Hand Tremors – Symptoms, Causes, And Natural Treatments

Shaky hands or hand tremors may seem like a simple problem. While shaky hands happening once in a while may not affect your life, the frequent occurrence can make your daily tasks difficult. It also signifies the presence of an underlying neurological and degenerative condition that needs prompt medical diagnosis. So, when you experience the condition, make an appointment with your doctor and share your concerns. Many people associate shaky hands with Parkinson’s disease. But, according to a study, the majority of the people suffer from the condition due to essential tremor. Read ahead to know more about it.

About Hand Tremors

As discussed earlier, most people consider shaky hands as the earliest sign of Parkinson’s disease. But, it is not the case as it can occur due to essential tremor. It is a condition affecting adults in most of the cases. It occurs due to the problems in certain parts of your central nervous system (for example, cerebellum) that disrupts its normal functioning. This type of tremor can run in the family. While the exact reason for the neurological interruption remains unclear. It is also not clear how to stop such neurological interruptions or if it is a degenerative process. You can experience hand tremors that becomes worse when you move.

The condition can affect many adults. But it is common among people who are forty years or older. While the condition is not dangerous, it needs immediate medical attention. Some underlying health conditions can trigger the problem and make it worse over time. So, ruling out such diseases takes high priority. People who see the signs need to make an appointment with the doctor and get a proper evaluation. In some cases, immediate medical attention can prevent complications. Therefore, make the wise decision to discuss your condition with a certified medical professional.

Symptoms Of Hand Tremors

How can you detect shaky hands? Due to the involuntary shaking of your hands, you can suspect it. But, due to the condition, you can see neurological disturbances in other parts of the body. Depending on the underlying cause, you can see mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. You can also observe the following:

  • Tremors begin gradually on one side of the body (it is prominent on one side)
  • It worsens with movement
  • Usually, the problem affects one hand and then both hands
  • You can also observe the involuntary movement of your head (a yes-yes or no-no motion0
  • Begin gradually, usually more prominent on one side of the body
  • The condition worsens due to fatigue, emotional stress, temperature extremes, or caffeine

Difference Between Hand Tremors And Parkinson’s Disease

Many people confuse the shaking of hands with Parkinson’s disease. But, the two tests differ in several key ways. Here are some of the key features to differentiate the two issues:

Timing Of Tremors

The shaking of hands occurs when you do something with your hands while tremors due to Parkinson’s disease can occur during resting in your lap or when the hands are at the sides.

Other Conditions

While most people only see shaky hands due to essential tremor and no other health condition, Parkinson’s disease triggers other problems. Only in some people, other neurological symptoms like ataxia (unsteady gait) can occur due to the condition. But, Parkinson’s disease can cause other problems like slow movement, stooped posture, and shuffling gait.

Body Parts Affected

Essential tremor only affects your hands, voice, and head. But, Parkinson’s disease can affect many parts of the body. It starts with your hands, then affects your chin, legs, and other areas.

Causes Of Hand Tremors

In most of the cases, shaky hands occur due to a genetic mutation. This condition is also known as familial tremor. But, other underlying conditions can also cause hand tremors. The conditions causing the problems are:

  • Overactive thyroid
  • Seizure
  • Cerebellar disease
  • Side effects of certain medications (for example, taking immunosuppressant medications, anti-epileptic, psychiatric, and anti-asthma drugs)
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Overdose of caffeine
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Withdrawal from alcohol (due to addiction)

Complications Associated With Hand Tremors

While essential tremor is not life-threatening, its symptoms worsen over time. So, it starts affecting your daily activities. Due to the worsening of tremors, it becomes difficult to perform the following:

  • Eat normally
  • Hold a glass or cup without spilling its contents
  • Use a shaving kit
  • Put on makeup
  • Write legibly

Diagnosing Hand Tremors

When shaky hands become serious and interfere with your regular life, then you need to see a doctor. Your doctor can determine the exact underlying cause triggering the problem. Based on the cause, your doctor can specify treatments to manage the issue. Since no particular test can detect the exact reason for the condition, your doctor suggests a combination of tests to detect the issue. The tests include:

Physical Assessment

The doctor evaluates your condition and assesses the symptoms. During the examination, the doctor also reviews your medical and family history to understand the reason for hand tremors. Diagnosing the condition means ruling out other health problems causing the symptoms, your doctor suggests other tests.

