Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece Review

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Good morning snore solution is one of the popular mouthpieces that has attracted appreciation from people for managing snoring problems. Do you snore? Is your bedmate’s snoring causing you sleepless nights? Then, you can experience poor sleep and exhaustion. The disruptive sleep pattern can cause several health issues. You need to see a doctor for evaluating your health condition. It is because you can snore when you suffer from certain health issues. But, your first urge is to try different products available in the market and see if it helps your case. Good morning snore solution is one such product that has offered effective results for people. The anti-snoring solution works by targeting the blocked airway, which is the most common problem of snoring or sleep apnea. The tongue stabilizing device works by improving your breathing by pulling your tongue forward. Here is a full review of the popular product.

Significance Of Good Morning Snore Solution

Before going into the review, you need to understand why the mouthpiece is significant. Everyone snores every once in a while. It is not a serious problem. You snore when it becomes difficult for the air to move freely through the nose and throat when you sleep. The difficulty triggers the vibration of tissue. So, it produces snoring sound. It is prominent among people who have too much nasal or throat tissue. The excess or floppy tissue tends to vibrate more. Your tongue position can also interrupt smooth breathing.

Interference Of Snoring In Regular Life

When you snore regularly, it affects your sleep adversely. Poor quality of sleep can lead to the following problems:

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Increased health issues
  • Prone to accidents

It can cause relationship problems when snoring affects your partner’s sleep. For avoiding relationship problems, most people start sleeping in separate bedrooms. The different underlying problems can trigger snoring. So, it is better to check with your doctor regarding the severity of the problem. Taking steps to manage the underlying condition can help manage the condition. You have effective solutions to sleep well at night. It also avoids any unwanted relationship problems when one of the partners snores. One of the effective methods for a quieter, deeper sleep is using the good morning snore solution mouthpiece.

Quick Summary Of Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece

In normal cases, men tend to snore more compared to women. The condition is prevalent among people who face the following risk factors:

Irrespective of the underlying reason, if you have a chronic snoring problem, then you need to take steps to sleep quietly. Sleeping in separate bedrooms can affect your relationship. It also puts a strain on your daily life. When a lack of sleep starts interrupting your normal life, it means you need assistance. Good morning snore solution mouthpiece can put an end to your snoring as well as offer you uninterrupted sleep. It pulls your tongue forward. So, air can pass through freely without interruption. It will correct the snoring. The tongue restraining device (TRD), also known as tongue stabilizing device (TSD) has more success rates of controlling snoring. But, it may not prove effective for a few of the snorers. You can also suffer from some side effects due to using the mouthpiece.

Working Of Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

Snoring as mentioned earlier occurs due to the airflow interruption through your nose and throat. People who suffer from the following can experience snoring at night:



  • Use of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Using certain medications
  • Suffer from allergies
  • Physiological impairments
  • Sleep Apnea

You can classify anti-snoring devices into two major types. They tend to target the root cause causing the blocking of the airway. So, by clearing the airway, you can manage the problem of snoring effectively. The two types are:

Mandibular Adjustment Devices (MADs)

It is the most common appliance suggested for sleep apnea. The device works by pushing your jaw forward. So, the action prevents your tongue muscles from falling back. It avoids blocking of the airways, leading to interruption-free breathing. The device looks like a mouth guard used by athletes in contact sports. The appliance snaps over your lower and upper dental arches. It has metal hinges, which makes it possible to push the jaw forward. Therefore, you can breathe properly through either your nose or the mouth.

Tongue Stabilizing Devices (TSDs)

TSDs also referred to as tongue restraining devices (TRD) treats snoring by pulling the tongue forward. By holding the tongue forward, it prevents airway blockage. So, you can breathe properly. Since it does not rest on your teeth, you never need custom fitting for the anti-snoring device to work. When you use the device, it applies gentle suction to the tip of your tongue. So, it holds the mouthpiece from falling backward. It also avoids obstruction of the airway when you sleep. But, nose breathing is required while using the mouthpiece.

Good morning snore solution mouthpiece works on the TSD principle. So, it accomplishes the goal of keeping the tongue in a certain position while you sleep. While it is different from a MAD (mandibular advancement device), it works based on the same general principles.

Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece Claim

The mouthpiece developed by Dr. Leslie Dort is FDA approved. Dr. Dort has more than fifteen years of experience in diagnosing sleep disorders. She has put in a lot of research to develop the mouthpiece offering the best results. It is clinically tested several times to ensure guaranteed results. With other sleep disorder therapies costing high and offering limited success, the mouthpiece offers a much better result. It is an easier and comfortable option available to patients suffering from sleeping disorders. The oral appliance is a less expensive method to solve your snoring problems. Good morning snore solution claims to ease breathing while sleeping. The oral appliance is an FDA approved (class 2 in the USA and class 1 in Canada) medical device. So, it is now prescribed by the doctor to treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

So, is the product effective as it claims? A 2008 randomized study conducted by scientists on the mouthpiece revealed its effectiveness. The results published in the Journal of Sleep and Breathing indicates that people who use the oral appliance experience reduced respiratory disturbances. The compliance rate for the oral device is high (70%). Another study conducted in 2009 revealed the tongue restraining device’s effectiveness. Among the 84 patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, good morning snore solution mouthpiece provided partial or complete management in 71% of the cases. So, the results published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine gives an insight into the high success rates of the tongue restraining device.

Complaints Regarding Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece

Some user has complaints regarding the mouthpiece. The main complaint is the discomfort associated with using good morning snore solution mouthpiece. But, the user who suffered the negative experience never tried it for long. Most people who filed a complaint discontinued the use of the product since it caused some minor discomfort. It is an only common complaint associated with the product. But, like any other anti-snoring device, the use of the product will cause minor discomfort at first, it goes away after using the product for a while. So, customers need to remain patient to see results. Only after using the product for some days to weeks to see effective results.

Steps To Use Good Morning Snore Solution

Most of the anti-snoring devices work on the same principle. But, good morning snore solution is different as it works on the method called tongue displacement. It helps prevent the following:

  • Long-term bite misalignment
  • Prevent jaw pain
  • Discomfort or soreness of the tongue

Most of the TSDs apply suction on the entire tongue. But, good morning snore solution mouthpiece focuses only on the tip of your tongue. It looks like an inverted baby soother. But, the easy-to-use mouthpiece requires no fitting. You can also avoid the complicated boil and bite process. The design offers sleep-inducing benefits to the customers. Here are the steps you need to follow while using the product:

  • Put the mouthpiece inside your mouth. Insert your tongue into the bulb. You need to ensure the rims rest in front of your teeth and gums. The rims need to stay between the lips and teeth.
  • Squeeze the tip while you suck out any air.
  • Now release the bulb to apply suction and pull the tongue forward
  • It will maintain an open airway at the back of your mouth. So, it holds the device in place.
  • Before sleeping, allow your mouth to relax.
  • People using dentures, partials, implants or crowns can use it safely without any concern. But, it may take some time to get used to the product. Once you become adjusted to the device, you tend to notice the difference as early as possible,

Construction Of Good Morning Snore Solution (Materials & Quality)

The anti-snoring mouthpiece is a high-quality product that is free from bisphenol A (BPA) and Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). These two chemicals are found in plastic products that can trigger many health issues, including cancer. The mouthpiece is constructed using dental-grade, proprietary plastic resin. The high-grade materials used for its construction ensures high durability. It is FDA approved as it has passed several clinical and safety testing.


You can use the mouthpiece without any hassles as it requires no fitting. You can use it directly out of the box. The mouthpiece comes in two different sizes. The regular size that fits older people and young adult size for people between the ages of 18 and 26 years. You may wonder why young people require mouthpiece. But, studies suggest many youngsters struggle from snoring problems. So, the product coming in the young adult size can benefit such people. The smaller sizes accommodate the unique needs of young people.


Since you only apply a gentle suction to the tip of the tongue, you can use the product comfortably. It is designed to make it easy for people to use it without any hassles. Unlike other anti-snoring products or MADs, it does not put pressure on the entire tongue or jaw. So, you can use it with ease.


You need to breathe through your nose while using the product as it is designed to make breathing through your mouth difficult. So, you have to rely on nasal breathing. Try not to use the product when you have a congested nose or suffer from other issues causing a nasal blockage.

Lifespan And Care

The durable product is developed with FDA approved materials. With proper usage, you can use the product for more than a year. Some people tend to replace it when they see signs of wear and tear or loss of effectiveness. You need to use it with utmost care to ensure durability.

The product is easy and simple to maintain. You just need cold water to clean the product. Use a certified cleaning solution for better results. You must refrain from using hot water or harsh cleaners as it can damage the mouthpiece. Try to use cleaning products approved for mouth guards, retainers, or dentures.

To clean, soak the mouthpiece in cold water with an approved cleaning solution or a mixture of water and toothpaste for at least ten minutes. Rinse after cleaning using cold water and allow the device to air dry before using it again.

