after seven to ten days. Some children may suffer from the severity of sores on their bodies or inside their mouths. The doctor can suggest the following to ease them:

  • A topical oral anesthetic to ease discomfort caused due to mouth sores
  • Over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and others (except aspirin) may ease the general discomfort.

Lifestyle Remedies To Deal With Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

While you wait for the virus to leave the body, take care to avoid certain foods and beverages irritating. The blisters developing on the tongue, throat, or mouth can cause discomfort with certain foods. You can follow these tips to ease the soreness developing due to the blisters and make it easier for eating or drinking:

Eat ice cream.

  • Suck on ice chips or ice pops.
  • Drink cold beverages like ice water or milk.
  • Avoid any acidic food or beverages.
  • Avoid spicy and salty food.
  • Choose foods requiring less chewing.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water after having your meals.
  • Swishing warm salt water can have soothing effects. You can ask your child to do this several times a day to reduce pain and inflammation caused by mouth and throat sores.

Home Remedies For Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

While you need to consult the doctor for getting treatment for the HFMD, there are some tips you can try at home. Trying these home remedies will offer comfort to your suffering from the disease. They are easy and effective. So, give the following tips a try at home.

Drink Tender Coconut Water

Coconut water is gentle on the stomach and can cool the body. Also, coconut water contains several vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and electrolytes. Coconut contains lauric acid. It can fight off viruses. When you give coconut water to a child suffering from Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, it gives them relief from the pain in the mouth caused by the sores. Also, taking coconut water will keep their body hydrated. You can also keep the coconut water in the freezer to freeze it. The affected child can chew on the frozen cubes to reduce pain and discomfort caused by the mouth sores.

Oil Pulling

If you have an interest in holistic practices, then you may have heard of oil pulling. It is the method used in Ayurveda for maintaining good oral hygiene.  Following this method can also help get relief from mouth sores developing due to HFMD. It is easy to try at home. To try oil pulling, you need to take one tablespoon of oil. You can take any oil such as coconut oil, sesame oil, or peanut oil. Ask your child to swish it around the mouth for at least five to ten minutes. After the suggested time, allow them to spit it out. Make sure your child does not swallow the oil after swishing it.

Consume Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is highly beneficial for health. It contains vital vitamins and improves the body’s immunity. Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E can enhance the ability of your child to heal the problem. With antimicrobial properties can ease the signs linked to HFMD. You can give your child cod liver oil in the form of capsules or you can give it by mixing the oil in yogurt or oil.


Echinacea refers to the herb belonging to the daisy family that possesses antimicrobial properties. It is an herb with the ability to boost your immune system. You can also reduce the signs triggered due to HFMD such as fever, cold, or other infections with this herb. Echinacea is available in the form of capsules. You can also make tea using this herb by boiling the leaves in water. After cooling add honey to it before consuming.

Use Lavender Oil To Fight Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Lavender oil is a very good disinfectant and fights viruses. It also has calming and relaxing properties and can help your child sleep better. You can add a few drops of lavender oil to the bathwater of your child or diffuse it in his room with an essential oil diffuser.

Lemon Essential Oil

The lemon essential oil has disinfectant properties. You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your kid’s body wash. Taking bath using this body wash will help your child fight the virus. It will also nourish your child’s skin. The topical application of lemon essential oil can also offer relief. But, you need to mix the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil before applying it to the rashes.

Licorice Root

Licorice root is popular as a home remedy to treat different viral infections. It contains antiviral properties managing the condition. Also, licorice root contains a chemical known as triterpenoid. It can boost immunity. This chemical can also form a thin layer of mucous inside your throat and esophagus. So, taking this herbal remedy can soothe blisters. You can boil some licorice root in water and allow it to simmer. Allow it to cool. Add honey and give it to your child for feeling better. But, use licorice with caution as an overdose of licorice can affect your child’s health.

Salt Water Rinse and Baths

You can ask your child to rinse his or her mouth with warm salt water at least three to four times a day. It will offer them relief from the pain triggered due to mouth sores and blisters. You can add common salt or Himalayan pink salt to warm water for rinsing. Pink salt is better than common salt as it can balance the pH levels inside the mouth. Adding Epson salt to the bathwater can soothe rashes developing on the body. It will aid in faster healing from HFMD signs. Add a few drops of lemon or lavender oil to bath water will offer your child some relief.

Include Garlic

Garlic is well-known for its antimicrobial properties. It contains high levels of sulfur compounds. So, you need to include garlic in your diet. Your child can eat the food containing garlic or take it in the form of a capsule. You can also make an herbal tea by boiling at least three cloves of garlic in water. Once the tea cools, allow your child to drink it.


