Frostbite – Symptoms of Stages, Causes, And Natural Treatment

Ever wondered what happens when you leave the ice on your skin for long? Frostbite refers to the injury caused due to the freezing of your skin and the tissues underlying beneath it. Usually, you may have heard about not placing an ice pack on your skin for long. It is because of the high risk associated with this condition. It makes your skin cold that can turn red and hard. You feel numbness in the area and it becomes pale. Freezing of the skin can develop on your chin, cheeks, ears, nose, toes, and fingers when these areas become exposed to cold and windy climatic conditions. If you think protective clothing can safeguard you from freezing, then you are wrong. It can develop on skin covered by protective clothing such as gloves.

People living in the colder region or traveling to such areas need to know more about this condition to prevent problems. Why all this fuss about freezing your skin? It is because the condition requires immediate medical attention as it can damage your tissues, skin, muscles, and bones. Without proper medical attention, you can face severe complications such as nerve damage or infection. So, you need to maintain caution and take the necessary steps to avoid it or prevent it from escalating. Read ahead to know more.

Symptoms Of Frostbite

If you have exposed your skin to cold temperature, then you may have developed frostbite when you see the following signs:

  • The initial feeling of cold skin with a prickly sensation
  • Numbness in the exposed area
  • Skin subjected to cold turn white, red, grayish-yellow, or bluish-white
  • Skin texture turns waxy or hard
  • Clumsiness due to joint and muscle stiffness
  • Develop blisters in several areas after you rewarm the skin

Freezing of your skin can occur in different areas of the body. But, you may fail to notice it unless someone points it out to you. Wondering why? It is because frostbite can make your skin numb. You will not have sensation in the region to understand the problem. Visual observation comes in handy in such times.

Different Stages Of Frostbite

Frostbite occurs in different stages. Different stages indicate the severity of the symptoms. Here are the stages:


It is the first stage of frostbite and is classified as the milder form of the condition. It may not cause severe or permanent injury as it comes under the mild form of the cold injury. It develops due to continued exposure to cold. As a result, you feel numbness in the exposed area. It is possible to treat frostnip at home. The first aid measures include rewarming the exposed skin. You may feel pain as well as tingling when the skin warms.

Superficial Frostbite

It is the second stage when the reddened area turns pale or white. At this stage, your skin starts to feel warm. It is an indication of serious skin involvement. Rewarming your skin at this stage can make the skin surface appear mottled. It can also trigger burning, stinging, and swelling. After rewarming the skin, you start to notice fluid-filled blisters developing on the affected area within twelve to thirty-six hours. It is better to seek medical attention to ease the signs and discomfort.

Severe/Deep Frostbite

It is a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention. It can affect all layers of your skin. The severe case can affect the tissues lying below the skin. As a result, the pale skin appears bluish-gray or white. At this stage, you tend to lose all sensations of pain, coldness, or discomfort in the affected area. It can cause the muscle or joints in the area to stop working. Within twenty-four to forty-eight hours after rearming, you develop large blisters. Afterward, the affected area turns hard and black. It is because of tissue death.

See A Doctor For Frostbite

When to seek medical attention when you suspect frostbite? It is necessary when you see the following symptoms that indicate its severe nature:

  • Increased pain in the affected area
  • Enhanced swelling in the area
  • See redness or discharge in the affected area
  • Develop fever
  • See new or unexplained symptoms
  • You need immediate emergency medical assistance when you suspect hypothermia. It is a condition your boy develops due to losing heat faster than it manages to produce. The signs associated with hypothermia include:
  • Slurred speech
  • Intense shivering
  • Loss of coordination
  • Drowsiness

Steps To Take While Waiting For Doctor To Manage Frostbite

While you make an appointment with the doctor or see a doctor in the emergency room, you have to take some self-care measures to avoid further complications. It includes:

  • Protect the affected area from cold to prevent escalation of the problem
  • If you developed frostbite on your feet, avoid walking
  • Take over-the-counter pain killers such as ibuprofen to reduce pain

Causes Of Frostbite

You know frostbite is the condition developing when you expose your skin to excess cold. Due to the cold temperature, the skin and the tissues underlying the skin freezes. While exposure to cold climate is the main cause of the problem, it can also develop when your skin comes in direct contact with frozen metal, ice, or very cold liquids. Here are some of the condition triggering the problem:

Inappropriate Clothes For The Weather

Wearing unsuitable clothing for weather conditions that may offer no protection against cool wind, snow, or wet weather. Wearing too-tight clothes during rain or snow can also cause the problem.