Neurological Examination

Your doctor suggests neurological examination to detect the functioning of your nervous system. It includes testing the following:

  • Muscle tone
  • Tendon reflexes
  • Muscle strength
  • Ability to feel certain sensations
  • Gait
  • Posture as well as coordination

Laboratory Tests To Detect Hand Tremors

You need to give a sample of your blood and urine. It is tested to check for the presence of different diseases that can cause shaky hands. The blood and urine are used for testing the following:

  • Side effects of drugs
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Thyroid disease
  • Metabolic problems
  • Increase in levels of chemicals triggering the problem

Performance Tests

Your doctor also orders for performance tests to evaluate the severity of the tremor. So, the doctor asks you to perform the following:

  • Drink water from a glass
  • Write on paper using pen
  • Hold your arms outstretched
  • Draw a spiral

Dopamine Transporter Scan

At times, your doctor cannot determine if you suffer from Parkinson’s disease or other neurological conditions triggering shaky hands. So, a dopamine transporter scan is suggested to determine the difference between the two conditions. It is essential as several neurological disorders mimic Parkinson’s disease. It becomes difficult to diagnose the condition. With the scan, it becomes easier to detect the exact problem. In people suffering from Parkinson’s disease, the distribution of dopamine transporters is abnormal while people with other conditions have a normal distribution of dopamine transporters.

Treatment For Hand Tremors

For mild symptoms of shaky hands, you need no specific treatment. You can try some methods suggested in the natural treatments and make some lifestyle changes to overcome the problem. But, when essential tremor makes it impossible to complete your daily activities, you need to seek treatment. After diagnosing the severity of the condition, you can discuss the treatment options and find the one that works the best.

Medications For Managing Hand Tremors

Your doctor prescribes certain medications to deal with shaky hands. Take the medications as per the instructions provided by the doctor. Here are the common medications offered for hand tremors:


You might have heard about beta-blockers, which is normally prescribed for high blood pressure. It is also suggested for shaky hands. Taking beta-blockers like propranolol will ease the shaking of hands in some people. It is not prescribed for people having heart problems or asthma.

Anti-seizure Medications

Some people may not respond to anti-seizure treatments. So, epilepsy drugs are not effective in managing shaky hands. In such cases, your doctor prescribes other medications. The suggested medications to deal with the condition include:

  • Topiramate
  • Gabapentin
  • Tranquilizers

Benzodiazepine Drugs

In some cases, doctors use benzodiazepine drugs (for example Klonopin) to treat tremors in people who see worsening of the condition due to stress and anxiety. This medication can trigger several side effects like mild sedation or fatigue. So, you need to follow the instruction from your doctor. Overuse of the medication can cause dependencies.

Onabotulinumtoxin A (Botox) Injections

For some type of tremors, the doctor prescribes Botox injections. But, it is usually helpful in managing voice and head tremors.

All the medications suggested above have side effects associated with it. So, you need to discuss the drawbacks of using the medications before taking them. If side effects are severe, then talk to your doctor immediately to change the medication or dose.