Compatibility With Denture And Bruxism

Good morning snore solution mouthpiece is designed to fit perfectly between your lips and gums. So, you can use it with or without the denture. People who suffer from teeth grinding medically termed as bruxism can also use it with ease. You can use the product along with an oral night guard to get better results. Certain customers who use the product feel that they no longer need a mouthguard to protect the teeth. The anti-snoring devices can prevent the teeth from coming in contact.

Certifications Received By Good Morning Snore Solutions

The anti-snoring device has undergone rigorous testing to receive an A+ from the BBB (Better Business Bureau). The product is also registered as an approved treatment for a sleeping disorder like sleep apnea by the ARTG, the European Commission, and Health Canada. The device is also registered with the FDA in the USA to treat snoring problems.

Potential Side Effects Of Good Morning Snore Solutions

When you use good morning snore solution mouthpiece, you can expect some side effects. The problem you can face include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Tenderness of tongue
  • Drooling or excess saliva
  • Gum irritation
  • Dental soreness
  • Changes in dental occlusion
  • Tooth movement

Some issues resolve itself after using the product for some time. Blocking of nasal passage can result in breathing obstruction. But, you can make use of the trial period offer to check if the device is suitable for you or not. You have a thirty-day trial period to check the effectiveness of the device. If you fail to get a result, then you can return it and get a refund. So, it ensures 100% satisfaction. The product is made and manufactured in the USA. But, customers in Canada and the USA can get the product via domestic shipping. International shipping is also available for customers from other countries.

Pros Of Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece

Most people who have used the mouthpiece feel happy about the product. Due to the positive reviews from the customers, it is now regarded as the favorite anti-snoring product available in the market. The product works well for the majority of people. In a nutshell, you can summarize the pros of good morning snore solution as:

Suits Almost Everyone

The product is designed to suit a wide range of people. So, it is an excellent solution for people who cannot handle the soreness associated with using MADs.

Ideal For People Using Dental Accessories

You can use the product even when you have dentures, bridges, implants or crowns. It can prevent teeth grinding.

Suitable For Patients With Structural Abnormalities

Some people have structural abnormalities associated with the temporomandibular joint (the hinge connecting temporal bones of the skull to your jaw). It helps the movement of your jaw. Issues with the muscles and jaw control known as TMD (temporomandibular disorder) can affect your sleep.

Ideal Alternative For CPAP

CPAP Machine
Good Morning Snore Solution Mouthpiece Review 1

The device offers comfort as it does not hurt your jaw. People who use the CPAP machine for sleep apnea can consult with their doctor about using the anti-snoring device. It is because clinical studies show the effectiveness of the device. Certain customers find it as a temporary substitute to use instead of a CPAP machine during vacation as well as other situations.

Fewer Side Effects

According to customer reviews, the mouthpiece has fewer side effects compared to other devices available in the market. Even the mild discomfort caused by the use of the anti-snore device dissipates rapidly with frequent use.

Cons Of Good Morning Snore Solution

Like any other product, good morning snore solution mouthpiece has some disadvantages. The cons associated with the mouthpiece are:


The product is a bit on the expensive side. So, only limited customers can afford the product. It is the biggest downside of the product. But, considering the lifespan and features of the product, you may not feel it is a huge price.

Breathe Only Through Nose

You need to breathe through your nose while wearing the mouthpiece. While it is the right way to breathe when you sleep, it is not suitable when you have nasal congestion or suffer from other types of nasal breathing hindrance. It is also not recommended for people with advanced periodontal disease.

Not Good For Chronic Allergy Sufferers

People suffering from chronic allergies cannot use the device. It is because of the triggering of unwanted reactions due to the allergies.


People using it for the first time can experience tongue soreness. The problem persists until your mouth can adjust to the anti-snoring device.

Big Mouthpiece

Some customers who use the product feel the mouthpiece is too big. But, the advantage of the device is, you can trim it down to suit your jaw size.
You can look into the pros and cons of the mouthpiece. It will help you come up with a decision. Looking into the features critically can aid better decision making.


Snoring is an annoying and disruptive problem affecting your peaceful sleep. Without a night of good restorative sleep, you cannot function properly during the daytime. Sleep problems can impact your daily routine. Snoring can also cause hostility between you and your partner. So, you need to find an effective remedy to manage the problem. Among the anti-snoring devices, the good morning snore solution mouthpiece offers an effective remedy to your sleeping problems. You can choose the most effective and comfortable mouthpiece for seeing a change without facing any challenges. The device developed after years of research and studies ensures total safety. You can use the mouthpiece for maintaining an open airway and see change without delay. It will make a world of difference when you get precious sleep.


Good Morning Snore Solution Review


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