Heart Palpitations Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, And Natural Treatments

Heart palpitations refer to the faster fluttering or pounding of the heart. It feels like your heart is beating at a faster rate compared to normal. You feel your pulse in the chest and neck or your heart is skipping a beat. While the condition may last only a few seconds, you can experience the problem at any time. So, you feel rapid heartbeats when you are standing still, lying down, or moving around. Is it a serious problem? While in most people, the condition may signify a simple issue, others can observe it when they experience heart problems. Issues like dehydration, stress, illness, or intense physical workout can trigger fast heartbeats. Read ahead to know more about the condition and how you can manage it without suffering from any complications.

About Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations can cause fluttering, pounding, or skipping of your heartbeats. You notice the heartbeats in the chest, throat, or neck. It can frighten or bother you. You can experience the condition due to leading a stressful life, side effects of certain medications, or doing physical workouts. Such issues may not cause harmful complications. So, they go away on their own without any medical intervention. But, some people suffer from irregular heartbeats due to underlying medical issues. Such problems need immediate medical attention as they can trigger life-threatening complications. So, you need to rule out the presence of a serious problem by seeing a doctor.

Symptoms Of Heart Palpitations

How do you know you are experiencing heart palpitations? When you suffer from it, you feel like your heart is:

  • Fluttering rapidly
  • Skipping beats
  • Pounding
  • Beating too fast
  • Flip-flopping

You will feel the beats in your neck or throat along with the chest. Rapid heartbeat can occur when you are resting or when you are active.

See A Doctor For Heart Palpitations

While most people experience heart palpitations for a few seconds. You will only experience rapid heartbeats once in a while. As it is infrequent, you may not need medical intervention to deal with the condition. But, if you are experiencing it frequently or have trouble due to the condition, then talk to a doctor. Your doctor needs to assess the condition to check for underlying problems. Based on the physical assessment, your doctor can suggest the tests to see you suffer serious heart problems. Some symptoms along with rapid heartbeat can indicate serious issues. So, it is necessary to seek emergency medical assistance when you see signs along with rapid heartbeats like:

  • Fainting
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Dizziness severe in nature
  • Severe shortness of breath

Causes Associated With Heart Palpitations

Many causes can result in rapid heartbeats. In most of the cases, it is either related to an underlying heart problem or some unknown causes. Let’s classify into two major types:

The Non-Heart-Related Condition Causing Heart Palpitations

If you have no underlying heart problems, then you can experience rapid heartbeat due to the following:

Strong Emotions

When you experience strong emotions like stress, fear, or anxiety. It is common during panic attacks.

Intense Physical Activities

After completing some rigorous physical activities like manual labor or strenuous exercise.

Use Of Stimulants

Use stimulants like nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, or illegal recreational drugs such as amphetamines, and cocaine.

Medical Conditions

Suffering from other medical conditions like low blood sugar levels, thyroid disease, low blood pressure, anemia, fever, or dehydration.

Hormonal Changes Causing Heart Palpitations

Hormonal changes occurring in women due to menstruation or just before menopause can result in the condition. Women who experience rapid heartbeats during pregnancy can suffer from anemia.

Side Effects Of Medications

Taking certain medications can also result in rapid heartbeats like medications to treat underactive thyroid, asthma inhalers, decongestants, diet pills, drugs to deal with serious heart rhythm problems like arrhythmias.

Intake Of Supplements

Taking some nutritional and herbal supplements can also result in experiencing rapid heartbeats.

Abnormal Electrolyte Levels

Having abnormal electrolyte levels can result in imbalances.

Diet Triggering Heart Palpitations

Certain food items in your diet can result in rapid heartbeats. So, eating a diet rich in sugar, carbohydrates, or fat can cause the problem. Foods contain a lot of sodium, nitrates, or MSG (monosodium glutamate) can bring on this condition.