Staying Out For Long

When you stay out in cold and windy conditions for long, it increases the risk of frostbite. When the temperature falls below minus 15 degree Celsius or a wind chill of minus 27 degree Celsius can result in the condition. Exposing the skin to such a condition for less than thirty minutes can lead to the problem.

Touch Cold Things

When your skin touches cold packs, ice, or frozen metal, then increases the risk of frostbite.

Risk Factors Linked To Frostbite

Most of the time people spend more time in cold conditions due to unfortunate occurrences such as breaking on of car or not seeing the weather forecast before traveling. But, other underlying medical conditions can increase the risk of frostbite. Such conditions affect your ability to feel cold or respond to it appropriately. People having such conditions are at high risk of getting overexposed to cold. Some of them are:

  • Conditions like excessive sweating, diabetes, dehydration, exhaustion, and poor blood flow in the limbs
  • Smoking
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Any condition inhibiting good judgment or obstructs your ability to respond to colds such as panic attacks, fear, or mental illness
  • Suffering from cold injury or frostbite previously
  • You are an older adult or infant who cannot produce or retain body heat with ease
  • You stay at a high altitude that can reduce the supply of oxygen to the skin

Complications Linked To Frostbite

What happens when you’re your skin becomes exposed to cold for so long and fail to get treatment for it? Frostbite is a serious condition that you must never ignore. The replications of the condition include:

  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Numbness in the affected area for a long time
  • Increased risk of developing frostnip or frostbite again
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • Experience changes in skin color
  • See changes or loss of nails
  • Result in growth defects in children when overexposure to cold damages the growth plate of the bone
  • Develop infection
  • Suffer from hypothermia
  • Develop tetanus
  • Joint stiffness (frostbite arthritis)
  • Suffer from decay or death of the tissue due to interruption in the blood flow to the affected part known as gangrene that requires amputation

Diagnosing Frostbite

When you think the cold exposure is severe, then you need to see a doctor immediately. After you consult the doctor, your doctor can make the diagnosis on the signs and symptoms. Here are the diagnostic techniques used to assess the condition:

Physical Assessment

The doctor performs a physical assessment of the affected area to check its appearance. The doctor also talks about the recent activities you have participated in, which may have exposed you to the cold.

Imaging Tests

It is to detect the severity of the problem. Different imaging tests such as x-rays, bone scans, or more sophisticated tests like MRI can help your doctor determine the severity of the problem. These imaging tests can also uncover any muscle damage that may have developed.

Medical Treatment To Manage Frostbite

Minor cases such as frostnip are easy to treat at home with basic first-aid measures. Such easy home remedies are described in detail further in the article. But, for all the types of overexposure to cold, after performing the appropriate first aid measures, the doctor assesses the condition for hypothermia and suggests treatment. Depending on the severity of the condition, the treatment may vary from taking medication to invasive procedures. The therapy suggested, depends on the severity of the injury caused due to overexposure to cold. Here are the medical therapies suggested:

Oral Pain Medication

Rewarming is the initial measure taken for any kind of frostbite. But, rearming can cause severe pain and discomfort. Therefore, the doctor may suggest taking oral pain medication to ease the pain.

Protecting Injured Area

As the skin thaws, the doctor may protect the area by loosely wrapping it with sterile sheets or medical dressings. If your fingers or toes are affected by the area, then it is important to separate each finger from one another. Also, you need to elevate the affected area. Wondering why? It is to reduce swelling.


Debridement refers to the removal of the damaged tissue. The doctors suggest it for better healing as the skin cannot heal properly with infected, damaged, or dead tissue. So, the doctor waits for at least three months to differentiate between the dead and healthy tissue and removes the damaged one for better healing.

Whirlpool Therapy

It is a form of physical therapy that can promote healing. Also known as hydrotherapy, it aids healing by keeping your skin clean. You need to soak in a whirlpool bath to remove the dead tissue naturally. You need to gently move the affected area for proper cleaning of the area.

Drugs To Fight Infection

When an infection in the skin or blisters develops, the doctor can prescribe medications to fight it. Oral antibiotics can fight infection and promote healing.