Therapies For Managing Hand Tremors

Your doctor suggests occupational or physical therapy to handle tremors. A professional physical therapist can teach you exercises to improve muscle control, strength, and coordination. While an occupational therapist helps you adapt to have a life with shaky hands. The therapists will offer you advice on using adaptive devices. These devices will reduce the effect of shaky hands on your normal activities. The suggested techniques include using:

  • Wrist weights
  • Heavier utensils
  • Wider and heavier writing tools (for example, wide-grip pens)
  • Heavier glasses

Surgery For Managing Hand Tremors

In severe cases, medication may not offer any relief. When the hand tremors become disturbing and severely disabling, your doctor may suggest invasive options. Here are some of the options available to deal with the severe cases:

Deep Brain Stimulation For Hand Tremors

It is the most common type of procedure suggested for essential tremor. But, only a medical facility having the expertise in performing such procedure can complete it without any complications. During the procedure, the surgeon inserts an electrical probe into the brain. The long, thin probe is inserted in the specific area of the brain known as thalamus as it causes these tremors. The probe has a wire that runs under the patient’s skin and connects to a neurostimulator (a pacemaker-like device). This device is implanted in your chest and interrupt signals from the thalamus by transmitting painless electrical pulses. These signals are responsible for the shaky hands.

While the method is the most effective in controlling shaky hands, you can suffer from some side effects. Some people experience malfunctioning of the equipment, problems with balance or speech, trouble with motor control, weakness, and headache. You can overcome these issues by adjustment of the device or as your body adjusts to the device.

Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy

It is a non-invasive option that uses focused sound waves. It travels through your skin as well as the skull. These sound waves generate heat to destroy certain brain tissue of your thalamus. It is targeted on the specific area of the thalamus, triggering essential tremor. To find the target area, your doctor uses imaging techniques like magnetic resonance imaging. The imaging test is also helpful in making sure the sound waves generated generates the right amount of heat needed to destroy the brain tissue.

Unfortunately, focused ultrasound thalamotomy can result in the development of lesions. These lesions result in permanent changes to your brain function. So, some people who have undergone the procedure have reported trouble with walking, altered sensation, or difficulty with movement. These complications mostly go away without any intervention or feel mild enough that they may not interfere with the quality of your life.

Natural Treatment For Hand Tremors

Are there natural remedies for managing hand tremors? When you suffer from shaky hands that do not affect your routine life, then you can try some natural treatment. But, you need to discuss the options with your doctor to ensure it is safe. Here are some options you can try at home:


It is an effective option to treat nervous disorders. So, you can try aromatherapy to get relief from shaky hands. You can use lavender oil or chamomile oil as they exhibit powerful properties like easing stress as well as anxiety. So, it helps treat shaky hands. Just add three drops of the lavender/chamomile essential oil to a diffuser filled with water. Now inhale the diffused aromatic air for getting relief.

Consume Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids. So, coconut oil has proven anti-stress and anti-depressant activities. So, it is effective in easing essential tremor and the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease. You can start consuming one teaspoon of coconut oil and gradually increase it to two teaspoons a day for seeing better results.

Take Apple Cider Vinegar For Hand Tremors

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) contains a compound called pectin. Pectin can alleviate tremor symptoms. So, take a glass of warm water mixed with two teaspoons of ACV. By consuming the liquid every day, you can see the difference.

Relieve Stress By Taking Kava

Kava is a popular herbal remedy that can alleviate stress, anxiety, and promotes sleep. It also calms your nerves. So, it aids in relieving essential tremor.

Include Vitamins

In some people, certain vitamin deficiencies can result in shaky hands. So, you can include vitamin supplements after discussing it with the doctor. Here are some of the vitamin supplements you need to include in your diet:

Vitamin B12

It is also referred to as cobalamin. This vitamin is essential to maintain healthy nerves. But, the deficiency of the vitamin can result in the breaking down of the protective cell coating. As a result, it can affect a person’s proper nerve functioning.

Vitamin B1

It is another vitamin that helps with managing shaky hands. People suffering from the deficiency of this vitamin can suffer from a condition called beriberi. It can result in nerve damage that will put you at risk of developing essential tremor.

Vitamin E

If Parkinson’s disease is the cause of shaky hands, then taking Vitamin E can help manage it. The antioxidant can help you manage it.

You can get these vitamins from your diet by consuming eggs, milk, cheese, sunflower seeds, sprouts, and hazelnuts. Discuss the required amounts of vitamins you need and how to incorporate the foods into your diets. In some cases, you cannot get the required amounts from your diet alone. So, you need to take supplements to bridge the gap.