Heart Problems Causing Heart Palpitations

When you suffer from heart diseases, then you can suffer from rapid heartbeats. The underlying heart diseases triggering the conditions like:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Suffer from a heart attack earlier
  • Heart muscle problems
  • Problems affecting heart valves

Risk Factors Associated With Heart Palpitations

Some people are more affected by heart palpitations compared to others. So, the risk factors enhancing the chances of suffering from the condition are:

  • You lead a highly stressful life
  • Suffer from a regular panic attack or anxiety disorder
  • Women who are pregnant
  • Take medicines that contain stimulants, such as some cold or asthma medications
  • Have an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)
  • Have other heart problems, such as an arrhythmia, a heart defect, previous heart attack or previous heart surgery

Complications Associated With Heart Palpitations

If you suffer from rapid heartbeats frequently, you need to rule out any medical conditions. Unless the condition occurs due to heart problems, you may not face severe complications. But, when the condition is a sign of a heart condition, then it can cause the following complications:


With rapid heartbeats, the affected person can suffer from a sudden blood pressure drop. So, it causes fainting spells. People with heart problems like certain valve problems or congenital heart disease can suffer from fainting.

Cardiac Arrest

In rare cases, arrhythmias can cause heart palpitations. It can result in life-threatening complications. The condition can result in the stopping of your heart effectively.


If you suffer from rapid heartbeats due to atrial fibrillation, it can cause the upper chamber of the heart to quiver. As a result, blood starts to pool, resulting in the formation of clots. When any of the clots breaks loose, it can block and artery in the brain. So, you suffer from a stroke.

 Heart Failure

Due to underlying heart problems like arrhythmia, your heart pumps blood ineffectively for long periods. When you suffer from problems like atrial fibrillation, it is important to get medical assistance. At times, controlling arrhythmia rates resulting in hearing problems will improve the function of the heart.

Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)

VT is the condition when you experience a heart rate of 100 beats/minute. It is also out of time with your upper heart chambers (atria).

Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)

When you fail to get treatment for ventricular tachycardia, then it can escalate to ventricular fibrillation. Without emergency treatment, VF can cause death in affected people. So, people with a pre-existing heart condition need to see a doctor.

Diagnosing Heart Palpitation

If you suffer from heart palpitation frequently, you need to see a doctor. At times, some underlying health issues can result in the problem. You can make an appointment with the doctor to rule out the presence of any heart problems. Your doctor can perform the following diagnostic tests to detect what causes arrhythmias.

Physical Assessment

Your doctor will ask questions about the symptoms you suffer and your medical history. The doctor will also try to look for symptoms indicating the presence of an underlying condition triggering fast heartbeats. For example, issues like the swollen thyroid gland can cause heart palpitations. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your heartbeat and detect the problem contributing to the condition. Other tests are suggested if your doctor suspects a heart condition.

Other Tests

When an underlying heart problem causes rapid heartbeats, then your doctor can suggest the following tests:

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

It is the test used to measure the heart signals. The noninvasive test is suggested by the doctor to learn about your heartbeat. During the test, the technician places the lead on the chest. These record the electrical signals making the heartbeats. Usually, an ECG test can detect the problem with your heartbeat as well as the structure of your heart. So, if you suffer from rapid heartbeats due to structural problems, this test can help detect it. An ECG is usually done when you are at rest. Another type, known as stress electrocardiogram measure electric signal when you are exercising.

Holter Monitoring

A Holter monitor is a small and portable device used to measure your heart rate and rhythm. So, by wearing this device, it helps your doctor see continuous ECG. Usually, the doctor requires ECG for 24 or 72 hours. While wearing it, you must keep a diary containing details on when you feel a rapid heartbeat. The device helps detect rapid heartbeats that are not detected using a regular ECG exam. If you are not comfortable wearing a Holter monitor, you can ask your doctor about other options (like smartwatches) for ECG monitoring.

Event Recording

This diagnostic technique is suggested for people who do not observe irregular heart rhythms while wearing a Holter monitor and these events occur less frequently (for example, less than once per week). So, you need to wear an event recorder, a portable ECG device. It monitors the heart activity for a few weeks or for a couple of months. While you need to wear it all day, the device only records only for a certain time for a couple of minutes at a time. You need to push the button to activate the device when you observe the symptoms of fast heartbeats.