Clot-Busting Drugs

When your doctor detects a lack of blood flow to the region, you may receive an IV (intravenous injection) to restore blood flow. The thrombolytic drug such as TPA (tissue plasminogen activator). According to several studies, giving TPA to people suffering from frostbite lowers the risk of amputation. But, severe bleeding is one of the serious side effects of the drugs. Hence, it is used only in the most serious situation. For better results, patients need to get this medication within 24 hours of exposure.

Wound Care

Overexposure to cold can leave a wound. Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor may suggest a different technique to ensure proper wound healing.


The doctor suggests surgery for severe cases. In time, the severe condition may require amputation to remove the decaying or dead tissue.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

It is a new therapy used to treat frostbite. During the therapy, the affected person stays in a pressurized room and breathes pure oxygen. After the therapy, some patients have shown improvement. But, more studies are required to confirm its effectiveness.

Natural Treatments For Frostbite

When you feel the cold exposure has not affected your skin much, you can try the home remedies. These can help you heal the affected skin without any medical treatment. But, for severe cases, you need to get medical attention. Until you get assistance from the doctor, you can try these home remedies to prevent the problem from worsening.

Use Warm Water To Manage Frostbite

Soaking the part exposed to cold in warm water for a few minutes can help with blood circulation. Soaking in warm water is the immediate remedy for re-initiating blood flow. This is a good treatment for frostnip and prevents worsening of the condition. You can also try it as the first-aid treatment for severe cases. You can do this as and when required to feel better. It may ease the signs linked to the condition.

Apply Essential Oils

Applying essential oil to the exposed area can help manage the problem. Here are some of them you can use to manage the problem. Helichrysum oil is an essential oil containing anti-inflammatory properties. Applying it to your affected skin can heal blisters caused due to overexposure to cold. It can also offer relief from pain and redness developing on the skin. But, you must never apply essential oil directly to your skin. Mix three to four drops of helichrysum in one teaspoon of carrier oil like coconut oil. You can now apply this mixture to the affected areas. You can feel relief from the discomfort triggered due to the condition.

You can also try cypress oil to get relief from the discomfort caused due to frostbite. Applying it will improve the blood circulation, reduced due to exposure to cold. Like other essential oils, you can only use this after mixing it with a carrier oil. After blending it, you need to apply it to the affected area for at least thirty to sixty minutes. Applying it will on your skin will prevent the complications caused due to overexposure cold.

Soak In Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is used for rejuvenating your skin and offering relief from different skin ailments. Why does it work well? Epsom salt contains magnesium. Magnesium can effectively fight inflammation. So, soaking in warm water mixed with Epsom can ease the discomfort caused due by overexposure to colds such as blisters, redness, and pain. You need one cup of Epsom salt for trying this method. Mix this in the bathwater. No, you need to soak in this bath for at least twenty minutes. You can do this at least once every day to get the optimum benefits.

Apply Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) On Your Skin

Vaseline is used to hydrate and moisturize your skin. You can use it in areas exposed to cold. Petroleum jelly is effective as it forms a protective outer layer on your skin. So, it accelerates healing. Also, it prevents infections from developing. You need to take a little amount of Vaseline on the affected areas. You can do this for two to three days or as per your requirement.

Use Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is good for moisturizing your skin. It can also aid in repairing and regenerating your skin. So, it can heal the damage caused due to overexposure to cold. You need to take a small amount of vitamin E oil on your palm. Apply it to the affected area of the skin. You can leave it on the skin to ensure it gets absorbed by the skin. You can do this one to two times a day. It also works as a preventive remedy.

While these home remedies work great, you need to prevent the problem to avoid complications. Read ahead to know the different tips to prevent the problem.

Preventing Frostbite

Instead of suffering from the unwanted consequences of frostbite, you can prevent the condition altogether. How? Here are some effective tips you need to follow to avoid developing the problem and stay warm:

Limit Exposure To Cold

Limiting your outdoor exposure during the cold season is the best way to prevent freezing of your skin. During windy, wet, or cold weather, try to limit going out. If you wish to go out, check the weather forecasts along with the wind chill readings. When your skin gets exposed to the cold, your skin can freeze within a matter of minutes.