Elderberry is well-known for having anti-oxidant properties. It aids in boosting immunity and enhancing resistance to any harmful agents triggering diseases. This natural remedy can aid in producing mucous needed to fight off viruses. Also, it increases your body’s temperature slightly. So, it makes the environment in your body unfavorable to facilitate the growth of the virus. You can make an elderberry syrup by mixing it with honey that your child can take. It will help with faster relief from HFMD.

Take Ginger For Managing Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It also relieves pain and has sedative effects. You can make ginger tea for your child to consume. You need to add crushed ginger root into boiling water. Allow it to simmer. Switch off the flame once you can see high ginger juice concentration in the water. Mix honey to this mixture and give it to your child for drinking once it cools.


It is the plant belonging to the legume family. Traditional Chinese medicine has used this plant for several centuries. It is well-known for its immune-boosting properties. Taking this her will prevent the virus from multiplying in the body. You have astragalus available as ointments. So, you can buy it for topical application. This plat is also available in the form of teabags. If you wish to make tea by yourself, then you can add a teaspoon of grated astragalus to the boiling water. Allow it to simmer and strain the mixture. Add honey to it and give it to your child for drinking. It will soothe the signs caused due to HFMD.

Apply Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is well-known for its anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. So, topical application of coconut oil can offer relief from the rash developing due to HFMD. Apply coconut oil on the affected parts of your child’s skin where you can see rashes or blisters. With the frequent application, these problems can disappear.

Indian Lilac or Neem

Indian lilac or neem is most popular for its several antimicrobial properties. It is used by people to treat viral diseases for centuries. It is also used in the skincare regime for easing inflammation and rashes. You can apply neem paste or neem oil to the rashes developed on your child’s body. To make a paste, you need to power dried neem leaves and make a paste of it with few drops of water. Applying this paste to the blisters and rashes can ensure quick healing. While using neem oil, you can combine it with coconut oil along with few drops of lavender essential oil for soothing effects. Applying this mixture can offer relief.

Indian Gooseberry

Do you know that Indian gooseberry or Amla has a high amount of Vitamin C in it? Vitamin C is vital for boosting your immunity. Vitamin C is essential for purifying your blood. This vitamin also aids in digestion. You can give gooseberry juice to your child to cure HFMD. If your child doesn’t like juice, then you can dry these gooseberries and make a powder of them. Mix the powder with water and give this mixture to your child.

Give Pomegranate To Get Relief From Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Pomegranate fruit contains high levels of anti-inflammatory compounds. It is also rich in antioxidants that can aid in soothing the symptoms of HFMD. Eating the fleshy seeds or drinking the pomegranate juice will help with the quick healing of sores. So, your child can try this method for quick relief.

Include Apple Cider Vinegar In Home Remedies

Apple cider vinegar is touted as the best home remedy for different skin problems. It contains B vitamins and Vitamin C. ACV also contains inulin, a chemical that can increase the white blood cell (WBC) count in the body. You can give this to the child for gargling to ease the discomfort in their throat. To make the mixture for gargling, you need to mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with water. Gargle with the mixture for soothing the throat.


It is a potent herb belonging to the marigold family with antibacterial as well as antiviral properties. So, calendula can lower inflammation developed in the body. It will speed up the healing process and maintains oral health. To ease the discomfort caused due to HFMD, you can give tea made using calendula petals to your child. Add honey to it to make it sweet. The topical application of calendula cream on the rashes will ease the discomfort and offer soothing relief.

Use Holy Basil or Tulsi For Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Tulsi or holy basil is a popular herb with well-known medicinal properties. It is used for several home remedies due to its ability to fight microbes and lower inflammation. It can also offer relief from pain. Urge your child to chew on the holy basil leaves. You can also extract the juice from the holy basil leaves and mix it with water to drink. You can drink this diluted drink several times a day to get faster relief from HFMD.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a famous natural product with well-known anti-microbial properties. It also contains several compounds along with vitamins and minerals. So, applying it to your skin can offer several benefits. You can apply aloe vera gel on the rashes and blisters developed on the child’s skin for offering soothing effects. It provides great relief for your child. Take the gel from the aloe vera leaves and make juice. Give this juice to your child to help them heal faster from Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.


Hand Foot and Mouth Diseases are highly contagious and uncomfortable. But, with proper care and precaution, your child can recover from it without suffering from any long-term problem. With proper treatment and care, children and adults suffering from the disease can recover from the problem within two weeks. But, HFMD can develop again several times. Since the condition causes severe discomfort, you need to maintain caution. Practicing good hygiene is essential to prevent the condition from developing. Also, take steps to stay away from infected people to prevent the problem from developing. Follow the suggestion provided by the doctor for getting relief from the symptoms. By sticking to the suggestion will help you keep the virus away and stay healthy.





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