It is the noninvasive diagnostic exam used to create a moving image of the heart. The test uses sound waves to generate the image of your heart. So, it shows the blood flow as well as any structural issues associated with your heart.

Treatment For Heart Palpitations

Based on the diagnosis, your doctor suggests solutions to deal with the condition. In most cases, rapid heartbeats may not require any treatment. You can try some home remedies to keep your heartbeats normal. But, if the diagnostic tests indicate any heart problem, then you need proper medical management. Here are the treatment options available:

Avoid Triggers

When the doctor rules out any medical issues, then the treatment focuses on avoiding the triggers causing the heart palpitations. Identifying and avoiding the triggers will help you avoid the problem.

Manage Condition

When some medical condition triggers rapid heartbeats, then your doctor focuses on correcting the condition. Some types of heart palpitations are serious and need immediate medical intervention as they can cause life-threatening complications. So, if you see other symptoms like fainting, dizziness, chest pain, change in alertness, or shortness of breath, then go to the emergency room. These signs indicate problems like a heart attack. Therefore, you need emergency medical attention.

Natural Treatment For Heart Palpitations

You can some techniques at home to treat rapid heartbeats at home. One of the most appropriate methods to deal with the issue is to avoid the triggers causing the issue. By avoiding the triggers, you can effectively manage the problem. Here are some techniques:

Try Relaxation Techniques

Stress is the main culprit behind heart palpitations. So, you need to avoid stress by trying effective relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, yoga, medications, or guided imagery. These techniques are effective in managing the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. Depression and anxiety can cause your heart to palpitate.

Drink Water

Good hydration is necessary to keep the water balance in the body. In some people, rapid heartbeats develop due to physiological stress caused by dehydration. It occurs as a result of prolonged, intense workout sessions. So, you need to replenish your body with fluids lost during the workout session. So, drink water to rehydrate your body, post your workout sessions. It helps enhance your respiratory rate after your intense workout.

Vagal Maneuvers

When you experience more than 100 heartbeats per minute, then you can try vagal maneuvers to slow it down. These maneuvers have a direct effect on the vagus nerve (the longest nerve running from the brain to belly). So, you can see the slowing of your heartbeat when you try these types of techniques:

Valsalva Maneuver

This requires you to hold your nose and close your mouth while trying to blow air out. Sitting or squatting along with this may help further in activating the vagus nerve.


When you cough hard, it generates pressure in the chest. Such an action activates the vagus nerve.


When you gag, it is possible to activate the vagus nerve. You can try gagging using a finger or tongue depressor to achieve the results.

Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower can stimulate the vagus nerve. If you splash cold water on your face or applying cold icepack or towel, then you can experience the same effect. The shock of cold water can help you ease rapid heartbeats. When you place a cold icepack or towel, then place it for at least twenty to thirty seconds to see the effect.

Chant Om

With its roots in Hinduism, Om is a mantra. It is traditionally chanted for positivity. You may have seen people chanting it at the beginning and end of a yoga session. The sound as well as the symbol has rich depth and meaning.

Hold Your Breath

You can hold your breath or mimic the action of having a bowel movement by bearing down to overcome rapid heartbeats.

Electrolyte Balance

Electrolyte imbalances in your body can affect the electrical impulses of your heart. So, high or low levels of electrolytes can result in complications like rapid heartbeats. It is important to maintain the electrolyte balance to avoid such issues. For maintaining the electrolyte balance, you need to consume food or drinks rich in minerals like potassium and sodium. So, you can include the following that contains high electrolytes:

  • ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution)
  • Coconut water
  • Sports drinks

Exercise Regularly

You need to stay active to avoid problems like rapid heartbeats. Exercising at least thirty minutes to one hour every day will help you reduce the rapid heartbeats occurring due to depression, anxiety, or stress. It is also essential to maintain your heart health to avoid any problems. Try to include cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking, swimming, and jogging to strengthen your heart.