Follow A Mediterranean Diet

Including a Mediterranean diet is beneficial for your health. The diet consists of the best foods that can help manage hand tremors. These foods taken over time boost your cardiovascular health protects your cells from degeneration due to oxidation, reduces inflammation, and manage the shaking of the hands. The diet includes less inflammatory foods that keep your tissue young.

Food To Include

So, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Unprocessed and fresh foods like vegetables and fruits
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Herbs
  • Fish
  • Red wine

While it is ok to include to consume these foods, you need to take it in moderation. Else, you will not see the desired effects.

Food To Avoid

While you are following the diet, you need to avoid certain foods. Here is the list of food items you need to stop using:

  • Refined oils (like soybean oil and canola oil)
  • Refined grains (like white pasta, white bread, pizza dough containing white flour)
  • Foods containing added sugars like candies, sodas, and pastries
  • Packaged or processed foods
  • Processed meats like deli meats, hot dogs, and others

Following the diet plan can help you manage shaking hands better.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies For Hand Tremors

Shaky hands can make it difficult for you to write a note, hold a cup of coffee, button your shirt, or apply makeup. The inability to complete such simple tasks can make you embarrassed or frustrated. When hand tremors cause problems with your independent living or sustaining a job, you feel devastated. But, simple cases are easily managed with small lifestyle changes. To reduce or manage shaky hands, you can follow the guidelines:

Refrain From Using Aggravating Substances

Taking medication like inhalers, anti-epileptics, or antidepressants can worsen the condition. Also using energy drinks or caffeine can increase the shaking of your hands. So, refrain from using food or other items triggering the problem. Talk to your doctor regarding the medication or food items triggering the problem.

Control Your Alcohol Use

You need to use alcohol sparingly. It is because people who suffer from the condition tend to drink alcohol as they notice an improvement in the shaking of their hands. But, drinking is not an ideal solution as drinking to relieve the shaking can lead to dependency or alcoholism. Also, the shaking worsens once the effects of the alcoholic drinks wear off.

Learn To Relax For Managing Hand Tremors

Daily stress and anxiety can make your shaky hands worse. So, you need to learn to relax and manage the shaking of your hands. Trying some relaxing techniques can improve essential tremor. While it is impossible to eliminate all stress from your life, you can change the way you react to such situations. Trying some techniques like medication, yoga, or massage can help you manage stress better.

Make Changes

Some lifestyle changes can make a huge impact in managing the shaking of your hands. Here are some of the pointers you can follow:

  • You need to start using the hand, unaffected by the shakes more often.
  • Try to avoid writing with the hand affected by the shaking. You can opt for debit cards or online transactions instead of writing a check.
  • You can try using speech-recognition software on your computer or use voice-activated commands on the smartphone.

Coping And Support For Hand Tremors

Experiencing hand tremors can have a powerful impact on your mental health. Since shaky hands can have psychological and social consequences, you cannot live your life to the fullest. The difficulty in leading a normal lifestyle can cause stress and anxiety. Due to the mental issues, you feel sad or depressed. So, you need to deal with the mental impact of shaky hands by getting advice from a professional or by joining a support group. A counselor or social worker can help you express the problem you feel and offers guidance to overcome the challenges triggered due to the shaky hands. Support groups with people suffering from similar issues can help you get support from others who face the same issue.


If you are experiencing hand tremors, then you need to seek an appointment with your doctor. Shaky hands can occur due to different condition. So, it is essential to uncover the actual reason for the condition. With your doctor’s assistance, you can rule out other conditions and find the actual cause by undergoing several tests. Your doctor can discuss the right treatment options based on the severity of your condition. In most cases, the mild cases need no treatment, while severe shaking affecting your daily routine needs immediate medical intervention. To see results, you need to remain patient and follow the instructions offered by the doctor. With a customized treatment plan, it is possible to find a solution to address the problem and suit your needs.





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