Dress Appropriately

When you are going out in cold weather, dress in several layers of warm clothing. Loose and warm clothes are appropriate for the weather as the air trapped between the layers of the clothes you wear provides insulation against the freezing temperature. When you have snow, rain, or wind outside, wear waterproof and windproof clothing before going out. It will offer protection against the environmental elements. Also, choose undergarments with the ability to wick moisture away from the skin. Dressing in layers will help you avoid getting cold. Here are the details of the layers you need to wear to protect:

Layer One Of Dress To Prevent Frostbite

Your first layer of clothes must keep the moisture away from the skin. So, you need to choose clothes that can serve the purpose. You can opt for thermal underwear, winter sportswear reducing moisture, cotton socks, glove liners, and mittens can serve as good items for your first layer. Make sure this layer of clothing is loose and does not impede blood circulation.

Layer Two Of Dress To Prevent Frostbite

Choose clothes that can maintain body temperature while resisting dampness. So, get loose-fitting sweaters, heavy pants, and sweatshirts for keeping you warm without sweating.

Layer Three Of Dress To Prevent Frostbite

You need to wear tightly woven outwear with moisture-resistant features. You can choose moisture-resistant jackets, coats, mittens, and scarves as third layer items,

Other Accessories To Prevent Frostbite

Apart from wearing suitable layers of clothing, you must also wear other accessories to keep yourself warm and prevent the risk of overexposure to cold weather. Here are some of the tips you can follow:

  • Wear a hat or headband for covering your ears fully. Choose windproof or heavy woolen materials as they act as good headwear by offering the best cold protection.
  • Opt for mittens instead of gloves while going out for better protection. You can also try a thin pair of glove liners that has polypropylene or wicking material under the mitten or gloves.
  • Wear socks along with sock liners. Make sure it fits well while wicking moisture and offers insulation. You can also use hand and foot warmers. But, while using them, make sure they do not make your boots tights as it can restrict blood flow.

Change Wet Clothes

If you get wet by going out, you need to change them immediately to avoid frostbite. It is essential when your socks, hats, and gloves get wet. Keeping wet clothes in chilly weather can make you susceptible to frostnip.

Take Steps To Manage Frostbite With Initial Signs

You need to watch out for the signs indicating cold injuries. If you see the following symptoms, you need to seek warm shelter:

  • Pale or red skin
  • Prickling of skin
  • Feeling numb

Rearm your skin with home remedies or seek medical attention to manage the problem without any complications.

Make A Plan To Safeguard Your Health

If you are planning to go out, you need to make a plan to protect yourself from the cold weather. You need a list of items to avoid overexposure to cold in case you become stranded. So, carry emergency supplies and sufficient warm clothing. Planning to go to a remote territory? Then, it is better to inform others of your route and the date you expect to return.

Avoid Consuming Alcohol

Most people do things that they think may prevent or treat freezing injuries. But, in reality, such steps can only cause more harm than good. Drinking alcohol is one such thing that can affect your body temperature in cold temperatures. If you think drinking alcohol can warm you up, then it is a misconception. It only causes the body to lose heat faster. Why does it happen? Alcohol dilates the blood vessel near the skin surface and rubs the frozen skin.

Mind Your Eating And Drinking Habits

Eating a well-balanced diet and drinking a lot of water can help you stay warm. Dehydration or lack of necessary nutrients can bring down your defense mechanism. It can only make frostnip worse. You can eat a balanced diet and drink a lot of water before going out to stay warm. When you go out, you need both food and fluids to keep you warm. Food and fluid act as fuel for the body. Skimping on these can put you at an increase in cold weather injuries.

If you are going out, then you need to pack food and fluids to keep yourself warm. Carry foods containing carbohydrates for getting quick energy even when you go out for short time. Carrying snack bars will keep your energy going. Also, take foods containing protein and fat to provide fuel for different activities such as hiking, skiing, or working.

Keep Moving

Doing exercise can improve blood circulation and help you stay warm. But, never do it to the point of getting exhausted. It is an effective preventive strategy to warm the exposed area in dry conditions with no wind.


The prognosis for superficial frostnip and frostbite are good when the affected person takes care of it immediately. With more superficial damage, you can see a better prognosis without suffering from medical complications. But, deep frostbite can have adverse effects. Depending on the severity of the problem, you can suffer from damage. When you develop complications such as gangrene and infection, it can worsen the person’s condition. It requires careful handling else can lead to life-threatening complications.


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