Follow A Healthy Diet

For overall health, you need to ensure a healthy diet. When your diet is deficient in nutrients, you can suffer from issues like rapid heartbeats. So, you need to follow a well-balanced diet containing all essential vitamins and minerals. Adding natural and healthy foods is the key to good heart health. Likewise, certain foods can also trigger rapid heartbeats. Therefore, avoid certain foods like

  • Chocolate
  • Spicy foods
  • Processed/canned items

Aromatherapy To Treat Heart Palpitations

Using essential oils will help you calm the sense and overcome rapid heartbeats. So, you can try aromatherapy to deal with the condition at home. Diffuse any essential oil and inhale the essence. The soothing and calming sensation offered by the essence ill help you alleviate any symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. So, it can keep you calm throughout the day. Using essential oils like lavender, lemon, sage, rose, valerian, and others will avoid rapid heartbeats.

Preventive Methods To Overcome Heart Palpitations

If you want to prevent rapid heartbeats, then you need to take preventive steps. These steps will help you avoid the condition or keep it from getting worse.

Steps To Prevent Heart Palpitations In Future

For people who suffer from rapid heartbeats, they need to follow some steps to prevent it from getting worse. If you have an existing heart issue, then you need to do the tips suggested below:

Have Regular Checkups

You need to know the symptoms associated with rapid heartbeats. So, when you notice any of the signs, seek medical assistance as early as possible. To prevent your condition from escalating, you need to schedule regular heart checkups. It will help you detect any heart problems as early as possible. So, you can get the necessary treatment to avoid the problem from escalating.

Follow The Treatment

If your doctor has suggested a treatment plan, then you need to stick to it. Take medication as suggested by the doctor to ensure you maintain the treatment program.

Know Your Triggers

It is important to learn how your heart works. It will shed light on your condition. With proper understanding, you will uncover the exact causes of rapid heartbeats. It will help you learn about the factors increasing the risk of rapid heartbeats. Keep a log of your activities as it will help you identify the triggers. So, you can avoid them. The log must include the food you eat, fluids you drink, and the activities you perform when you suffer from rapid heartbeats.

Steps To Keep Your Heart Healthy

If you have a healthy heart, then you need to maintain it to prevent any problems. Here are some of the steps to prevent rapid heartbeats.

Ease Stress

People experiencing immense stress can suffer from heart problems. Therefore, you need to try steps to overcome anxiousness and stress from your life. Try relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, or tai-chi. With decreased stress levels, you can keep your heart healthy.

Avoid Stimulants

You need to avoid stimulants triggering heart palpitations. So, you need to avoid the following:

  • Certain medications like cough/cold medications
  • Caffeinated drinks (for example, coffee or energy drinks)
  • Herbal or nutritional supplements

Avoid Products Contributing To Heart Problems

You need to avoid products that can affect your heart health. So, you need to stay away from substances like alcohol, tobacco products, or drugs that can affect your health. You need to avoid even second-hand smoke as it has a bad effect on your heart.

Follow A Healthy Lifestyle

Apart from discontinuing the bad habits like consuming alcohol, using tobacco products, or drugs, you need to follow the pointers suggested below:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. You need to shed the excess pounds to ensure you maintain the right BMR. If you are overweight, follow a weight loss regime to become healthy.
  • Address any underlying health issues by getting necessary medical attention. Follow the instructions from your doctor and take medication as prescribed.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to safeguard your heart health. A low-fat diet with lots of vegetables and fruits is ideal to maintain heart health.
  • You need to schedule regular checkups. If you observe any symptoms or have high-risk factors of developing heart palpitations, then getting medical advice is essential. Regular heart checkups will help you keep detect any issues.
  • Exercising regularly to improve blood circulation and ensure good health. You can talk with your doctor about the effective workout plan based on your specific health needs.


Thinking about having a heart problem can make you scared. Heart palpitations can trigger fear in your mind as something is wrong with the heart. While it is common, you can see the doctor for ruling out the possibility of any serious issues. Never ignore it completely as at times it may indicate the presence of serious problems. With early medical intervention, you can catch such deadly conditions early and seek necessary treatment.







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